Tag Archive for: international program

Tiga Kali Berturut-turut Mahasiswa IPC Jadi Lulusan Terbaik, IPK Nyaris Sempurna!

Tiga kali berturut-turut mahasiswa dari Ilmu Komunikasi UII khususnya international program (IPC) berhasil menjadi lulusan terbaik di tingkat fakultas (FPSB).

Kali ini giliran Gelegar Carnellian Talenta, S.I.Kom alumni angkatan 2020. Ia menyusul dua teman angkatannya yang lebih dulu lulus yakni Arsila Khairunnisa, S.I.Kom dan Fikri Haikal Ramadhan, S.I.Kom. Selengkapnya: https://communication.uii.ac.id/wisudawan-terbaik-hingga-predikat-summa-cumlaude-dari-prodi-ilmu-komunikasi-uii/

Pembekalan wisudawan FPSB pada 21 Januari 2024 menjadi momen terbaik bagi Gelegar. Ia dinyatakan sebagai lulusan terbaik dengan raihan IPK 3,94.

Menurutnya menjalani proses akademik di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII memberikan banyak pengalaman menarik. Selain Ilmu Komunikasi yang aplikatif juga nilai-nilai Islam untuk pedoman hidup.

“Saya merasa sangat bersyukur dan bangga dapat menyelesaikan studi di jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Perjalanan akademik di UII telah menjadi pengalaman yang luar biasa, tidak hanya dalam membekali saya dengan ilmu komunikasi yang relevan dan aplikatif, tetapi juga dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai keislaman yang menjadi pedoman dalam kehidupan,” ujarnya.

Selama kurang lebih empat tahun berbagai petualangan telah dilaluinya. Sebagai mahasiswa IPC, berbagai program internasional telah diikutinya. Salah satunya adalah program exchange di Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) selama satu semester menjelang akhir studinya.

“Dengan fasilitas dan beberapa program yang telah diprovide oleh prodi, saya mendapatkan pengalaman yang sangat berharga dalam memperluas wawasan saya. Saya juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melakukan pergantian mahasiswa internasional di Universiti Utara Malaysia,” ungkap Gelegar.

Ia berharap dari pembelajaran yang interaktif, serta suasana akademik yang inklusif di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII dapat menciptakan perubahan positif di masyarakat melalui peran para alumni

“Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh dosen, staf, dan teman-teman yang telah memberikan dukungan dan inspirasi sepanjang perjalanan ini. Semoga ilmu yang kita peroleh menjadi bekal yang bermanfaat untuk membangun masa depan yang lebih baik. Saya bangga menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar Ilmu Komunikasi UII dan siap memberikan kontribusi terbaik di bidang yang saya tekuni,” tandasnya.

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to perceive, comprehend, and control one’s own emotions as well as to affect and influence those of others is known as emotional intelligence (EI). Daniel Goleman popularized the term emotional intelligence (EI), which was first used by psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer (team, 2024).

It includes abilities like empathy, self-awareness, and effective interpersonal communication. Emotional intelligence is essential in both personal and professional contexts since it improves relationships, encourages teamwork, and guarantees productive communication. Understanding emotional intelligence (EI) can result in significant gains in our interactions in the linked world of today, when communication is the main key to success and unity.

The Aspects of Emotional Intelligence and Their Effect on Communication

Emotional intelligence comprises five core aspects: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Each of these significantly impacts how we communicate.

Self-awareness enables individuals to understand their emotional triggers and responses, ensuring their communication is deliberate rather than reactive. For instance, a self-aware person in a heated argument might pause before responding, reducing conflict.

Self-regulation allows individuals to control impulses and maintain composure under stress, facilitating respectful and composed interactions.

Empathy is the cornerstone of understanding others’ emotions. It helps us listen actively and respond appropriately, creating an atmosphere of trust.

Social skills, such as teamwork and conflict resolution, are essential for navigating complex interpersonal dynamics.

By mastering these aspects, individuals can foster open and effective communication, avoiding misinterpretations and building stronger relationships.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Communication

Clear, sympathetic, and powerful communication requires emotional intelligence. It assists people with interpreting the emotions of others, controlling their own emotions, and adjusting their reactions according to the situation. This ensures that messages are successfully conveyed and encourages comprehension.

One common example is when a teacher provides feedback to students without criticizing or discouraging them; this is regarded as a productive and successful approach to dealing with the issue. By doing this, students would be inspired to put in more effort and view the criticism as an opportunity for growth rather than a deterrent. The example provided demonstrates how emotional intelligence improves communication and guards against miscommunication.

Emotional intelligence is undeniably central to effective communication. Its aspects—self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills—enable us to navigate the complexities of human interaction with clarity and sensitivity. Emotional awareness, in particular, prevents misunderstandings and fosters meaningful connections, making it valuable in both personal and professional contexts.

To enhance emotional intelligence, individuals can:

  1. Practice active listening, focusing on understanding rather than simply responding.
  2. Engage in self-reflection to recognize and address emotional triggers.
  3. Seek feedback to identify blind spots in interpersonal communication.
  4. Cultivate empathy by considering others’ perspectives and experiences.

By prioritizing emotional intelligence, we can transform the way we communicate, creating a foundation for stronger relationships, better teamwork, and a more compassionate world.


team, N. e. (2024). Goleman’s Theory of Emotional Intelligence: A Comprehensive Exploration.


Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita



Starting university felt like stepping into a new world filled with endless possibilities. My expectations were high—I imagined a life of freedom, excitement, and growth, unburdened by obstacles. I thought university would be my bridge to the outside world, where I could explore new horizons without limitations. As the semester unfolded, I realized that while those expectations had some truth, the reality was far more nuanced.

One of the most challenging aspects of my first semester was adapting to the drastic shift from high school to university. The transition wasn’t just academic; it required me to adjust to a completely new environment. This was particularly overwhelming as an international student. Navigating unfamiliar systems, connecting with new people, and finding my place in a diverse community were hurdles I had to overcome. Yet, these struggles taught me resilience and adaptability—skills I know will serve me well in the future.

On the flip side, this semester wasn’t all about challenges. A significant part of university life has been the personal growth I’ve experienced. Interacting with peers from different backgrounds and perspectives has allowed me to expand my thinking and develop a deeper understanding of myself. Every conversation, group project, and activity has contributed to my personal development, making this journey both exciting and enriching.

One of the highlights of this semester has been discovering a new perspective in my Communication Science classes. A standout lesson for me was realizing the importance of becoming the best version of myself—not just academically but holistically. I came to understand that securing a bright future isn’t about perfection but rather about consistent self-improvement. Additionally, I learned that ignorance isn’t a flaw; it’s an opportunity to broaden my vision. This shift in mindset has encouraged me to embrace curiosity and approach learning with humility.

One of the most memorable courses I took was Introduction to Public Relations. At first, it was challenging to understand PR strategies and models, but our lecturer made it easier with case studies and feedback. This taught me that I don’t have to master everything right away,I just need to keep improving. I also learned the importance of clear communication and its impact, which will be valuable for my future.

Reflecting on my first semester, I feel deeply grateful for the experiences I’ve had. Meeting incredible people, gaining knowledge, and navigating challenges have all contributed to my growth. Most importantly, this semester has gifted me a transformation—one that has given me confidence and clarity about the person I want to become.

The journey hasn’t been without its ups and downs, but every moment has been worth it. As I look forward to the semesters ahead, I’m excited to continue learning, growing, and embracing the opportunities that come my way. My first semester has taught me that university life is not just about academics but about discovering yourself and your place in the world.


Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita

Terima Kunjungan dari UNISMA 45 Bekasi, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII Sampaikan Benchmarking Kurikulum hingga International Program

Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII menerima kunjungan dari Universitas Islam 45 (UNISMA) Bekasi pada 6 Desember 2024 di Ruang Rapat Magister FPSB UII. Kunjungan dilakukan dalam rangka benchmarking pengembangan Program Studi di UNISMA Bekasi menuju Akreditasi Unggul.

Untuk menjawab langkah menuju Akreditasi Unggul, benchmarking yang perlu dibedah tentu soal penjaminan mutu serta kurikulum.

Pihak UNISMA 45 Bekasi yang diwakili oleh Dr. Tatik Yuniarti, M.I.Kom. selaku tim penjaminan mutu mengawali diskusi dengan menanyakan implementasi penjaminan mutu di lingkup Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

“Bagaimana Implementasi (penjaminan mutu) dan perjalanannya seperti apa, karena di UNISMA jajaran penjaminan mutu masih minim personilnya dan general di tingkat universitas. Kami sebenarnya ingin memulai per Prodi, ingin melihat implementasi yang dilakukan secara rutin setiap semesternya di tim. Sehingga menjadi gambaran bagi kami,” ujar Dr. Tatik Yuniarti, M.I.Kom.

Terima Kunjungan dari UNISMA 45 Bekasi, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII Sampaikan Benchmarking Kurikulum hingga International Program

Terima Kunjungan dari UNISMA 45 Bekasi, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII Sampaikan Benchmarking Kurikulum hingga International Program

Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, S.I.P., M.Si., Ph.D. sedikit bercerita perjalanan dari Akreditasi C menuju Unggul yang secara organik dibangun bersama-sama. Tak hanya itu percobaan demi percobaan implementasi kurikulum dilakukan hingga menemukan formulasi yang efektif untuk mahasiswa.

Salah satunya terkait penempatan magang yang lebih efektif dilakukan setelah mahasiswa menyelesaikan skripsi. Penempatan ini dilakukan setelah ada evaluasi serta concern dari mahasiswa.

“Barangkali hal-hal seperti itu (evaluasi kurikulum) kami menyeimbangkan antara tuntutan eksternal seperti kurikulum Kampus Merdeka dan sebagainya denga napa yang bisa kami kontribusikan dengan style dan sumber daya kami, keunggulan-keunggulan kami yang justru membentuk Prodi,” jelasnya.

Setalah menjelaskan berbagai formulasi yang diterapkan, pertanyaan-pertanyan lain muncul khususnya mengenai International Program Communications (IPC) yang sejak 2018 resmi menerima mahasiwa dari dalam dan luar negeri.

Secara umum, IPC terbentuk karena adanya penerimaan mahasiswa asing. UII memiliki berbagai komponen beasiswa untuk mahasiswa asing, sehingga tak sedikit menerima mahasiswa yang harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam proses pembelajaran.

“Ketika ada mahasiswa asing otomatis semua kebutuhan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kalau campur-campur mahasiswa internasional jadi tidak paham, sehingga itu menjadi komitmen kami bahwa jika ada satu mahasiswa asing jangan pernah menggunakan atau kurangi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia,” ujar Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf.

Dari sana IPC terbentuk, kini menjelang 5 tahun berjalan berbagai mobility international berjalan seperti exchange program ke Malaysia, Italia, Belanda, dan Jerman. Terakhir program unggulan yang menjadi branding IPC yakni Passage to ASEAN (P2A), program kolaborasi dengan universitas-universitas di ASEAN untuk melakukan projek bersama dengan berkeliling beberapa negara.

Dari Bekasi, rombongan UNISMA 45 diwakili oleh Winda Primasari, S.Hum., M.Si (Kaprodi Ilmu KOmunikasi), Tim Penjaminan Mutu yang diwakili Dr. Tatik Yuniarti, M.I.Kom. dan Siti Khadijah, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. serta Miftakhudin, M.I.Kom. dan Saepudin, S.S., M.Soc., Sc. selaku dosen pendamping.

Sementara dari Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII juga hadir Ratna Permata Sari, S.I.Kom., M.A. (Sekprodi Ilmu Komunikasi), Dian Dwi Anisa, S.Pd., M.A. (Satgas Penjaminan Mutu Prodi) dan Holy Rafika Dhona, S.I.Kom., M.A. (Kepala Nadim).

Why did TikTok Become Gen Z’s Search Engine?

In recent years, the way people search for information has changed significantly. The rapid growth of social media platforms has transformed the search experience by offering quick, visual, and personalized content. Among these platforms, according to the Fix article TikTok has emerged as a go-to source for information, especially for Generation Z.

This generation prefers dynamic and interactive experiences over static ones, making TikTok more than just an entertainment platform for them. The days of relying solely on search engines like Google and libraries are slowly disappearing.

One of the primary reasons Gen Z prefers TikTok as a search engine is the vast variety of content it offers. Unlike traditional search engines that mainly provide text-based links, TikTok presents information in short-form video format, making it more personalized and engaging. This unique approach allows users to access multiple sources for their questions easily.

For Generation Z, who have grown up in the digital age, TikTok is a familiar and effective platform. The content available on TikTok covers a wide variety of topics, including tutorials, life hacks, and in-depth explorations of different interests. Users can find videos on everything from quick meal preparation and study tips to product reviews. TikTok’s algorithm curates personalized feeds, presenting users with content based on their previous interactions, which makes the information they encounter highly relevant and tailored to their interests.

Another reason TikTok works for Gen Z is the trust they place in its content. Many users feel a connection with creators who share relatable, real-life experiences. This authenticity makes TikTok seem more trustworthy than traditional sources, which often feel distant or impersonal. While misinformation is a concern, Gen Z often balances this by cross-checking facts or consulting multiple sources.

Rania is one of Gen z, she said that ‘She thinks that most of the gen z can’t stand reading for hours or watching long videos to get information, Tiktok provide really short videos which is good for people that can be distracted easily, also she read in an article that most of gen z suffer from shrinking attention span (Snow, 2023), that make them struggle to finish movies or the books they read overall TikTok is the only platform that catch their attention, and seems to be customized to their needs’’.

In conclusion, TikTok has changed the way Generation Z searches for information. Its fast-paced, engaging format, relatable creators, and authentic content make it an ideal platform for a generation that values speed, simplicity, and trust. As search habits continue to evolve, TikTok’s influence on how we consume information is undeniable.


Marzano, E. (2024, 11 1). Retrieved from The Fix: https://thefix.media/2024/11/1/relatable-real-raw-tiktoks-power-in-news-for-gen-z

Snow, S. (2023, January 16). Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/shanesnow/2023/01/16/science-shows-humans-have-massive-capacity-for-sustained-attention-and-storytelling-unlocks-it/?sh=729b67281a38

Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita

Wisudawan Terbaik hingga Predikat Summa Cumlaude dari Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII

Kabar membanggakan datang dari Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII khususnya International Program Communication (IPC). Pada Wisuda Periode II Tahun Akademik 2024/2025, dua mahasiswa raih prestasi di akhir masa studi.

Keduanya adalah Fikri Haikal Ramadhan, S.I.Kom dan Arsila Khairunnisa, S.I.Kom alumni IPC UII Batch 2020.

Fikri Haikal Ramadhan, mencatatkan namanya sebagai lulusan terbaik di Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya (FPSB) pada pelepasan wisudawan bulan November. Ia berhasil lulus dengan indeks prestasi kumulatif (IPK) 3,98.

Sebelumnya, Arsila Khairunnisa juga mendapatkan predikat wisudawan terbaik di FPSB bulan September dengan IPK sempurna yakni 4,0. Hal tersebut membawanya sebagai wisudawan berselempang Summa Cumlaude satu-satunya pada prosesi wisuda II Tahun Akademik 2024/2025 pad 1 Desember lalu.

Summa Cumlaude yang diraih Arsila merupakan sejarah baru bagi Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, ia adalah wisudawan pertama yang meraih IPK sempurna.

Menariknya, kedua mahasiswa tersebut tak hanya berprestasi di bidang akademik namun juga aktif dalam berbagai program. Keduanya merupakan MC professional yang terbiasa memandu berbagai event baik di UII maupun eksternal.

Arsila menuturkan selama proses belajar di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi selain lingkungan yang sangat mendukung, metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan para dosen menarik dan up to date.

“Di UII, saya mendapatkan akses yang cukup untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan bakat saya. Para dosen yang berpengalaman dan berdedikasi tidak hanya menjamin kemampuan akademik, tetapi juga memberikan pengalaman yang berharga. Proses pembelajaran dirancang semenarik mungkin, dengan metode pengajaran terkini yang membuat segala sesuatunya tetap menarik,” tutur Arsila.

Hal serupa juga diungkapkan oleh Fikri Haikal Ramadhan, ia mengungkapkan rasa bersyukurnya atas pegalaman berharga selama menjadi mahasiswa di UII.

“Saya merasa sangat beruntung menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Dosen-dosennya ramah dan dekat dengan mahasiswa, menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan. Begitu juga dengan dengan mahasiswanya yang seru dan kreatif, membuat pengalaman kuliah menjadi lebih berwarna,” ujarnya.

“Proyek-proyek komunikasi juga melatih kreativitas sekaligus memberikan pengalaman berharga, terutama yang skala besar. Kalau bukan di Ilkom UII, mungkin saya tak akan menjadi MC professional seperti sekarang,” tambahnya.

Sekretaris Prodi IPC, Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, S.I.Kom., M.A mengaku terharu dengan pencapaian ini. Selama 6 tahun menghandle IPC, prestasi yang diraih kedua alumni tersebut menjadi hasil pantas untuk dibanggakan.

“Jujur entah kenapa periode ini saya sangat terharu, bangga dan melepas adik-adik semua dengan bismillah dari IPC. Semoga perjalanan mereka kedepan selalu dimudahkan dan menjadi yang terbaik seperti yang sudah mereka usahakan ini, cumlaude dan summa cumlaude, terbaik dari yang terbaik baik di kehidupan dunia ataupun akhirat,” tandasnya.

Sebagai informasi dalam periode ini terdapat 46 wisudawan dari Ilmu Komunikasi yang berhasil menyematkan gelar sarjana, 11 dari IPC dan 35 dari regular.

12 IPC Students Join the International Conference ‘Current Development and Prospect of Cooperation Between Indonesia and Russia’

Several International Program Communications (IPC) UII students had the opportunity to join the international conference ‘Current Development and Prospect of Cooperation Between Indonesia and Russia’ on 18 November 2024 in Yogyakarta.

Nahdhatul Ulama University (UNU) Yogyakarta organized the international conference in collaboration with Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University).

The academic forum, which was attended by students and lecturers from various universities and practitioners, discussed strategic issues ranging from education, and business, to international cooperation opportunities.

Technically, the participants were divided into groups consisting of various universities. Each group will discuss and create ideas and solutions in response to the most beneficial cooperation potential for Indonesia and Russia.

Quoting from the official website of UNU Yogyakarta, academics from MGIMO University include Dr Nikita Kuklin, Dr Alena Dolgova, and Dr. Kira Tabunova. In general, the material presented was opportunities for cooperation, both in terms of academics related to scholarships in Russia and how to negotiate and communicate with people from various cultural backgrounds.

Ideas Delivered by IPC Students in International Forums

There were 12 IPC students who participated in the forum, one of the participants, Berliana Hafinda, shared her experience at the academic forum.

She got a topic related to logistics, with a team of 7 students from various campuses. In general, logistics is a process that involves planning, implementing, and controlling the flow of goods and information from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

“From the discussion we have done, the urgency of cooperation between Russia and Indonesia in the logistics industry is from the vast opportunities in Indonesia due to the natural conditions and the shape of the archipelago,” Berliana said.

“In addition, why choose Russia, because they have experience in this field. For example, there is GTLogistics as a company that focuses on this field which has advanced technology as well,” she added.

Humaira Lathifah, IPC Batch 2023 explained that the academic forum has relevance to the study of Communication Science, especially about intercultural communication.

“The most prominent thing is intercultural communication. We as participants get to know the cultures that exist in Russia. how is the cultural background and also the cultural differences with us as people who come from Indonesia,” said Humaira.

Regarding the topic at the international conference, the curriculum she studied was able to answer various challenges, ranging from communication strategies to critical thinking.

“As well as the PESTEL and SWOT analysis tasks, these are relevant to the development of corporate communication strategies when looking to enter new markets, as well as some public relations principles. strengthening communication soft skills is also included. public speaking, persuasion, critical thinking are very influential. which is the core of communication skills,” she said.

List of participants:

  1. Clorentia Sherly (Batch 2021)
  2. Berliana Hafinda AS (Batch 2021)
  3. Alifia Syauqillah Arrahman (Batch 2023)
  4. Fabio Danendra (Batch 2023)
  5. Cleodora Faustina (Batch 2023)
  6. Amelia Putri (Batch 2023)
  7. Humaira Lathifah (Batch 2023)
  8. Muhammad Fathurrahman Prima Sakti (Batch 2023)
  9. Muhammad Atha Damario (Batch 22)
  10. Spica Fijriyani S (Batch 22)
  11. Ahmad Jamaludin NurFahmi (Batch 22)
  12. Musdalifah (Batch 22)
  13. Muhammad Aranbagus (Batch 22)

All participants took turns presenting their ideas, in general they mentioned cooperation opportunities to the most profitable industries that could be collaborated between Indonesia and Russia.

The Power of Youth: Making the World a Better Place for Everyone

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are 17 agreements signed by 193 countries in 2015 to transform the world by 2030. Its ultimate goal is to create a better world where sustainability, safety, and equality drive our decisions. In our current economy, the majority are young people. They are known as the most flexible and adaptable generation and are also a major source of innovation and creativity. Their role in a country’s progress and prosperity shows how important it is for them to contribute to sustainable development.

Youth involvement is crucial for a sustainable future, as they bring fresh ideas, motivation, and commitment. They approach problems with a different outlook and creative solutions; having such skills would make their involvement more effective. Plus, they are skilled with digital tools and social media, allowing them to spread awareness and mobilize communities on a global scale. As this generation will face the longest-lasting impacts of today’s decisions, this makes their involvement more effective in solving today’s challenges.

Since there are significant global challenges that impact their future, young people should become involved in the sustainability movement. For instance, there have been serious weather occurrences due to the approximately 1.1°C increase in global temperatures since pre-industrial times; in 2019 alone, 344 natural disasters caused $150 billion in damages. Animal populations have declined by an average of 68% since 1970 as a result of habitat degradation, which is also hurting wildlife. Furthermore, air pollution affects many people’s health, particularly in underprivileged areas, and causes about 7 million early deaths annually.

With a global rate of roughly 13.7% as of 2022, youth unemployment is another issue that makes it more difficult for young people to find employment. Youth may address these urgent issues by becoming involved in the sustainability movement. By joining the sustainability movement, youth can help tackle these pressing issues and work for a healthier and fairer planet for everyone.

How can the youth be involved and what are the outcomes of youth contribution

Youth can be involved in existing youth-led movements or organizations, such as the global youth biodiversity network, which empowers young people to influence biodiversity policies and initiatives. These platforms provide chances for the youth to collaborate and take collective action toward sustainability goals. Another way is by engaging in educational programs that focus on sustainability. They equip young people with the necessary skills. Knowledge and networks effectively contribute to sustainable development.

Increasing the involvement of young people in sustainable development fosters creative ideas and raises awareness of important problems like inequality and climate change. By promoting inclusivity and attending to the needs of excluded groups, their active participation fosters social unity and increases community resilience. Youth engagement also increases accountability in governance, develops intergenerational cooperation, and empowers young leaders. All things considered, their different points of view and abilities have a big influence on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and help create a more sustainable future for everybody.

Young participation in sustainable development is essential to a brighter future. In order to address problems like inequality and climate change, young people provide new perspectives and a strong sense of justice. They create major improvements and reinforce communities by participating in local initiatives and promoting change. In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, it is important that we support the voices of young people. By investing in their involvement, we can create a more sustainable world for everyone.


Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita

Visiting lecturer

Dosen sekaligus Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D berkesempatan mengikuti program International Faculty Exchange Week (IFEX) 2024 ke Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) pada 4 hingga 6 November 2024.

Dalam program tersebut, beliau melakukan pengajaran (visiting lecturer) di salah satu fakultas, yakni School of Creative Industry Management and Performing Arts (SCIMPA). Beberapa materi yang dibagikan meliputi creative thinking, creative writing, literasi digital, kecerdasan buatan (AI), hingga fotografi jurnalistik.

Bukan tanpa alasan, materi tersebut dipilih karena memiliki keterkaitan dengan keilmuan komunikasi juga kurikulum di SCIMPA UUM.

“Materi seputar dunia kreatif dan industri komunikasi juga kaitannya dengan tren-tren dunia komunikasi saat ini dan ke depan yang saya bahas dari perspektif komunikasi. Jadi sangat berkaitan dengan SCIMPA saya bicara tidak terlalu pada tataran yang sangat teoritis tapi juga bagaimana itu bisa diterapkan dengan kebutuhan mereka,” ujaranya menjelaskan.

Pengalaman mengajar kali ini cukup bergam, dosen Ilmu Komunikasi UII harus mengisi lima kelas mulai undergraduate, postgraduate, hingga dosen dan staf.

Visiting Lecturer

Dosen Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII Ikuti Lecturer Exchange di Universiti Utara Malaysia, Foto: Dok Pribadi

“Untuk yang postgraduate menyampaikan hasil riset sebagai satu insight ke mereka seperti pengembangan AI dan teknologi komunikasi di dunia jurnalisme, dunia media dan segala rupa kaitannya dengan masa depan keilmuan komunikasi,” tambahnya.

Dalam program IFEX 2024 tercata melibatkan 14 dosen dari 6 negara yang selanjutnya tersebar mengajar di berbagai fakultas di UUM.

Peluang Kerja Sama dengan Mitra Internasional

Selain menjadi guest lecturer, dosen Ilmu Komunikasi UII juga melakukan pertemuan-pertemuan strategis untuk menindaklanjuti beberapa peluang kerja sama yang sebelumnya telah digagas.

Sebagai informasi, beberapa kerja sama yang akan direalisasikan dalam waktu dekat tentu mobility international untuk mahasiswa IPC yakni P2A 2025. Jangka panjang akan ada program dual degree serta matching grand.

“Kegiatan kemarin cukup produktif karena mereka akan berkunjung kembali Jogja untuk menindaklanjuti yang saya sampaikan kemarin tentang dual degree dan matching grant,” jelasnya.

Usai menjalankan kegiatan akademik, beliau menyempatkan untuk bertemu dengan empat mahasiswa IPC yang sedang menempuh kredit transfer internasional (ICT) di SCIMPA, UUM.

Kegiatan menarik lainnya adalah Do-Bond, yakni pertemuan akbar dengan semua mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf dan termasuk lembaga kemahasiswaan untuk sosialisasi dan membahas beragam isu atau persoalan kampus.

Time management

Graduating from school to university presents both excitement and challenges. School life offers structured schedules, guidance from parents and teachers, while university life offers freedom, independence, and responsibility, requiring students to learn crucial skills.

During their first year, students should develop time management and goal-setting skills to balance personal and academic lives, create direction, and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

First-year students usually struggle with the new demands of university life. It is challenging for them to manage their time effectively between classes, study, do extracurriculars, and manage their personal lives; moreover, these students who still have not developed any kind of skills usually spend their time on unimportant tasks and then end up stressing about the delayed ones. To navigate these obstacles and have a smoother university life, students should start working on their fundamental soft skills and focus more on the two main skills.

The importance of time management:

A big workload and no clear structure make managing time essential, especially during the first year. “Time management is the process of planning, organizing, and prioritizing tasks and activities to make the best use of your time. It involves setting goals, creating schedules, and making conscious choices about how to allocate your time to various tasks and responsibilities”. Students who use their time wisely will be able to finish tasks without hurrying at the last minute and keep up with their class while also making time for hobbies, friends, and rest, leading to a balanced university life.

Time-blocking is one of the effective techniques for time management; it involves focused work periods followed by breaks. For example, a student may set aside two hours each day to study and take brief breaks to unwind. This method helps keep focus and prevents tiredness. As a first-year student, this method was a turning point for me. It effectively helped me to set my priorities right and have enough time to finish my list without stressing.

Why Goal Setting is Essential:

Goal setting is a skill that involves identifying a specific target or outcome, breaking it down into smaller, manageable tasks, and setting a timeline. It also plays a significant role as an aspect of time management and as a fundamental soft skill. It increases motivation and

Based on the workshop “Goal Setting & Time Management” delivered by Miss Wanadya Ayu Krishna Dewi on October 28, I learned about the SMART method. This approach to setting goals involves making sure that each goal is:

  1. Specific: Clearly defining what you want to achieve.
  2. Measurable: Ensuring there are criteria to track progress and completion.
  3. Achievable: Setting realistic goals within your reach.
  4. Relevant: Aligning goals with your broader objectives and values.
  5. Time-bound: Having a clear deadline or timeframe for each goal.

This workshop provided me with practical tools for goal setting and time management, which I can apply in my personal and professional life.

University is a place where students can turn their challenges into opportunities, but this transformation occurs when they are dedicated to improving their experience. They should view it as a chance for personal growth and to build a successful future for themselves.


Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita