Penampilan dari masing-masing kelompok dan penyalaan api unggun merupakan acara puncak kegiatan "Makasi 2009" atau yang lebih sering disebut MAKASI (Malam Keakraban Komunikasi) yang diadakan oleh mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Acara yang bertema "Kampoeng Komunikasi" ini, berlangsung dari tanggal 30 Oktober – 1 November 2009 di Bumi Perkemahan Sinolewah, Cangkringan, Sleman. Acara ini bertujuan untuk lebih mengakrabkan sesama antara mahasiswa baru dan untuk menumbuhkan rasa kekeluargaan bersama sebagai mahasiswa Komunikasi UII.


Volume 1, Nomor1, Oktober 2006

ISSN 1970-848X


Cultural Capital Apparatus:

Relasi Kuasa Bisnis dan Media dalam Globalisasi


Oleh  Muzayin Nazaruddin




            In front of global capitalism, the state is no longer be a main power. The sources and power relations upon the society are getting more complicated. But, one thing we have to say directly, power transition from state to business power which is run by multinational corporations is now happening. This transition brings neoliberalism ideology as the only one epistemology that reducts human as homo economicus. In this historical context, mass media and entertainment industries become a part of business power along with their orientation to accumulate the capital. Media and entertainment industries become one of capital apparatuses, cultural capital apparatus to be exact.

This thesis can be proved by a main-general phenomenon: media indutries are becoming more and more concentrated, and the dominant players are the huge global media conglomerates. This media conglomeration become a clarifier for the interest’s bias of the stakeholders in media reporting, media content uniformity, decline of the journalistic’s quality, media information commercialitation, and orientation to the entertainment programs. Media content uniformity barely campaign banalitation of thought, hedonism, consumerism and commercialitation in almost all parts of life. All of them is in the line with the neoliberal ideology that being carried by the media itself.


Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya


Volume 3, Nomor 2, April 2009

ISSN 1970-848X


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): the Communication Challenge

Oleh: Dyah Pitaloka, SH., MA


Corporate Social Responsibility has now face a new challenge. Skepticism and untruthful reaction from public and stakeholders rise as a form of response toward the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility.  Latest research in England found that UK’s biggest corporation facing the same condition as the public level of trust declining and skepticism towards corporate efforts rising up (Hawkins, 2005). This negative perception and skepticism toward the CSR messages communicate by the corporate has a matter of fact become challenge for the future development of the practice of CSR. Moreover, the response given by the media, pressuring groups and other significant groups in the community cannot be considered as a friendly and supportive action. It takes more than just a 30 second spots of TV commercial to build public trust and support. Detail information gained from an open dialogue with various stakeholders will give a better picture of how people think, hope, expect from corporation and its action.

Penerbit :
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya






Volume 3, Nomor2, April 2009

ISSN 1970-848X


Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility Responsibly


Oleh: Nia Sarinastiti



Menjalankan dan mengkomunikasikan mengenai upaya perusahaan dalam menjalankan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR, Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan) sangat beragam.  Namun seringkali komunikasi lebih mengutamakan pada pandangan perusahaan bukan mengutamakan pada pandangan stakeholder, atau partisipasi mereka dalam program CSR tersebut.Tulisan ini berusaha mengangkat bagaimana sebaiknya mengkomunikasi program CSR secara layak (dan bertanggung jawab) untuk dikembangkan oleh perusahaan sebagai bagian dari aktivitas public relations/corporate communication mereka.Dalam tulisan ini akan membahas upaya yang dilakukan oleh Accenture – konsultan manajemen dan teknologi – dalam mengkomunikasikan aktivitas CSR mereka.


Key words:

Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Relations, Corporate Communication, corporate giving, etika komunikasi


Penerbit :
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya



[1] Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Unika Atma Jaya – Jakarta dan Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Pasca Sarjana Universitas Indonesia.  Konsultan komunikasi Multi Donor Fund dan Java Reconstruction Fund untuk Bank Dunia dan Senior Advisor Marketing & Communication untuk Accenture.


Volume 3, Nomor1, Oktober 2008

ISSN 1970-848X


Ideologi Islam dalam Kebijakan Redaksional Harian Umum Republika:

Analisis Wacana Kritis tentang Pemberitaan Konflik PKB dan Film Fitna


Oleh: M. Exsa Firmansyah


This research focus on Islamic ideology in the redactional policy, that was one of the internal factor when creating a Republika news product towards PKB conflict, Ahmadiyah cult and Fitna controversy. The analysis of content at PKB’s conflict was shown Republika’s neutral display. Its neutral display was shown by the theme, the option of people who was being the source. While, at the Fairclough text analysis, Republika was shown the negative effect from  that conflict which didn’t have  the good effect for two sides, but could bring the negative effect for the party. For  the news of Ahmadiyah,  the content analysis was shown Republika’s position  as  one  side  which  against  Ahmadiyah  with  used  perception  that Ahmadiyah  is untrue  side. From the research the researcher done, there`s a conclusion that islamic ideology in the Republika redactional policy, can be categorized as the form of conservative Islamic ideology.



Volume 3, Nomor1, Oktober 2008

ISSN 1970-848X


Konglomerasi Media dan Konstruksi Praksis Demokrasi Pasca Rezim Orde Baru: Sebuah Refleksi Awal

Oleh Nyarwi



                After the post New Order Regime Soeharto, the Indonesian mass media industries have been developing their self as media conglomeration model. Some group of media industries manufactured their symbolic reality based on the power of commoditization of their business networking industries of broadcasting industries, newspaper industries and also multimedia industries as a part of  new  media competitions.  This paper will examine and reflected the impact of media conglomeration of mass media industries on pratical construction of Indonesia democracy after Post New Order Soeharto. The media duty as empowering of  the public interest is the missing important thing among the owners of media industries, journalist, politician and civil society.


Penerbit :
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya


Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII bekerjasama dengan Komisi Penyiaran Daerah (KPID) Yogyakarta, menyelenggarakan seminar di Ruang Sidang MSI UII Demangan Yogyakarta, pada Hari Kamis, 8 Oktober 2009, pukul 16.00 – 17.30 WIB. Seminar publik ini mengkritisi berita gempa di televisi yang terjadi di Daerah Sumatera Barat. Hadir sebagai pembicara yaitu Hendry Subiyakto. MA (Staf Ahli Menteri Komunikasi & Informatika RI dan Dosen FISIP Universitas Airlangga Surabaya), dan Rachmat Arifin (Ketua KPID Yogyakarta) sebagai narasumber.


Volume 3, Nomor1, Oktober 2008

ISSN 1970-848X


Analisis Konglomerasi Industri Pers Daerah di Indonesia:

Pendekatan S-C-P

Oleh Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf


                The Structure, Conduct, and Performance or known as S-C-P usually used to observe the structure and competitions in industry, including mass media. Mass media structure, with its centralistic-concentrated ownership as the indication in Indonesian local press, sice they have to flight in a tough national press competition whosw ownerships are concentrtated in some publishing groups. The analysis that used to capture local press conglomeration in the oligopoly market is Structure-Conduct-Performance approach.


Penerbit :
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya



Volume 3, Nomor1, Oktober 2008

ISSN 1970-848X


Negotiating Mass Media Interest and Heterogeneous Muslim Audience

 in the Contemporary Social-Political Environment of Indonesia

Oleh Ishadi S.K


                Sejarah industri radio dan televisi Indonesia dapat dibagi dalam tiga era kekuasaan otoritatif. (1) Era Monopoli Pemerintah 1962-1990. (2). Era Quasimonopolitik: pemerintah memberi izin lima pemilik stasiun televisi baru (RCTI, SCTV, TPI, Anteve, dan Indosiar), dan (3) Era persaingan Bebas-pasca-reformasi 1998. Setelah jatuhnya Presiden Soeharto dan pelantikan pemerintahan yang baru di bawah B.J Habibie, pemerintah melepaskan kontrol atas media, termasuk televisi. Kontrol sekarang ditentukan pasar. Mencakup ketiga era era seluruhnya, orang muslim indonesia, yang merupakan populasi mayoritas (90% dari total populasi), tidak pernah disediakan peluang proporsional program siaran bertema Islam. Satu-satunya masa kemenangan Islam atas kepentingan media adalah sepanjang bulan suci Ramadhan, ketika semua muslim wajib puasa dan taat beribadah, televisi didominasi program bertema Islam. Sepanjang Ramadhan, program berkarakter Islam mendominasi layar televisi dan siaran radio, termasuk media cetak. Setelah Ramadhan, segalanya kembali berbalik ke bentuk semula. Mengapa Islam gagal memperluas kemenangannya di bulan setelah Ramadhan? Mungkinkah mengendalikan “antusiasme Ramadhan”, bahkan setelah bulan suci Ramadhan telah lewat di negara di mana Islam agama mayoritas? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut dianalisi dalam tulisan ini.


Penerbit :
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya



Volume 3, Nomor1, Oktober 2008

ISSN 1970-848X


Industri Perfilman Bollywood:

Evolusi Hiburan di Tengah Kemiskinan



                The victory of Slumdog Millionare by winning 8 out of 10 nominations in Oscar 2009 is not only a recognition to Anil Kapoor, Dev Patel and Frieda Pinto’s wonderful acting but also a proof that Bollywodd movies can compete with Hollywood’s. Through this glorious moment, the world’s eyes are on to Bollywood, a movie industry which produces more than 800 movies per year. This is such an amazing achievement above all the poverty and political issues that have been major problems in this second most-populated country in the world.


Penerbit :
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya