#CozyVisit HIMAKOM: a Momentum for Organization & Student Movement Learning

October 4, 2019 became a charming day. The reason was, HIMAKOM UII split the heat of the city of Jakarta in order to establish friendship and networking. Charming for meeting a lot new friends. On that occasion, Himakom UII visited to the secretariat of the Student Association of University of Indonesia’s Communication Sciences (HMIKUI). The event, which was given the theme of the National Visit, was a means of exchanging opinions and sharing anxiety and thoughts. Not only that, in the national agenda, HIMAKOM UII also learned and shared experiences with HMIK UI about organizational management, lectures and campus conditions and the latest communication issues.

The hope, this national visit can create inspiration and establish friendly relations between the two parties. And of course, both parties can also increase opportunities for cooperation in matters relating to communication, the media, and also of course the student movement especially in the scope of the Department or Communication Science Program.

This National Visit was also attended by representatives of the communities at  Communications Science. Such as Redaksi Komunikasi which was represented by the chairman and the board of management. There are also Klik18, Kompor.kom, Dispensi, and Galaxy Radio which also participated in enlivening and sharing in the forum.

Based on the records, this is the second time for Himakom UII’s visit to Himakom partners in Indonesia. Previously, a regional visit was conducted by Himakom UII to Komakom UMY. Previously, there were also many Himakom (Communication Student Association) from other campuses who came to gain experience from Himakom UII. Noted as a visit from Himakom UPN “V” Yogyakarta and Himakom UIN Yogyakarta and other himakoms who are members of the Indonesian Communication Studies Student Association (IMIKI)