Diversity of Ownership, Content, and Voices


Amir Effendi Siregar Forum (Forum Amir Effendi Siregar in Bahasa) is build to nurture and enrich the intellectual discourse of communication and media studies. This forum is also dedicated to Amir Effendi Siregar for living the spirit of the intellectual, media activist, and so founder of this Communication Science Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia. Since 2004, Amir Effendi Siregar has made a specialized studi of media management and journalism in Communication Science major. Siregar also the one who was very strong commitment to advocate the media/ press freedom, media democracy, and diversity on media content. The three key ideas of Siregar’s that always be found on his book and speech is: Diversity of Ownership of media, Diversity Of Content, and Diversity of Voices on Media. Siregar was died on 2018. Therefore, his colleagues, students, families, and activist held a lot of discussion, studies, and also writing about media and communication studies to continue his ideals.

News Update

Stay connected with the latest news and information about various activities at the Amir Effendi Siregar Forum on Department of Communications of Faculty of Social and Cultural Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia



Photographing Yogyakarta’s Hidden Gems in Landscape Photography

Indonesia's many natural potentials, both natural and artificial tourism, are an attraction for anyone to see and visit. Not only tourists but also photographers who record and show it to the world. Many of these extraordinary natural beauties…
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Diskusi Nadim: Potret Pesona Hidden Gems Indonesia Dalam Fotografi Landscape Di Yogyakarta

Bagaimana pesona Hidden Gems Indonesia? PDMA Nadim akan melaksanakan diskusi bulanan yang bertema "Potret Pesona Hidden Gems Indonesia Dalam Fotografi Landscape Di Yogyakarta Tahun 2022” 🗓 Kamis, 17 November 2022 ⏰…

Game Studies: on Communication Perspective 

In the study of communication, games are rarely included in the radar of studies considered important. In the past, gaming was just a useless that was done in spare time. But now, the face of the game has changed. Hundreds or even thousands…

Diskusi Nadim: Mengkaji Game dari Perpektif Ilmu Komunikasi

Dalam kajian komunikasi, game jarang sekali masuk dalam radar kajian  yang dianggap penting. Dulu game hanyalah kegiatan unfaedah yang dilakukan di waktu-waktu luang. Namun kini, wajah game berubah. Ratusan bahkan ribuan game diproduksi tiap…

Culture Communication and International Asian Food Travel Vlog 

Food Vlogs are becoming more and more common now. They were not only producing information or any entertainment content but also communicating the culture. The cultures are not only about art but also language, tradition, and the special way…

Persepsi Viewers Terhadap Vlog Makanan Asia

Konten Vlog Makanan semakin menggurita kini ketika teknologi bisa diakses hampir semua orang. Cakupannya pun beragam. Mulai dari Vlogger yang membuat konten untuk konten makanan lokal indonesia, sampai konten Makanan Asia. Beragam pula persepsi…

The Language of Photography, To Capture The Subjectivity 

Perhaps not everyone will reach a consensus when discussing good and terrible images. There is always a subjective issue with the power of the camera shutter finger. Subjectivity can also evolve in photography; it does so periodically when the…

To Capture Sensory Experience in Photo 

A photo is more than just a still image that is contained within a frame and cannot move. A photograph might enable the spectator to perceive good and challenging circumstances. The smell of the waste gathered at the Piyungan Final Disposal…

Diskusi Nadim: Menelisik Ragam Artikulasi Kisah Visual Melalui Bahasa Fotografi

Membicarakan foto bagus dan tidak, bisa jadi setiap orang tidak akan mencapai titik temu yang presisi. Masalah subjektifitas kekuasaan jari pencet rana kamera selalu ada. Dalam fotografi, subjektifitas juga dapat berubah: berproses dari waktu…


Amir Effendi Siregar CORNER (Pojok Amir Effendi Siregar in Bahasa) is a list of catalogue of Amir Effendi Siregar’s book of heritage. Students, researchers, lecturers, journalists, activists, and public can access these intellectual property. Many of those are Siregar’s writting and his concern on various theme: Student Press, Press, Broadcasting, Media and democracy, political economy of media, media and culture, and all of various communication studies.  Please kindly surf to these list and find the greatest knowledge and intellectual property of Amir Effendi Siregar’s.