Creating Ulil Albab People with Serumpun 2020

The orientation period with the name “Serumpun” raises the theme of brotherhood. The mission of the committee is to make the introduction of this campus embraced like brothers without any seniority that still occurs in several campuses in Indonesia. Before starting the serumpun activity, the committee first opened the event. The opening event started by giving a speech for the new students. The Vice Dean of the FPSB also gave a very warm welcome to the new FPSB students before starting this campus orientation activity.

The Serumpun activities which were held on September 20th, 2020 through the Zoom Meeting application, were attended by all freshmen from the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences, including Communication Science students. The committee prepares for this activity very well and is ready to face the obstacles that will occur in the online group (online aspect) for the first time at FPSB.

The committee also anticipates this activity, namely by providing credit subsidies worth 50 thousand rupiah to new students to be used in this allied activity. The credit subsidy provided is expected to provide convenience online if you experience interference with wifi signals or limited quota.

According to the Vice  Dean of the FPSB UII, Dr. Phil. Emi Zulaifah, M.Sc, enrollment of new students has increased in all departments, especially those that seem to have increased, namely from the Department of International Relations, she said. So do not be surprised if this group is attended by hundreds of new students. She said, “For example, the department of psychology and communication science is relatively high, such as every year.”

FPSB student admission is very competitive because of the thousands of applicants, only 10 percent are accepted. Last year there were around 8000 prospective students and only around 830 were accepted who re-registered to become students at FPSB. Then now, the applicants exceed 9000 and this faculty is accepting around 984 new students.

UII has the goal of realizing students and its academic community as ulil albab people. This will later be a blessing for the surrounding. A number of hundreds of students who are accepted at the FPSB will undergo the process of becoming the ulil albab human being. The vice dean said, “because we have this mission, the religious program is structured in such a way that these students do undergo these activities intensively.”

For example, through taklim which must be followed 4 semesters, until graduation taklim will attend pre-KKN (mandatory community services) Islamic boarding schools, then there is an Islamic basic value orientation program and a an Islamic boarding school program in semester 1 which will later have material on religion, morals and leadership, she said . Ms. Emi continued her message, “we give the widest opportunity for students to develop in a good corridor. And also will build the benefit of the people and their nation. UII’s human concern should go beyond national boundaries because of Islam. Our student affairs have the view that every UII’s student has the right to develop and we facilitate that. ”


Author: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, UII Communication Science Internship Student, Class of 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.