Reading Time: 3 minutes

In 2008, an American media named Fox once interviewed media and newspapers in Indonesia. One of them is Republika. Fox interviewed Republika regarding how the press in Indonesia covers international issues. Lots of guesses, lots of assumptions. Each media has its editorial policy. Including the editorial policy is strongly influenced by the political position in which the media is located. Indonesia itself has its side in viewing international cases and separatism. How does the media behave?

“Journalists of Republika are cautious in choosing diction, sorting out sources of information, especially diction,” said Yeyen Rostiyanti (International editor of Republika Newspaper) as the Political Communications Expert Lecture on Saturday, December 18, 2021. This time the Expert Lecture took the theme Editorial Policy of Republika newspaper in Covering the Events of the Islamic World Abroad.

“For example, regarding the diction ‘armed group Hamas’, we choose Hamas Group. Or for example, in the invasion of Gaza, we call it Fall. Meanwhile, in the media other than Republika, we will call it dead,” said Yeyen explaining the editorial kitchen of Republika. According to Yeyen, that’s what distinguishes right and wrong diction. The diction can also affect the angle, She said. “This is the culprit, which can be seen from the diction,” said Yeyen.

In addition to covering Palestinian and Israeli issues, Yeyen also recounted cases of international events in the Uighur, Kashmir, Rohingya, Israel, and Palestine matters. The unresolved issue is Islamophobia (France, India, etc.). Yeyen told how Republika prioritized humanitarian and human rights issues as a basis for thinking and political attitudes in reporting. Human rights and humanitarian problems are more universal than judging these groups as separatists or rebels in a country.

Republika’s Editorial Policy

Yeyen said that all this time, Republika was also careful in choosing news sources that were used as references for international news writing. As far as news sources are concerned, Republika must be open that journalistic standards are excellent, relying on a code of ethics. That is why journalists are one of the professions protected by the Geneva Conventions that cannot be killed during the war. “For example, when we cover Palestine, we have to understand the background of the issue. If we understand the issue, we can sort and choose which news sources we choose,” She said. International news packaging is essential considering angle, diction, news sources, and writing (quotes, mention of references, etc.).

“Several times, we chose an Israeli source, the Israeli media named Hareetz, this is Israeli media, but it turns out to be raising the issue of Palestine and criticism of their government. Like this, the news value will be higher because the Israeli media itself pick it up than if we choose news sources from the Middle East when they bring up the issue of the Israeli invasion of Palestine in 2021,” Yeyen said. So, we can’t translate it ultimately. All news is raw from sources.

Yeyen has been in Republika Newspaper since 1997. She has attended international journalism training held by Reuters and Global Journalism and Social media Course training held by the US Embassy. Yeyen also has experience in conducting interviews with several world leaders. For example, She once interviewed the President of Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussein, in 2016, a matter of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Pakistan. She also questioned the head of the international red cross (ICRC / international Committee of the Red Cross), Peter Maurer, about hopes on Indonesia.

“We see from several kinds of literature, Republika which quite focused on Islamic media, t I’m only about politics. Even Republika has a rubric called Ihram which specifically talks about lifestyle from an Islamic point of view,” said Narayana Mahendra, Lecturer in Political Communication Course, explaining his goal of inviting Republika Newspaper to fill an expert lecture.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Menulis itu harus mengasyikkan. Ada beberapa kunci Dalam menulis. Pertama adalah kecepatan responsif yang itu butuh latihan. Semakin banyak membaca, kita akan terampil menulis. Juga ada yang disebut ketepatan: ini butuh metode.

“Keyword terakhir, Menulis juga butuh variasi. Jika Ingin variasi maka butuh perspektif dan teori,” Kata Daniel Susilo, sebagai pembicara workshop Penulisan Jurnal yang diselenggarakan oleh Unit Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII pada 17 Desember 2021.

Workshop ini bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas artikel yang masuk pada Jurnal Komunikasi UII. Seluruh penulis yang dinyatakan lolos tahap pertama diundang pada kesempatan ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas naskahnya masing-masing.

“Menulis artikel jurnal ilmiah dengan kualitas yang bagus bukanlah perkara mudah. Ada beberapa faktor, di antaranya kurangnya waktu, bahan tulisan karena minimnya riset, dan mungkin juga karena kurang pahamnya strategi dalam menulis jurnal ilmiah,” kata Puji Rianto, Editor in Chief Jurnal Komunikasi UII sekaligus Kepala Unit Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII pada Jumat (17/12/2021).

Daniel, yang juga adalah Editor in Chief di Jurnal Studi Komunikasi terindeks SINTA 2, memberi beberapa strategi penyiapan naskah. Yang utama dan kesalahan banyak penulis jurnal adalah memindahkan hasil laporan penelitian begitu saja, mentah-mentah. “Celakanya, penulis itu memindah saja hasil laporan penelitian ke format jurnal. Harusnya ditulis ulang,” kata Daniel.

Strategi Penyiapan Naskah

Pertama, Pastikan abstrak terdiri dari poin-poin penting seperti berisi tujuan (This article aims), metode (This research use qualitative methods), hasil (it finds that), dan kesimpulan (This article reflects on). Kedua, abstrak berisi temuan-temuan penting yang tidak menyertakan sitasi dan menyalin tempel kata-kata dari badan artikel.

Ketiga, sebaiknya penulis menulis judul dengan sederhana, singkat, atraktif, akurat, dan unik. “Kalau bisa tidak lebih dari 12 kata,” kata Daniel, yang kemudian mencoba membuka konsultasi langsung dengan melakukan permak judul pada dua naskah penulis Jurnal Komunikasi UII. Contohnya, Salah satu penulis memiliki judul lebih dari 12 kata: “Perbandingan pola pencarian informasi kesehatan berbasis risk perception attitude framework dalam kasus covid-19, studi pada wilayah rural dan urban provinsi jawa timur.” Lalu oleh Daniel disarankan menjadi, “Komparasi Pencarian Informasi Kesehatan berbasis RPA pada penanganan COVID-19 di Jawa Timur,” ketik Daniel di chat box aplikasi zoom.

Sedangkan menurut Daniel, penulis harus membuat tulisan yang meyakinkan pada bagian pendahuluan. Pastikan pendahuluan berisi permasalahan, signifikansi kajian, peta keilmuan (state of the arts) dan kebaruan (novelty), dan sudut pandang permasalahan.

Daniel menyarankan, Jika artikel telah selesai dilakukan, baca kembali naskah anda. Saat membaca ulang, pastikan alur telah ditulis dengan mengalir. Jika Anda menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, serahkan saja pada jasa proofreader untuk membantu Anda yang bahasa ibunya bukan Bahasa Inggris. Dosen Komunikasi UMN ini lalu juga meminta para penulis agar memerhatikan selingkung jurnal yang akan dituju. Jangan lupa juga cek kesamaan pada aplikasi Turnitin.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Writing should be fun. There are several keys to writing. The first is responsive speed which takes practice. The more we read, the more skilled we will be at writing. There’s also something called precision: it takes a method.

“The last keyword, writing, also needs variation. If you want variety, you need perspective and theory,” said Daniel Susilo, as a speaker at the Journal Writing workshop organized by the Journal and Scientific Work Publication Unit of FPSB UII on December 17, 2021.

This workshop aims to improve the quality of articles included in the UII Communication Journal. All authors who have passed the first stage are invited to this opportunity to improve the quality of their respective manuscripts.

“Writing scientific journal articles with good quality is not an easy matter. There are several factors, including lack of time, writing materials due to lack of research, and perhaps also because of a lack of understanding of strategies in writing scientific journals,” said Puji Rianto, Editor in Chief of the Communication Journal. UII and the Head of the Journal and Scientific Work Publication Unit of FPSB UII on Friday (17/12/2021).

Daniel, also Editor in Chief at the SINTA 2 indexed Journal of Communication Studies, provides several strategies for preparing the manuscript. The main mistake of many journal writers is to transfer the results of research reports just like that, raw. “Unfortunately, the author just transferred the results of the research report to a journal format. It should have been rewritten,” said Daniel.

Manuscript Preparation Strategy

First, make sure the abstract consists of important points such as containing the objectives (This article aims), methods (This research uses qualitative methods), results (it finds that), and conclusions (This article reflects on). Second, the abstract contains significant findings that do not include citations and copy and paste words from the body of the article.

Third, the author should write the title simple, short, attractive, accurate, and unique. “If possible, no more than 12 words,” said Daniel. He then tried to open a direct consultation by changing the title of the two manuscripts written by the UII Communication Journal writer. For example, one author has a title of more than 12 words: “Comparison of health information seeking patterns based on risk perception attitude framework in the case of COVID-19, a study in rural and urban areas of East Java province.” Then Daniel was suggested to be, “Comparison of RPA-based Health Information Search on handling COVID-19 in East Java,” typed Daniel in the chatbox of the zoom application.

Meanwhile, according to Daniel, the writer must make a convincing article in the introduction. Make sure the introduction contains the problem, the significance of the study, the state of the arts and novelty, and the point of view of the problem.

Daniel advises, When the article is done, reread your manuscript. When rereading, make sure the plot has been written with the flow. If you write in English, leave it to a proofreader to help you whose mother tongue is not English. This UMN Communications lecturer then also asked the writers to pay attention to the surroundings of the journal to be addressed. Don’t also forget to check the similarities in the Turnitin application.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

The last stage in journal publishing is the one that most often makes people complacent. Usually, when the deadline comes out, people have exhausted a lot of energy, and their focus also begins to decrease a lot. Many minor mistakes from a technical point of view, from manuscript layout to simple details such as grammar, were missed towards the end of the journal’s publication.

For this reason, the Journal and Scientific Paper Publication Management Unit of FPSB UII held Language Training for journal staff within the FPSB environment. Participants came from the management of the UII Communication Journal, Psychological Journal, Asian Journal of Media and Communication/AJMC, Psychological Intervention Journal, to the journal that will be republished, namely JEE (Journal of English Education) belonging to the UII English Education Study Program. This training is expected to improve language skills to become the last gatekeepers before the publication in the future.

“I plan to hope that these staff members can help become proofreaders at the end of the technical stages of journal publishing. Meanwhile, the lecturers who are editors can focus more look at the substance of the manuscript more deeply,” said Puji Rianto, Head of the FPSB UII Journal and Scientific Paper Publication Management Unit, at the OJS Workshop and FPSB UII Journal Management Proofreader on December 15, 2021, in Yogyakarta.

According to Puji, some mistakes that often go unnoticed appear in several forms. For example, sometimes, there are manuscripts whose paragraphs are broken during the layout process. The second example is typos and citations. Sometimes this error is not visible because it is too detailed and inserted. Saturation of looking at scripts and computer screens is also often the cause. “Therefore, I suggest we can go back to using printed dummy checks. Usually, this can help make it easier for us to find these small mistakes,” said Puji Rianto. It is hoped that this minor error can be minimized and improve the quality of journals at FPSB UII.

The following error is on the grammatical side. For example, you are writing commas, compound sentences, hyphens, writing acronyms, and first-person pronouns. Writing your words must use capital letters. “Also, note that there is no hyphen at the beginning of the sentence. Even if there is, it must be followed by a comma,” continued Puji Rianto.

Another thing that must be considered is the consistency in writing the identity and environment. Does he use English at the beginning of the title, the second line, or only in the abstract and others. This consistency is often missed because writers often fail to follow the environment in journals at FPSB UII.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Online media is now the most favorite media in the world. Young readers have now 100 percent switched to online platforms. Online news and articles are increasingly in demand by the media. Many news and articles appear. Often the content of one media with other media is similar. The writing style makes the reader-run away because it is not attractive.

Nurul Fajrikusumastuti, student of Communication Studies at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), a contributor to, provides some tricks and tips to penetrate online media. In a monthly discussion organized by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) NADIM on December 15, 2021, Nurul explained the method that has been effective since May 2021 to penetrate online media. Dozens of his writings have been published in the online media.

Communicative, not just informative!

The psychology of online readers today is different from that of book readers. Writing must be full of information, but if it is too full of data, the reader will be tired of digesting it. Online media readers are now more comfortable if they are involved in writing. “For example, we can open with little pleasantries like this: you all must have experienced traffic jams. Now imagine how it feels!” Nurul gave an example.

Keyword Hits, Hips

Perspective, The world of online media is like fighting over readers. To be read, the title and topic must be a magnet to attract readers to open the news page. For that, the title must be eye-catching. To get on the radar and appear on the main page of search engines, topics must contain keywords that are currently hit or are trending.

However, the article’s content will be very dull if the contents of one news with other news are only repeated. The author must see a different perspective, even with the same theme. “Yesterday it was viral about the artist’s accident on the toll road. Maybe what comes to mind is the chronology. But in the days ahead, the chronology theme can’t be reloaded. We have to write with the theme of the accident but with a different perspective. For example, we make a kaleidoscope of accidents for a year or other themes,” explained Nurul, who also qualified as a contributor after going through several pieces of training at the student level.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Media online kini mejadi primadona. Pembaca muda kini sudah 100 persen beralih ke platform online. Berita dan artikel online kian menjadi permintaan media. Banyak berita dan artikel betmunculan. Sering kali konten satu media dengan media lain sering kali serupa, bahan ga ya tulisannyapun membuat pembacanya lari karena tak menarik.

Nurul Fajrikusumastuti, mahasiswa Iimu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), yang sekaligus menjadi kontributor untuk, memberikan beberapa trik dan tips untk bisa menembus media online. Dalam diskusi bulanan yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM 15 Desember 2021, Nurul membeberkan caranya yang sejak Mei 2021 lalu jitu untuk menembus media online. Belasan tulisannya sudah dimuat di media online tersebut.

Komunikatif, tidak cuma Informatif!

Psikologis pembaca online saat ini berbeda dengan pembaca buku. Tulisan emang dituntut untuk sarat informasi, namum jika terlalu penuh dengan informasi, pembaca akan lelah mencernanya. Pembaca media online kini lebih betah jika mereka turut dilibatkan dalam tulisan. “Misalnya kita bisa buka dengan sedikit basa-basi begini: kamu semua pasti pernah mengalami macet. Nah kebayangkan bagaimana rasanya!” Nurul mencontohkan.

Keyword Hits, Perpektif Hips

Jagad media online seperti berebut pembaca. Untuk bisa dibaca, judul dan topik harus menjadi magnet daya tarik pembaca untuk membuka laman berita. Untuk itu judul harus eyechating. Untuk masuk dalam radar dan nongol di laman utama mesin pencari, topik harus memuat kata kunci yang kini sedang hits atau sedang trend.

Namun, konten artikel akan sangat membosankan jika isinya satu berita dengan berita lain hanya diulang-ulang. Penulis harus panda melihat perspektif berbeda, meskipun dengan tema yang sama. “ Kemarin sedang viral tentang kecelakaan artis di jalan tol. Mungkin yang terpikir adalah kronologinya. Tapi hari-hari kedepan tema kronologi kan tidak bisa dimuat lagi. Kita harus membuat tulisan dengan tema kecelakaan tapi dengan perspektif berbeda. Misal kita bikin kaleidoskop kecelakaan selama setahun, atau tema lain,” jelas Nurul yang juga lolos menjadi kontributor setelah melalui beberapa pelatihan di level mahasiswa.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Involvement in organizational and non-organizational activities opens up opportunities for improving soft skills and developing portfolios. This will be very beneficial for students who want to facilitate future career opportunities.

The discussion organized by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) NAdim Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) discussed the experiences of two students who while studying while also pursuing careers as journalists in online media, namely Purworejonews and On Wednesday, December 15th, 2021, presenting Siti Fauziah or so-called Fau (Purworejonews) and Nurul Fajri Kusumastuti (

These two UII Department of communication students work in the media by writing articles for different media. Even though they are both article writers, they have other stories in their journey.

Before becoming part of Perworejonews, Siti Fauziah was actively involved in the Student Journalist Community at UII Public Relations. The ability to write articles makes it easy to meet the needs of article writers on purworejonews.

Unlike Nurul, this 2018 communication student took part in a training organized by liputan6. This complete training, which only six people attended, provided him with many things and honed his skills in the field of journalism. After the training, seeing his excellent competence in the world of writing, Nurul was offered to be one of the contributors at since May 2021.

Nurul and Fau get several benefits by being involved in various activities. In addition to getting an honorarium for each article published, they can also develop themselves with the multiple experiences and soft skills they get in the media. “I didn’t think about getting honors at first. I just thought that this would be good for building my portfolio,” said Nurul.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tahap terakhir dalam penerbitan jurnal adalah yang paling sering membuat orang terlena. Biasanya, ketika menjelang deadline terbit, orang sudah banyak terkuras tenaganya, dan fokusnya juga mulai banyak berkurang. Banyak kesalahan-kesalahan kecil dari segi teknis penulisan, layout naskah, hingga detil-detil sederhana seperti tata bahasa luput menjelang akhir peberbitan jurnal.

Maka dari itulah, Unit Pengelolaan Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII mengadakan Pelatihan Bahasa untuk para staf jurnal di lingkungan FPSB. Peserta berasal dari pengelola Jurnal Komunikasi UII, Jurnal Psikologika, Asian Journal of Media and Communication/AJMC, Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi, hingga jurnal yang akan terbit kembali yaitu JEE (Journal of English Education) milik Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UII. Pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa sehingga ke depannya dapat menjadi penjaga gawang tweakhir menjelang terbit,

“Rencananya saya harap teman-teman staf ini dapat ikut membantu menjadi proofreader di akhir tahapan teknis penerbitan jurnal. Sementara dosen-dosen yang menjadi editor bisa lebih banyak fokus mencermati sisi substansi naskah lebih mendalam,” kata Puji Rianto, Kepala Unit Pengelolaan Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII, dalam Workshop OJS dan Proofreader Pengelola Jurnal FPSB UII pada 15 Desember 2021 di Yogyakarta.

Menurut Puji, beberapa kesalahan yang sering luput dari pandangan muncul dalam beberapa bentuk. Misalnya pertama, kadang ada naskah yang paragrafnya terputus saat proses tata letak. Contoh kedua adalah kesalahan ketik (typo) dan penulisan sitasi. Terkadang kesalahan ini tak terlihat karena terlalu detil dan tersisip. Kejenuhan memandang naskah dan layar komputer juga sering jadi sebab. “Maka dari itu, saya sarankan kita bisa kembali menggunakan pengecekan dummy tercetak. Biasanya ini bisa membantu memudahkan kita menemukan kesalahan-kesalahan kecil ini,” kata Puji Rianto. Harapannya kesalahan kecil ini bisa diminimalisir dan meningkatkan kualitas jurnal di FPSB UII.

Kesalahan selanjutnya adalah di sisi tata bahasa. Misalnya penulisan tanda koma, kalimat majemuk, tanda hubung, penulisan akronim, dan kata sapa kata ganti orang pertama. Penulisan kata anda, harus menggunakan huruf besar. “Juga perhatikan tidak ada penulisan kata hubung di awal kalimat. Jikapun ada, harus diikuti oleh tanda koma,” sambung Puji Rianto.

Hal lain yang harus diperhatikan adalah konsistensi dalam penulisan identitas dan selingkung. Apakah ia menggunakan Bahasa Inggris di awal judul atau di baris kedua, atau hanya di abstrak dan lain-lain. Konsistensi ini seringkali luput karena seringkali penulis gagal mengikuti selingkung pada jurnal di FPSB UII.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Keterlibatan dalam berbagai kegiatan baik organisasi maupun non-organisasi membuka peluang peningkatan soft skill dan mengembangkan portopolio. Hal ini akan sangat menguntungkan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin memudahkan peluang karir di masa depan.

Diskusi yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NAdim Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) mengupas pengalaman dua mahasiswanya yang sembari kuiah juga meniti karir sebagai pewarta di media online yakni Purworejonews dan Diskusi dilakukan secara daring pada Rabu, 15 Desember 2021 dengan menghadirkan Siti Fauziah atau biasa disapa Fau (Purworejonews) dan Nurul Fajrikusumastuti (

Kedua mahasiswi Imu komunikasi UII ini sama-sama bekerja di media dengan menuis artikel untuk media yang berbeda. Meski mereka sama-sama penulis artikel, namun keduanya memiliki cerita yang berbeda dalam proses perjalanannya.

Sebelum menjadi bagian dari Perworejonews, Siti Fauziah ikut terlibat aktif di Student Journalist Community di Humas UII. Kemampuan menuis artikel membauatnya mudah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penulis artikel di purworejonews.

Berbeda dengan Nurul, mahasiswa komunikasi angkatan 2018 ini mengikuti sebuah pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh liputan6. Pelatihan eksklusif yang hanya diikuti oleh enam orang ini membekalinya banyak hal dan mengasah kemampuannya di bidang jurnalistik. Usai pelatihan, melihat kompetensinya yang bagus di dunia tulis menulis, Nurul ditawari untuk menjadi salah satu kontributor di sejak Mei 2021 ini.

Nurul dan Fau mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan dengan keterlibatannya dalam berbagai kegiatan. Selain mendapatkan honor untuk setiap tulisan yang dimuat, mereka juga dapat megembangkan diri dengan berbagai pengalaman dan soft skill yang mereka dapatkan di media. “Aku nggak berpikir soal dapet honor awalnya. Aku cuma mikir bahwa ini akan bagus untuk membangun portofolioku,” ungkap Nurul.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[Diskusi NADIM] Menjadi Penulis Artikel dan Wartawan Sejak Mahasiswa

Ingin nulis artikel di media tapi bingung harus memulai dari mana? Jangan khawatir, PSDMA Nadim akan membahas hal ini.

Di hari Rabu, 15 Desember 2021 kita akan kembali mengadakan diskusi dengan tema yang berbeda dari sebelumnya.

Ke dua teman kita, @sitifauz_ dan @nfjrk akan berbagi pengalaman serta pengetahuan di dunia kepenulisan, sesuai dengan kiprah mereka selama menjadi wartawan dan kontributor di beberapa media.

Jangan lewatkan diskusi dengan tema Menjadi Penulis Artikel dan Wartawan di Media Sejak Mahasiswa! ini, ya!

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