Tag Archive for: IP communication UII

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Many people want to study abroad for various reasons. But, of course, there are ups and downs. Turkey is one of the most popular countries to study, but you have to be prepared to miss Indonesia because of its food and learning atmosphere. Especially during this pandemic, which keeps people from staying at home and lying down all day. Spring weather and Eid al-Adha will make you feel at home there.

 The story became the ups and downs of Balya Ibnu Mulkan, an alumnus of Industrial Engineering at the Islamic University of Indonesia who is currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Turkey. The International Communication Program of the Islamic University of Indonesia held this Ramadan light chat while hanging out waiting for the time to break the fast on Friday, May 28, 2021.

 Fasting and Eid in Turkey are very unattractive, according to Balya. Fasting atmosphere and Eid with regular days there is no change at all. Although he was grateful because the weather was not so hot in the range of 16-19 degrees Celsius, explaining the long fasting time. Fasting time is also longer than in Indonesia, which is only about 14 hours. “This year it’s only 16 hours because it’s spring . Last year, it could be 17 hours because it was summer,” said Balya. Especially during the pandemic, which requires them to only stay at home, can’t go anywhere and is closely guarded by the police.

 Food is a complicated problem for Indonesian students in Turkey. Food in Turkey is too sweet and tends to sour. Balya admits that none of the types of food that he can enjoy and fit on her tongue. Balya feels tormented about eating; once or twice is okay for him, but for a long time, it becomes very torturous. “Every time I eat, I always want to go home,” Balya confessed.

 If in Indonesia, one supervisor can accompany 30-50 students. “Here (Turkey), one lecturer only accompanies four students,” said Balya.

There is even an interesting phenomenon related to eating and studying in Turkey, which Indonesian students commonly experience. According to Balya, the length of the study period in Turkey does not depend on the student’s achievements, whether they are brilliant or not. For Indonesian students, it depends on the environment and food. 

On average, it takes two years to complete a master’s studies. But Indonesian students are faster than the usual travel time. “Usually I don’t feel at home because of the food and the environment,” said Balya.

 Apart from food, there is also a social environment and learning atmosphere. Indonesian students usually chat with each other casually and work in groups to do assignments. But not in Turkey. This very different learning culture is a challenge for Balya. The challenge is getting real because the supervisor’s assistance is rigorous. If in Indonesia, one supervisor can accompany 30-50 students. “Here (Turkey), one lecturer only supevise four students,” said Balya. 





Reading Time: 2 minutes

Banyak orang menginginkan studi ke luar negeri dengan berbagi alasan. Tapi, suka duka tentu ada. Turki, salah satu negeri incaran untuk belajar, tapi kalian harus bersiap untuk kangen Indonesia karena makanan dan atmosfer belajarnya. Terlebih di masa pendemi yang memasung orang untuk tetap tinggal di rumah dan rebahan sepanjang hari. Cuaca musim semi dan Idul Adha yang akan membuat betah tinggal disana.


Cerita tersebut menjadi suka duka Balya Ibnu Mulkan, salah satu alumnus Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia yang kini tengah menempuh master bisnis administrasi (MBA) di Turki. Ngobrol ringan bulan ramadhan ini diselenggarakan International Program Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia sembari ngabuburit menunggu waktu berbuka puasa pada Jumat, 28 Mei 2021.


Berpuasa dan Lebaran di Turki sangat tidak menarik, menurut Balya. Susana puasa dan lebarannya dengan hari normal tidak ada perubahan sama sekali. Meskipun ia menyukuri karena cuaca tidak begitu panas di kisaran 16-19 derajat celsius, menjelaskan waktu puasa yang panjang. Waktu puasa pun lebih lama daripada di Indonesia yang hanya sekitar 14 jam. “Tahun ini hanya 16 jam karena sedang spring (musim semi). Kalau tahun lalu bisa 17 jam karena summer,” kata Balya. Terlebih masa pendemi yang mengharuskan mereka hanya di rumah saja, dan tiak bisa kemana-mana dijaga ketat oleh polisi.


Bicara soal makanan, faktor ini adalah masalah yang sangat pelik bagi mahasiswa Indonesia di Turki. Makasna di turki sangat manis cederung ke asam. Balya mengakui tak satupun jenis makanan yang dapat dia nikmati dan cocok di lidahnya. Balya merasa tersiksa soal makan, baginya sekali dua kali tidak masalah, tetapi untuk masa yang lama menjadi sangat menyiksa. “setiap kali makan, aku selalu pingin pulang rasanya,” Balya mengaku.

 Jika di Indonesia satu dosen pembimbing bisa mendampingi 30-50 mahasiswa. “Di sini (Turki), satu dosen hanya mendampingi empat mahasiswa,” ungkap Balya.

Bahkan ada fenomena menarik terkait makan dan studi di Turki yang jamak dialami mahasiswa Indonesia. menurut Balya, lamanya masa studi di Turki tidak bergantung cemerlang atau tidaknya prestasi mahasiswa, tetapi karena lingkungan dan makanan. Rata-rata untuk menamatkan studi master dibutuhkan waktu 2 tahun. Tapi mahasiswa Indonesia lebih cepat dari waktu tempuh lazim itu. “Biasanya nggak betah karena makanan dan lingkungan,” kata Balya.


Selain makanan, juga lingkungan sosial dan atmosfer belajar. Indonesia mahasiswa biasa saling ngobrol santai dan kerja kelompok untuk mengerjakan tugas. Tapi, di turki tidak. Kultur belajar yang sangat berbeda ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi Balya. Tantangan makin nyata karena pendampingan supervisor sangat ketat. Jika di Indonesia satu dosen pembimbing bisa mendampingi 30-50 mahasiswa. “Di sini (Turki), satu dosen hanya mendampingi 4 mahasiswa,” ungkap Balya. 




Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kajian Komunikasi profetik bukanlah hal baru, hanya saja selama ini masih dipahami secara normatif sebagai dakwah keagamaan atau dakwah yang sifatnya agamis seperti tatacara nabi. Kajian Komunikasi Profetik dalam dalam perspektif kenabian yakni membela yang terpinggirkan, lemah, dan terindas belum banyak dibahas dalam kajian komunikasi profetik selama ini.

Obrolan komunikasi profetik sambil ngeteh sore ini dilangsugkan secara online via live Instragram oleh International Program of Communication Department Universitas ISlam Indonesia IP comunication UII) atau biasa mereka sebut dengan teatime. Acara yang dilaksanakan di senin sore, 19 April 2021 tersebut mengadirkan Holy Rafika Dhona sebagai pembicara. Holy adalah dosen pengajar Ilmu Komunikasi UII, sekaligus penulis buku ajar Komunikasi Profetik yang ia susun tiga tahun terakhir sejak 2018.

Islam sebagai kajian ilmu sudah sejak lama dikaji oleh Kuntowijoyo, keilmuan islam yang disilaturahmikan dengan kajian komunikasi belumlah memuaskan. “Buku ini pun juga masih jauh, apalagi saya.” Kelakar Holy menegaskan dirinya masih jauh dari sifat kenabian, saat diajak ngobrol santai dalam acara Teatime yang dipandu oleh Nadira dan Lani.

Obrolan dibuka dengan mengajak berpikir dengan merefleksikan satu rutinitas harian tentang aktifitas posting status facebook. “Kamu posting FB itu bukan ibadah, tapi kalau taklim itu ibadah. Perpektifnya selalu begitu selama ini. Padahal bisa jadi itu sangat profetik isinya”

“Kamu posting FB itu bukan ibadah, tapi kalau taklim itu ibadah. Perpektifnya selalu begitu selama ini. Padahal bisa jadi itu sangat profetik isinya”

-Holy Rafika Dhona-

Dalam kajian komunikasi profetik, bisa jadi posting di facebook adalah abgian dari upaya profetik. Holy menjelaskan bahwa komunikasi profetik itu tidak sekadar dakwah agamis yang mengenalkan tatacara wudhu, sholat, puasa atau tatacara menyampaikan pesan. “Kalau komunikasi profetik pinginnya ilmu didekati dengan tujuan kenabian. Hero banget. Bukan untuk ngajain sholat ritual belaka. Sebenarnya dalam pandangan komunikasi profetik itu klise kok. Komunikasi yang membimbing dari jalan kegelapan menuju jalan terang. Terang itu ya, sejahtera, aman, nyaman. nggak cuma ritual belaka,” jelas Holy.

Holy menceritakan tentang hijrah nabi Muhammad dari mekah ke Yatsrib (Madinah) juga disertai oleh orang yang belum memeluk Islam tapi teraniaya di Mekah. Dalam cerita Holy itu Holy ingin menunjukan bahwa Nabi selalu datang dengan konsep orang tertindas: mustadhaafun. Komunikasi yang ditujukan untuk membela orang tertindas.

bersambung ke part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The study of prophetic communication is not new things, it’s just that so far it is still understood normatively as religious da’wah or da’wah that is religious in nature such as the procedures of the prophet. The study of prophetic communication in a prophetic perspective, namely defending the marginalized, weak, and oppressed has not been widely discussed in the study of prophetic communication so far.

This prophetic communication chat while having tea this afternoon was held online via Live Instragram by the International Program of Communication Department, Universitas ISlam Indonesia (IP comunication UII) or what they call teatime. The event, which was held on Monday afternoon, April 19, 2021, presented Holy Rafika Dhona as a speaker. Holy is a lecturer in Communication Studies at UII, as well as the author of a textbook on prophetic communication which he has compiled for the last three years since 2018.

Islam as a study of science has long been studied by Kuntowijoyo, Islamic scholarship which is in touch with the study of communication has not been satisfactory. “This book is still far away, let alone me.” Holy jokes asserted that he was still far from prophetic, when he was invited to casually chat in a Teatime program hosted by Nadira and Lani.

The chat was opened by inviting people to think by reflecting on a daily routine about posting Facebook status activities. “You post on FB it’s not worship, but ta’lim is worship. That perspective has always been that way. Even though it could be very prophetic in its content.”


“You post on FB it’s not worship, but taklim is worship. That perspective has always been that way. Even though it could be very prophetic in its content”

-Holy Rafika Dhona-

In the study of prophetic communication, it could be that posting on Facebook is part of a prophetic effort. Holy explained that prophetic communication is not just a religious da’wah that introduces procedures for ablution, prayer, fasting or procedures for conveying messages. “In prophetic communication, science wants to be approached with prophetic goals. So heroic. Not for mere ritual prayers. Actually, in the view of prophetic communication it’s a cliché. Communication that leads from the path of darkness to the path of light. The light is yes, prosperous, safe, comfortable. It’s not just a ritual,” explained Holy.

Holy tells about the migration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Yatsrib (Medina) also accompanied by people who have not embraced Islam but were persecuted in Mecca. In the Holy story, Holy wants to show that the Prophet always came with the concept of the oppressed: mustadha’afun. Communication aimed at defending the oppressed.

to be continue on part 2