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Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar:
Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Sesi 15)


Pisau Agenda Setting untuk Analisis Sejarah Opini Publik


Kunto Adi Wibowo, Ph.D

Ph.D dari Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. Memiliki fokus penelitian tentang opini publik, misinformasi, dan efek algoritma pada opini dan sikap politik. Peneliti dan Direktur Lembaga Survey KedaiKOPI (Kelompok DIskusi dan Kajian Opini Publik Indonesia). Penerima hibah penelitian dari WhatsApp untuk meneliti misinformasi pada Pemilu 2019.


Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2020
Pukul 09:30 WIB
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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Diskusi dalam Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (Forum AES) #14 pada 17 Oktober 2020 mulai mengerucut pada diskusi sejarah mikro. Forum yang diinisiasi oleh PSDMA NADIM Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia, ini mencoba melihat bagaimana sejarah menggunakan koran untuk melihat realitas sosial.

Diskusi kali ini masih berkaitan dengan diskusi sebelumnya yang diutarakan oleh Rianne Subijanto tentang perkembangan kajian sejarah. Rianne berkata pada tahun 1970-1980an para sejarawan mengkritik kajian yang melulu melihat sejarah dari orang besar atau tragedi-tragedi besar. Peran orang kecil (baca: orang biasa) dan peristiwa harian tidak pernah diperhitungkan.

Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII menggandeng Eunike Gloria Setiadarma untuk memaparkan risetnya yang mengunakan perspektif orang biasa untuk musuk melihat dinamika sejarah dan realitas sosial politik di masa itu. Tepatnya Eunike menggunakan tulisan Kwee Thiam Tjing (KTT) dan istrinya (Nie Hiang Nio) di berbagai koran yang terbit pada pada masa pra dan pascakemerdekaan. Pendekatan sejarah yang ia pakai adalah pendekatan sejarah mikro yakni pendekatan sejarah yang menarasikan sejarah dngan kacamata orang biasa.

“KTT ini cukup misterius karena Ben Anderson butuh waktu 40 tahun untuk mencari tahu siapa Tjamboek Berdoeri yang menulis ‘Indonesia dalem Api dan Bara’ sebagai buku,” kata Eunike. Dengan berbagai upaya, Ben akhirnya bisa menemukan dan menuliskan buku yang mengulas siapa itu KTT. Ben mencitrakan bahwa KTT adalah seorang jurnalis, ia memiliki wawasan tentang kebangsaan yang tinggi.

Ia sering mengkritik pribumi maupun orang Tionghoa yang menindas pribumi. Tulisan KTT sering kali ditulis gaya lisan tentang dunia kesehariannya. “Kadang KTT juga menuliskan tentang istrinya bahkan tetangganya, atau menyebut nama entah siapa,” ujar Eunike.

Tetapi dalam kajian kali ini, Eunike tidak ingin melihat sosok KTT sebagai seorang jurnalis dan aktivis politik yang kritis, berwawasann kebangsaan yang kerap menulis dunia sosial politik dari kalangan lokal. Eunike menarik sosok KTT dari seorang Jurnalis dan aktivis dalam konteks lokal. KTT yang berwawasan luas menjadi orang biasa. Ia KTT yang seorang suami, seorang bapak, dan manusia biasa di tengah masyarakat berumah tangga yang berwawasan kebangsaan dan kesadaran kritis.

Melihat tulisan KTT dan Istrinya (Nie Hiang Nio) dari yang sering menceritakan tentang anak-nak dan dapur menjadi wilayah aktifitas dominan Istri, dikritisi cara berpakaian, merasa senang jika dibelikan baju, marah ketika suami tidak membantunya di dapur. Semua itu tidak hendak melihat KTT mejadi sosok patriarki.”Itu tidak menarik bagi saya,” ujar Eunike.

Dari riset ini, Eunike melihat bahwa rumah menjadi cerminan kontestasi sebuah bangsa dan komunitas berikut soal kompleksitas kehidupan yang mewarnainya. “Saya menamainya sebagai nation at home,” kata Uenike. Beberapa poin yang digaris bawahi Eunike adalah pertama, perempuan menjadi wujud kecemasan laki-laki antara ingin mempertahankan atau membuang sisi tradisional dan usang dengan tidak kehilangan identitas modernitas ‘barat’.

Kedua, hubungan suami-istri-anak menjadi kesadaran realitas sosial komunitas dan proyeksi kemajuan sosial. Ketiga, dinamika rasa dan emosi menjadi bagian penting untuk komunitas dalam mempertahankan dirinya.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Forum Forum Amir Effendi Siregar # 13 this time 9 October 2020 is not as usual. Presenting Indonesian speakers who were studying in America made the discussion this time take time at night. This time, Rianne Subijanto, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Baruch College, City University of New York was the speaker at the AES Forum discussion tonight. He reveals the history of communication and discovers a time when a part of the study in communication was missing.

According to Rianne, in communication, there is a missing study. This study seems invisible. It seems that if we examine it today, there is even a lot of debate because it is considered not a communication domain anymore.

Rianne’s discussion raised the topic “Communication as Social Networks and Transportation: Historical Studies Past and Present.” Transportation which is part of communication studies is no longer initiated in many researches in the realm of communication.

Judging from the long history of communication, “communication studies have emerged. it’s only limited to communication that mediates new media such as print media, radio, television, and the internet, “said Rianne.

Communication System: Ancient Objects to Print Media

Riane continued that the age of media starting from printed media is still very young. and to be examined from the history, the practice of this communication age is very old. there was writing hieroglief and cuneiform written on slabs of brick in the civilization of mesopotamia. there paprirus, and there are pictures in the cave in the rock.

it is seen that the ancient objects that not only belongs to history, but also there is a communication process. Even communication is not only seen from the printed medium sec material fig. But more basic. Communication is also a process of exchanging meaning through oral, gestures, and facial expressions.

What is missing in Communication studies in Rianne’s view? He sees communication as transmission (transportation) and culture (ritual). If communication is seen from an exchange of meanings, then there is social exchange, there is cultural acculturation too. If seen from here communication is also chained by transportation. In ancient times people traveled by camel or donkey to trade. “And it turns out that there is a cultural exchange of the spread of Islam, cultural acculturation,” said Rianne.

Communication systems should be seen as transport networks and social networks as concepts. “However, now if we want to see transportation in communication studies, maybe people will ask geography or sociology first,” said Rianne.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Forum Forum Amir Effendi Siregar #13 kali ini 9 Oktober 2020 tak seperti biasa. Menghadirkan pembicara Indonesia yang sedang studi di Amerika membuat diskusi kali ini mengambil waktu di malam hari. Kali ini, Rianne Subijanto, Assistant Professor Kajian Komunikasi di Baruch College, City University of New York menjadi pembicara dalam diskusi Forum AES malam ini. Ia mengungkap sejarah komunikasi dan menemukan satu waktu dimana ada bagian kajian dalam komunikasi hilang.

Menurut Rianne, dalam komunikasi, ada kajian yang hilang. Kajian ini seperti tidak terlihat. Tampaknya jika dikaji di jaman sekarang bahkan, banyak perdebatan karena dianggap bukan ranah komunikasi lagi.

Diskusi Rianne ini mengangkat topik ‘Komunikasi sebagai Jaringan Sosial dan Transportasi: Kajian Sejarah Dulu dan Sekarang.” Transportasi yang menjadi bagian dari kajian komunikasi tak lagi digagas dalam banyak riset di ranah komunikasi.

Dilihat dari sejarah komunikasi yang panjang, “kajian komunikasi yang banyak muncul baru sebatas komunikasi yang memerantarai medium baru seperti media cetak, radio, televisi, maupun internet,” ujar Rianne.

Sistem Komunikasi: Benda-benda Kuno hingga Media Cetak

Riane melanjutkan bahwa umur media mulai dari media cetak (printed media) ini masih sangat muda. Padahal kalau mau ditelisik dari sejarahnya, praktik komunikasi ini umurnya sangat tua. Ada tulisan hieroglief dan kuneiform yang tertulis di lempengan batu bata di peradaban mesopotamia. Ada paprirus, dan ada gambar di gua pada dalam batu.

Di sini terlihat bahwa benda-benda kuno itu tak hanya milik sejarah, tapi juga ada proses komunikasi. Bahkan komunikasi tak hanya dilihat dari medium tercetak secara materil. Namun lebih mendasar. Komunikasi juga adalah proses pertukaran makna lewat oral, gestur, dan mimik muka.

Apa yang hilang di kajian Komunikasi dalam pandangan Rianne? Ia melihat komunikasi sebagai tranmisi (transportasi) dan budaya (ritual). Jika komunikasi dilihat dari adanya pertukaran makna, maka ada pertukaran sosial, ada akulturasi budaya juga. Jika dilihat dari sini komunikasi juga diperantai oleh transportasi. Jaman dahulu orang melakukan perjalanan dengan menggunakan unta atau keledai untuk berdagang. “dan ternyata ada pertukaran budaya penyebaran islam, akulturasi budaya,” papar Rianne.

Sistem komunikasi harus dilihat sebagai jaringan transportasi (transport network) dan jaringan sosial (social networks) sebagai konsep. “Namun, sekarang jika kita mau melihat transportasi dalam kajian komunikasi mungkin orang akan nyuruh ke geografi atau sosiologi dulu,” kata Rianne.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar:

Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Sesi 14)


Hoedjin Tjamboek Berdoeri: Sejarah Mikro sebagai Pendekatan Membaca Koran


Eunike Gloria Setiadarma

Sedang menempuh studi doktoral di Departemen Sejarah di Northwestern University. Tertarik meneliti sejarah intelektual dan sejarah sosial pembangunan. Sebelumnya memperoleh pendidikan master Pembangunan Internasional dari University of Manchester.

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2020
Pukul 09:30 WIB
Via Zoom



Reading Time: < 1 minute

Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar

Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Sesi 11)


Komunikasi sebagai Jaringan Sosial dan Transportasi: Kajian Sejarah Komunikasi Dulu dan Sekarang


Rianne Subijanto

Assistant Professor Kajian Komunikasi di Baruch College, City University of New York. Disertasinya memenangkan Honorable Mention AJHA Margaret A. Blanchard Doctoral Dissertation Prize dari The American Journalism Historians Association tahun 2016. Manuskrip bukunya berdasar disertasi tersebut berjudul “Revolutionary Communication: Enlightenment at The Dawn of Indonesia” saat ini sedang dalam review. Berkhidmat sebagai Pemimpin Redaksi IndoPROGRESS.


Jumat, 9 Oktober 2020
Pukul 20:00 WIB
Via Zoom


Reading Time: 2 minutes


The magazines affiliated with the military in the 1939-1966 era apparently discussed a lot about military strategy, political concepts, how to organize society, and how the civil service should behave and lead the community.

“But from the content, it can actually be drawn a line about ‘how the military uses the pretext of the Law’ to take power legally,” said Norman Joshua, doctoral student at Northwestern University, speaker at the 12th Exclamation of Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum on Saturday ( 3/10). The discussion, which was held by the UII Communication Science Study Program, was broadcast live on the online TV Uniicoms TV belonging to the Department of Communications Science of UII.

The military-owned media also ran a counter for the Harian Rakyat newspaper which incidentally belonged to the left. “Indeed, at that time each department had a publication. Chakra Vijaya magazine belongs to the Army’s Judiciary Corps. In the 60s, the military did not only talk about threats, or about the military world,” said Norman, “but also about law and its implementation in Indonesia. There are also articles. which discusses who has the right to prosecute and arrest a suspect in an area that is included in a war zone. ”

Apart from discussing military strategy, the military media also talks about politics. “And at that time it looked natural in the dual conception of military functions in Indonesia in the 1966 period,” said Norman, commenting on why military media content did not merely talk about the military world.

Military-owned media is seen very clearly in sharpening its content focus to militarize social conditions. Many matters outside the military’s authority try to be raised and discussed in the military law academy as reflected in the Army’s Chakra Vijaya magazine.

Another example is Yudha Gama magazine from the Ministry of Defense. And the most popular to the old material is the Air Force’s Space magazine. “It was as if they were competing in a ‘battle field of discourse’ with the Harian Rakyat, as we all know there was a debate over the discourse between the military and the PKI (Communist Party) in the 60s,” said Norman.


Reading Time: < 1 minute

Majalah yang berafiliasi dengan militer pada era 1939-1966 rupanya banyak membahas soal strategi militer, konsep politik, bagaimana mengorganisir masyarakat, hinga bagaimana pamong praja harus bersikap dan memimpin masyarakat.

“Tapi dari kontennya sebenarnya dapat ditarik garis tentang ‘bagaimana militer itu mempergunakan dalih Undang-Undang’ untuk take power legally,” ungkap Norman Joshua, mahasiswa doktoral Nortwestern University, pembicara dalam Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) seru ke-12 pada Sabtu (3/10). Diskusi yang diadakan oleh Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII ini ditayangkan langsung oleh TV online Uniicoms TV milik Komunikasi UII.

Media milik militer juga melakukan konter koran Harian rakyat yang notabene adalah milik golongan kiri. “Memang waktu itu tiap departemen punya terbitan. Chakra Vijaya milik korps Kehakiman Angkatan Darat. Tahun 60an, militer tidak hanya membicarakan tentang ancaman saja, atau soal dunia militer,” Kata Norman, “tapi juga soal hukum dan implementasinya di indoensia. Ada artikel juga yang membahas tentang siapa yang berhak mengadili dan menangkap tersangka di daerah yang termasuk dalam daerah masuk daerah keadaan perang.”

Selain membahas strategi militer, media militer juga membicarakan politik. “dan ini saat itu terlihat wajar dalam konsepsi Dwi Fungsi militer di Indonesia pada periode 1966,” kata Norman mengomentari mengapa konten media militer tak melulu bicara soal dunia militer.

Media milik militer terlihat sangat kentara menajamkan fokus kontennya untuk memiliterisasi kondisi sosial. Banyak hal di luar kewenangan militer mencoba diisukan dan dibahas dalam akademi hukum militer yang tercermin dalam majalah Chakra Vijaya milik Angkatan Darat.

Contoh lain adalah majalah Yudhagama dari Kementrian Pertahanan. Dan yang paling populer hingga beratahan lama itu adalah majalah Angkasa dari Angkatan Udara. “Mereka seakan sedang lomba dalam ‘battle field of discource’ dengan Harian Rakyat, seperti kita tau ada perdebatan wacana antara Militer dengan PKI di tahun 60an itu,” ungkap Norman.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the Amir Effendi Siregar forum on September 26, 2020, Muzayin Nazaruddin, Lecturer for Department of Communication Science of UII, conveyed some of the boredom and mistakes of researchers in Indonesia regarding the use of semiotic analysis in dissecting text in sign systems.

Muzayin, who is pursuing his Ph.D. study at Tartu University in the field of semiotics, sees the error in the perspective of semiotics by many researchers in Indonesia. “In Indonesia, semiotics is only seen as a method, not as a paradigm,” said Muzayin.

So far, if you want to analyze a text, images, videos, literary works, poetry, you will definitely use semiotics. “It’s a paradigmatic mistake. In communication there is a semiotic tradition, a way of looking at phenomena with a semiotic perspective,” said Muzayin.

Muzayin gave an example of a study that was commonly carried out by students and, unfortunately, also carried out by researchers. For example, research looks at what symbols appear in certain films or media. What is the meaning contained. For example, there are students researching patriotism in films. But if we then reflect on it, it turns out that he did not contribute anything to the development of the concept of patriotism.

Returning to the tendency of semiotics to be a text analysis tool rather than a paradigm. When semiotics is seen as a paradigm, it is not limited to just a method of analysis. The semiotic paradigm allows researchers to see every event, phenomenon, media, and natural phenomenon with a semiotic perspective.

For example, at Tartu University, where Muzayin took his doctoral program in Semiotics, there were various studies based on semiotics. Such as Cultural Semiotics, zoo semiotic, and even some that are not yet common in Indonesia which in Tartu are called bio-semiotic.

Then he continued his explanation by giving an example that if all communication phenomena, events are seen as a sign, which we can see at the receiver level, or at the production level, or at the context level if all are seen in a semi-related relationship, then all events can be analyzed using semiotics.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We have often heard about semiotics as a method of visual text analysis. Names like Roland Barthes, Pierce, or Saussure are no stranger to communicative friends. Semiotics as an analytical scalpel has even become a trend in analysis around the 2000s as seen from the existence of several compulsory courses on several campuses in Indonesia.

However, Muzayin Nazaruddin, one of the lecturers at the Islamic University Communication Science who also seriously studied semiotics with a master and took a Ph. D at the University of Tartu, wants to see in a bigger picture the tendency to use methods that are common in Indonesia. Semiotics should serve as a paradigm, not a text analysis tool.

At the Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum on September 26, 2020, Muzayin showed a tendency to use the same semiotic tradition. As if it has become an example of how to operate the semiotic method in analyzing films or images. “That’s not wrong, but it’s boring.”

Muzayin gave an example of a study that is commonly carried out by students and, unfortunately, also carried out by researchers. For example, research looks at what symbols appear in certain films or media. What is the meaning contained. For example, there are students researching patriotism in films. However, if we reflect on it, it turns out that he did not contribute anything to the development of the concept of patriotism.

In research prevalence using semiotics, for example, there is also a common sense which is useless. “For example, we analyze a photo of a woman with a hijab, detailed analysis, we analyze the hijab, the background, what she is wearing, the analysis is complicated. The denotation and connotation are like this. Then at the end, this conclusion concludes that this woman is Muslim,” Muzayin explained an example of semiotic research which is common in Indonesia. “It looks like this is cool, the thesis is thick, but this is sad, because to say that a Muslim woman wearing a hijab does not have to use a semiotic. High school student also know that the hijab is a marker of a Muslim. This is where I often see semiotic research failing,” said Muzayin exemplifying more details. This ultimately makes semiotics studies boring, stagnant, and says nothing and does not contribute,” Muzayin said further.

How is the actual history of semiotics studies in Indonesia?

The development of semiotics studies in Indonesia can be seen for example in the 1990s. “In the 1990s, student study groups studied semiotics not from lecture texts. Then according to Emmanuel Subangun said that in 1992 the Circle of Semiotic Enthusiasts in Jakarta was established,” said Muzayin. This is quite encouraging, according to him.

Returning to the tendency of semiotics to be a text analysis tool rather than a paradigm. When Semiotics is seen as a paradigm, it does not narrow it just as analytical methods. The semiotic paradigm allows researchers to see every event, phenomenon, media, and natural phenomenon with a semiotic perspective. For example, at Tartu University, where Muzayin took his doctoral program in Semiotics, there were various studies based on semiotics, such as Culture Semiotics, zoo semiotic, there is even something that is not yet common in Indonesia which is called bio-semiotic in Tartu.

For semiotics, communication is the central point for understanding culture, said Muzayin. “This is especially for cultural semiotics,” Muzayin explained. As for Biosemiotics, Communication is a fundamental concept to understand nature. Muzayin continued, even for ecosemiotics, communication is central to understanding the dynamics relations of culture-nature.

“At the animal and plant level, even semiotics is understood as a communication between the two to see the semiosis process,” Muzayin added. This is a perspective that we need to understand together.

Semiotic analysis with a micro analysis model is to see the unit of analysis in detail in the film: break it down, then see the signs in the scene, then translate into denotation, index, symbol connotations, etc.

In fact there are other ways, for example macro analysis by viewing the film, by relating various phenomena or the context of the film being made and then analyzed. “How do we see a film as a sign that is present in a certain sign system and then interpreted as a sign,” Muzayin explained.