This article is a follow-up article from this article,

Imam Mujiono also, in his lecture, commented on how good the new FPCS UII Mosque was. The prayer room, which the Dean built at the end of the term of the Dean of FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori, had just been completed three days ago when this event was held. According to Imam, along with constructing a co-working space called Ruang Bahagia located in the Master of Psychology Room of FPSB UII, it became a unit for student development at FPCS.

Imam Mujiono, a speaker at the FPCS UII Grand Recitation in the context of the 27th Milad of FPSB UII, believes that it is time for lecturers and educators (and staff) to contribute to the prosperity of prayer rooms and mosques on campus and around their homes. This is an effort to develop the religious life of students and the community around the campus, said Imam, at the event, which was held on Saturday, May 28, 2022. The FPSB UII Grand Recitation was held in the framework of the 27th Anniversary of FPSB UII, which was broadcast live from the first online TV at UII named Ikonisia TV, belonging to the UII Communication Department.

“Let’s prosper the mosque; whoever is the congregation in this faculty, we will immediately approach the mosque. It is like if we are close, we will surely enter the mosque easily,” said Imam to the audience.

“Well, if you are not close, you will probably not come to the mosque. So let me invite all of us so that if there is an offer to become the mosque manager, just hurry. So that if you are close to the mosque, when there is a call to prayer, it will be easy to walk. At least it is in Magrib prayer. Ha-ha,” he said. While joking, it would be unique if UII’s academic community rarely went to the mosque.

“I once again hope that the lecturers and staff of this faculty will be willing to become managers at nearby mosques. Because student development is not only on campus, On-campus, the coaching may only take six hours. But coaching can also be done by the mosque manager closest to students. Mosque managers can involve and develop students around the mosque,” said Imam, who, according to his confession, has always been an activist for being a mosque manager since he was a student until now as a lecturer.

“From the student days, when I moved around on every place I lived, until now, I’m still a mosque manager. The difference is, I’m about to retire and change the mosque management, uh, I was asked to be on the Board of Trustees, so I’m still mosque manager too. I truly can not resign. Ha-ha,” he said with a chuckle.

In the past, the story goes, he made the campus mosque a center for student and community development. “In the afternoon, we provide these long tables for student coaching. Then in the afternoon, we can use these long tables for the Quran education for the children of the surrounding community. I don’t know how it is now. This story was before,” he said nostalgically to used to be a student.

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Why do prayers often go unanswered? How to make it easier for prayers to have the possibility of being answered? These questions often arise in every human effort to pray to the divine. Sometimes people don’t know when their prayers will be answered and how their efforts and endeavors can produce the expected results.

Imam Mujiono, a lecturer, said at the FPSB UII Grand Recitation, expressed the same thing in the context of the 27th Milad of FPCS UII. The event, which was held on Saturday, May 28, 2022, occupies at the FPCS UII Mosque, which has just been renovated for three days. This recitation program was conducted in a hybrid way (online via Zoom and Youtube broadcast live by UII Communications Department, Online TV “Ikonisia TV” and offline at the Mushola).

Ud’uuni astajib Lakum (Almu’min: 60) and Fal Yastajibuu lii wa Yu’min Billah (Al Baqarah: 186). If you want prayers to be heard, the key is to follow this verse of Allah,” said Imam Mujiono, a Lecturer in the Program Islamic Religious Education Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies, UII.

According to Imam, people often want something but do not understand why prayer does not come true. “Even though the SOP in Islam is clear. If you want something, pray to me,” said Imam. “The word ‘me’ is referring to Allah. Not referring to the magician, not to shamans, not to superiors, etc.”

Then the next thing is to carry out the commandments of Allah. Each order, according to Imam, means SOP (Standard Operational Procedure). “Follow the SOP. If you want to make a stall that sells well, make an SOP so that people are interested in coming,” said Imam. The stalls should be clean, and the service should be polite, the prices are cheap, and don’t forget to ask Allah, the owner of the fortune, not the traditional healer or shaman, said Imam.

Then after that, humans are asked to believe and believe in the provisions of Allah. “So, pray that don’t hesitate to Allah. You must be sure that You will achieve everything you ask to God,” he added.

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Imam Mujiono juga dalam ceramahnya, ikut mengomentari begitu bagusnya Mushola FPSB UII yang baru ini. Mushola yang dibangun di akhir masa jabatan Dekan FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori, ini baru saja selesai tiga hari saat pengajian ini dilaksanakan. Menurut Imam, bersamaan dengan dibagunnya co-working space yang disebut Ruang Bahagia yang bertempat di Ruang Mapro FPSB UII, menjadi satu kesatuan pembinaan mahasiswa di FPSB.

Imam Mujiono, penceramah dalam Pengajian Akbar FPSB UII dalam rangka Milad ke-27 FPSB UII, berpendapat sudah saatnya Dosen dan Tendik juga ikut memakmurkan mushola dan masjid di kampus maupun di sekitar tempat tinggalnya. Ini adalah upaya mengembangkan kehidupan beragama mahasiswa dan masyarakat di sekitar kampus, kata Imam, pada acara yang diselenggarakan pada Sabtu 28 Mei 2022 ini. Pengajian Akbar FPSB UII ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka Milad ke-27 FPSB UII yang ditayangkan Live dari TV online pertama di UII bernama Ikonisia TV milik Prodi Komunikasi UII.

“Mari kita memakmurkan masjid, siapapun jamaah di FPSB ini, segera kita mendekat dengan masjid. Ibaratnya kalau kita dekat itu kan pasti kita akan mudah masuk masjid,” ajak Imam pada hadirin.

“Lha kalau nggak dekat boro-boro datang ke masjid. Jadi mari saya mengajak kita semua agar kalau ada tawaran menjadi takmir, disegerakan saja. Supaya kalau dekat dengan masjid, ada panggilan azan itu bakal mudah kaki melangkah. Minimal magriblah. Hehe,” katanya sembari berkelakar, betapa uniknya jika sivitas akademika UII jarang ke Masjid.

“Saya sekali lagi berharap dosen dan tendik FPSB UII berkenan menjadi takmir-takmir di masjid-masjid terdekat. Karena pembinaan mahasiswa tidak hanya di kampus. Di kampus pembinaannya hanya mungkin enam jam. Tapi pembinaan juga bisa dilakukan oleh takmir masjid terdekat dengan mahasiswa. Takmir bisa ikut melibatkan dan mengembangkan mahasiswa di sekitar masjid,” kata Imam, yang menurut pengakuannya adalah selalu aktif menjadi takmir sejak mahasiswa hingga sekarang.

“Dari jaman mahasiswa, jaman pindah-pindah ngontrak, sampai sekarang, saya masih takmir. Bedanya, sudah mau pensiun ganti pengurus takmir, eh diminta jadi Dewan Pembina, ya tetap takmir juga, hehe,” ujarnya sambil terkekeh.

Dulu, ceritanya, ia menjadikan masjid kampus sebagai pusat pembinaan mahasiswa dan masyarakat. “Kalau siang meja-meja panjang ini kami sediakan untuk pembinaan mahasiswa. Lalu sorenya meja-meja panjang ini bisa kita gunakan untuk taman pendidikan quran anak-anak masyarakat di sekitar. Saya tidak tahu kalau sekarang bagaimana. Ini dulu sih,” katanya nostalgia pada jamannya dulu menjadi Mahasiswa.

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