Reading Time: 2 minutes

Men have dominated photography. Every time Allmark sees a photographer, both in print and online, it is inhabited by a male figure. Even if you see female photographers, only a few. The resulting photos also tend to be framing born of patriarchal culture. Feminine photography was taken to critique and an alternative to capturing images that look from the feminine side.

Panizza Allmark, Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies from Edith Cowan University, Australia, presented the results of her study on feminine photography in a 2021 P2A Ice Cream Webinar, International Course on Creative Media. This year’s Passage to ASEAN (P2A) takes the theme Inspiring the World with Creative Production. P2A Ice cream 2021 was initiated by the Communication Science Program at the Universitas Islam Indonesia on November 16, 2021. 

Besides UII, other universities are co-hosts, for example, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Duy Tan University Vietnam. At the same time, some of the official partners include AIC (Academy International Cambodia), Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta, Binus University, Genetic Computer School Singapore, University of Economic and Law Vietnam, Vietnam National University, Svay Rieng University, Victoria University College, and other.

In her presentation “Photography feminine and documentary photography,” Allmark explained a lot about what feminine photography is and why this perspective was born in the world of photography. “Feminine photography is a critique of patriarchal representation. The camera is usually behind the man and represents the male perspective. Because, so far, its history has been dominated by men.”

The camera, a shooting tool for framing photos, can now be seen from a feminine perspective. To show what feminine photography looks like, Allmark also displays pictures of her work. She wants to show that feminine photography is not just a photographer who is physically female because women can have a patriarchal perspective.

Some of the photos presented by Allmark are photos showing demonstrations of women with traumatized faces because authoritarian governments took their children. They are demonstrating demanding information and their child back. In one of the photos, two women are about to hug while still wearing the protest sign still wrapped around their shoulders during the demonstration.

She wanted to show how the psychological condition of women because their children were missing and when they supported each other during protests.

Other photos are photos that attempt to reframe photos produced by the patriarchy. She took photos randomly wherever she was.

“I want to show a different perspective. These photos try to appear as a critique of the existing photos,” She said.

Panizza also takes a photo in Bangkok, which is a photo which contains a picture of a woman who has won an academic degree, along with an image of a woman posing vulgarly in underwear.

Allmark sees a binary oppositional contrast in a photo he captured with feminine glasses in the image.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Menulis dalam publikasi internasional adalah keniscayaan bagi seorang dosen. Menulis karenanya, adalah juga merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk meningkatkan rekognisi dosen dalam kancah pemikiran global. Semakin banyak menulis, semakin banyak kemungkinan keterbacaan. Apalagi ini dilakukan oleh dosen cum pengelola jurnal. Tidak hanya dirinya yang diakui oleh komunitas akademik internasional, melainkan juga reputasi jurnal yang dikelolanya juga mendapat peningkatan pengakuan global.

Maka dari itu, Unit Pengelolaan Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII mengadakan Workshop Pengelola Jurnal dengan tajuk Strategi Penulisan Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi. Workshop diselenggarakan dengan cara memotivasi dan sekaligus meningkatkan pengetahuan pengelola jurnal. Workshop juga berusaha meningkatkan kemampuan para pengelola jurnal untuk menulis artikel di jurnal internasional bereputasi. Acara yang dilaksanakan melalui Zoom meeting ini dihadiri oleh seluruh pengelola jurnal di FPSB UII dan beberapa dosen internal FPSB UII.

Prof. Subandi, dari Psikologi UGM, hadir sebagai widyaiswara kali ini. Ia membagikan pengalamannya menembus menulis dan menembus jurnal internasional bereputasi. Pengalamannya selama ini melanjutkan studi di luar negeri nampaknya juga turut menyumbang kapabilitasnya untuk bersilaturahmi di dunia akademik global lewat jurnal internasional.

Ada tiga hal pokok yang dibahas oleh Prof. Subandi pada 12 November 2021 via Zoom. Pada sesi workshop ini, tiga hal pokok itu adalah, pertama, bagaimana strategi menulis artikel di jurnal internasional bereputasi. apakah menulis artikel jurnal internasional dimulai dari pencarian jurnal yang sesuai ataukah dari riset atau artikel yang sudah ada.

Lalu Kedua, worshop membahas Hal-hal pokok apa saja yang harus diperhatikan dalam penulisan jurnal internasional bereputasi. Semua berdasar pada pengalaman Prof Subandi sebagai seorang doktor psikologi dari UGM dan Lulusan universitas di Australia. Kemudian, poin ketiga yang juga jadi bahasan adalah bagaimana strategi pemilihan jurnal sehingga memudahkan dalam proses publikasi.

Yang menarik adalah, selain ada upaya-upaya rasional yang dijalankan untuk menembus jurnal internasional, Prof. Subandi juga mengaku melakukan upaya-upaya spiritual. Upaya itu misalnya adalha rutinitasnya menulis Al-quran. “Ya, menulis Quran dari ayat ke ayat. Itu menjadi rutinitas saya, menulis quran dengan tulisan tangan,“ katanya.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Writing in international publications is a necessity for a lecturer. Writing, therefore, is also part of an effort to improve lecturers’ recognition in the global thinking arena. The more you write, the more readability possible. Moreover, this is done by lecturers and journal managers. Not only has he been recognized by the international academic community, but the reputation of the journal he manages has also received increased global recognition.

Therefore, the Journal Management Unit and Scientific Paper Publication of FPSB UII held a Journal Management Workshop under the title Strategy for Writing Reputable International Journals. The workshop was held by motivating and, at the same time, increase the knowledge of journal managers. The workshop also seeks to improve the ability of journal managers to write articles in reputable international journals. The event, held through a Zoom meeting, was attended by all journal managers at FPSB UII and several internal lecturers at FPSB UII.

Prof. Subandi, from Psychology UGM, was present as a resource person this time. He shared his experience through writing and penetrating reputable international journals. His experience to continue his studies abroad also seems to have contributed to his capability to stay in touch with the global academic world through international journals.

There are three main things discussed by Prof. Subandi on 12 November 2021 via Zoom. In this workshop session, the three main points are delivered. The first was how to write articles in reputable international journals. Whether writing international journal articles starts from searching for appropriate journals or from existing research or articles.

Then Second, the workshop discusses the main things that lecturers must consider in writing reputable international journals. All are based on Prof. Subandi’s experience as a doctor of psychology from UGM and a graduate of a university in Australia. Then, the third point discussed was how to choose a journal strategy to make it easier for the publication process.

Interestingly, apart from rational efforts to penetrate international journals, Prof. Subandi also admitted to making spiritual efforts. The effort, for example, is his routine of writing the Koran. “Yes, writing the Quran verse by verse. It became my routine, writing the Koran by hand,” he said.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It is not easy to create and share our stories through creative media. We can also share our stories with the audience through photo stories, video, or other creative production. But, how to engage more audience with more creative media? Hence, the International Program of Communication, Universitas Islam Indonesia, launch the P2A Ice Cream. P2A stands for Passage to ASEAN. On the other hand, 2021.’s P2A theme Ice Cream stands for International Course on Creative Media. Todays, P2A brought to all participants with the grand theme: Inspiring the World with Creative Production,

Daffa Urrofi, a creativepreneur, content creator, and filmmaker, speaking in a General Lecture entitled Creative Content and Creativepreneur, was initiated by the Department of Communications, Universitas Islam Indonesia on November 8th, 2021. Iven Sumardiantoro, videographer, and editor of Ikonisia TV, moderated the webinar for almost three hours.

“What you have to do to create video content is to find What the message of your video content is, what is the point of your video stories, and what is your purpose to the story,” said Urrofi answering Mimi’s question. Mimi is a participant from Vietnam, student of Duy Tan University, Vietnam.

How to do creative video? How to share your stories with the video?

Urrofi said you should make a straightforward breakdown in your content creation. “You must make first three-second content as intriguing as interesting as possible,” add Urrofi then. If you want to keep the audience hearing and watching your content, you must find what motivates you to make the video.

“If you can answer that question, you can make effective content. You have to make a hook content,” said Urrofi. Because the content is about creative content creation, it isn’t just making content but making a good hook for your content.

Some question is also came from some participants. For example, some students ask Urrofi what his motivation is to start a business. Especially in video production. Because video is more a lot of effort than photo content, what are the tips and tricks to do viral content?

Urrofi, the founder of URRO Film and URRO Academy, said he aims to create creative content to promote your idea and communicate what motivates you. How make a viral video? “We should find the best platform and media. Besides, we also have to learn the platform algorithm. Even Facebook and TikTok have different behavior of the algorithm. “When you know the algorithm, it can be viral too. If you talk about the platform, if we talk about TikTok, you should create the content well in the first three-second as interesting as possible to make people watch till the end,” urge Urrofi. “Consistency is the key to posting content on youtube. And Instagram is a different algorithm in each platform.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tidak mudah membuat dan berbagi cerita melalui media kreatif. Kita juga dapat berbagi cerita kami dengan penonton melalui foto cerita, video, atau produksi kreatif lainnya. Tapi, bagaimana cara melibatkan lebih banyak audiens dengan media yang lebih kreatif? 

Oleh karena itu, Program Komunikasi Internasional Universitas Islam Indonesia meluncurkan Ice Cream P2A. Ini bukan Es Krim merujuk pada makanan. P2A adalah singkatan dari Passage to ASEAN. Sedangkan Ice Cream adalah singkatan dari International Course on Creative Media. P2A menghadirkan seluruh peserta dengan tema besar: Menginspirasi Dunia dengan Produksi Kreatif.

Daffa Urrofi, seorang creativepreneur, content creator, dan filmmaker, menjadi pembicara dalam Kuliah Umum bertajuk Creative Content and Creativepreneur yang digagas oleh Departemen Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Indonesia pada tanggal 8 November 2021. Iven Sumardiantoro, videografer dan editor Ikonisia TV, memoderasi webinar selama hampir tiga jam.

“Yang harus dilakukan untuk membuat konten video adalah mencari apa pesan dari konten video Anda, apa inti dari cerita video Anda, dan apa tujuan Anda dari cerita tersebut,” kata Urrofi menjawab pertanyaan Mimi. Mimi adalah peserta dari Vietnam, mahasiswa Duy Tan University, Vietnam.

Bagaimana cara membuat video kreatif? Bagaimana cara berbagi cerita Anda dengan video?

Urrofi mengatakan Anda harus membuat perincian langsung dalam pembuatan konten Anda. “Kamu harus membuat konten tiga detik pertama semenarik mungkin,” tambah Urrofi kemudian. Jika Anda ingin membuat penonton mendengar dan menonton konten Anda, Anda harus menemukan apa yang memotivasi Anda untuk membuat video.

“Jika Anda bisa menjawab pertanyaan itu, Anda bisa membuat konten yang efektif. Anda harus membuat konten yang menarik,” kata Urrofi. Karena konten adalah tentang pembuatan konten kreatif, itu bukan hanya membuat konten tetapi membuat pengait yang baik untuk konten Anda.

Beberapa pertanyaan juga datang dari beberapa peserta. Misalnya, beberapa peserta mahasisawa bertanya kepada Urrofi apa motivasinya memulai bisnis. Terutama dalam produksi video. Karena video lebih banyak usaha daripada konten foto, apa tips dan trik untuk membuat konten viral?

Urrofi, pendiri URRO Film and URRO Academy, mengatakan bahwa bisnis dia bertujuan untuk membuat konten kreatif untuk mempromosikan ide Anda dan mengomunikasikan apa yang memotivasi Anda. Urrofi juga bermaksud mengedukasi lewat Urro Academy. 

Bagaimana cara membuat video viral? Pastikan menggunakan video karena video adalah konten yang paling interaktif dengan khalayak. “Kita harus mencari platform dan media terbaik. Selain itu, kita juga harus mempelajari algoritma platform. Bahkan Facebook dan TikTok memiliki perilaku algoritma yang berbeda. “Kalau tahu algoritmanya, bisa viral juga. Kalau bicara platform, kalau bicara TikTok, tiga detik pertama harus membuat konten semenarik mungkin agar orang menonton sampai akhir,” imbau Urrofi. “Youtube dan Instagram punya algoritma yang berbeda di setiap platform.”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Jurnal Komunikasi UII mengundang Anda membaca edisi JURNAL KOMUNIKASI – VOLUME 16 NO 1 OKTOBER 2021 GRATIS dan bisa baca langsung dari ponsel.👏

🩺 Jurnal Komunikasi edisi ini memuat tujuh artikel dengan objek kajian dan tema yang beragam. Objek kajian merentang dari Aktivisme media sosial dan isu sustainibility, Jejaring radio swasta, Komunikasi Bencana, Wisata Halal, Resistensi Musisi Independen, hingga Branding Pariwisata.

🎙️Tujuh artikel kami sajikan pada edisi pertama, menemani akhir tahun 2021.



Pembelajaran Sosial Termediasi dan Aktivisme Media Sosial untuk Pola Hidup Berkelanjutan di Indonesia
June Cahyaningtyas, Wening Udasmoro, Dicky Sofjan

Jejaring Radio Swasta Sebagai Inovasi Merebut Pasar
Moh. Zaenal Abidin Eko Putro(1), Ade Haryani(2),

Model Komunikasi Keluarga Etnis Betawi dalam Memotivasi Pendidikan Tinggi dari Perspektif Anak
Maulina Larasati Putri(1), Vera Wijayanti Sutjipto(2), Marisa Puspita Sary(3)

Model Komunikasi dan Informasi Terpadu dalam Pengelolaan Bencana di Kabupaten Karo Berbasis Web
Puji Lestari(1), Eko Teguh Paripurno(2), Hikmat Surbakti(3), Dikau Mahardika Pratama(4),

Komunikasi Pemasaran Wisata Halal Di Banyuwangi dan Gunungkidul
Yani Tri Wijayanti(1),

Resistensi Musisi Independen terhadap Komodifikasi dan Industrialisasi Musik di Indonesia
Nurly Meilinda(1), Caesar Giovanni(2), Nunik Triana(3), Syanaz Lutfina(4),

Pengembangan Branding Pariwisata Maluku Berbasis Kearifan Lokal
Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella(1), Edy Prihantoro(2),

Jurnal Komunikasi
Published by Department of Communications, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Email: [email protected] | Phone: +62 274 898444 Ex 2136 | +62 813-2705-7776

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jika kita pergi ke perpustakaan kita bisa melihat berjejer ribuan karya skripsi. Karya tersebut paling banter sekadar dibuka oleh mahasiswa yang ingin merujuk atau mencari inspirasi untuk skripsi berikutnya. Bahkan banyak juga karya yang bahkan tak tersentuh. Sayang sekali rasanya. Tak sedikit hasil riset itu yang bagus dan layak untuk dipublikasi dalam jurnal, tapi hanya terpajang nyaris tak tersentuh.

Jurnal Cantrik dihadirkan untuk mewadahi penelitian mahasiswa yang berkualitas, memiliki tema menarik, kabaruan isu dan metode, ada muatan kepentingan publik yang ditulis dengan baik, juga dengan perpektif yang baik pula. Anggi Arifudin Setiadi, Managing Editor Jurnal Mahasiswa Komunikasi CANTRIK, cum dosen Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) memperkenalkan Jurnal Cantrik dalam ngobrol santai bersama di acara Teatime, International Program of Communication UII pada 29 Oktober 2021. Dalam kepentingan praktisnya Jurnal Cantrik dapat membantu kepentingan akreditasi. Dengan mahasiswa telah memiliki publikasi di jurnal, ini adalah bukti bahwa mahasiswa komunikasi UII telah memiliki tradisi penulisan ilmiah akademik.

Jurnal Cantrik terbit perdana pada bulan Mei 2021. Dengan mempublikasi lima  naskah. Terkait tema publikasi, jurnal Cantrik terbaru fokus bertemakan media sosial. Namun kedepan, bisa dengan beragam tema sepanjang masih bersinggungan dengan tema-tema komunikasi dan media.

Proses seleksi

Bagaimana cara menerbitkan karyamu di Cantrik? Pertama, buka registrasi di laman Jurnal Cantrik berikut. Kemudian ikuti proses kirim naskah dengan pertama-tama menyesuaikan naskahmu dengan template dan selingkung Jurnal Cantrik. “Naskahnya diupload saja sesuai template yang sudah disediakan. Naskah akan kami review dan ada proses editing oleh tim jurnal,” jelas Anggi selaku managing Editor Jurnal Cantrik saat diwawancarai oleh Lana, host Instagram Live ip.communication.uii.

Prosesnya kurang lebih lima bulan. Mahasiswa harus selalu cek email dan akunnya di web, karena setiap revisi dan catatan review akan dikirim via email. Selama lima bulan ini mahasiswa dan administrator Jurnal akan terus berkomunikasi. Selama lima bulan tersebut pula, penulis akan diinfokan dan dipandu untuk memenuhi beberapa hal berikut: Submit naskah, cek oleh editor lalu dikirim ke reviewer, pengecekan selingkung, cek substansi, cek similaritas (cek plagiasi) dan cek kebaruan sitasi.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If we go to the library, we can see thousands of thesis works lined up. At best, the work is only opened by students who want to refer to or find inspiration for their following thesis. Many jobs are not even touched. It’s a shame. A few of the research results are promising and deserve publication in journals, but only displayed almost untouched.

The Cantrik Journal is presented to accommodate quality student research, has exciting themes, reports on issues and methods, has well-written public interest content, and a good perspective. Anggi Arifudin Setiadi, Managing Editor of the CANTRIK Communication Student Journal, cum lecturer in Communication Studies at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), introduced Cantrik Journal in a casual chat together at the Teatime event, UII International Program of Communication, on 29 October 2021. accreditation. With students having publications in journals, this is proof that UII communication students have a tradition of academic scientific writing.

Journal Cantrik was first published in May 2021. By publishing five manuscripts. Regarding the publication theme, the latest Cantrik journal focuses on social media. But in the future, it could be with various pieces as long as it still intersects with the themes of communication and media.

Selection process

How do you publish your work on Cantrik? First, open registration at the Cantrik Journal page here. Then follow the process of submitting the manuscript by first adjusting your manuscript to the template and environment of Cantrik Journal. “Upload the manuscript according to the template provided. We will review the manuscript, and there will be an editing process by the journal team,” explained Anggi as managing editor of Cantrik Journal when interviewed by Lana, host of Instagram Live IP.communication.uii.

The process is approximately five months. Students must always check their e-mails and accounts on the web because any revisions and review notes will be sent via e-mail. During these five months, students and Journal administrators will continue to communicate. During these five months, writers will be informed and guided to fulfill the following: Submit manuscript, checked by the editor and sent to the reviewer, circumcision checking, substance check, similarity check (plagiarism check), and citation update check.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Website adalah garda depan sebuah institusi. Di mata pembaca, Website dianggap representasi citra lembaga. Maka dari itu pengelolaannya dengan baik menjadi utama. Pengelolaan yang dimaksud mencakup pengelolaan dari sisi konten statis, konten dinamis, desain grafis konten, hingga perawatan teknis sesuai branding lembaga terkait. Begitu juga dengan website di lingkungan UII.

Bidang Humas UII melakukan beberapa terobosan sejak 2020. Pertama misalnya dengan membuat apresiasi pada pengelola website di lingkungan UII baik di level unit, jurusan, dan fakultas. Kedua, membuat serangkaian pelatihan pada pengelola website mulai dari pelatihan penulisan hingga desain slider. Pada 2021, peningkatan kapasitas juga dilakukan dengan membuat pelatihan penulisan dengan teknik parafrase, desain grafis, hingga perawatan perangkat CMS (content management system). Keempat, ajang apresiasi kembali dilakukan dengan tajuk UWA 2021/ UII Website Appreciation.

Humas UII memberikan apresiasi pada website yang dikelola oleh unit Fakultas, Jurusan/Prodi, Unit layanan, Pusat Studi di lingkungan UII. Menurut Ratna Permata Sari, Kepala Bidang Humas UII sekaligus Dosen Komunikasi UII, apresiasi ini Humas UII berikan atas keikutsertaannya dalam mempertahankan citra positif Universitas Islam Indonesia di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Mafhum bahwa selama pandemi Covid-19, website jadi alat penting menjembatani layanan dan pencitraaan UII di depan mahasiswa. Baik itu membantu juga pada layanan perkuliahan, layanan informasi, layanan akademik, hingga layanan yang sifatnya suportif pada mahasiswa dan orang tua yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19. Bukan hanya mahasiswa, melainkan seluruh sivitas akademika pun mendapat manfaat dengan optimalisasi website di lingkungan UII.

Penilaian dilakukan sejak 16 Agustus hingga 6 Oktober 2021. Lalu puncaknya pada 20 Oktober 2021 Bidang Humas UII mengumumkan hasil UWA UII. Website Komunikasi UII, yang pada tahun sebelumnya meraih penghargaan pertama sebagai website dengan konten terbanyak di level jurusan, kini meraih peringkat Web dengan kategori C. Peringkat ini menunjukkan bahwa website memiliki beberapa elemen dari setiap aspek penilaian. Konten hanya beberapa yang update, seperti slider, berita, dan agenda/ pengumuman. Harus diakui, slider web Komunikasi UII saat itu belum ter-update. Sedangkan Website FPSB UII berhasil masuk dalam kategori B. Kategori ini  menunjukkan bahwa website memiliki semua elemen dari setiap aspek penilaian dan cukup update konten-kontennya, terutama slider.  Website Komunikasi UII dan FPSB UII berhasil menyisihkan 49 peserta pengelola website di UII dan 13 sisanya tidak mendapatkan penghargaan kategori apapun.

Apa Kriteria Penilaian?

Kriteria penilaian ini penting dibahas agar ke depan jajaran pimpinan dapat meningkatkan performa websitenya. Kriteria penilaian pertama adalah, website menggunakan tema standar UII. Kemudian logo unit di website harus sesuai branding UII. Traffic Kunjungan Website juga konstan dan terdaftar ke dalam Google Analytics. Kriteria berikutnya adalah konten berita dan Agenda harus up-to-date. Konten itu mencakup konten Statis, dinamis, dan gaya bahasa konten. Konten statis berisi kelengkapan konten berdasarkan menu. Sedangkan konten Dinamis berisi update berita. Gaya bahasa konten juga harus merupakan konten informasi yang jelas. Konten website informatif. Informatif ini termasuk mencantumkan alamat yang sesuai dan jelas, email yang sesuai dan aktif, dan nomor telpon kantor yang sesuai dan aktif.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Website is the vanguard of an institution. In the eyes of readers, the Website is considered a representation of the institution’s image. Therefore, good management is the main thing. The management in question includes management in terms of static content, dynamic content, content graphic design, to technical maintenance according to the branding of the relevant institution, likewise with websites in the UII environment.

The UII Public Relations field has made several breakthroughs since 2020. First, for example, by appreciating website managers within UII at the unit, department, and faculty level. Second, create a training series for website managers, from writing training to slider design. In 2021, capacity building will also be carried out by providing writing training using paraphrasing techniques and graphic design to maintain CMS (content management system) devices. Fourth, the appreciation event was again held with UWA 2021/ UII Website Appreciation.

UII Public Relations appreciates websites managed by Faculty units, Departments/Prodi, service units, Study Centers within UII. According to Ratna Permata Sari, Head of Public Relations at UII and also Communication Lecturer at UII, this appreciation was given to UII Public Relations for their participation in maintaining the positive image of the Indonesian Islamic University amid the Covid-19 pandemic. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the website has become an essential tool to bridge UII’s services and vision in front of students, whether it’s also helping with lecture services, information services, academic services, or supportive services for students and parents affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Students and the entire scholarly community also benefit from website optimization within UII.

The assessment was carried out from August 16 to October 6, 2021. Then the peak was on October 20, 2021; the UII Public Relations Division announced the results of the UWA 2021 of UII. The UII Communications Website, which won the first award as the website with the most content at the department level, is now ranked as Web with category C in the previous year. This ranking shows that the website has several elements from each assessment aspect. Some of the content is updated, such as sliders, news, and schedule/announcements. It must be admitted that the UII Communication web slider had not been updated. Meanwhile, the UII FPSB Website was successfully entered in category B. This category shows that the website has elements of every aspect of the assessment and is sufficiently updated in its content, especially the slider. The UII Communications Website and the UII FPSB succeeded in eliminating 49 participants who managed the website at UII, and the remaining 13 did not receive any category awards. 

What are the Assessment Criteria?

It is essential to discuss these assessment criteria so that the leadership ranks can improve the performance of their website in the future. The first assessment criteria are, the website uses the UII standard theme. Then the unit logo on the website must match the branding UII. Website Traffic is also constant and registered into Google Analytics. The following criterion is news content, and Agenda must be up-to-date. That content includes Static content, dynamic content, and content language style. Static content contains complete content based on the menu. At the same time, the Dynamic range has news updates. The language style of the content must also be explicit information content. Informative website content. This information includes a valid and clear address, a valid and active email, and an office telephone number.