Tag Archive for: passage to asean

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Fotografi selama ini didominasi oleh laki-laki. Setiap kali melihat fotografer, baik di media cetak maupun online, pasti dihuni oleh sosok laki-laki. Jikapun melihat fotografer perempuan, hanya segelintir saja. Foto yang dihasilkan pun cenderung adalah pembingkaian yang lahir dari budaya patriarki. Fotografi femini lahir untuk menjadi kritik dan alternatif untuk menangkap foto yang melihat dari sisi feminin.

Panizza Allmark, Profesor of Visual and Cultural Studies from Edith Cowan University, Australia memaparkan hasil kajiannya tentang fotografi feminin dalam sebuah Webinar P2A Ice Cream 2021, International Course on Creative Media. Passage to Asean (P2A) tahun ini mengambil tema Inspiring the World with Creative Production. P2A Ice cream 2021 ini diprakarsai oleh Program Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia pada 16 November 2021. Selain UII, ada juga universitas lain yang menjadi Co-host, misalnya, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) dan Duy Tan University Vietnam. Sedangkan beberapa mitra resmi antara lain juga adalah termasuk AIC (Academy International Cambodia), Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta, Binus University, Genetic Computer School Singapore, University of Economic and Law Vietnam, Vietnam National University, Svay Rieng University, Victoria University College, dan lain-lain.

Dalam presentasinya “Photographie feminine and documentary photography”, Allmark banyak menjelaskan apa itu fotografi feminine dan mengapa lahir perpektif ini dalam dunia fotografi. “Fotografi feminine adalah kritik representasi partiarki. Kamera bisanya ada di belakang laki-laki, dan merepresentasikan cara pandang laki-laki. Karena, selama ini sejarahnya didominasi laki-laki.”

Kamera yang merupakan alat tembak untuk membingkai foto kini bisa dilihat dari cara pandang feminin. Untuk menunjukkan seperti apa fotografi feminin, Allmark juga menampilkan foto-foto karyanya. Ia ingin menunjukan bahwa fotografi feminie tak sekadar fotografer yang secara fisik perempuan karena perempuan bisa saja memiliki cara pandang patriarki.

Beberapa foto yang dihadirkan oleh Allmark adalah fotostory yang menunjukan demo perempuan-perempuan dengan wajah trauma karena anaknya yang diambil oleh pemerintah otoriter. Mereka sedang berdemontrasi menuntut informasi dan anaknya kembali. Dalam salah satu foto itu terlihat dua orang perempuan yang hendak berpelukan ketika masih mengenakan atribut tulisan protes masih melingkar di pundak mereka saat demontrasi.

Ia ingin menunjukan bagaimana kondisi psikologis perempuan karena anaknya hilang dan ketika mereka saling menguatkan satu sama lain saat melakukan aksi protes.

Foto lainnya adalah foto yang berusaha untuk membingkai kembali foto yang diproduksi oleh patriarki. Ia mengambil foto secara acak dimanapun ia berada .

“Saya ingin menunjukan perpektif berbeda. Foto-foto ini berusaha tampil sebagai kritik terhadap foto-foto yang ada.”

Ada pula foto foto yang ditangkap oleh Panizza di Bangkok, yakni sebuah foto yang didalamnya memuat gambar seorang wanita yang berhasil meraih gelar akademik, bersamaan dengan gambar seorang wanita berpose vulgar dengan mengenakan pakaian dalam.

Dalam foto tersebut, Allmark melihat sebuah kontras oposisi biner dalam sebuah foto yang ia tangkap sendiri dengan kacamata feminin.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Men have dominated photography. Every time Allmark sees a photographer, both in print and online, it is inhabited by a male figure. Even if you see female photographers, only a few. The resulting photos also tend to be framing born of patriarchal culture. Feminine photography was taken to critique and an alternative to capturing images that look from the feminine side.

Panizza Allmark, Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies from Edith Cowan University, Australia, presented the results of her study on feminine photography in a 2021 P2A Ice Cream Webinar, International Course on Creative Media. This year’s Passage to ASEAN (P2A) takes the theme Inspiring the World with Creative Production. P2A Ice cream 2021 was initiated by the Communication Science Program at the Universitas Islam Indonesia on November 16, 2021. 

Besides UII, other universities are co-hosts, for example, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Duy Tan University Vietnam. At the same time, some of the official partners include AIC (Academy International Cambodia), Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta, Binus University, Genetic Computer School Singapore, University of Economic and Law Vietnam, Vietnam National University, Svay Rieng University, Victoria University College, and other.

In her presentation “Photography feminine and documentary photography,” Allmark explained a lot about what feminine photography is and why this perspective was born in the world of photography. “Feminine photography is a critique of patriarchal representation. The camera is usually behind the man and represents the male perspective. Because, so far, its history has been dominated by men.”

The camera, a shooting tool for framing photos, can now be seen from a feminine perspective. To show what feminine photography looks like, Allmark also displays pictures of her work. She wants to show that feminine photography is not just a photographer who is physically female because women can have a patriarchal perspective.

Some of the photos presented by Allmark are photos showing demonstrations of women with traumatized faces because authoritarian governments took their children. They are demonstrating demanding information and their child back. In one of the photos, two women are about to hug while still wearing the protest sign still wrapped around their shoulders during the demonstration.

She wanted to show how the psychological condition of women because their children were missing and when they supported each other during protests.

Other photos are photos that attempt to reframe photos produced by the patriarchy. She took photos randomly wherever she was.

“I want to show a different perspective. These photos try to appear as a critique of the existing photos,” She said.

Panizza also takes a photo in Bangkok, which is a photo which contains a picture of a woman who has won an academic degree, along with an image of a woman posing vulgarly in underwear.

Allmark sees a binary oppositional contrast in a photo he captured with feminine glasses in the image.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Starting by Wednesday, July 31, 2019 until the next nine days, the International Program (IP) of Communication Department will sent 13 students, Mr. Herman Felani Tanjung, MA (lecturer), and 2 staff to conduct an academic tour and doing ‘Travel Writing Projects’ at many variety important locations in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. This Travel Writing Project is part of a routine program that is held every year. This visiting program for Asean countries, which are often known as Passage To Asean (P2A) Program, is the second time that held by the UII’s Communication Department, since 2018. Students will also visit three campuses in Southeast Asia: University of Economics and Law (Vietnam), Svay Rieng University (SRU) Cambodia, Thammasat University (Thailand). P2A is a network of Asean universities and institution of higher education.

All the student will learn a lot of things under supervision Mr. Herman Felani Tandjung, MA, lecturer of film and culture studies, Yudi Winarto, and Marjito Iskandar T. G. as profesional supervisor from Audio Visual Laboratory of Communication Department.  The IP students of Communication Department UII, under supervision of Mr. Tandjung, will travel to several locations and sharpen their view and sensitivity to capture the social reality there. According to Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N., Secretary of International Program of Communication Department, in addition to capturing social reality, communication students are expected to be able to probe, analyze, compare and record the history, cultural diversity, religiosity, and many things that will appear behind these tourist sites. Ida also said that, “the most important thing and different than other P2A Program, is student will learn about character building that is consist of problem solving, decision making, and teamwork beside learn to implement their communication skill (such as speaking, writing, photography, video, etc).

Lecturers, staff, and students will also conduct comparative visits on many campuses at three countries. There is a hope that Communication IP students, beside applying their knowledge so far in the classroom, they also will have new perspectives that emerge from these trips.

P2A in principle has the spirit of providing opportunities for students, lecturers, and staff of Communication Department to reach global and international studies and comparisons. The processes that are passed in P2A enable them to get a lot of new perspectives that are insightful for the future of communication studies. Not only that, both student and lecturer of Communication Department are ultimately expected to be able to improve their abilities such as social analysis skills, journalism, reportage, writing, photography, and brainstorming creative ideas in simultaneously.

The previous P2A, the committee of P2A designed P2A with the concept of Photography Workshop and Competition entitled: “P2A 2018 – Workshop and Photography Competition: Humanature”, to capture moment in various destination at Indonesia,  Malaysia and Thailand. Students from three campuses in the three countries were encouraged to collaborated, competed, and sharpen their photography skills in the tourist locations. They also capture iconic, unique, and interesting things into an aesthetic and meaningful photo work. In the end, P2A at that time gave awards to students who had the best photo works in collaboration with Nikon Malaysia, P2A, UII, and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mulai Rabu, 31 Juli 2019 hingga sembilan hari ke depan, International Program (IP) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi memberangkatkan 13 Mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf untuk melakukan lawatan disertai proyek Travel Writing di lokasi-lokasi penting di Vietnam, Kamboja, dan Thailand. Proyek Travel Writing ini adalah bagian dari program rutin yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun. Program lawatan negara-negara Asean, yang sering dikenal Passage To Asean (P2A), ini adalah kali kedua yang dilaksanakan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII sejak 2018. Kegiatan ini juga akan dilengkapi dengan study banding ke tiga kampus di Asia Tenggara: University of Economics and Law (Vietnam), Svay Rieng University (SRU) Cambodia, Thammasat University (Thailand).

Mahasiswa-mahasiswa IP Prodi Komunikasi UII akan menjalani perjalanan ke beberapa lokasi dan mengasah kejelian dan kepekaan mereka menangkap realitas sosial di sana. Menurut Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N, Sekretaris Program Studi, International Program (IP) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, selain menangkap realitas sosial, mahasiswa komunikasi diharapkan juga bisa menelisik, menganalisis, membandingkan, dan merekam sejarah, keragaman budaya, religiusitas, dan aspek sosial lain yang nampak di balik lokasi-lokasi yang dikunjungi. Ida menambahkan, “yang paling penting, mahasiswa partisipan P2A Prodi Komunikasi UII akan belajar tentang character building, terutama soal problem solving, decision making, dan teamwork.”

Mahasiswa IP di sana akan didampingi oleh Herman Felani Tanjung, MA, Dosen Komunikasi UII spesialis Kajian Film dan Budaya, dan Yudi Winarto dan Marjito Iskandar T. G. sebagai pendamping profesional dari Laboratorium Fotografi dan Audio Visual Komunikasi UII. Mereka juga akan melakukan kunjungan perbandingan di kampus-kampus tersebut di atas. Harapannya, mahasiswa IP Komunikasi UII selain menerapkan ilmunya selama ini di kelas akan ada perspektif baru yang muncul dari perjalanan-perjalanan yang dilakukan ini.

P2A pada prinsipnya memiliki semangat memberikan peluang dan kesempatan mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII melakukan studi dan dan perbandingan global dan internasional. Proses-proses yang dilalui di P2A ini memungkinkan munculnya perspektif baru yang berwawasan masa depan. Tidak hanya itu, sivitas akademika Ilmu Komunikasi UII pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya seperti skill analisis sosial, jurnalisme, reportase, penulisan, fotografi, dan brainstorming ide-ide kreatif dalam satu paket karya.

Tahun sebelumnya, Tim P2A Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII mengemas P2A dengan konsep Workshop dan Kompetisi Fotografi berjudul “P2A 2018 – Workshop and Photography Competition: Humanature”, ke pelbagai destinasi di Indonesia Malaysia, dan Thailand. Mahasiswa tiga kampus di tiga negara itu berkolaborasi, berkompetisi, dan mengasah keterampilan fotografi di lokasi-lokasi wisata itu. Mereka juga menangkap hal-hal ikonik, unik, dan menarik menjadi sebuah karya foto yang estetik dan bermakna. Pada akhirnya, P2A saat itu memberikan penghargaan pada mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang punya karya foto terbaik atas kerjasama Nikon Malaysia, P2A, UII, dan Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).


Foto: Annisa Putri Jiany