Alumni Stories: Does Campus Experience Contribute to KOMPAS?

This writing continued from here.

The world of work is not about playing. So you need a portfolio and values ​​that have been seriously built since college. Check out the experiences of the following UII Communication alumni working at KOMPAS. From here, you can learn what and how to manage your potential and self-worth to become added value when you enter the world of work.

For example, Ridho Ilham, an alumnus of UII Communication 2017 who is now a Marketing Communication at Kompas Gramedia (KG) Media, said his job at Marcomm was to create awareness for brands, “The way to create awareness is to use IMC integrated Marketing Communication that we have learned on campus,” said Ridho to the students participating in the Communication Field Trip (CFT), an event series of visits to several professional world institutions. CFT was attended by dozens of UII Communication students from 6 to 8 December 2022. On that occasion, on the second day of the visit, they learned from UII Communication alumni who work at Kompas Gramedia (KG) Media.

Another alumnus, Rizal Rizaldi, who used to be active and was PR for KOMPOR (UII communication film community), is now the KOMPAS TV Digital Socmed team, “My work is editing vertical videos for KOMPAS TV, TIKTOK and Facebook Reels.” Apart from them, other communication alumni were not present that day. They are Fara and Hafidz, who are journalists at Kompas.

According to Ridho, as a student a few years ago, first, he had to build self-value. Value is a value that becomes a person’s guide through a career and life. “We start from the first internship. If we want to be serious about the internship, it can become a value,” he said. Previously Ridho was PR at Tinder and Master Card. This 2021 graduate said none of this would have happened if he didn’t want to take the risk of doing an internship in Jakarta, and maybe he wouldn’t have made it to KG Media. “I learned a lot, maybe I wouldn’t be at KG media if I didn’t do an internship at the previous place. I went to Jakarta, but I didn’t get anything financially, but from there I learned a lot and formed my values,” said Ridho sharing his early experience of trying his luck in Jakarta.

Dare to Change Zones for the sake of Value

“For you, what values ​​do you bring from campus to compass?” asked Arrozi Effendi, a 2010 Communication alumni who is now Head of PR KG Media, continuing the question on Diast Reyhan Rafif, Alumni class of 2017 who is now a Community Specialist at KOMPAS Daily. According to Diast, the experiences and values ​​he has built since college were by being active in the community and student activities in the Editorial Community and Himakom in the past. “The point is, we have to have the courage to get out of our zone. From Jogja to Jakarta. If you say the campus has contributed, that’s for sure, used to take care of the Editorial community, KLIK, KOMPOR etc., it contributed a lot, UII Communication contributed so much to me being able to work at KG Media ,” Diast recalled.

Arrozi advised that attitudes and behavior while in the world of study and work will greatly determine our future work. “Watch your attitude, wherever you are. Keep a good attitude at your place of study and work. Because no matter what, we at KG Media are responsible for your performance during your internship here, including later when asked for recommendations from your next workplace, ” said Arrozi ordered.