Muthia IP student 2018 said: I joined the P2A (Passage to Asean) Program, that is a required program for 3rd semester IPC students. But I joined the other P2A program that held by UII for another majors at 1st semester with Coffe Story theme in Jogja and followed by students from other countries.
In the first year there is a course called Bridging Program, at the end of semester 2 there is graduation for all IP students. Then there is the activity of welcoming batch 2 named Welcoming IP students. On the first day they make introductions, on the second day is filled with a kind of game. Then there is the International Seminar whose speakers are from abroad.
Studying in IP feels like a bit challenged because I was a batch 1 IP student, but I was excited while undergoing the P2A program, because I made new friends from ASEAN. When participating in P2A can also feel the experience of international exposure. Then I felt challenged when I got the assignment discussing international cases, so I often read foreign journals, foreign news, and others.
For the next plan, I want to find companies that have international exposure or multinational companies.
Jemima IP student 2019 said: I was a transfer student from regular communication science to IP. The condition is to increase the tuition for adjusts the facilities obtained. Then I had to get a toefl score of at least 450 to meet the standard of IP class and parental consent letter.
I moved to IP class after midterm in semester 1. Actually in IP more feels to have a high standard, starting from more difficult materials, higher classmate standards, and make the competitive atmosphere in learning more felt.
In the first year we got Bridging Program (Academic Writing). Further programs are P2A, Exchange, and Double Degree Abroad. Similar talkshow programs such as teatime are run once a week every Friday and the themes controlled by the IP student and adjusted to what is happening at this time.
Arsila IP student 2020 said: During this semester I feel that all lecturers teach earnestly, maximally in giving explanations. The tasks given were also not monotonous, so I was able to explore myself in some skills, such as designing, making videos, and making research proposals.
Now I’m going through a virtual program with Rangsit University in Thailand. I take the topic of tourism and hospitality. Actually I got into trouble when the program was run virtually, because the information could not be captured clearly. But I’m very happy because I can practice English skills more and make more friends.
IP Class 2018
Inaguration Day Bridging Program