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Vadhiya Rahma Naisya started gathering some materials for tomorrow. She and five other fellow students of the Department of Communications UII held a community empowerment event in the Difabelzone Community, Pandak, Bantul last December, 2020. Even though she was sweating, he never complained. Vadhiya has the principle, if sharing can be a blessing for others, it will gain happiness indeed.

These materials are dyes, cloth, and several other tools for the practice of making tie dye. For those who don’t know about tie dye, they will definitely frown. But it turns out that tie dye has been known for a long time, especially in Java with the name jumputan. Vadhiya said that making tie dyes with these members of difabel zone community is very enjoyable. How could it not be, enthusiasm and the unexpected finish that made the painstaking preparations here and there for about three weeks paid off. 

Strict Health Protocols

Despite the pandemic, they designed the tie dye-making training to be lively. It also going with strict health protocols, Ila, for example. According to Vadhiya’s stories, Mbak Ila, who has a speech disability, was very interested. She also active in following the instructions and practices of making tie dye from Vadhiya and friends. Vadhiya also learned various things, she said. “For example, if Ms. Ila wants to ask about techniques and methods that are not yet clear, Vadhiya will ask Mrs. Irene. From Mrs. Irene’s explanation, I also learned about how to communicate in sign language,” said Vadhiya. 


“It feels like the two days of Tie Dye making training are still not enough if we remember the togetherness and kinship here, even when we came home,  it took a long time to say goodbye there,” recalled Vadhiya. “I am happy with the enthusiasm and high willingness to learn from friends in difabelzone community.”

She and the team carried out community empowerment to fulfill the course Non-Commercial Communication Program Management taught by Puji Hariyanti, the lecturer of the Department of Communication, which is an Empowerment Communication specialist. Puji even appreciated the idea of ​​tie dye with the disabled community and hopes that it can be continued again.




How to make community empowerment in the midst of a pandemic?

“Yes, just go with the flow,” she said. “We live like playing. There is no burden. So even though there are those outside the city, we share tasks that can be done from outside the city,” explained Vadhiya. Precisely when you are taken to relax and obey the UII health protocols, everything that feels difficult at first becomes easy. 

“Many people said that people with disabilities are deficient, in fact, I say it was untrue. No, that really is friends with disabilities. It has many advantages,” said Irene Juliana, a companion community of difabelZone.id. 

Vadhiya revealed that in the previous time, difabelzone community, that was founded in 2016, has long been able to make batik. You can see how neatness and their perseverance. “We feel like we can go home for a week, we learn a lot about work,” said Vadhiya during a monthly discussion organized by the Nadim, Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) of the Department of Communications of UII on March 31, 2021. 

Sara Fadila, a member of the empowerment team also said, “Their positive response made me happy. I’m happy to be able to try new things too. They are full of enthusiasm, and that is what impressed me,” she said.

To be Continue at these article’s link


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According to Irene, members of the diffablezone community initially took part in batik activities at the Christian Foundation for Public Health (YAKKUM). One of the teachers was part of difabelzone.id. “In the beginning, they were trained to batik for 3 month, it’s finished. They have no next plan, they were confused. Then Ibu Wuri and I, and another mother, facilitated these members of difabelzone who had good skill. Initially six people.” Irene said. 

After practicing, after two years the community’s works were ready to be marketed. “And thank God, alhamdulillah, we got a free exhibition space in Jakarta and some of our works were bought by the Sri Lankan ambassador. Two months ago, their work also flew to America,” said Irene.

 “In essence, we want to help friends with disabilities to be independent. They can make money and they can help their families,” continued Irene.

How are the sales of batik products going on during the pandemic? 

“We put difabelzone before the pandemic and sold it in Mirota Malioboro, in Baim Wong Batik Store, and in several places. At the time of the corona pandemic, everything stopped. We thought that friends with disabilities had to be able to keep making money,” said Irene explained the impact of the pandemic on this community. 

Finally the sale goes from friend to friend. “So far it is still running,” added Irene.

Later, this community also won the trust of one of the big companies. Their work becomes company merchandise. Slowly it can be finally. “Thank you to UII friends for coming and sharing blessings. Blessings for those who are given and those who give. 

Vadhiya hopes that what they are doing can open the eyes of people who have always looked down upon people with disabilities. “Oh no, we have been so far have no consciousness, unwilling, and unwilling to know about them. Even though when I went there, I had to learn a lot from them. They make batik neat, if you see it is like a very good craft, impeccably” said Vadhiya, appreciating.

Ifa Zulkurnaini, the moderator for Nadim at UII, concluded that the bad stigma of diffable people around us arises because we do not want to know and do not mingle. The introductory process must be natural. “Do it. If it is done sincerely, of course the empowerment will touch our hearts more,” she said closing the discussion.

Siyamuromadon is the month in which man strengthens the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad to be a person who fears Allah swt. The command to fast in the month of Ramadan is said by Allah and is obligatory for all his servants. The month of Ramadan is a very special month, the month in which the Qur’an was first revealed as well as the time when Muhammad was first appointed as a prophet after settling in the Cave of Hira. This Quran is a guide that separates between the true and the false.

Fatkhurrohman Kamal that the month of fasting should be prepared. He also says what we need to prepare when it comes to Ramadan. According to Kemal, the most basic preparation is mental preparation. “Mentally obedient,” said Kamal as a speaker in the monthly routine study of FPSB UII on Friday (26/3/2021). The study themed Celebrate Ramadan, Yuk Preparation was attended by the entire academic community of FPSB UII from lecturers to educators.

Fasting is very visible to human beings in the physical level. However, it can be felt that fasting does not only affect the physical entity. Rather, God further wants to remind man that man is also a spiritual entity. “God wants to remind us that this material is a spiritual entity,” Kamal explained.

What is a Spiritual Entity like? An entity that is far from human nature, and attains the term that is to rise in rank to a position very close to God.

“So rest assured that there is an extraordinary peace when we can give to others, can fast, and other commands of God. At that time we experience the term,” explained Kamal. This position of the term can be easily achieved if man spiritually already has a mentally obedient and obedient to God, considering that obedience and obedience is something that seems trivial but difficult to apply by man.

To reach this entity, Kamal explained that human beings need an extraordinary inner preparation. So at the end of the verse that commands to fast, Al-Baqarah verse 183 ends with  la’allakum tattaqun. The ultimate goal of this fast is for human beings to become completely pious to God. This piety will enable man to make a shield from what he fears from the punishment and wrath of Allah.


Hello IPC friends !!

This time we will discuss AIESEC again. Last week we discussed Global Volunteer at AIESEC UGM, now in this week’s episode we will discuss Global Talent at AIESEC UGM.

Oh yeah, before that our guest this time was Fadila Amani, she was the AIESEC Marketing Initiative Team Leader at UGM.

What is Global Talent?

Global Talent is a program offered by AIESEC at UGM that focuses on internships abroad with the aim of developing leadership. This program is a paid program. By paying four million rupiahs, you will get the best experience until you return to Indonesia. Unlike the Global Volunteer, this program only consists of Outgoing Global Talent where AIESEC UGM sends internships to various AIESEC member countries.

This program consists of three types, namely short, medium, and long term. You can choose which program you want to join. Short term 6-12 weeks, medium term 13-26 weeks, and long term 27-78 weeks. Usually students prefer a short term to fill their vacation time. For the countries to be targeted, you can choose which countries are members of AIESEC in the world.

During your internship, you don’t need to worry because AIESEC UGM will help you when you have difficulties. Companies that work together are also guaranteed to get an extraordinary experience, because working for a foreign company will develop their English language skills. Apart from that, you will also get experiences from cultures in other countries.

“Internships abroad can motivate other people to do good things. You can also work with challenges, so you can be aware of problems outside ourselves,” said Fadila.

Before you choose the country to go to, AIESEC UGM will help by discussing which country you prefer, the language you are fluent in, and what field you want. Later it can make it easier for you to do an internship at the company.

“For the most important requirement is a CV, 19-30 years old, and a minimum of 5 semesters. So this program is also open to those of you who have graduated from college and want to do internships abroad, ” said Fadila.

Fadila explained, when a pandemic like this occurs, AIESEC UGM will follow the Global Safety Protocol in each destination country. “Before going to Indonesia, we will hold a seminar to discuss emergency procedures, safety protocols, and ensure that you have health insurance,” said Fadila in the middle of Teatime’s Live Instagram discussion on Friday (5/3).

“During the internship abroad, we will monitor every week, how is his health, problems, or anything about the internship. Before returning to Indonesia, you must also have a health certificate, follow health protocols and self-quarantine. So AIESEC UGM really guarantees and helps your problems, “said Fadila who also guaranteed.

Apart from internships, you can also vacation in the country, because there is vacation time so you don’t work continuously. Besides that, you can also explore the culinary and culture there.

For further information, you can ask questions and have further discussions on Instagram and LINE AIESEC UGM.

Instagram: @aiesecugm

LINE: @aiesecugm (with @)


Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII Program Internasional mengadakan Pameran Virtual untuk memenuhi tugasnya dari mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif. Output dari tugas mata kuliah ini berupa pameran yang terdiri dari 4 proyek dari 4 kelompok oleh angkatan 2018.

Empat kelompok ini terdiri dari majalah online, komik, foto cerita, dan video. Masing-masing dari mereka melakukan tugas mendefinisikan, membuat konsep, dan mengerjakan proyek sembari berkonsultasi dengan dosen di mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif.

Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, selaku dosen mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif, menjelaskan bahwa pameran ini diadakan agar mahasiswa Jurusan Komunikasi Program Internasional dapat menuangkan ide dan kreativitasnya ke dalam proyek media kreatif yang didesainnya. Selain itu, mahasiswa pada akhirnya mampu mengimplementasikan teori-teori yang telah didapat pada mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif dengan kreativitasnya masing-masing. Segala sesuatu yang mereka pelajari tentang produksi media kreatif, fotografi, penulisan kreatif, dan videografi dapat diterapkan menjadi karya.

Proyek ini juga bisa dinikmati semua orang karena bisa dibuka di manapun dan kapanpun pada tautan yang telah disediakan. Pameran ini digelar secara virtual demi mitigasi Covid-19. Jurusan Komunikasi UII juga mendukung penuh proyek-proyek yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa Program Internasional ini. Anda juga dapat melihat penjelasan mereka tentang proyek ini di media sosial Komunikasi UII Program Internasional, di Instagram Live mereka di ip.communication.uii, dan klik di tautan ini.

Apa karya yang mereka buat? Penasaran? Yuk simak penjelasannya di bawah ini.

Grup pertama mengusung bentuk zine yang bertema Zine: A Female Quandary. Isinya tentang kecemasan mereka terhadap isu-isu tentang perempuan. Karya ini juga melihat soal bagaimana perempuan di tengah masyarakat. Bagaimana marginalisasi dialami oleh perempuan, hingga apa saja ketakutan yang dialami perempuan dalam kehidupan sosialnya. Output dari grup ini adalah majalah online yang dapat dibaca secara virtual di tautan ini.

Grup kedua memilih komik sebagai medium. Judulnya Diary of 2020. Grup ini bercerita tentang masa-masa awal dari pandemi Covid-19. Komik ini bercerita tentang bagaimana dua karakter dalam komik tersebut bercerita selama enam hingga tujuh bulan di awal pandemi. Cerita di dalamnya juga dibuat unik dan segar karena menampilkan bagaimana seorang pelajar atau remaja melihat virus corona. Mereka menyikapi fenomena sosial seperti menonton berita, hingga kepedulian mereka terhadap penggunaan masker non medis dan masker kain. Komik ini juga bisa kamu baca di aplikasi Line Webtoon dengan judul Diary of 2020, yang juga bisa dilihat di tautan ini.

Empat kelompok ini terdiri dari majalah online, komik, foto cerita, dan video. Masing-masing dari mereka melakukan tugas mendefinisikan, membuat konsep, dan mengerjakan proyek sembari berkonsultasi dengan dosen di mata kuliah Produksi Media Kreatif.

Grup ketiga mengusung tema Pandemic Story: Public Spaces. Grup ini membuat proyek Foto Cerita yang menceritakan tentang pandemi di tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi masyarakat atau di ruang publik. Grup ini juga mengambil foto dari 3 kota berbeda di daerahnya masing-masing. Masing-masing berburu foto di ruang publik yang berbeda, yang pertama di pusat perbelanjaan seperti pasar dan mall, yang kedua di alun-alun kota Bandung di Jalan Braga, yang jalan ini selalu ramai sebelum pandemi, yang ketiga adalah bandara dan masjid. Foto-foto yang mereka ambil menceritakan bagaimana perubahan terjadi di tempat umum setelah pandemi Covid-19. Anda juga bisa melihat karyanya di tautan ini.

Grup keempat mengusung tema Proyek Video Promosi bertajuk The Hidden Treasure of Gunung Kidul. Proyek ini menggambarkan kondisi lokasi wisata Pantai Wonosari dan pantai lainnya di sekitar Gunung Kidul. Mereka menjelaskan keindahan dan potensi ketiga pantai tersebut dalam video yang mereka buat. Ketiga pantai ini dipilih karena kurang dikenal masyarakat, dan pandemi Covid-19 telah melemahkan perekonomian di sekitar pantai. Karya mereka bisa dilihat di Youtube dengan judul “harta karun gunungkidul”, yang juga bisa dilihat di tautan ini.

Penulis dan Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Click Here For Reading The Previous Article

The outgoing project will be carried out in the winter from December 2021 to January and February 2022. Furthermore, the incoming project will be carried out in winter also in 2022. Unfortunately, during this pandemic AIESEC at UGM has not been able to carry out the outgoing project. However, AIESEC has implemented a Virtual Volunteer program which is held through the zoom meeting application. This Virtual Volunteer Program is called a Local Project.

Local Projects are implemented virtually for four weeks. This program discusses a workshop, especially on economics. This is because AIESEC at UGM runs SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) No.8: empowering the economy in the Yogyakarta region. This virtual activity is also filled with sharing sessions from partners from other countries. This sharing session is useful for obtaining experience and knowledge from other

This program, said Ardyaksa, is open to all young people in Yogyakarta. The process, before becoming outgoing or incoming volunteers, they will be trained first. They will get acquainted with other young people among the participants, and will learn how to make something so that they can market the results of their creativity / craft. “The goal is that the younger generation in Yogyakarta can support Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), move the wheels of the economy, develop leadership, and increase public awareness,” he added then.

Registration for this Local Project will open in April or May. The plan, AIESEC will carry out this project in July-June. According to Ardyaksa’s narrative, further information can be seen on AIESEC UGM social media on Instagram. “The only requirement is to collect a curriculum vitae / CV and the reasons why you want to take part in this program,” explained Ardyaksa, who is now also active as a Learning Representative at Widya Edu, a start-up company for an interactive online learning platform.

The purpose of making a CV is to see the background of the applicant. Curriculum vitae will be matched with applicants who have the same interests so they can collaborate.

Take it easy, this Local Project program will still provide training for those of you who register, because AIESEC UGM will monitor and control the activities that will be carried out during the program. AIESEC UGM will also take care of pre-project to post-project. By participating in the Local Project at AIESEC UGM, you will get unforgettable experiences, meet new friends, get sharing sessions from other countries, get to know the conditions of other countries, and much more.

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Hello IPC friends. This time we will discuss the AIESEC Volunteer Program at UGM. The program that will make us easier to Gain Global Experience Through International Volunteering.

So, our guest for this Tea Time of IPC is Ardyaksa Pramudita. He is the Local Head of Incoming Global Volunteer AIESEC at Gadjah Mada University (UGM). So, let’s check this out. The International Program of Communication talkshow.

Do you know what AIESEC is? AIESEC is an international organization for young people helping to develop their leadership potential. This organization focuses on youth leadership development. It is also an “ambassador” abroad for carrying out social projects. AIESEC’s goal is to empower young people for peace and the fulfillment of humanity’s potential. This organization was founded in 1946 and to date has existed in 185 countries with thousands of branches.

According to Ardyaksa, AIESEC at UGM is one of the student organizations at UGM. This Student Activity Unit has been active since 2013. “AIESEC has carried out several activities at UGM such as managing volunteer programs abroad and also in the city of Yogyakarta, as well as internships,” explained Ardyaksa as AIESEC representative at the IPC Tea Time talk on Friday ( 25/2/2021).

The Global Volunteer Project carried out by AIESEC is trying to implement one of the plans of world countries known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs in each country differ in focus. For example Vietnam focused on supporting education, so students who register to take part in Global Volunteer in Vietnam will teach English to primary schools or kindergartens.

Through Live Instagram on the ip.communication.uii account, Ardyaksa explained that the Global Volunteer Program is not limited by age. Anyone can join. However, most of these programs are followed by students of senior high school. The reason is because many students want to experience volunteering abroad.

Kind of Programs

This program has two types of projects. Outcoming projects and incoming projects. The outgoing project is to send volunteers abroad. Meanwhile, the incoming project is a project that is implemented in Yogyakarta. In the incoming project to this country, people from abroad come to the country to see the project that AIESEC is making.

The outgoing project carried out before the pandemic was attended by 20 people from abroad and 20 people from local volunteers. So AIESEC UGM will take care of all the needs of applicants who become volunteers. Starting from taking care of visas, housing, food, and others. Before leaving for overseas, applicants will be trained in advance and given knowledge on what to do when volunteering abroad.

To be Continue to the next article.

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

The Students of the Department of Communication of UII held a Virtual Exhibition to fulfill their assignments  from the Creative Media Production course.. They are all students of the International Program Class of the Department of Communication Science. The output of this course assignment is in the form of a digital exhibition consisting of four  projects from four groups by the batch 2018.

The Four groups consist of online magazines, comics, photo stories, and videos. Each of them performs the task of defining, conceptualizing, and working on projects while consulting with a lecturer in the Creative Media Production course.

Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, as a lecturer in the Creative Media Production course, explained that this exhibition was held so that students of the International Program of Communication Department could pour their ideas and creativity into the creative media projects that they designed. In addition, students are finally able to implement the theories that have been obtained in the Creative Media Production course with their own creativity. Everything they learn about creative media production, photography, creative writing and videography can be turned into an art creation.

This project can also be enjoyed by everyone because it can be opened anywhere and anytime on the link provided. This exhibition was held virtually for the sake of mitigating Covid-19. UII’s Department of Communication also fully supports projects made by students of this International Program. You can also see their description of the project on the UII Communications Program International social media, on their Instagram Live at ip.communication.uii, and on this link.

 What Creation Did They Make?

The first group carried a zine with the theme Zine: A Female Quandary. Its contents about their anxiety about issues concerning women. This work also looks at how women are in society. How are women experienced marginalization, to what kind of fears women experience in their social life. The output of this group is an online magazine that can be read virtually at this link.

The second group chose comic as the medium. The title is Diary of 2020. This group tells about the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. This comic tells the story of how the two characters in the comic tell during the six to seven months at the start of the pandemic. The story in it is also made unique and fresh because it shows how a student or teen sees the corona virus. They address social phenomena such as watching news, to their concern for the use of non-medical masks and cloth masks. You can also read this comic on the Line Webtoon application with the title Diary of 2020, which can also be seen at This Line Webtoon Link.

The Four groups consist of online magazines, comics, photo stories, and videos. Each of them performs the task of defining, conceptualizing, and working on projects while consulting with a lecturer in the Creative Media Production course.

The third group carries the theme Pandemic Story: Public Spaces. This group created a Photo Story project that tells about a pandemic in places visited by the community or in public spaces. The group also took photos from 3 different cities in their respective regions. Each of them hunted photos in different public spaces, the first in shopping centers such as markets and malls, the second in the Bandung city square on Jalan Braga, where this street was always busy before the pandemic, the third was the airport and the mosque. The photos they took tell how things have changed in public after the Covid-19 pandemic. You can also view his work at this link.

The fourth group carries the theme of the Promotional Video Project entitled The Hidden Treasure of Gunung Kidul. This project describes the condition of the tourist sites of Wonosari Beach and other beaches around Gunung Kidul. They explain the beauty and potential of the three beaches in the videos they make. These three beaches were chosen because they were not well known to the public, and the Covid-19 pandemic has weakened the economy around the coast. Their work can be seen on Youtube with the title “gunungkidul treasure”, which can also be seen at this Channel.

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Muthia IP student 2018 said: I joined the P2A (Passage to Asean) Program, that is a required program for 3rd semester IPC students. But I joined the other P2A program that held by UII for another majors at 1st semester with Coffe Story theme in Jogja and followed by students from other countries.

In the first year there is a course called Bridging Program, at the end of semester 2 there is graduation for all IP students. Then there is the activity of welcoming batch 2 named Welcoming IP students. On the first day they make introductions, on the second day is filled with a kind of game. Then there is the International Seminar whose speakers are from abroad.

Studying in IP feels like a bit challenged because I was a batch 1 IP student, but I was excited while undergoing the P2A program, because I made new friends from ASEAN. When participating in P2A can also feel the experience of international exposure. Then I felt challenged when I got the assignment discussing international cases, so I often read foreign journals, foreign news, and others.

For the next plan, I want to find companies that have international exposure or multinational companies.

Jemima IP student 2019 said: I was a transfer student from regular communication science to IP. The condition is to increase the tuition for adjusts the facilities obtained. Then I had to get a toefl score of at least 450 to meet the standard of IP class and parental consent letter.

I moved to IP class after midterm in semester 1. Actually in IP more feels to have a high standard, starting from more difficult materials, higher classmate standards, and make the competitive atmosphere in learning more felt.

In the first year we got Bridging Program (Academic Writing). Further programs are P2A, Exchange, and Double Degree Abroad. Similar talkshow programs such as teatime are run once a week every Friday and the themes controlled by the IP student and adjusted to what is happening at this time.


Arsila IP student 2020 said: During this semester I feel that all lecturers teach earnestly, maximally in giving explanations. The tasks given were also not monotonous, so I was able to explore myself in some skills, such as designing, making videos, and making research proposals.

Now I’m going through a virtual program with Rangsit University in Thailand. I take the topic of tourism and hospitality. Actually I got into trouble when the program was run virtually, because the information could not be captured clearly. But I’m very happy because I can practice English skills more and make more friends.


IP Class 2018

Inaguration Day Bridging Program




IPC Friends, did you know what programs does IPC UII have?

Hi, IPC Friends. This time we will discuss about the existing programs in the International Program of Communication. What are the programs? Isn’t it just that all courses are in English? Of course not. So, to find out what programs are in IPC, let’s see at the following explanation.

Academic Program

The first one are the Welcoming and Orientation (Academic study skills for new members).

Welcoming is a series of events to welcome new semester IPC students, where this program contains lecturers’ introductions and brief explanations about IPC UII. In this program, there is Academic Skill Study, which is how IPC provides workshops related to the adaptation of new students to academic activities in high school with those that will be undertaken in the lecture period, from how the learning system starts, how to live with college things, to how to learn.

Welcoming Day and Orientation for New Members



visiting lecturer program

Next is our students will have visiting lecturer program (join lecturing program) to discuss any issues or studies in communication fields either in the theoretical context and practical subject. In this program, IPC will invite international lecturers or foreign lectures and discuss a theme related to communication.

Visiting Lecturer Program


English Skill Development Program

English Language Proficiency Development Test

This program is a kind of pretest to test how far the English language skills of IPC students are in the first year, then in the second year there is a development test. However, the Covid 19 pandemic made the 2019 class of proficiency development test pending. But for the class of 2018 it is already running.

Verbal Ability Development and Writing in English through Bridging Program

The Writing in English program is done through the Bridging Program. Within a week, this program meeting can be held 2-3 times. The goal is to develop their English language skills, both in writing and understanding English academic.


Bridging Program


International Program Activities

Passage to ASEAN (P2A)

This program collaborates with university associations that participate in P2A, collaborating to make it easier for us to carry out global mobility. Currently, IPC is still working with universities that do virtual P2A. For P2A class 2018 in collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia and Hatyai University with the theme Workshop Photography, this program is also supported by Nikon Malaysia. For P2A class 2019, the theme is Travel Writing and the result is travel magazine writing and magazine covers.


Ashrafi at Photography Workshop 2018

Amir at Photography Workshop 2018

Passage to ASEAN 2019

Exchange Program

So far, IPC UII is still working with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). This Exchange Program was supposed to run in March 2020, but due to the pandemic, we finally made an agreement with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) to postpone this program until it could be done physically, because it was to bring direct cultural experience.

International Community Service

This program is related to KKN abroad, IPC students can carry out International Community Service in collaboration with foreign companies, the context is working with communities that have cooperation with abroad, such as AIESEC. In addition, IPC students are required to have one trip or mobility experience, such as Exchange, P2A, or other international exchanges.

Future Global Career

The International Internship Preparation

Program is held when IPC students enter their 6th or 7th semester. Later IPC students will get international-oriented internships. This program will also bring in speakers who are competent in their fields.

The International Internship

Program requires IPC students to take internships on a global or international basis. Internships are allowed in the country but must be at an institution that has an international collaboration or multinational corporation.

International Internship at India


Future Global Career Mentoring Program

This program is a preparation for IPC students related to work provision given before they undergo their final semester or are in their 4th year.

 Future Global Career Mentoring Global

Capacity Building Program

Annual Workshop in Globalization

This program is conducted annually for all IPC students. They cannot graduate if they haven’t done this workshop so this program is a prerequisite for graduation from IPC students. The hope of this program is to provide an inside or overview related to the globalization context in the field of communication, so that it can prepare IPC students for the world of work.

Pict 9 Herman Felani as the moderator was opened the workshop. This workshop was held on 23 July 2020 via Google Meet

Teatime: An Afternoon Sharing with IPC UII

This program is conducted every Friday through Instagram social media at Instagram Live. The hope is that this program can become a capacity building program for IPC students themselves. The content raised is also a description of what they experience, both from the academic context, global experience, how to manage themselve as personality, and preparing for their careers in their respective fields.

Teatime at Instagram Live every Friday