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All staff of the Communication Department were excited that morning. The Reason was They will get the new knowledge to be implemented for designing of the new Communication Department’s website for the Re-Accreditation. All website of the faculty at UII now have used content management system that are newest, faster, and easily accessible. There were two trainers from UII’s Public Relations Webmaster who would be there to accompany all the staff all day long. They are Rizka Ariyanto and Risky Falahiyah.

Rizka Ariyanto was presenting in front of the staff in the Training of Communication Department Website. That big and tall man was busy fiddling with his laptop. He were showing how to operate the dashboard of the website of the Communication Department. Communication Department is part of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences (FPCS) of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). “Don’t forget to fill out the Yoast section. This machine will help our sites to be searched easily by Google index and Google crawl,” Rizky said at the Website Training of the Communication Departments. SEO or Search Engine Optimizer allows websites to be tracked quickly by the Google search engine.

While She explained the slide on power point, some participants begin asking questions interactively.

For example, Zarkoni asks about the advantages of creating content with a wordpress CMS. Pambudi, the another participants, also asked how to optimize the website with Yoast SEO. While Risky explained, his colleague, Rizka Ariyanto, help the other participants. He accompanied other participants who did not understand how to upload with the new CMS. Previously, Communication Department still used Joomla Content Management System (CMS), not WordPress, as the basis for managing its website pages.

On Tuesday, March 5, 2019, Risky and Rizka were presenting as presenters of the FPCS UII Communication Department Website in the Primary Room of Communication Department. All of the Communication Department staff are attend this Website Training. Although the participants occasionally frowned on the terms of information technology (IT) that speakers told, but with the open minded and cool speaker, made the participants understand the lesson sooner or later.

Practice Makes Perfect

Moreover, the training also forced participants to practice directly with their laptops. Not only to train how to produce and upload the content, the UII’s web support team, from UII’s Public Relations,  also introduced new practices in website management at UII. This practices introduce the website team also to carry out routine maintenance. “UII’s web has a lot of visits, so many web visitors are vulnerable to hack. The only solution is to do maintenance and backup data just in case of hacker attacks,” said Ratna Permatasari,  Lecturer of Communication Department who is also Head of UII’s Public Relations.

The simplest basic tips and tricks shared by Rizka are actually simple. “The easiest way to anticipate the web hack is to update the plugins that provided by wordpress.  Don’t hesitate to update our passwords as regularly as possible. But yes, you don’t have to do it every day, isn’t it?” He said then laughing. Rizka closed the training with an advice to the site’s webmasters who will take care the website maintenance: backup your data routine and do web check regularly, Rizka said then.

Lately, students will often experience difficulties if looking for references that talk about Public Relations Management. Usually, students must refer to references about management, then according to later books on public relations. Not many reference books or textbooks in one package talk about management on the one hand, and public relations on the other.

Mutia Dewi, lecturer in strategic communication skills, has completed completing textbooks that can be used as a reference to fill out the minimum references on public relation management studies. Starting in 2019, the book is available and can be consumed by the public. The textbook given under the title ‘Public Relations Management’ (only available in Bahasa) is not only talking about public relations but also swooping in stories about the history of public relations, its relation to management, media relations, community relations, to how public relations practices with state agencies and consumers.

As in his introduction, Mutia Dewi wrote that management cannot be separated from what is called PR and communication. One of the pillars in management issues is the management of public relations based on a complete understanding of the concept of public relations (PR). PR is demanded to be the front door of the organization, both government agencies, private companies, communities, even the media that do not even escape from relations with the public. So, in this context, this book will discuss a lot of managerial communication, communication within the scope of management and public relations.

Not only that, although there was a discussion about the history of public relations, it will not merely a history book. You as a reader, especially a beginner, will be greatly helped to understand the concept of PR from the beginning. You will be invited to explore the journey of public relations from time to time, how the emergence of PR in the begining, who the founder is, for what and why PR should present in every managerial activity of the organization. Mutia Dewi, who has also been teaching and studying the PR and Strategic Communication for several years, presents you with the scope of public relations work and how the process works, if you will, eventually, become involved in the PR world, anywhere.

So it is not exaggerated if this book is called a comprehensive reference for textbooks on public relations management that are hard to find today. The comprehensiveness of this book is expected to broaden the horizons of students in the Communication Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Finally, it seems appropriate to emphasize this book’s message as expected by the author, “Hopefully the presence of this book will add insight to PR students in seeing and finding interesting dynamics in the scope of public relations work. Hopefully.”

If you are an UII Communication student in the early period, or at least students of Communicaton Department in the past two or three years, then you will meet the ‘Professional Communication Ethics’ course. Since the Ministry of Higher Education implemented a KKNI standard, the course was merged into ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’. This new standard of basic competence must be achieved by all undergraduate students which is referred to as the KKNI (Indonesian National Competency Curriculum) and all the universities in Indonesia inevitably have to follow it. Likewise with Communication Department of UII.


The bad news, it is difficult to find a variety of books or references about Communication Philosophy, especially now linked and related to Ethics. If previously, the professional ethics of communication explained more praxis ethics in carrying out professional work related to the world of communication, then now Philosophy and Ethics of Communication is more concerned with the questions of studies and philosophical foundations in looking at various communication phenomena.


Maybe the fate of previous course (Profesional Ethics) is not as bad as ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’. You might find some references more easily if you search about the Communication Ethics Professional. A series of ethics codes of various professions such as the journalist profession, advertising companies, to ethics and code of conduct in the conduct of broadcasting codified in the Broadcasting and Broadcast Program Standards (P3SPS) Guidelines are easily traced in the internet. In contrast, the condition of ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’ does not seem to be as luck as it is, said Puji Rianto, MA., who teaches the course subject of Philosophy and Ethics of Communication.


Hence, Puji Rianto, a lecturer who has long been involved in the world of regulatory studies, ethics, and communication philosophy, has compiled since 2018 and finally in 2019 completed the writing of textbooks for the ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’ course. The project of writing this book also answers the lack of references to ethical studies, and especially the philosophy of communication. From now on, communication students will be able to taste easily the reference to the ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’ course. This book is easy to read, even though it talks about philosophy, it is not only meet the lecture standards, but also can be the most basic reading to read the symptoms and the phenomena of communication with a philosophical perspective.



Is it possible for students to produce films at the level of widescreen films? How to use a cinema camera? Isn’t that RAW file difficult?

These Questions arose when Amirul Mukminin present at the PSDMA Nadim Communication UII public discussion entitled “Cinema Class – Master Camera”. The discussion that was held on Friday, (12/8) in the TV and Film Laboratory, Communication Department of UII gave a new perspective to the students of Communication Department of UII about cinema cameras and widescreen film production. For example, the matter of files produced by RAW extensions that has been considered as large capacity and difficult.

Amir actually denied it with an analogy. “The writing that I have written on this paper can be read, right? But if I roll this paper, I will fold it, becoming like this, of course it can’t be read right?” Amir said while making a simulation.

“Now the parable is like that. The RAW file results are like paper that I haven’t rolled and folded before. It’s easy and clear to read the writing inside. But the size is large because it contains metadata. All colors, temperature options, and others are stored in the RAW file metadata,” he continued. Whereas the folded paper is likened to a non-RAW film document that has been compressed into smaller sizes but the writing inside is hard to read. “Different file types, different quality. Now this REDcinema camera results are RAW files,” he said.

“Then what’s the advantage of using this RED Cinema camera?” Raihan, one of the participants, asked him. Aside from being the cheapest widescreen cinema camera among other cinema cameras, it is also easy because it uses RAW. “Because using RAW in RED, we can choose the temperature, color, and so on from the camera even when shooting without having to wait for an editing session on the computer. Save on the budget right?” Amir explained while demonstrating the use of temperature, color and other options from the RED camera. Besides giving an explanation on a presentation, Amir also invited all participants to practice operating the REDcamera with several other students playing the role of the host.

After practicing using REDcinema camera, Amir opened himself up to work with universities so that his students could use RED for free. “The requirement is student should produce competitive short video production and have quality ideas,” he said. Later Amir has collaborated with one of the universities in Yogyakarta to hold a short video idea competition. The student who wins the idea competition has the right to use his REDcamera for free. They will able to produce video and film for 3 days.