
The Fear of Missing Out: Why Gen Z Struggles with FOMO and How to Overcome It

The Fear of Missing Out: Why Gen Z Struggles with FOMO and How to Overcome It

Have you ever questioned the side effects of being part of this fast-paced generation? Growing up in a world dominated by social media and rapidly changing trends, it’s no surprise that FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) has become a defining issue for Gen Z, a generation often seen as materialistic and easily influenced. FOMO can be simply defined as the fear or anxiety of missing out on important events or life decisions that could have a positive impact. While this phenomenon can affect people of any age, Gen Z struggles with it the most due to the constant exposure to social media and the pressure to keep up with trends.

When exploring why FOMO is a common phenomenon among Gen Z, the main causes are social media influence and comparison culture. These factors make them feel as if they are constantly missing out, leading to dissatisfaction with their current lives. Moreover, FOMO can impact various aspects of life, including lifestyle choices and spending habits. A 2023 report by Credit Karma revealed that 40% of people—especially Gen Z—overspend and go into debt to keep up with their friends and escape the feeling of being left out.This cycle of comparison, spending, and dissatisfaction fuels a never-ending loop of FOMO, making it a defining struggle for Gen Z.

Beyond its effects on lifestyle and spending habits, FOMO also significantly impacts Gen Z’s productivity by making it difficult to focus on long-term goals. The constant urge to stay updated on social media or attend every event leads to frequent distractions, reducing their ability to concentrate on academic or professional tasks. Instead of dedicating time to self-improvement or career development, many prioritize short-term gratification, such as scrolling through social media or participating in unnecessary social activities. Additionally, FOMO can cause procrastination and indecisiveness, as individuals delay important tasks out of fear that they might miss out on something better. This cycle of distraction and hesitation not only lowers productivity but also increases stress and burnout.

I experienced this firsthand during my last year of high school. I felt pressured to take extra chemistry courses simply because most of my classmates were doing so. Even though I knew my school lessons were sufficient, I followed the crowd, which disrupted my study schedule and consumed more of my time. As a result, I became overwhelmed, and a month before my final exams, I was too burned out to study effectively. I had focused more on what others were doing instead of what actually worked for me.

Ultimately, FOMO doesn’t just affect emotions—it creates a pattern of inefficiency and lack of direction, making it harder for Gen Z to stay committed to personal and professional growth.

The best way to overcome FOMO is by practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present. Instead of constantly worrying about what others are doing, Gen Z should prioritize genuine experiences that bring them happiness, regardless of how they appear online. It is also essential to recognize that social media does not reflect reality—people only share their highlights, not their struggles. Understanding this can help shift the focus from comparison to self-acceptance. Additionally, setting healthy digital boundaries, such as limiting social media use or taking breaks, can reduce FOMO and improve overall well-being. By embracing self-awareness and personal fulfillment, Gen Z can break free from the cycle of constantly chasing what they think they’re missing out on.

FOMO has become a major issue for Gen Z due to social media and digital culture, fueling anxiety and dissatisfaction. However, by practicing mindfulness, setting digital boundaries, and prioritizing real-life experiences, it’s possible to break free from this cycle. Start small—take a social media break, practice gratitude, or focus on real connections. Embracing the present is the key to overcoming FOMO and living a more fulfilling life.



Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita