Indonesia’s many natural potentials, both natural and artificial tourism, are an attraction for anyone to see and visit. Not only tourists but also photographers who record and show it to the world. Many of these extraordinary natural beauties are untouched and have yet to be enjoyed by many people.

Some of the points above are Fathur Hidayanto’s reasons for making a photographic work to fulfill his Final Project at the end of his study period at the Department of Communication at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The results of his work and creative process were appreciated by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) Nadim Communication Department at UII. Fathur Hidayanto was invited to share his innovative approach to finally complete the “Portrait of the Enchantment of Indonesia’s Hidden Gems in landscape photography in Yogyakarta”. The discussion was held online on Thursday, November 17, 2022.

Apart from being personally amazed at photographing nature’s beauty, Fathur, a 2019 batch of UII Communications students, was also encouraged by his enthusiasm to advance Small and Micro Entrepreneuship/ SME (UMKM) and Yogyakarta’s tourism industry. “The choice of the landscape is also appropriate to contribute to advancing Jogjakarta’s  tourism and SMEs in the surrounding community,” said Fathur when presenting his journey to work on his final project.

Three Important Stages of Final Assignment

Fathur said three important stages need to be carried out in working on this type of Final Assignment/Thesis. First, Fathur had to make a plan called pre-production. Then carry out the planning in the production period. Next, Fathur didn’t just stop there. After the photo shoot during the production period, he also carried out several post-production processes.

In the pre-production period, said Fathur, photographers can make preliminary observations of which areas, spots, or points they want to take the pictures. After that, based on the observational data, students can immediately create concepts, routes, route planning, financing, and choosing and determining the right cameras and tools for the production process.

Whereas in the next stage, during the production period, the photographer can already carry out the previous plan. Photographers can immediately execute by taking photos of landscape documentation at location that have been previously observed. This shooting also considers the angle/point of view and time (morning, afternoon, or evening), including estimating the right and supportive natural light.

After the photographer has finished executing the planned photos on location, the next stage is post-production. At this stage, according to Fathur, students who will be doing their final project can determine what final result or output they will choose. For Fathur, he decided the result of his work to be an offline photo exhibition and book publication. Fathur said this process costs up to one million rupiahs.

Bagaimana pesona Hidden Gems Indonesia?

PDMA Nadim akan melaksanakan diskusi bulanan yang bertema “Potret Pesona Hidden Gems Indonesia Dalam Fotografi Landscape Di Yogyakarta Tahun 2022”

🗓 Kamis, 17 November 2022
⏰ 15.00 WIB

Ayoo gabung!!!

In the study of communication, games are rarely included in the radar of studies considered important. In the past, gaming was just a useless that was done in spare time. But now, the face of the game has changed. Hundreds or even thousands of games are produced every month. Even games have become a business field that generates billions of rupiahs. 

Some of these reasons motivated Andi M. Rafli Manggabarani to research games to be researched as the ultimate task of completing his undergraduate studies in communication science at UII. The results of his research were then responded to positively by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) of Nadim Communication Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in a discussion. The discussion on October 21, 2022, was moderated by Latifika Gupita, a UII communication student. 

The research conducted by Andi was entitled “Agonistic Relationship in Single-Player Game and the construction of Vilain in Video Game Narrative multimodal proceduralist analysis of Assassin’s Creed III.”

Why did Andi research this? The development of the video game discourse was very rapid in the early 90s and early 2000s, starting to research and analyze games. There was even the first gaming conference in the 2000s. “Unfortunately, the reality is different in Indonesia. Research on games is quiet in Indonesia. Even though games are big business now,” said Andi.

Game studies, said Andi, are interdisciplinary studies. That is, the game can be viewed from various perspectives. It can be viewed from various elements. Such as the program, artistic, visual, narrative, musical, and others. “In the past, gaming was seen as leisure and recreation. Even now, it has been recognized as a sport,” said Andi. 

Andi explained that the game studies that had been analyzed so far, on average, the rest revolved around the depiction of women in video games and several similar ones. Even though the game has other elements that can be said to be unique. For example, the game design itself. “In fact, the elements of this research have not appeared much. This game has its own plot and all kinds of elements (game design), but this is what distinguishes games from movies, books, and others,” said Andi rigidly. 

“The game I chose to discuss was Assassin’s Creed III. This game series is very identical, always packaging the game in the concept of history in all its games,” he said. Andi explained that the game developer, Ubisoft, always consults with historians so that the built games can provide the most accurate picture possible of the setting (place) and historical context. This game has also sold 155 million copies as of October 2020. 

This game tells the story of two secret organizations named Assassin and Templar. The game developer takes the background and historical context of the American revolution that wants to be independent of Britain. Both Templar and Assassin, These two organizations exist to lead human civilization to peace, prosperity, and technological and intellectual progress.

However, both have different approaches to achieving their goals. Assassins believe that humans can progress in an atmosphere of civilization that is full of freedom. While Templar thinks that humans need to be guided and governed. The Templars admitted that they were the most worthy of arranging this. In this video game, the Templar represents a villain (the evil party).

Andi’s research aims to uncover how villains (evil characters and concepts) are built from game design and narrative elements in this game. Game developers image the Templars and values ​​that they believe are considered evil. Andi’s research also wants to reveal what values ​​are considered evil by the Ubisoft game developer and, lastly, what makes someone a ‘villain.’

This question stems from Andi’s assumption why Templars and Assassins are imaged differently even though they have the same goal: prosperity and peace.

More details can be seen on the IKONISIA TV channel


Media life in Indonesia lost a lot after the departure of Amir Effendi Siregar (AES). This media thinker and guardian of media democratization in Indonesia is the cornerstone of media management studies and the forerunner of UII’s Communication Study Program. Many are inspired by and imitate the thoughts of AES. This is especially the case after the publication of Amir Effendi Siregar’s book “Against Capital Authoritarianism” in the Thought and Movement of the Democratization of the Media.

Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, UII Communications Lecturer, student and successor of Amir in two institutions (UII Communications and PR2Media), noted the exemplary characteristics of AES’ thinking. He sees AES thinking always brings up four things. These four things are the characteristics that make AES’ thinking timeless. In addition, AES’s passion for science can also be seen from this characteristic.

First, AES’s thinking is always accompanied by a philosophical study. This is characteristic of studying things from the roots, from philosophy. “He always philosophically talks about big macros, then secondly, his thoughts always bring up data,” said Iwan, a doctoral graduate from Monash University, Australia, at the Book Discussion via Zoom, which was held on Saturday, July 10, 2021.

The involvement of the data for every AES’s writing shows that AES is always based on empirical data. It constantly updates and relates to the latest conditions.

In addition to philosophy and data, said Iwan, Bang Amir also did not forget to compare practices in other countries. “In fact, he often argues between data and data. Usually, for example, AES always emphasizes seeing India and other countries that are socially similar,” said Iwan recalling the time when AES was still alive and active in PR2Media.

The fourth characteristic, AES thinking, is always contextualised and refers to the constitution. This reference to the constitution makes AES’ thinking always worth considering in reviewing and updating regulations. This includes AES studies on media technology in the digital era.

“Where I study, Monash University no longer uses the word new media because new media is relative. So digital media is used,” said Iwan. “New media will become old media in time,” he added. No matter how advanced the development of technology and media is, the keyword remains the same, namely democracy, with a keyword that AES often mentions as diversity.



Business and media management are studies that are not widely used as special courses or majors in communication campuses in Indonesia. Not many people focus on being both a reviewer and a practitioner at the same time. Amir Effendi Siregar (AES), the founder of the Department of Communications at UII, and PR2Media, is one who presents media management studies in a complete definition.

Media management dimensions based on the AES definition, said Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, are mapped into six dimensions. Iwan extracts these six dimensions from the definition made by AES on media management. “The first is media management with management principles and processes. This dimension includes philosophical, methodological, and practical levels,” said Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, a doctoral student at Monash University, Australia, on July 10, 2021.

Iwan spoke as one of the authors in a book entitled The Book Against Capital Authoritarianism. The book is a collection of AES Thought and Movement writings from AES students, friends, and associates. This book was reviewed and launched on July 10, 2021, collaborating with PR2Media, UII Communications, and SPS. This discussion was also held to commemorate the 17th Anniversary of UII Communications and PR2Media’s 11th Anniversary. Both institutions are institutions where AES is the founder and foundation.

Iwan said there is also a second dimension of Media Management which essentially examines the position of the media as an industry and the media as an institution. What is the character of the media as an industry, and the role of the media as a press institution, for example. 

It is also important for media managers, said Iwan quoting AES, to determine the direction of the media paradigm. “The market paradigm or the propaganda/missionary paradigm,” said Iwan. Defining this paradigm is the third dimension that AES often puts forward.

Furthermore, assessing media management must also pay attention to the environmental context as the fourth dimension. That is, how the existing media system in a region or country affects Media Management.

The media management study will also look at the fifth dimension, namely the development of technology in terms of impact and anticipating it. While the sixth dimension, AES also often explains that scholars must study media management based on its usefulness as a science. Especially benefits for those who study and society in general. 

Bisnis dan Manajemen media adalah kajian yang tak banyak dijadikan mata kuliah khusus atau jurusan di kampus-kampus komunikasi di Indonesia. Tak banyak pula orang yang memfokuskan diri menjadi pengkaji sekaligus praktisi dalam satu waktu. Amir Effendi Siregar (AES), pendiri Komunikasi UII dan PR2Media, adalah salah satu yang menhadirkan kajian manajemen media dalam sebuah definisi yang komplit.

Dimensi Manajemen Media berdasarkan definisi AES, kata Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, terpetakan menjadi enam dimensi. Enam dimensi ini disarikan oleh Iwan dari definisi yang dibuat oleh AES tentang manajemen media. “Pertama adalah pengelolaan media dengan prinsip-prinsip dan proses manajemen. Dimensi ini mencakup level filosofis, metodologis, dan praktis,” kata Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, mahasiswa doktoral di Monash University, Australia, pada 10 Juli 2021.

Iwan bicara sebagai salah satu penulis dalam buku berjudul Buku Melawan Otoritarianisme Kapital. Buku itu adalah kumpulan tulisan Pemikiran dan Gerakan AES dari murid, teman, dan sahabat AES. Pembicara lain adalah Dr. Rahayu, wakil ketua PR2Media dan Editor buku ini. Buku ini dibedah dan diluncurkan pada 10 Juli 2021 atas kerjasama PR2Media, Komunikasi UII, dan SPS dan dipandu oleh Ignatius Haryanti sebagai moderator. Diskusi ini juga digelar sebagai peringatan Milad ke-17 Komunikasi UII dan Ulang Tahun ke 11 PR2Media. Kedua lembaga tersebut adalah lembaga dimana AES menjadi pendiri dan peletak dasarnya.

Iwan mengatakan ada pula dimensi kedua Manajemen Media yang intinya mengkaji posisi media sebagai industri dan media sebagai institusi. Apa karakter media sebagai industri, dan peran media sebagai institusi pers, misalnya.

Penting juga pengelola media, kata Iwan mengutip AES, menentukan arah paradigma medianya.

“Paradigmanya pasar atau paradigma propaganda/ misionaris,” kata Iwan. Menentukan paradigma ini menjadi dimensi ketiga yang sering dikemukakan AES.

Selanjutnya, mengkaji manajemen media juga harus memperhatikan konteks lingkungan sebagai dimensi keempat. Maksudnya, bagaimana sistem media yang ada dalam suatu kawasan atau negara mempengaruhi Manajemen Media.

Kajian manajemen media juga akan melihat dimensi kelima yaitu perkembangan teknologi dari sisi dampak dan bagaimana mengantisipasinya. Sedangkan dimensi keenam, AES juga sering menjelaskan bahwa manajemen media harus dikaji berdasarkan kegunaanya sebagai ilmu. Terutama manfaat bagi mereka yang mempelajari dan masyarakat pada umumnya.


Public broadcasting is a must. Public broadcasting is here to fulfill the public’s right to quality and high-quality information. From here, the public will become a civilized society because they are educated with information. With information, people can organize themselves and improve their quality of life and civilization. So, public broadcasting must be present as a counterweight. 

“In countries with advanced democracies, the existence of public broadcasting is very much needed for balance,” said Darmanto, Program Manager for the Change House of the Public Broadcasting Institution (RP LPP) in the Book Discussion Against Capital Authoritarianism Volume 2, on Saturday, July 3, 2021. the Department of Communications UII held this discussion with cooperation by PR2Media, and SPS to commemorate and perpetuate Amir Effendi Siregar’s thoughts. Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) is the founder of the Department of Communications and PR2Media, two key institutions in communication and Media studies in Indonesia. 

Darmanto is one of the authors of a book containing a collection of writings by AES students, friends, colleagues, and colleagues on democratization thinking and the media movement. According to Darmanto, one of AES’ most important thoughts is about publicity and public broadcasting. The existence of public broadcasting is important in a country with a democratic system. Public broadcasters in developed countries also tend to be strong, independent, and professional institutions. 

The reason for the existence of public broadcasting, said Darmanto, was to draw on the thoughts of AES to serve the public interest. “The raison d’etre of public broadcasting is for that, serving the public interest,” said Darmanto. Public broadcasting, therefore, must be an independent institution from various fields. Be independent in terms of human resources, editorial, to finance. 

According to AES, said Darmanto, in terms of independence, HR management at RRI TVRI is still a problem. Not to mention, because LPP fulfills the public interest, it needs special regulations or laws that provide an umbrella for public broadcasting to be more independent on all fronts. 

The discourse on public broadcasting has long shifted towards the term public service media (public service media). It relies not only on broadcast media but also on any media with a wider scope in the internet era. “Even in Scandinavian countries, in 2003, they released a book on public service media,” said M. Kabul Budiono, TVRI’s Supervisory Board, who was also a speaker on the occasion. 

Amir Effendi Siregar is not only a thinker, he is also the initiator of many media movements and activists, as well as an ideologue of broadcasting democracy. This is not easy to find nowadays. AES thinking is broad and diverse. This can be a valuable lesson for future generations, especially in UII of Department of Communications.

Kristiawan said AES’s thinking spans from political economy, regulation, broadcasting and includes the press and media regulators. According to Kristiawan, AES is also the driving force behind KIDP (Independent Coalition for Broadcasting Democratization).

“There are two praxis of Bang AES that I think are unique from the typology of Bang AES, the first is advocacy practice,” said Kristiawan in a book discussion Against Capital Authoritarianism, Amir Effendi Siregar in Media Democratization Thoughts and Movements, the first volume, at the Zoom Meeting Saturday , June 26, 2021.

“To be honest, Bang Amir said, it’s because of you, Wan. I’ve been living quietly; you pulled me here. That was around 2009. At that time, I was still at the Tifa foundation. A new actor in broadcasting democracy,” Kristiawan said. “If we go back to those years, the democratization movement for broadcasting was almost zero. At that time, Maksi (Indonesian communication and information society) started before KIDP. Then we created KIDP,” said Kristiawan.

According to Kristiawan, this is a milestone in the democratization of broadcasting. At that time, the KIDP movement raised the issue of media ownership in Indonesia as a problem from the start, “and I am grateful that this movement is so massive and strong that it ended up being tested for interpretation in the Constitutional Court (MK). That was AES’s first practice.”

Meanwhile, according to Kristiawan, the second praxis is managerial praxis. AES is willing and able to manage Warta Ekonomi magazine. “This requires other thinking skills. One goal is to criticize, the other is to sell. I think this is unique. And this confirms if we pull it up again, that Bang Amir’s style of thinking is indeed a social democrat style,” said Kristiawan later.

According to him, AES does not reject industry, does not reject capitalism, but how to tame capitalism to support the quality of life together, “or in the term decent capitalism, that is what Bang Amir often raises.”

In addition, Kristiawan also said the AES thinking model. “I want to emphasize in this forum that the building of Bang Amir’s thinking does not only stop at the micro and meso levels, but also reaches the macro level. In my term, the ideological horses are powerful,” said Kristiawan. Epistemologically, he said, AES’s thinking is very strong and consistent not only in action but also in logic.

“I think one thing that is not the focus of Bang Amir is a content analysis which is very micro. I see that AES is not interested here, except I don’t know,” added Kristiawan.

Nina Mutmainnah, as the editor of this book, also shared stories about AES. “This is very important in the history of broadcasting in Indonesia, because this group (KIDP) in 2011 conducted a test of interpretation of the ownership rules in the Broadcasting Law to the Constitutional Court. We know that the issue of media ownership is also an issue that is overseen by Bang Amir,” said Nina Mutmainnah, Lecturer at the UI Communications Department, as a speaker with Kristiawan.

The book, which was launched in conjunction with the 17th Anniversary of UII Communication and 11th Year of PR2Media, contains the writings of many authors representing students, colleagues, friends, and even teachers. For example, there were R. Kristiawan, Puji Rianto, Ade Armando, M. Heychael, Ignatius Haryanto, Nina Mutmainnah, and Eduard Lukman, who spoke at the level of AES thinking about political economy. Wisnu Martha Adiputra, Masduki, Hermin Indah Wahyuni, Darmanto, Ezki Soeyanto, Rahayu, and Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf wrote about Publicity and Public Broadcasting. Meanwhile, Wisnu Prasetya Utomo, and AP Wicaksono wrote Bang AES’ thoughts on the student press.

Topics The first part was discussed for the first time on Saturday, June 26, 2021. The topic of discussion this time presented the deputy writer R. Kristiawan (National Coalition for Broadcasting Reform), and the deputy book editor, namely Dr. Nina Mutmainnah (UI Communication Lecturer). Dr. Eni Maryani from UNPAD Communications, was also present as a discussant and was guided by moderator Mufti Nur Latifah, MA (UGM Communications Lecturer).

According to Nina, AES has also repeatedly stated in various writings that she believes that one indicator of a democratic country is the guarantee of Freedom of Expression, Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, diversity of voices, diversity of content), and diversity of ownership. AES emphasizes this that this must be maintained and guarded. Like what he wrote in 2014 in his book entitled Escorting the Democratization of the Media.



Amir Effendi Siregar tak hanya menjadi pemikir, ia juga adalah inisiator banyak gerakan dan aktivis media, juga ideolog demokrasi penyiaran. Inilah yang tak mudah ditemukan kini. Pemikiran AES sangat luas dan beragam. Ini bisa menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi generasi penerus, terutama di Komunikasi UII.

Kristiawan mengatakan, pemikiran AES membentang dari ekonomi politik, regulasi, penyiaran dan termasuk pers dan regulator media. Menurut Kristiawan, AES juga adalah yang memotori KIDP (Koalisi Independen untuk Demokratisasi Penyiaran).

“Ada dua praksis Bang AES yang menurut saya unik dari tipologi bang AES, yang pertama praksis advokatif,” kata Kristiawan dalam diskusi buku Melawan Otoritarianisme Kapital, Amir Effendi Siregar Amir Effendi Siregar dalam Pemikiran dan Gerakan Demokratisasi Media, jilid pertama, pada Zoom Meeting Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021.

“Ini terus terang, Bang Amir bilang, ini gara-gara kamu, Wan. Aku udah hidup tenang-tenang kamu tarik ke sini. Itu sekitar tahun 2009. Aaat itu saya masih di yayasan Tifa. Saya menggalang aktor-aktor baru di demokrasi penyiaran,” kata Kristiawan menceritakan. “Kalau kita tarik ke tahun-tahun itu, gerakan demokratisasi penyiaran saat itu hampir nol. Waktu itu mulanya Maksi (masyarakat komunikasi dan informasi indonesia), ini sebelum KIDP. Lalu berikutnya kami bikin KIDP,” ungkap Kristiawan.

Menurut Kristiawan, ini adalah milestone dalam demokratisasi penyiaran. Saat itu gerakan KIDP adalah mengangkat isu kepemilikan media di Indonesia sebagai problem sejak awal, “dan saya bersyukur gerakan ini sangat masif dan kuat lalu berujung di uji tafsir di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Itu praksis pertama bang AES.”

Sedangkan praksis kedua, menurut Kristiawan, adalah adalah praksis manajerial. AES mau dan mampu mengelola majalah Warta Ekonomi. “Ini menuntut keterampilan berfikir yang lain. yang satu tujuannya mengkritik, yang satu tujuannya jualan. Saya kira ini unik. dan ini menegaskan, kalau kita tarik ke atas lagi, bahwa memang corak berpikir Bang Amir ini corak sosial demokrat,” ungkap Kristiawan kemudian.

Menurutnya, AES tidak menolak industri, tidak menolak kapitalisme, tetapi bagaimana menjinakkan kapitalisme itu agar menunjang kualitas kehidupan bersama, “atau istilahnya decent capitalism, itu yang sering diangkat Bang Amir.”

Selain itu, Kristiawan juga mengatakan model berpikir AES. “Saya di forum ini ingin menegaskan, bangunan pemikiran Bang Amir tidak hanya berhenti dalam level mikro dan meso, tapi sampai level makro. Istilah saya, kuda-kuda ideologisnya sangat kuat,” papar Kristiawan. Secara epistemologis, katanya, pemikiran AES ini sangat kuat dan konsisten tidak hanya dalam tindakan tapi juga dalam logika.

“Saya kira satu yang tidak jadi fokus Bang Amir itu di content analysis yang sangat mikro. Saya lihat bang AES tidak tertarik ke sini, kecuali saya tidak tau,” imbuh Kristiawan.

Nina Mutmainnah, sebagai editor buku ini juga urun cerita tentang AES. “Ini penting sekali dalam sejarah penyiaran di Indonesia, karena kelompok ini (KIDP) pada 2011 melakukan uji tafsir terhadap aturan kepemilikan dalam UU Penyiaran ke Mahkamah konstitusi. Kita tahu isu kepemilikan media juga jadi isu yang dikawal oleh Bang Amir,” kata Nina Mutmainnah, Dosen di Departemen Komunikasi UI, saat menjadi pembicara bersama Kristiawan.

Buku yang diluncurkan seturut dengan Milad 17 Tahun Komunikasi UII dan 11 Tahun PR2Media ini memuat tulisan banyak penulis yang mewakili murid, rekan, sahabat, dan bahkan guru. Misalnya ada R. Kristiawan, Puji Rianto, Ade Armando, M. Heychael, Ignatius Haryanto, Nina Mutmainnah, dan Eduard Lukman, yang bicara di level pemikiran AES soal ekonomi politik. Wisnu Martha Adiputra, Masduki, Hermin Indah Wahyuni, Darmanto, Ezki Soeyanto, Rahayu, dan Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf menulis soal Kepublikan dan Penyiaran Publik. Sedangkan Wisnu Prasetya Utomo, dan A. P. Wicaksono menulis pemikiran Bang AES tentang pers mahasiswa.

Topik Bagian pertama didiskusikan pertama kali pada Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021. Topik diskusi kali ini menghadirkan wakil penulis R. Kristiawan (Koalisi Nasional Reformasi Penyiaran), dan wakil Editor Buku yaitu Dr. Nina Mutmainnah (Dosen Komunikasi UI). Dr. Eni Maryani dari Komunikasi UNPAD, juga hadir sebagai pembahas sekaligus dipandu oleh moderator Mufti Nur Latifah, MA (Dosen Komunikasi UGM).

Menurut Nina, AES juga berulang-ulang menyampaikan dalam berbagai tulisannya, bahwa ia meyakini satu indikator negara yang demokratis adalah terdapatnya jaminan Freedom of Expression, Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, diversity of voices (Keberagaman suara), diversity of content (keberagaman konten), dan diversity of ownership (keberagaman kepemilikan). AES menekankan hal ini bahwa hal ini harus terus dijaga dan dikawal. Seperti apa yang ia tulis pada 2014 pada bukunya yang berjudul Mengawal Demokratisasi Media.

Nothing is left behind when someone has died except charity, pious children, and useful knowledge. The wealth of knowledge is one of the charity and knowledge of the late Amir Effendi Siregar (AES). The knowledge heritage is in the form of books, thoughts, and students who pursue deep thinking.

That was the response from Aditya Siregar, the eldest son of Amir Effendi Siregar at the Launching of AES Corner and the thought book of AES friends and students, on Saturday (19/6/2021). Aditya said he is grateful to his father’s colleagues, friends, students, and everyone who knows his father. He Thanks those who have given testimony and immortalized and cared for AES books and AES collections in the AES corner catalog. He hopes those can be useful knowledge and good deeds for his father in the afterlife.

AES corner is a reading corner for all the works of AES, who is also the UII Department of Communications founder, from books of thought to his lifelong collections. AES corner contains 638 collections and 577 books ever written, compiled, and collected by AES. The language is also diverse. Starting from Indonesian to English.

Several collections in English appeared as his collection when he continued his studies at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at The University of Iowa, United States. There are many collections there. From the 1980s to the 1990s. The themes also range from journalism, democracy, communication, ideology, and political economy.

“In the end, we hope that AES corner can become a reference for academics and students. AES Corner also could be the reference for media and communication studies enthusiasts who want to enjoy AES thinking. AES Corner is located at the Nadim, The Center and Documentation of Alternative Media Studies (PSDMA) at UII. Nadim is also located on the slopes of Mount Merapi,” said Masduki, one of the lecturers of the Department of Communications UII. Masduki also a colleague of AES at the PR2Media think tank (Media Regulatory and Regulatory Monitor Institution).

Remarks and Messages from Colleagues

Several colleagues, friends, and students were present on this occasion. We can mention, for example, Paulus Widiyanto. Paulus is a figure who became the chairman of the special committee on the Broadcasting act at the Indonesia House of Representatives. This act became a milestone in media democratization. There was also Prof Alwi Dahlan who also gave a speech at the beginning of the event. He said the waves (frequency, red) belonged to the citizen as AES was fighting for.

Even said Prof. Alwi that Prof. Priyatna Abdurrasyid, who is an expert in outer space law, also said about the waves (frequencies). Priyatna said that the waves are the right of the people. Professor Alwi wants to say that because this is the people’s right, the waves cannot be traded to the private sector.

“Hopefully the younger generation, who studies communication, will also be willing to study the technology. Otherwise, those of us in the social sciences will just nag all the time. Then we will always be preceded by the owners of capital who are the core concerns of AES,” said Alwi in front of the audience.

Apart from these two, there are also other AES friends, students, and colleagues present. Such as Nina Mutmainnah from Universitas Indonesia/ UI, Puji Rianto from Universitas Islam Indonesia/ UII. Ade Armando from UI and Darmanto from BPSDMP of the Ministry of Communication and Information also joined the zoom. Asmono Wikan, Eduard Lukman, Rahayu, and several which were his students at UGM, UII, UI, and journalists and media activists in Indonesia also joined. All of them hope to immediately emulate the work and ideas of democratizing AES media at the AES Corner managed by PSDMA Nadim Communications UII.