Tag Archive for: pandemic

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII Program Internasional mengadakan Pameran Virtual untuk memenuhi tugasnya dari mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif. Output dari tugas mata kuliah ini berupa pameran yang terdiri dari 4 proyek dari 4 kelompok oleh angkatan 2018.

Empat kelompok ini terdiri dari majalah online, komik, foto cerita, dan video. Masing-masing dari mereka melakukan tugas mendefinisikan, membuat konsep, dan mengerjakan proyek sembari berkonsultasi dengan dosen di mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif.

Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, selaku dosen mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif, menjelaskan bahwa pameran ini diadakan agar mahasiswa Jurusan Komunikasi Program Internasional dapat menuangkan ide dan kreativitasnya ke dalam proyek media kreatif yang didesainnya. Selain itu, mahasiswa pada akhirnya mampu mengimplementasikan teori-teori yang telah didapat pada mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif dengan kreativitasnya masing-masing. Segala sesuatu yang mereka pelajari tentang produksi media kreatif, fotografi, penulisan kreatif, dan videografi dapat diterapkan menjadi karya.

Proyek ini juga bisa dinikmati semua orang karena bisa dibuka di manapun dan kapanpun pada tautan yang telah disediakan. Pameran ini digelar secara virtual demi mitigasi Covid-19. Jurusan Komunikasi UII juga mendukung penuh proyek-proyek yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa Program Internasional ini. Anda juga dapat melihat penjelasan mereka tentang proyek ini di media sosial Komunikasi UII Program Internasional, di Instagram Live mereka di ip.communication.uii, dan klik di tautan ini.

Apa karya yang mereka buat? Penasaran? Yuk simak penjelasannya di bawah ini.

Grup pertama mengusung bentuk zine yang bertema Zine: A Female Quandary. Isinya tentang kecemasan mereka terhadap isu-isu tentang perempuan. Karya ini juga melihat soal bagaimana perempuan di tengah masyarakat. Bagaimana marginalisasi dialami oleh perempuan, hingga apa saja ketakutan yang dialami perempuan dalam kehidupan sosialnya. Output dari grup ini adalah majalah online yang dapat dibaca secara virtual di tautan ini.

Grup kedua memilih komik sebagai medium. Judulnya Diary of 2020. Grup ini bercerita tentang masa-masa awal dari pandemi Covid-19. Komik ini bercerita tentang bagaimana dua karakter dalam komik tersebut bercerita selama enam hingga tujuh bulan di awal pandemi. Cerita di dalamnya juga dibuat unik dan segar karena menampilkan bagaimana seorang pelajar atau remaja melihat virus corona. Mereka menyikapi fenomena sosial seperti menonton berita, hingga kepedulian mereka terhadap penggunaan masker non medis dan masker kain. Komik ini juga bisa kamu baca di aplikasi Line Webtoon dengan judul Diary of 2020, yang juga bisa dilihat di tautan ini.

Empat kelompok ini terdiri dari majalah online, komik, foto cerita, dan video. Masing-masing dari mereka melakukan tugas mendefinisikan, membuat konsep, dan mengerjakan proyek sembari berkonsultasi dengan dosen di mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif.

Grup ketiga mengusung tema Pandemic Story: Public Spaces. Grup ini membuat proyek Foto Cerita yang menceritakan tentang pandemi di tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi masyarakat atau di ruang publik. Grup ini juga mengambil foto dari 3 kota berbeda di daerahnya masing-masing. Masing-masing berburu foto di ruang publik yang berbeda, yang pertama di pusat perbelanjaan seperti pasar dan mall, yang kedua di alun-alun kota Bandung di Jalan Braga, yang jalan ini selalu ramai sebelum pandemi, yang ketiga adalah bandara dan masjid. Foto-foto yang mereka ambil menceritakan bagaimana perubahan terjadi di tempat umum setelah pandemi Covid-19. Anda juga bisa melihat karyanya di tautan ini.

Grup keempat mengusung tema Proyek Video Promosi bertajuk The Hidden Treasure of Gunung Kidul. Proyek ini menggambarkan kondisi lokasi wisata Pantai Wonosari dan pantai lainnya di sekitar Gunung Kidul. Mereka menjelaskan keindahan dan potensi ketiga pantai tersebut dalam video yang mereka buat. Ketiga pantai ini dipilih karena kurang dikenal masyarakat, dan pandemi Covid-19 telah melemahkan perekonomian di sekitar pantai. Karya mereka bisa dilihat di Youtube dengan judul “harta karun gunungkidul”, yang juga bisa dilihat di tautan ini.

Penulis dan Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Students of the Department of Communication of UII held a Virtual Exhibition to fulfill their assignments  from the Creative Media Production course.. They are all students of the International Program Class of the Department of Communication Science. The output of this course assignment is in the form of a digital exhibition consisting of four  projects from four groups by the batch 2018.

The Four groups consist of online magazines, comics, photo stories, and videos. Each of them performs the task of defining, conceptualizing, and working on projects while consulting with a lecturer in the Creative Media Production course.

Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, as a lecturer in the Creative Media Production course, explained that this exhibition was held so that students of the International Program of Communication Department could pour their ideas and creativity into the creative media projects that they designed. In addition, students are finally able to implement the theories that have been obtained in the Creative Media Production course with their own creativity. Everything they learn about creative media production, photography, creative writing and videography can be turned into an art creation.

This project can also be enjoyed by everyone because it can be opened anywhere and anytime on the link provided. This exhibition was held virtually for the sake of mitigating Covid-19. UII’s Department of Communication also fully supports projects made by students of this International Program. You can also see their description of the project on the UII Communications Program International social media, on their Instagram Live at ip.communication.uii, and on this link.

 What Creation Did They Make?

The first group carried a zine with the theme Zine: A Female Quandary. Its contents about their anxiety about issues concerning women. This work also looks at how women are in society. How are women experienced marginalization, to what kind of fears women experience in their social life. The output of this group is an online magazine that can be read virtually at this link.

The second group chose comic as the medium. The title is Diary of 2020. This group tells about the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. This comic tells the story of how the two characters in the comic tell during the six to seven months at the start of the pandemic. The story in it is also made unique and fresh because it shows how a student or teen sees the corona virus. They address social phenomena such as watching news, to their concern for the use of non-medical masks and cloth masks. You can also read this comic on the Line Webtoon application with the title Diary of 2020, which can also be seen at This Line Webtoon Link.

The Four groups consist of online magazines, comics, photo stories, and videos. Each of them performs the task of defining, conceptualizing, and working on projects while consulting with a lecturer in the Creative Media Production course.

The third group carries the theme Pandemic Story: Public Spaces. This group created a Photo Story project that tells about a pandemic in places visited by the community or in public spaces. The group also took photos from 3 different cities in their respective regions. Each of them hunted photos in different public spaces, the first in shopping centers such as markets and malls, the second in the Bandung city square on Jalan Braga, where this street was always busy before the pandemic, the third was the airport and the mosque. The photos they took tell how things have changed in public after the Covid-19 pandemic. You can also view his work at this link.

The fourth group carries the theme of the Promotional Video Project entitled The Hidden Treasure of Gunung Kidul. This project describes the condition of the tourist sites of Wonosari Beach and other beaches around Gunung Kidul. They explain the beauty and potential of the three beaches in the videos they make. These three beaches were chosen because they were not well known to the public, and the Covid-19 pandemic has weakened the economy around the coast. Their work can be seen on Youtube with the title “gunungkidul treasure”, which can also be seen at this Channel.

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Based on the latest news on Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. Until December 2020, there were nine thousand cases recorded, said the spokesperson of the Government of Yogyakarta Special Province. Therefore, some actions urge to do. UII also began to anticipate.

Hence, Fathul Wahid, The Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia give an announcement on Wednesday (16/12). He state that the next semester learning is run online. It will begin in the academic year 2020/ 2021. Some courses such as medical therapy, clinical education, studios, and certain practicums of each faculty can be run offline. This was announced in the latest Circular of the Rector of UII.

Every courses must also pay attention to the health protocols if that are run offline. It is stated in the Regulation of the Rector of UII Number 10 of 2020. It is concerning Mitigation Guideline and the New Order of the UII Responding to the pandemic of Corona-virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

Likewise, Head of Communication Sciences Department of UII, Puji Hariyanti, also states that the Department of Communication Science is still running online lectures in the next semester. This aims to anticipate an increase Covid-19 cases.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Lecture System

“All courses are still being run online. It will start on March 1, 2021. We are still using various tools. Such as Zoom Meeting Application, Google Meet, teaching video, podcast on Spotify, Google classroom, WhatsApp and other applications,” said Puji on Tuesday (26/1). All the application integrated with Google Classroom as the core.

Some lecturers teach using Zoom for synchronous learning. Meanwhile, some others produce podcast audio, learning video, or giving assignments by WhatsApp Group for asynchronous learning. The use of several applications of the latter mentioned, aimed at minimizing the use of student’s internet quota.

As previously known, students of the Department of Communication Science came from various regions in Indonesia, even those in the remote area.

Back to Hariyanti, students can finish the courses that require practice such as Photography, Video Production, and others by using their respective smartphone cameras. Hence, students can fulfill their tasks without having to come to campus.

Whereas, the International Program of Communication (IPC) also conducts online lectures in the next semester. It will be the same as the previous semester since the pandemic. However, IPC UII is still postponing programs based on global mobility. This year in February and March 2021, IPC UII held a cultural exchange program and conducted online.

The IPC Secretary, Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N., who is also a Citizen Journalism Specialist,  said, “The requirement for graduation at IPC is to participate in one of the global mobility programs. So if students of IPC join a P2A program (Passage to Asean) or exchange program, it can meet their global mobility requirements.”


Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of International Program of Communication, batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Berdasarkan pemberitaan terbaru kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia. Hingga Desember 2020, masih ada sembilan ribu kasus tercatat, kata juru bicara Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Oleh karena itu, beberapa tindakan mendesak untuk dilakukan. UII pun mulai melakukan antisipasi.

Demikian pengumuman Rektor Universitas Islam Indonesia Fathul Wahid pada Rabu (16/12). Ia menyatakan, pembelajaran semester depan dijalankan secara online. Peraturan tersebut berlaku pada tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Beberapa mata kuliah seperti terapi medik, pendidikan klinik, studio, dan praktikum tertentu dari masing-masing fakultas dapat dijalankan secara offline. Hal itu diumumkan dalam Surat Edaran Rektor UII terbaru.

Setiap kursus juga harus memperhatikan protokol kesehatan jika dijalankan secara offline. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Peraturan PT Rektor UII Nomor 10 Tahun 2020. Hal itu terkait Pedoman Mitigasi dan Tatanan Baru UII Menyikapi Pandemi Virus Corona 2019 (Covid-19).

Senada dengan itu, Ketua Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Puji Hariyanti, juga menyatakan Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi masih menjalankan perkuliahan secara online pada semester depan. Hal tersebut bertujuan  mengantisipasi peningkatan kasus Covid-19.

Sistem Perkuliahan Sinkron dan Asinkron

“Semua mata kuliah masih dijalankan secara online. Ini akan dimulai pada 1 Maret 2021. Kami masih menggunakan berbagai alat. Seperti Aplikasi Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, video pengajaran, podcast di Spotify, Google classroom, WhatsApp, dan aplikasi lainnya,” kata Puji, Selasa (26/1).

Beberapa dosen mengajar menggunakan Zoom untuk pembelajaran sinkron. Sementara itu, ada yang memproduksi audio podcast, video pembelajaran, atau pemberian tugas oleh Grup WhatsApp dan semua terintegrasi dengan Google Classrom, untuk pembelajaran asynchronous. Penggunaan beberapa aplikasi yang disebutkan terakhir, bertujuan untuk meminimalisir penggunaan kuota internet mahasiswa.

Seperti diketahui sebelumnya, mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, bahkan hingga ke pelosok.

Kembali ke Hariyanti, mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan mata kuliah yang membutuhkan praktek seperti Fotografi, Produksi Video, dan lainnya dengan menggunakan kamera ponsel pintar masing-masing. Sehingga mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya tanpa harus datang ke kampus.

Sedangkan International Program of Communication (IPC) juga menyelenggarakan perkuliahan online pada semester berikutnya. Ini masih sama seperti semester sebelumnya sejak pandemi bermula. Namun, IPC UII masih menunda program berbasis mobilitas global. Tahun ini di bulan Februari dan Maret 2021, IPC UII mengadakan program pertukaran budaya dan dilakukan secara online.

Sekretaris IPC UII, Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, yang juga merupakan Dosen Spesialis Jurnalisme Warga menyampaikan, “Syarat untuk lulus di IPC adalah mengikuti salah satu program mobilitas global. Jadi jika mahasiswa IPC bergabung di Program P2A (Passage to Asean) atau program pertukaran, itu dapat memenuhi persyaratan mobilitas global mereka.”


Penulis dan Reporter: Sera Zahria, Mahasiswa Magang Komunikasi Program Internasional, angkatan 2016

Penunting: A. Pambudi W.