Recently, a variety of digital content has increased. Content producers are scattered on the lines of YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Not to mention the covid-19 pandemic whacked. The increase was up to 20 percent.

In the midst of millions of digital content, choosing a suit content of citizens is important. “The first time, you have to know, what are your characteristics in the content that you create later,” said Ichsan Permana P or known as Mas Aik, content creator and author of the book Nanti Kita Sambat on Saturday (31/10). Mas Aik was present in a series of welcoming activities for new students of the UII Communication Science Study Program at Incoms (Introduction to Communications) 2020.

2019, Incoms raised Greenations and around efforts to protect the environment by re-popularizing the 3R idea. But, this in Incoms 2020 this time took the theme ‘The Future of Ours’. This theme tries to invite new students to investigate the development of communication from time to time and its contribution. Of course this is closely related to the strengthening of online culture during the pandemic.

On Incoms 2020 occasion, the committee invited Mas Aik to his Webinar so that new students can be inspired to create inspiring and positive digital content. Mas Aik shared by giving an example of his experience creating content at @merawatjogja before finally deciding to create @NKSTHI content.

For Mas Aik, apparently only a few need to be prepared to become a content creator. First, said Mas Aik, characteristics must be in digital content. “What kind of figure will you become? Now, in order to have your own characteristics, we need to learn how to show our character in the media,” said Mas Aik with the appearance of his studio.

Writing is the key to creating content. Writing is basic. It can be developed with structured thinking. He can also be married to hobbies, such as drawing. Mas Aik gave an example. He is very happy to draw. So he strengthens the content with his drawing skills. “I got a lot from drawing,” added Aik.

Either strengthening the characteristics, writing as the key to strong content, must be strong as well. No content is created without writing. According to him, learning to write must start from, for example, creatively managing the structure of writing, unique ideas, so that later strong writing can be transformed into other packaging for digital content. For example, converted into video packaging, pictures, photos and others.

One thing is Mas Aik’s main point of emphasis when becoming a content creator. The requirement to become a content creator is to develop a hobby into content. “What you can, what do you enjoy, yes you have to really focus there, then your content will be strong and inspiring,” he added.


Belakangan, menjamur beragam konten digital. Produsen konten bertebaran di lini youtube, instagram, facebook, twitter, hingga tiktok. Belum lagi pandemi covid-19 mendera. Peningkatannya mencapai hingga 20 persen.

Maka di tengah berjuta konten digital itu, pemilihan konten yang sesuai cita rasa warganet menjadi penting. “Pertama kali, kalian harus tahu, apa ciri khas kalian dalam konten yang kalian buat nantinya,” kata Ichsan Permana P atau populer dengan nama Mas Aik, content creator dan penulis buku Nanti Kita Sambat hari ini, pada Sabtu (31/10). Mas Aik hadir dalam salah satu rangkaian kegiatan penyambutan mahasiswa baru Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII di Incoms (Introduction to Communications) 2020.

Jika pada Incoms 2019 tema yang diangkat adalah Greenations dan seputar upaya menjaga lingkungan dengan mempopulerkan kembali gagasan 3R, maka incoms kali ini berbeda. Incoms 2020 kali ini mengambil tema ‘The Future of Ours’. Tema ini mencoba mengajak mahasiswa baru menelisik perkembangan komunikasi dari zaman ke zaman dan kontribusinya. Tentu ini erat sekali dengan menguatnya budaya daring di masa pandemi.

Pada kesempatan Incoms 2020 ini panitia mengundang Mas Aik dalam Webinar-nya agar mahasiswa baru terinspirasi membuat konten-konten digital inspiratif dan positif. Mas Aik bercerita dengan memberi contoh pengalamannya membuat konten di @merawatjogja sebelum akhirnya memutuskan membaut konten @NKSTHI.

Bagi Mas Aik, rupanya hanya sedikit yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk menjadi content creator. Pertama, kata Mas Aik, ciri khas harus ada dalam konten digital. “Kalian akan menjadi sosok seperti apa? nah, supaya punay ciri khas, kita perlu belajar bagaimana menunjukkan karakter kita di media,” kata Mas Aik dengan penampilan dari studionya.

Menulis adalah kunci membuat konten. Menulis adalah dasar. Ia bisa dikembangakn dengan pemikiran yang terstruktur. Ia juga bisa dikawinkan dengan hobi, misalnya menggambar. Mas Aik mencontohkan dirinya. Ia sangat senang sekali menggambar. Maka konten-kontennya ia kuatkan dengan kemampuan menggambarnya. “Banyak banget yang aku dapat dari menggambar,” tambah Aik.

Selain menguatkah ciri khas, menulis sebagai kunci konten yang kuat, juga harus dipelajari. Tak ada konten yang dibuat tanpa menulis. Menurutnya, belajar menulis harus dimulai dari misalnya kreatif mengelola struktur tulisan, gagasan unik, hingga nantinya tulisan yang kuat bisa diubah menjadi kemasan lain konten digital. Misalnya diubah menjadi kemasan video, gambar, foto dan lain-lain.

Satu hal yang menjadi poin utama penekanan Mas Aik ketika menjadi content creator. Syarat menjadi content creator adalah dengan mengembangkan hobi menjadi konten. “Apa yang kamu bisa, apa yang kamu senangi, ya kamu harus benar-benar fokus di sana, barulah kontenmu menjadi kuat dan inspiratif,” imbuhnya.

Fresh graduates will really need information about the world of work and what recruitment is like in a company. On October 27, Communication Science invited Maharani Ayu, a human resource management from CBn. But not only fresh graduates, students who want to have a career in a certain company must also have this knowledge.

Guided by Ratna Permata Sari, Lecturer in Communication Studies at UII, this discussion answered all the needs of job applicants and also what kind of qualifications the employees want in the world of work.

This discussion answers the following questions whether GPA is considered a lot when applying for a job, what are the criteria for a preferred applicant, how to get a CV to attract attention, how to negotiate a salary, how to deal with trapping questions in recruitment.

In the work life, friends must perform their best. so the most important thing is self-development both in skills and soft skills such as leadership, adaptability, teamwork and so on. Companies like us hatu that all companies want to increase profits so that they will look for people who are able to make it happen by having high-skilled and solid employees. From there we know that companies will like people who have integrity, are adaptive, and communicative.

Maharani Ayu gave the material in a very relaxed manner and thoroughly explored how recruitment is done and what is necessary and what should not be done in applying for a job. He also gave an idea that the world of work is fun too. so that the CV can also show hobbies, which are also considered. The world of work is not just work, because in a large company, employees need a solid team. So they need time to play together as well as during August there will be various competitions or family gatherings. Hobby is an important thing to consider when applying. “There are also friends who say, if the recruitment is looking for a child who can play basketball or badminton, then our team will win,” said Maharani.


Fresh Graduate akan sangat membutuhkan informasi tentang dunia kerja dan seperti apa sih rekrutmen di perusahaan. pada 27 Oktober, Ilmu Komunikasi mengundang Maharani Ayu, seorang people Management dari CBn. Tapi tak cuma fresh graduate, mahasiswa yang ingin berkarir di peusahaan tertentu juga harus punya pengetahuan ini.

Dipandu oleh Ratna Permata sari, Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi UII, diskusi ini menjawab semua kebutuhan pelamar kerja dan juga seperti apa sih kuliafikasi karyawan yang diinginkan di dunia kerja.

Diskusi ini menjawab pertanyaan berikut apakah IPK banyak dipertimbangaka saat melamar pekerjaan, seperti apa kriteria pelamar yang disukai, bagaimana agar CV menarik perhatian,bagaimana menego gaji, bagaiamana mengatasi pertanyaan yang menjebak dalam rekruitmen.

dalam dunia kerja, teman teman harus perform yang terbaik. sehingga yang paling penting adalah pengembangan diri baik secara skill ataupun soft skill seperti leadership, kemampuan adaptasi, team work dan lain sebagainya. Perusahaan sperti kita hatu bahwa semua perusahaan ingin meningkatkan keuntungan sehingga mereka akan mencari orang yang mampu mewujudkan dengan memiliki karyawan yang berkemapuan tinggi dan solid. Dari situ kita tahu bahwaaperusahaan akan suka dengan orang-orang yang memiliki integritas, adaptif, dan komunikatif.

maharani Ayu memberikan materi dengan sangat santai dan mengupas tuntas bagaimana rekruitment dilakukan dan apa saja yang perlu dan tidak boleh dilakukan dalam melamar pekerjaan. Dia juga membrikan gambaran bahawa dunia kerja itu juga menyenangkan. sehingga dalam CV pun bisa ditampilkan hobi, yang ternyata juga dipetimbnagkan. Duni akerja itu tidak semata bekerja, kaerana dalam senuah perusahaan besar, karyawan butuh tim yang solid. Sehingga mereka butuh waktu untuk bermain bersama juga saat momen agustusan akan diadan berbagai lomba ataupun family gathering. Hobi menjadi penting untuk dipertimbangkan saat melamar.”ada juga teman yang bilang, kalau rekruitmen cari anak yang bisa main basket atau badmminton, biar nanti tim kita menang,” ujar Maharani

Menjelang Ujian Tengah Semester (daring) akan berlangsung pada awal November 2020 mendatang. Demi menjaga kelancaran ujian tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan pembagian jadwal ujian tiap mata kuliah dalam Progam Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII untuk Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021. Berikut Jadwal Ujian Tengah Semester (Daring) Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021. Unduh di tombol berikut ini.

Is it possible to use quantitative methods to explain a historical process that is highly qualitative? How can the history of public opinion be viewed through an agenda setting perspective? Kunto Adi Wibowo, one of the speakers in a series of scientific discussions at the UII Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum, said that it is possible to do.

“There is one article on how to use this agenda setting as a historical review of public opinion. How is the reasoning of the quantitative agenda setting fit to history which is identical to qualitative,” said Kunto as was broadcast live on the Uniicoms Channel TV on Saturday (24/10).

Kunto, Director of the KedaiKOPI Survey Institute (Indonesian Public Opinion and Discussion Group), said that it is possible to use quantitative to explain a historical process. “We are forced to reconstruct how opinion is distributed within a certain time,” he said.

However, apart from reconstructing how opinion is distributed within a certain time, “secondly we must also answer how public opinion is defined. Then third, the agenda setting also talks about effects,” explained Kunto. “What is the effect of the media / public and policy makers in this historical context. At least, the effort is to reconstruct the impact of public opinion on certain policies,” he added.

Kunto has long focused on research on public science, misinformation, and the effects of algorithms on political opinion and attitudes. Later, this Ph.D. from Wayne State University, received a grant from WhatsApp to research misinformation in the 2019 Election.

Kunto explained three strategies in tracing the history of public opinion. “Now, these are three historical public opinion strategies,” he explained in the Zoom Conference sharing screen that morning.

The three strategies that must be answered are: first, how is ‘agenda setting’ statistical reasoning adjusted to history? Second, how public opinion is defined, then third, issues must also be clearly defined and the relationship between variables understood in the dynamics of opinion formation. Especially the press, their readers and policy makers.

For a long time, actually, the use of agenda setting for historical analysis of public opinion. Kunto gave an example of what G. Ray Funkhouser did in his study in 1973. Funkhouser conducted his research by first exposing several layers of agenda setting.

“He explained the matching of the ‘content analysis’ study in the media with the real world. It turns out that this is not match, media analysis content with real events,” said Kunto disclosing Funkhouser’s research published in the Public Opinion Quarterly.

“Media settings are not the same as, for example, American deaths in Vietnam are actually few. Media settings about racial cases are not the same as real events. Cases of victims of violence between blacks and whites are not as many as news settings,” said Kunto. Funkhouser entitled The Issues of the Sixties: An Exploratory Study in the Dynamics of Public Opinion.

“This explains that the media do agenda setting to create public opinion,” said Kunto. In turn, indirectly, to imitate what Funkhouser did, the history of American public opinion at that time was clearly set by the media setting agenda. Public opinion is controlled and tug-of-war with construction by the mass media.



Apakah mungkin menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk menjelaskan sebuah proses sejarah yang sangat kualitatif? Bagaimana mungkin sejarah opini publik dilihat dengan kacamata agenda setting? Kunto Adi Wibowo, salah satu pembicara dalam rangkaian diskusi ilmiah Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) UII, mengatakan bahwa hal itu justru sangat memungkinkan dilakukan.

“Ada salah satu tulisan bagaimana menggunakan agenda setting ini sebagai kajian opini publik secara historis. Bagaimana reasoning agenda setting yang kuantitatif itu fit pada sejarah yang notabene identik dengan kualitatif,” kata Kunto sebagai pembicara Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) yang disiarkan langsung Channel Uniicoms TV pada Sabtu (24/10).

Kunto, Direktur Lembaga Survey KedaiKOPI (Kelompok diskusi dan Kajian Opini Publik Indonesia), mengatakan bahwa kita sangat mungkin menggunakan kuantitatif untuk menjelaskan sebuah proses sejarah. “Kita dipaksa merekonstruksi bagaimana distribusi opini dalam waktu tertentu,” katanya.

Namun, selain merekonstruksi bagaimana distribusi opini dalam waktu tertentu, “yang kedua kita harus juga menjawab bagaimana opini publik didefinisikan. Lalu ketiga, agenda setting bicara juga soal efek,” jelas Kunto. “Bagaimana efek dari media/ publik dan pembuat kebijakan dalam konteks sejarah itu. Setidaknya, usahanya kan merekonstruksi dampak opini publik pada kebijakan tertentu,” imbuhnya.

Kunto telah lama fokus pada penelitian tentang ipini publik, misinformasi, dan efek algoritma pada opini dan sikap politik. Belakangan, peraih Ph.D dari Wayne State University, ini mendapatkan hibah dari WhatsApp untuk meneliti misinformasi pada Pemilu 2019.

Kunto menjelaskan tiga strategi dalam melacak sejarah opini publik. “nah ini tiga strategi historical public opinion (sejarah opini publik),” paparnya dalam layar berbagi Zoom Conference pagi itu.

Tiga strategi yang harus dijawab itu adalah pertama, bagaimana penalaran statistik ‘agenda setting’ disesuaikan dengan sejarah?. Kedua, bagaimana opini publik didefinisikan, lalu ketiga, Isu-isu juga harus didefinisikan dengan jelas dan hubungan antar variabel dipahami dalam dinamika pembentukan opini. Khususnya pers, pembacanya, dan pembuat kebijakan.

Sudah sejak lama sebenarnya, penggunaan agenda setting untuk analisis sejarah opini publik. Kunto memberi contoh apa yang dilakukan G. Ray Funkhouser dalam studinya pada 1973. Funkhouser melakukan riset dengan mula-mula mendedah beberapa lapisan agenda setting.

“Ia menjelaskan pencocokan studi ‘content analysis’ di media dengan dunia nyata. Ternyata nggak match ini, content analisis media dengan kejadian nyata,” kata Kunto mengungkap penelitian Funkhouser yang terbit di Public Opinion Quarterly.

“Setting media tidak sama dengan misal kejadian kematian warga Amerika di Vietnam yang sebenarnya sedikit. Setting media soal kasus ras tidak sama dengan peristiwa nyata. Kasus korban kekerasan antara kulit hitam dan putih tidak banyak seperti yang di-setting berita,” papar Kunto soal penelitian Funkhouser berjudul The Issues of the Sixties: An Exploratory Study in the Dynamics of Public Opinion.

“Ini menjelaskan bahwa media melakukan agenda setting untuk menciptakan opini publik,” kata Kunto. Pada gilirannya, secara tidak langsung, menyontoh apa yang dilakukan Funkhouser, sejarah opini publik amerika pada saat itu jelas di-setting oleh agenda setting media. Opini publik dikendalikan dan tarik menarik dengan konstruksi oleh media massa.


Dr. Rer. Soc. Masduki, Dosen Komunikasi UII, pada Selasa, 20 Oktober 2020, akan hadir menjadi panelis. Ia akan menjadi salah satu yang bicara tentang Digital Humanities: Kolaborasi Lintas Entitas untuk Penyajian Data Publik di Webinar besutan Asosiasi Media Siber Indonesia (AMSI). Pembicara selain Masduki adalah Sapto Anggoro-CEO, Eva Danayanti-DIgital Humanities Specialist, University of Colorado Boulder, Mike Verawati-Sekjed Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia.

Diskusi akan diselenggarakan pada pukul 15.00-17.00 WIB lewat Live Youtube AMSI dan Zoom Meeting.

Menurut penyelenggara, Digital Humanities atau humanisme dijital menjembatani publik sehingga dapat mengakses informasi di dunia dijital saat ini. Digital humanities menempatkan kolaborasi beragam pihak, menyebarkan informasi, menciptakan visualisasi data, melakukan inovasi sehingga data menjadi informasi yang dapat membawa nilai-nilai humaniora. MAnfaatnya menyentuh pelbagai pihak seperti NGO, kampus, media, dan banyak lagi dalam mengakses data dan memahaminya sehingga ia bisa menggunakannya untuk kepentingan sehari-hari.

Sila hadir dan temukan temuan-temuan menarik dari kajian Dr. Rer. Soc. Masduki dari Komunikasi UII dengan cara mendaftar sesuai tautan yang tertera pada poster berikut ini.




Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar:
Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Sesi 15)


Pisau Agenda Setting untuk Analisis Sejarah Opini Publik


Kunto Adi Wibowo, Ph.D

Ph.D dari Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. Memiliki fokus penelitian tentang opini publik, misinformasi, dan efek algoritma pada opini dan sikap politik. Peneliti dan Direktur Lembaga Survey KedaiKOPI (Kelompok DIskusi dan Kajian Opini Publik Indonesia). Penerima hibah penelitian dari WhatsApp untuk meneliti misinformasi pada Pemilu 2019.


Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2020
Pukul 09:30 WIB
Via Zoom


Discussion at the Amir Effendi Siregar Forum (AES Forum) # 14 on October 17, 2020, began to converge on micro history discussions. The forum, which was initiated by PSDMA NADIM Communications at the Islamic University of Indonesia, tries to see how history uses newspapers to see social reality.

This discussion is still related to the previous discussion expressed by Rianne Subijanto regarding the development of historical studies. Rianne said that in the 1970-1980s historians criticized studies that looked solely at the history of great people or great tragedies. The role of the little people (read: ordinary people) and daily events are never taken into account.

The Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) of NADIM, UII Communication Science Study Program, collaborated with Eunike Gloria Setiadarma to present her research using the perspective of ordinary people to see the historical dynamics and socio-political realities at that time. To be precise, Eunike used the writings of Kwee Thiam Tjing (KTT) and his wife (Nie Hiang Nio) in various newspapers published in the pre- and post-independence period. The historical approach she uses is a micro-historical approach, namely a historical approach that narrates history in the light of ordinary people.

“This summit is quite mysterious because it took Ben Anderson 40 years to find out who Tjamboek Berdoeri wrote ‘Indonesia dalam Api dan  Bara’ as a book,” said Eunike. With various efforts, Ben was finally able to find and write a book reviewing who the Summit was. Ben imagined that the Summit was a journalist, he had a high insight into nationality.

He often criticized natives and Chinese people who oppressed natives. Summits are often written in oral style about his everyday world. “Sometimes the summit also writes about his wife and even his neighbors, or mentions someone’s name,” said Eunike.

However, in this study, Eunike does not want to see the figure of the Summit as a critical journalist and political activist with a national perspective who often writes about the socio-political world from local circles. Eunike drew the summit figure from a journalist and activist in a local context. Insightful summits become commoners. She is a summit who is a husband, a father, and an ordinary human being in a married society that has nationalism and critical awareness.

Seeing the writings of the Summit and his wife (Nie Hiang Nio), who often tell about children and the kitchen being the dominant activity area for the wife, she is criticized for how to dress, feels happy when buying clothes, gets angry when her husband doesn’t help her in the kitchen. All of that do not want to see the Summit become a patriarchal figure. “That does not interest me,” said Eunice.

From this research, Eunice saw that the house was a reflection of the contestation of a nation and community along with the complexity of life that colored it. “I named it nation at home,” said Uenike. Some points that Eunike highlighted are first, women become a manifestation of male anxiety between wanting to maintain or throw away the traditional and outdated side and not lose the identity of ‘western’ modernity.

Second, the husband-wife-child relationship becomes an awareness of the social reality of the community and a projection of social progress. Third, the dynamics of feelings and emotions are an important part of the community maintaining.