Tag Archive for: international program

How to get a scholarship in Abroad: My experience with FGLS in Indonesia

I had that dreamed of studying abroad as a way to achieve my goals of being independent, seeing the world, and experiencing different cultures for a long time. The thought thrilled me, but I realized that securing a scholarship was the only way to make it happen. My journey, nevertheless, was more difficult than I had thought. I imagined that if I worked hard to look for and apply for scholarships, no matter how modest, I would undoubtedly be awarded one. However, reality was very different.

Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It provide access to a high-quality education, and it also broadens your vision, offers new perspectives, and gain personal growth. It exposes you to experiences and challenges that you wouldn’t experience  in your home country, making it truly unique.

I started looking for scholarships while I was still in school, but I only began applying during my gap year. I applied to more than thirteen scholarships, got accepted for only one, and never heard back from most of the others. I spent days researching trustworthy scholarships, dealing with complicated application requirements, and filling out long forms. These little disappointments made me feel like applying for more scholarships was a waste of time. Looking back now, I see that my lack of understanding about the scholarship process made it more difficult than it had to be.

I was so thrilled and excited when I got the acceptance email from Universitas Islam Indonesia. It felt unbelievable after the hard work and frustration. I made my sister read it out loud to make sure I’m not dreaming. The happiness I felt at that moment was worth every effort and the time taken to get there.

If you want to make your application process  goes smoother, here are a few tips :

  1. Identify scholarships that goes with your interests and eligibility.
  2. Start your applications early
  3. Prepare thoroughly for interviews and application process.
  4. Don’t hesitate to look out for guidance if you feel unsure.

Remember to give your best effort in every step of the application process.

I’d like to share some information about the scholarship that I received. It is called the Future Global Leaders Scholarship from Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). It offers a wide range of International Program (IP), and opens applications once a year. Students who are accepted are required to take a one-month Bahasa Indonesia (BIPA) class before the academic year begins. Be sure to check the link below for more details on this opportunity.

It is, therefore, without doubt that getting a scholarship to study abroad is always a hard process but the outcome, the personal and academic gains all make it worthwhile. Do not let challenges deter you, instead let the challenges be the very reason you push forward to achieve your goals.

More information:



Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita

Mahasiswa baru

Mahasiswa baru dituntut cepat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sosial yang berbeda dari masa sebelumnya. Untuk bisa bertahan dan berhasil dalam menyelesaikan study diperlukan berbagai skills yang mendukung proses tersebut.

Keberhasilan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi nyatanya tidak cukup dengan kecerdasan intelektual (IQ) saja, namun perlu keseimbangan kecerdasan emosional (EQ) serta kercedasan transcendental (TQ).

Terbukti dari beberapa mahasiswa yang gagal dan terancam DO, beberapa diantaranya bukan karena tidak pintar melainkan karena cara berkomunikasi yang kurang tepat dengan dosen pembimbing, motivasi belajar yang rendah, hingga minimnya kemampuan sosial.

Berikut beberapa keterampilan yang penting dimiliki mahasiswa baru agar sukses menjalani masa study yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber:

1. Public Speaking

Kemampuan public speaking nampaknya menjadi prioritas teratas bagi mahasiswa untuk mencapai kesuksesan di dunia akademik. Selain kepercayaan diri, bertutur kata dengan struktur yang tepat membuat seseorang berhasil dalam presentasi di depan audiens. Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi tentu tak asing dengan keterampilan ini, salah satu mata kuliah Pengantar Public Relations adalah wadah paling tepat untuk mengembangkan keterampilan public speaking.

2. Komunikasi Tertulis

Tak hanya lihai dalam menulis paper tugas, mahasiswa perlu menguasai komunikasi tertulis. Hal ini berkaitan dengan penulisan pesan dan surat formal. Ketika menulis email yang ditujukan kepada institusi berkaitan dengan kebutuhan administrasi akademik tentu bahasa formal serta salam pembuka akan menunjukkan jika seorang mahasiswa memiliki etika yang baik.

Hal lain yang kerap dianggap sepele adalah chat kepada dosen, untuk melakukan janji misalnya mahasiswa harus pandai memilih kata yang tepat. Jika ingin menutarakan pendapat sampaikan secara singkat namun akurat. Secara umum cara paling umum adalah dengan memberi salam dilanjutkan dengan menyebutkan identitas, maksud dan tujuan, dan diakhiri dengan ucapan terimakasih.

3. Bahasa Asing

Menguasai bahasa asing akan membawa mahasiswa mencapai beberapa peluang. Misalnya kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Tak hanya sebagai dokumen syarat kelulusan semata, lihai berbahasa Inggris akan menguntungkan bagi mahasiswa yang tertarik terlibat dalam berbagai international program, student exchange, hingga symposium international.

4. Literasi Digital

Mahasiswa baru tahun ini hampir seluruhnya adalah Gen Z, artinya mereka adalah native digital. Maka kemampuan literasi digital adalah kunci utama. Selain lihai mengoperasikan segala jenis media sosial, literasi digital yang mumpuni mulai dari menemukan, mengevaluasi, dan menyusun informasi adalah hal yang mestinya harus dikuasai. Selain itu bijak bermedia serta etika menggunakan media sosial perlu perhatian khusus, mengingat semua hal bisa dengan mudah viral. Jika tidak menguasai hal tersebut, maka hal tersebut juga kan mempengaruhi reputasi mahasiswa dalam perjalanan akademik.

5. Manajemen Keuangan

Hidup jauh dari orang tua memaksa mahasiswa cerdas dalam mengelola keuangan. Usahakan membuat daftar prioritas untuk membelanjakan uang dengan bijak. Literasi keuangan tidak diajarkan pada ruang kelas, sehingga mahasiswa perlu mempelajarinya secara mandiri dengan berbagai referensi. Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik masalah keuangan bisa menjadi salah satu faktor yang mengganggu proses penyelesaian study.

Itulah deretan keterampilan sederhana namun perlu dimiliki mahasiswa, apakah sudah menerapkan keterampilan tersebut Comms?


Academic Skills Study (ACSS) 2024 is a welcome programme specially prepared for new International Program Communications students (IPC) students. Taking the theme Adapting & Thriving: Youth, Lead, Learn, and Grow this activity took place on 11 October and 13 October 2024 around the FPSB Building at UII.

Not only discussing the academic world that will be lived in approximately the next 4 years, new IPC students also get briefings related to how to adapt to a new social environment, to face challenges and opportunities.

Chairperson of the ACSS 2024 programme, Fatma Nuraini Zahra, S.Sos., MA revealed that the series of agendas that had been prepared were tailored to the needs of students. Professionals from Communication and Psychology experts were brought in to facilitate the new IPC 2024 students, all of whom are Gen Z.

“An essential programme to foster learning motivation and provide an overview of IPC programmes. This activity also increases students‘ ability to build resilience to help them adapt to learning activities in college that are different from high school,” She explained.

“In addition, this activity is also a space to create a familiar and harmonious atmosphere and hone the ability to collaborate between IPC students, especially new students and with the seniors because this event also actively involves IPC 2023 students as a part of the implementation team.” She added.

The first day of ACSS 2024, was filled with indoor materials starting from ‘Public Speaking and Presenting Using AI by Dr. Herman Felani, followed by Introduction to IPC by the IPC Programme Secretary, Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, S.I.Kom., M.A. The third material was by Wanadya Ayu Krishna Dewi, S.Psi., M.A. (FPSB Psychology Lecturer) who discussed “Adapting from Highschool to Higher Education and Preparing to the Global Citizenship”. Last but not least, a sharing session by Fiellah Muttaqiyah, IPC 2021 student.

The second day of the activity was carried out outdoors by exploring the environment around the campus.  Walid Jumlad, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psychologist was a facilitator in the Bonding, Outbound, and Character Building programme.

“All games have meaning, we can learn from the existing process starting from strengthening the relationship, forming groups and working together, as well as the process in games thathave organised and neat stages similar to the lecture process,” he concluded.

Awarding night

After traveling to the two countries of Indonesia and Malaysia, it was time for the P2A 2024 Awarding Night. The appreciation moment on 5 October 2024 marked the end of the Passage to ASEAN (P2A) 2024 series.

The awarding night was conducted in a hybrid way, live in the TV studio of the UII Communication Science Study Program, by combining Zoom meetings for delegates spread across two countries.

This international mobility involving Universitas Islam Indonesia and Universiti Utara Malaysia took place from 19 to 29 August 2024, travelling around Yogyakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Kedah, and Langkawi. Twenty delegates attended. The delegates were divided into groups and responsible for completing projects related to the AWARE theme: Exploring Digital Culture and Urban Environment in Creative Ecosystem. The work produced from the P2A 2024 project is in the form of photos, videos, and writings.

The P2A 2024 Awarding Night was also attended online by several university officials including the Vice Rector for Partnership and Entrepreneurship of UII, Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D and Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D as the Head of UII Communication Science Department. While from UUM Dr Syamsul Hirdi bin Muhid and several other lecturers.

Both representatives from the university expressed their gratitude for the international collaboration that has been established since the last few years. Interestingly, the collaboration produced outputs that were able to hone the skills of the delegates from both universities.

The event that night was even more interesting because it was enlivened by art performances from the two cultures of Indonesia and Malaysia. Firstly Butterfly Dance, Javanese Dance and Rap from UII, while from UUM gave an offering of folk songs from Malaysia.

The most awaited moment was of course the announcement of the winner of the creative work of the delegates. After going through the judging process, the three best works were selected. The appointed jury was Marjito Iskandar Tri Gunawan, M.I.Kom who is a UII laboratory assistant as well as a film activist, while the representative from UUM was Dr Azzura.

List of Best Works in P2A 2024

3rd Winner:

– Spica, Latifah, Noraisyafika, Athirah, Batrisya: Travel Journal

2nd Winner:

– Nandita, Dila: Video Reel: Two Nations, One Journey

1st Winner Best Project

– Nurfahmi, Musdalifah, Kissharoopy, Faeiq: Everything’s Waiting For You

More information about P2A 2024 can be accessed on the following page:


I’m a girl who grew up in a family that supports the idea of taking any risks to grow or chase a dream that you want to follow. Growing up in such a family made me a brave girl who never lost a long-waited opportunity or dream. When I first learned that I had received a scholarship to study in universities Universitas Islam Indonesia, I was overwhelmed by a mix of excitement and anxiety. It is not just about leaving Yemen. It was about the dream of a little girl to have such a chance to step into an entirely new world, a world that would add up to her growth and her experience too. Getting prepared to pursue this dream and leave my home behind was not just a physical journey; it felt like I was also leaving behind everything I had ever known or loved, my family, friends, and the familiarity of my daily life.

The decision to leave Yemen was not easy. It was filled with an emotional and physical struggle too. The opportunity was something I had always talked about with my sisters and was something I would add to my dream list every year. Although I was filled with excitement, there was a heavy feeling in my heart. The thought of saying goodbye to my family, not knowing when I would return, and the fear of them growing up older and me not having enough memories with them always scared me. The scholarship felt like a golden ticket to a better future, but at the same time, it required me to let go of so much.

The process of leaving was filled with endless paperwork, visa applications, and the chaos of preparing for a life abroad. I remember one time when my family and I had to travel more than 12 hours by car to renew my passport. The situation in Yemen made it harder for me to finish the process with less effort. Sometimes when I struggled with the paperwork and tried to cope with the situation, it made me feel like it was a mountain I would never be able to climb, but I know deep down that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I have to work hard for it.

The Journey to Indonesia

I remember my mom’s hug at the airport, the plane ride, and how I watched Yemen disappear below me. I feel scared of the idea that I’m going to land in a place that could not be more different from what I know. The flights were long, with layovers and waiting, but every moment brought me closer to my dream, to a place that I had read about with no real understanding of anything.

When I first landed in Indonesia, the first thing that I felt through their action was the warmth of people and their hospitality. The noise at the airport, the unfamiliar language, the food, and the beautiful sights. It all hit me at once. It felt like I had been transported to a completely new world, but I always figured out a way to find beauty in that diversity and unfamiliarity; it was a completely fresh start.

Adapting to life in Indonesia took me longer than I imagined. The culture, the language, the way people communicate—all of it was very different to me. I found that I was pushing myself too hard to adapt as soon as possible and had always been worried about making mistakes. But over time, I started to try to take my time. I learned to appreciate the kindness of strangers, their excitement to get to know me, and the help they offer each time. I also learned to navigate the language barrier by trying to learn common phrases and words. I attended a Bahasa Indonesian class that the university organized for international students, and that helped me a lot. Little by little, the feeling of being a foreigner or an outsider started to reduce, and I started to feel the warmth of this country.

As time passed, I realized this journey was not just about education; it was also about my personal growth. Living in a different country, far away from home, and handling all my responsibilities on my own made me more independent, resilient, and open-minded. I started to see the world from a different angle, understanding that the 18 years that I spent in Yemen were just a part of larger growth and experience. Most importantly, I have learned more about myself, my weaknesses, strengths, abilities, and capacity for growth.

When I look back on the journey from Yemen to Indonesia, I feel a sense of gratitude. The decision was not easy, but it was the best thing I would do for my future self. This experience has opened doors I did not know existed and has given me a vision for the future that is bigger than I have dreamed. The only advice that I could give to anyone thinking of taking a similar path is to not hesitate. There will be moments when you feel lost, feel homesick, and want to leave everything and return home. But I believe that this experience will shape you most unexpectedly, and you will realize the journey is as important as the dream you want to achieve.


Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita

Self Acceptance

“This article is a personal experience from one of the international students at UII. She tells us about the culture and social environment in Yemen. Interestingly, meeting people from different countries brought a new personal growth to her”

I have always wondered if the struggle of not feeling like I belong to my society would ever disappear, or if I would have to keep trying to fit in. From an early age, society teaches us about the importance of fitting in, and how it is rewarded, while on the other hand deviating from social norms will only lead to rejection or judgment.  I remember the time a teacher yelled at me because I was against the idea of forcing young girls to wear hijabs. She wanted me to agree lie everyone else without saying what I thought or even giving me the chance to explain my thoughts. Growing up surrounded by such people, and such an environment turned me into a person who constantly seeks societal validation and acceptance from others, instead of myself.

We deliberately seek out similar and recognizable norms like conforming to stereotypes and suppressing our true thoughts and emotions, to feel secure. If we’re doing the same as everyone else, we must be doing it right, and finding a reflection of ourselves in those around us is a form of validation. Moreover, the fear of ending up alone is always triggering to most of us.

Living in such a society or environment during my teenage years was very challenging, and the feeling of being an outsider has always accompanied me-whether in school or among people around me. The stress of being someone else to fit in is a heavy burden to bear. I would usually choose to do what others are doing. To fit in and blend with society. This desire slowly started to become an obsession. As a result, it led to the loss of individuality and uniqueness of my personality. It also felt like I was starting to lose connection with my authentic self.

I started to embrace my flaws, except myself for who I am, and stop being afraid of being myself. These things helped me to long for a space where I could express myself freely with no judgment, where I didn’t feel the need to force myself to think and act in a certain way. This journey has its ups and downs. I sometimes question myself if I’m doing the right thing or if it’s worth enduring society’s rejection, but every time I choose myself above anything else I remember why I started this journey in the first place.

Meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds helped me to see the beauty of diversity in their thoughts and experiences. I remember the first time I   expressed my thoughts without the fear of being judged. Everyone was open to the idea of diversity in thoughts, experiences, and mindsets. This was shown by everyone’s actions, and they welcomed the idea of everyone presenting themselves not others. This life experience that I have been through not only taught me how to make good individual choices for myself but also made me open-minded to different perspectives. I would say that the experience began when I traveled for the first time in my life. It was an unprepared life decision that my family made for our sake, and we were afraid it was going to be a good step for us. For me, I would say it was a complete turning point in my life, and in the way I see myself.

As I grew older and got involved in more life experiences, I realized that respect for my thoughts should start from me, or I would always feel the need to fake my personality to feel welcomed by others. This realization was hard but necessary. Also waiting for others to accept or love you isn’t the answer. Acceptance has to start with you only. It took time and energy to reach the truth, but as I began living this truth, I finally felt like me again with a sense of freedom. You will never shine brighter than when you are being your true self.

Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita

Kunjungan ke UUM

Bertandang ke Malaysia selama tiga hari, Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII beserta jajarannya membawa kabar segar bagi kita semua. Pasalnya telah terjadi kesepakatan beberapa program antara Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII dengan School of Creative Industry Management and Performing Arts (SCIMPA) Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

Kedua belah pihak intens melakukan berbagai kesepakatan dan kegiatan selama tiga hari yakni 4-6 November 2023. Ada dua hal utama yang menjadi kesepakatan dan realisasi kerja sama yakni Pendidikan dan Pengajaran serta Riset dan Publikasi.

Sebenarnya antara Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII dengan SCIMPA UUM kerap kali berkolaborasi dalam berbagai program internasional. Beberapa program yang telah berjalan adalah Exchange Program serta Passage to Asean atau sering dikenal dengan P2A.

Menurut Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Bapak Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, Ph.D., kegiatan berlangsung dengan sangat lancar dan hangat. Kedatangan Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII disambut oleh Dekan, dosen, serta mahasiswa dari SCIMPA UUM.

“Rangkaian pertemuan dan pelaksanaan kerjasama Prodi kita dengan SCIMPA UUM berjalan lancar dan produktif. Sejak kedatangan di hari Sabtu malam, kami disambut hangat di Bandara langsung oleh Dekan, Wakil Dekan dan dosen-dosen, serta perwakilan lembaga mahasiswa di SCIMPA,” terangnya dalam pesan tertulis.

Selama diskusi suasana begitu cair, bahkan kedua pihak sempat berbalas pantun yang menjadi warisan budaya Melayu.

“Semua agenda pertemuan sangat hangat dan sempat berbalas pantun,” sebutnya lagi mendeskripsikan keseruan yang terjadi.

Beberapa program yang segera direalisasikan salah satunya adalah Dual Degree, lantas apa saja program lainnya?

Kunjungan ke UUM

Suasana di perpustakaan UUM, Foto: Dok Pribadi

Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Dalam bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, salah satu program yang sudah 100 persen disepakatai adalah Dual Degree. Diskusi terkait schedule, biaya, prosedur, kriteria, hingga kurikulum.

Kemungkinan pembukaan dan pelaksanaan program Dual Degree akan direalisasikan pada tahun 2024 mendatang.

“Alhamdulilah kita telah bersepakat akan menjalankan kerjasama program Dual Degree. Kemarin saya mewakili Prodi juga sudah presentasi yang dilanjutkan berdiskusi intensif tentang pembahasan teknis. Pembukaan dan pelaksanaan Dual Degree tahun depan,” jelas Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

Dual Degree adalah program perkuliahan untuk meraih dua gelar akademis sekaligus (gelar sarjana ganda) dalam satu periode studi. Biasanya Dual Degrree didapatkan dari universitas dalam negeri dan luar negeri yang menjalin kerja sama.

Dalam hal ini mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII yang bersedia mengikuti program Dual Degree akan mendapat gelar sarjana dari UII dan UUM.

“Beberapa hal teknis masih perlu disesuaikan karena perbedaan standar akademik. Namun demikian, Intinya kita telah 100% bersepakat secara resiprokal,” tegasnya lagi.

Selain Dual Degree, program lainnya adalah Visiting Lecturer baik secara online maupun offline. Salah satu dosen yang telah mengikuti program tersebut adalah Prof. Dr. rer. Masduki.

“Kita diundang menjadi Visiting Lectuter untuk dosen. Dari kita Pak Masduki yang mendaftar, dan diterima,” ungkapnya.

Ketiga adalah UUM International Faculty Exchange Week (IFEX @UUM) yang setiap tahun digelar. Tentu program internasional ini akan melibatkan dan mengundang mahasiswa dari prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII

Kunjungan ke UUM

Rombongan Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII berkesempatan berkeliling di museum UUM, Foto: Dok Pribadi

Riset dan Publikasi

Kerja sama selanjutnya adalah bidang Riset dan Publikasi. Hasil penelitian dari UII berkesempatan terbit di Jurnal UUM, begitupun sebaliknya.

Menariknya ajakan publikasi ini akan membuat suatu proyek buku referensi terkait lansekap dua negara, Indonesia dan Malaysia.

“Jurnal mereka siap menerima artikel dari kita begitu pula sebaliknya. Yang menarik antara lain ajakan publikasi bersama untuk penulisan buku referensi dengan konteks lansekap dua negara.  SCIMPA UUM mengirimkan jurnal dan buku untuk kita,” terang Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

Itulah beberapa kesepakatan dan kerja sama yang segera direalisasikam antara Prodi Ilmu Komunikasai UII dan SCIMPA UUM. Meski dua area program di atas telah disepakati 100 persen, masih ada kemungkinan kerja sama lainnya antara lain pengabdian masyarakat lima negara, riset dan mengajukan grant bersama ke BRIN.

Kunjungan ke UUM kali ini menjadi momen berharga dan penuh keseruan, rombongan dari Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi juga sempat diajak berkeliling mengunjungi Perpustakaan dan Museum di UUM.


Penulis: Meigitaria Sanita

Prosedur bebas pustaka

Informasi key-in Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) pada semester genap 2022-2023.

Pelaksanaan key-in Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII akan dilaksanakan pada Senin, 13 Januari 2023 melalui UII Gateway atau gateway.uii.ac.id.

Bagi mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII angkatan 2022 ini merupakan proses key-in RAS mandiri pertama setalah sebelumnya dilakukan secara otomatis melalui akademik.

Berikut informasi lengkap jadwal dan daftar mata kuliah wajib di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi untuk semester 2, 4, dan 6.

Jadwal Key-in 

6-7 Februari 2023

Pra Key-in RAS

13 Februari 2023

Key-in dan Revisi RAS (Dilakukan pukul 10:00 WIB – 16:00 WIB)

Mata kuliah wajib 

Semester 2 (20 SKS) 


1. Penulisan Akademik (3 SKS)
2. Perspektif dan Teori Komunikasi (3 SKS)
3. Pengantar Statistik Sosial (3 SKS)
4. Komunikasi Visual (3 SKS)
5. Pengantar Politik (2 SKS)
6. Komunikasi Massa (3 SKS)

International Program 

1. Academic Writing (3 SKS)
2. Communication Perspectives and Theories (3 SKS)
3. Introduction to Social Statistic (3 SKS)
4. Visual Communication (3 SKS)
5. Introduction to Politics (2 SKS)
6. Mass Communication (3 SKS)
7. Islam Ulil Albab (3 SKS)

Semester 4 (24 SKS) 


1. Produksi Video (3 SKS)
2. Metode Riset Kualitatif (3 SKS)
3. Komunikasi Pemberdayaan (3 SKS)
4. Teori Komunikasi Kontemporer (3 SKS)
5. Perencanaan dan Strategi Komunikasi (3 SKS)
6. Sosiologi Komunikasi (3 SKS)
7. Komunikasi Antar Budaya (3 SKS)
8. Penulisan Kreatif (3 SKS)

International Program

1. Video Production (3 SKS)
2. Qualitative Research Methodology (3 SKS)
3. Communication and Empowerment (3 SKS)
4. Contemporary Communication Theories (3 SKS)
5. Communication Strategy and Planning (3 SKS)
6. Sociology of Communication (3 SKS)
7. Intercultural Communication (3 SKS)
8. Creative Writing (3 SKS)

Semester 6 (21 SKS) 


1. Bahasa Inggris (3 SKS)
2. Kewirausahaan (2 SKS)
3. Seminar Proposal (4 SKS)
4. Pengembangan Diri (3 SKS)
5. Desain Komunikasi Visual (3 SKS)
6. Manajemen Program Komunikasi Komersil (3 SKS)
7. Mata Kuliah Kompetensi Lanjut 4 *

International Program 

1. English for Communication Studies (3 SKS)
2. Islamic Enterpreneurship (2 SKS)
3. Research Seminar (4 SKS)
4. Self Development (3 SKS)
5. Visual Communication Design (3 SKS)
6. Commercial Communication Program Management (3 SKS)
7. Fiction Production (3 SKS)
8. Public Relations and Media Production (3 SKS)

Daftar mata kuliah kompetensi lanjut 

1. Produksi Berita Konvergen (3 SKS)
2. Produksi Media Kehumasan (3 SKS)
3. Produksi Dokumenter (3 SKS)

Demikian informasi lengkap terkait key-in Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII semester genap 2022-2023. Pastikan agar tidak terlewat jadwal dan pelaksanaanya.

Being part of the IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Award) Awardee is the dream of many Indonesian students nowadays. Listening to stories of the awardee’s journey and process while studying abroad will increase their enthusiasm to be part of IISMA. What Nadira’s journey was like when studying at Leeds University and how she got through has been much awaited by many students.

The theme for the teatime on 11 March 2022 reviews Nadira Muthia Supadi’s journey from preparation to the study process in the UK. Nadira is one of the students from the International Program of Communication Department at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) who successfully passed the IISMA and studied at Leeds University in the United Kingdom.

Preparations to Avoid Culture Shock

Nadira talks about her preparations before she left for London, UK. Before leaving, she searched for articles about life in the UK (England). She did this so that later She would not be surprised by all the culture and way of life in the UK, which is very different from the way of life in Indonesia. She also prepared himself not to carry many things. “I only bring important things. Bring only a little stuff. Remember, I go there alone, and I have to bring all the stuff myself,” Nadira advised, remembering her previous trip preparations.

What she only know is how to behave in a place far from home. How to prepare to avoid all the culture shock. Prepare all of them in a simple way only. Conversely, what Nadira wants to say is don’t bother yourself. You are not in your hometown.

Nadira did not experience too many difficulties in the UK because she had prepared before departure. “I’m quite ready there. I’ve prepared a lot of tips for this and that. If you have to travel, how should you travel? So be more prepared for that.”

Even so, Nadira admitted that she still faced obstacles after arriving there. “I have to adapt again,” said Nadira.

Even though she has good English skills and is used to speaking foreign languages, Nadira still has to get used to speaking with English people whose words are sometimes difficult for her to understand. “In the beginning, sometimes I didn’t understand what they were talking about. It’s not clear,” Nadira said when she faced several people whose accents and vocabulary pronunciations weren’t very familiar.

Menjadi bagian dari IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Award) Awardee adalah impian banyak mahasiswa Indonesia. Mendengarkan cerita perjalanan dan proses awardee saat kuliah di negeri orang akan meningkatkan gairah mereka untuk menjadi bagian dari IISMA. Seperti apa perjalanannya Nadira saat Kuliah di Leeds University dan bagaimana dia bisa menembus sudah banyak ditunggu oleh banyak mahasiswa.

Tema teatime pada 11 Maret 2022 ini mengulas perjalanan Nadira Muthia Supadi dari persiapan hingga proses belajar di UK. Nadira adalah salah satu mahasiswa International Program of Communication Department Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) yang berhasil lolos untuk mengikuti IISMA ke Leeds University of United Kingdom.

Persiapan Menghindari Culture Shock

Nadira bercerita tentang persiapannya sebelum ia berangkat ke London UK. Sebelum berangkat ia banyak mencari artikel tentang kehidupan di UK (Inggris). Hal ini ia lakukan agara ia nantinya tidak kaget dengan semua kultur dan cara hidup di UK yang berbeda jauh dengan cara hidupnya di Indonesia. Ia juga mempersiapkan diri untuk tidak membawa barang banyak, “aku sih bawa barang yang penting aja. Jangan bawa barang banyak. Ingat, kalau aku kesana sendiri dan semua barang harus aku bawa sendiri,” pesan Nadira mengingat persiapan perjalanannya dulu.


Nadira tidak terlalu banyak mengalami kesulitasn ketika di UK karena ia sudah persiapkan sebelum keberangkatan. “Aku sih sudah agak siap di sana. Aku sudah banyak persiapan tentang beberapa tips untuk harus begini dan begitu. Kalau perjalanan harus bagaimana, kalau bepergian harus bagaimana. Jadi lebih siap gitu.”

Meskipun begitu, Nadira mengakui setelah sampai di sana ia masih menghadapi kendala. “Aku harus adaptasi lagi,” kata Nadira.

Meskipun memiliki kamampuan Bahasa Inggris yang bagus dan sudah terbiasa bertutur dengan Bahasa asing itu, Nadira masih harus membiasakan diri berbicara dengan orang Inggris yang kadang kata-katanya sulit ia pahami. “Ketika awal-awal kadang aku nggak ngerti mereka biacara apa. Enggak jelas,” Nadira bercerita saat ia menghadapi beberapa orang yang aksen dan pelafalan kosakatanya tidak begitu familiar.