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Time management
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Graduating from school to university presents both excitement and challenges. School life offers structured schedules, guidance from parents and teachers, while university life offers freedom, independence, and responsibility, requiring students to learn crucial skills.

During their first year, students should develop time management and goal-setting skills to balance personal and academic lives, create direction, and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

First-year students usually struggle with the new demands of university life. It is challenging for them to manage their time effectively between classes, study, do extracurriculars, and manage their personal lives; moreover, these students who still have not developed any kind of skills usually spend their time on unimportant tasks and then end up stressing about the delayed ones. To navigate these obstacles and have a smoother university life, students should start working on their fundamental soft skills and focus more on the two main skills.

The importance of time management:

A big workload and no clear structure make managing time essential, especially during the first year. “Time management is the process of planning, organizing, and prioritizing tasks and activities to make the best use of your time. It involves setting goals, creating schedules, and making conscious choices about how to allocate your time to various tasks and responsibilities”. Students who use their time wisely will be able to finish tasks without hurrying at the last minute and keep up with their class while also making time for hobbies, friends, and rest, leading to a balanced university life.

Time-blocking is one of the effective techniques for time management; it involves focused work periods followed by breaks. For example, a student may set aside two hours each day to study and take brief breaks to unwind. This method helps keep focus and prevents tiredness. As a first-year student, this method was a turning point for me. It effectively helped me to set my priorities right and have enough time to finish my list without stressing.

Why Goal Setting is Essential:

Goal setting is a skill that involves identifying a specific target or outcome, breaking it down into smaller, manageable tasks, and setting a timeline. It also plays a significant role as an aspect of time management and as a fundamental soft skill. It increases motivation and

Based on the workshop “Goal Setting & Time Management” delivered by Miss Wanadya Ayu Krishna Dewi on October 28, I learned about the SMART method. This approach to setting goals involves making sure that each goal is:

  1. Specific: Clearly defining what you want to achieve.
  2. Measurable: Ensuring there are criteria to track progress and completion.
  3. Achievable: Setting realistic goals within your reach.
  4. Relevant: Aligning goals with your broader objectives and values.
  5. Time-bound: Having a clear deadline or timeframe for each goal.

This workshop provided me with practical tools for goal setting and time management, which I can apply in my personal and professional life.

University is a place where students can turn their challenges into opportunities, but this transformation occurs when they are dedicated to improving their experience. They should view it as a chance for personal growth and to build a successful future for themselves.


Written by: Thrya Abdulraheem Motea Al-aqab

Edited by: Meigitaria Sanita

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Having many activities makes life always full of choices and sacrifices. Being an archery athlete as well as an international student, apart from being smart in managing time, you also have the ability to choose which ones to prioritize and which ones to sacrifice. Even though the choice is not always right and many make mistakes, from the process we will understand which one is better and how we face tomorrow.

The lesson was learned by Jemima and she shared it during a casual chat with the Teatime International Program of Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) on Saturday, August 6, 2021. Jemima Josephine Hormigas is an International student at the Department of Communication batch 2019. She is an archery athlete and has won international achievements in several countries such as South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, as well as international championships held in Indonesia.

She has been close to the world of sports since childhood. Finally plunged into the world of archery actually because of academic motivation. “Someone asked me why I didn’t join the archery competition. Later you can win or get a certificate. So you can later enter your favourite school using that certificate. After that, I joined, but now I can’t stop archery,” said Jemima telling her story.

Her daily activities as an athlete and a student must be balanced. Jemima can practice six days a week just like in college. “Because I am an athlete as well as a student, the portion for doing the activity is also the same. If I want to face a competition I can practice longer than usual. If there’s a test, I can study longer than practice.” said Jemima.

Talking about time management, many people will say time management is important. However, in some situations, time management can not be applied. There were times when Jemima was in a situation where she had to make a choice. “Suppose we already have a class schedule. Today there is a lecture from 11 to 14, then at 3-5, I practice. That’s time management,” She said. “Suddenly the lecturer might cancel the lecture at that hour and replace it with 3-5 a clock and that is my practice time. There we are tested, our ability to determine which priorities, and which ones we will sacrifice.” Jemima explained.

At other times, we have to sacrifice free time. Jemima also told us that sometimes when she finished her activities, she didn’t want to go home, even though she had assignments to collect the next day. “I can stay up all night and do my homework because I don’t want my grades to be bad either.”

She said that her activities were very flexible in fact. Even though she was practising and having classes at the same time, she was still able to work on them at the same time. “Lectures are online right now. We can mute the audio and turn off the video. Keep listening, keep practicing. But this is not a good thing,” said Jemima, describing the digital culture that is prevalent in the midst of a pandemic.

Such things were one of the various choices she made. Jemima admits it’s not good, but it’s a choice we can make, and we must be held accountable for the consequences. Archery and college, both are responsibilities, whatever the consequences, she must take and fight for, she said. In fact, she’d been able to get through this all along. Nothing is impossible to balance the two worlds: archery and college.



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Memiliki banyak kegiatan, pastilah hidup selalu penuh dengan pilihan dan pengorbanan. Menjadi atlit panahan sekaligus mahasiswa internasional selain harus pintar membagi waktu juga harus punya kemampuan memilih mana prioritas dan mana yang bisa dikorbankan. Meskipun pilihan tak selalu benar dan banyak membuat kesalahan, tapi dari proses itu akan memahamkan mana yang lebih baik dan bagaimana kita menghadapi esok.

Pelajaran itu dipetik Jemima dan ia bagikan saat ngobrol santai Teatime International Program of Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) pada Sabtu, 6 Agustus 2021. Jemima Josephine Hormigas adalah mahasiswa International di Ilmu Komunikasi UII angkatan 2019. Ia adalah atlit Panahan dan sudah meraih pretasi internasional di beberapa negara seperti Korea Selatan, Thailand, Singapura, maupun kejuaraan internasional yang diadakan di Indonesia.

Kedekatannya dengan dunia olahraga sudah ia jalani sejak kecil. Akhirnya terjun dunia panahan sebetulnya karena motivasi akademis. “Ada orang tanya ke aku, kenapa nggak ikut lomba panahan. Nanti kamu bisa juara atau dapat sertifikat. Jadi kamu nanti bisa masuk ke sekolah favorit pakai sertifikat itu. Setelah itu aku ikut, tapi malah sekarang nggak bisa berhenti panahan,” kata Jemima menceritakan kisahnya.

Aktifitas kesehariannya sebagai seorang atlit dan seorang mahasiswa haruslah seimbang. Jemima bisa latihan enam hari dalam satu minggu sama seperti kuliah. “Karena aku adalah atlit sekaligus mahasiswa, jadi porsi untuk melakukan atifitas itu juga sama. Jika mau menghadapi kompetisi aku bisa latihan lebih lama dari biasanya. Jika ada ujian, aku bisa belajar lebih lama daripada latihan.” kata Jemima.

Berbicara tentang time management, banyak orang akan bilang manajemen waktu itu penting. Tapi, dalam beberapa situasi, manajemen waktu tidak berlaku. Ada kala Jemima berada dalam satu situasi yang mengharuskan dia harus memiih. “Misalkan kita sudah punya jadwal kuliah. Hari ini ada kuliah jam 11 sampai jam 2, lalu jam 3-5 aku latihan. Managemen waktunya begitu,” ceritanya. “Tiba-tiba dosen bisa saja akan membatalkan kuliah jam itu dan menggantinya dengan jam 3-5 dan itu adalah waktu aku latihan. Di situ kita diuji, kemampuan kita untuk menentukan mana prioritas, dan mana yang akan kita korbankan.” jelas Jemima.

Di kesempatan lain, kita harus mengorbankan waktu luang. Jemima bercerita juga kadang kalau sudah selesai kegiatan tapi belum mau pulang, padahal ada tugas yang harus dia kumpulkan esok harinya. “Aku bisa tidak tidur sepanjang malam dan mengerjakan tugas, karena aku ga mau juga kan nilaiku jelek.”

Ia menceritakan bahwa kegiatannya sangat fleksibel sebetulnya. Meskipun dia sedang latihan dan ada kelas di waktu yang sama, ia masih dapat mengerjakannya bersamaan. “Kuliah sekarang itu kan daring. Kita bisa mute audio dan matikan video. Tetap mendengarkan tetap latihan. Tapi ini bukan hal yang baik,” kata Jemima menceritakan budaya digital yang lazim di tengah pandemi.

Hal-hal seperti itu adalah salah satu dari berbagai pilihan yang ia ambil. Jemima mengakui hal itu tidak baik, tapi itu suatu pilihan yang bisa kita ambil, dan kita harus pertanggungjawabkan konsekuensinya. Panahan dan kuliahan, keduanya adalah tanggungjawab, konsekuensi apapun, harus ditempuh dan ia perjuangkan, katanya. Nyatanya, selama ini ia bisa melewatinya. Tak ada yang tak mungkin untuk menyeimbangkan dua dunia: panahan dan kuliahan.