In this digital era, cyberspace is increasingly crowded and massive. There is a lot of fake news circulating and it is becoming increasingly difficult to figure out which facts and opinions are. Therefore, to avoid fake news and unclear truth, students are required to think critically in finding facts. If students do not have a critical nature, it can become a time bomb and dangerous for their future.
Teatime 11th episode, entitled the theme “Bridging program” in the UII International Program Communication provided those skills to face the digital era and campus environment. This discussion presented an internal lecturer from IP Communication (IPC) UII, Mr. Ginanjar Gailea. This discussion on September 11, 2020, is very interesting because in this discussion the host will present a theme that is characteristic of the IPC program.
This discussion program was broadcast via IPC’s Live Instagram (@ ip.communication.uii). Nadira Muthia Subhari as the host of IPC accompanied the discussion and shared information related to the Bridging Program with IPC Communication Science lecturer Mr. Ginanjar Gailea. The discussion provides an overview especially for IPC new students.
So the Department of Communication of UII opens special courses that are different from the regular communication science program called “Bridging Program”. In the bridging program, students will discuss with friends and lecturers how to become a student who can think critically. Critical thinking is a skill that helps students to distinguish between facts, opinions, and hoaxes. The Bridging Program is a special facility provided to all UII international student programs of Communication Science. This facility assists international students in preparing them to adapt to the University learning environment and assists in other subjects.
Bridging classes also try to change the student’s perspective. Usually when they are in high school, students are guided step by step in detail, now when they enter the university environment, even the lecturers only provide guidance and the rest is provided by discussions and study independently. The campus world allows lecturers to act as a bridge of knowledge, not to be central knowledge like the high school period. This paradigm must be understood by new students at IPC.
“I will encourage students to enjoy my classes. I realize that every student has a different level of intellectual capacity but that is not the main measure in my class. I want my students to be proactive and confident,” said Ginanjar Gailea.
Bridging programs can also hone the skills (Skills) of a student to be creative and critical and have excellent intuition. If students have these traits it will make students who innovate and ready to face the outside world. Mr. Ginanjar said do not hesitate if there are students who would like to consult about the IP program. “Do not build the scary side of classroom lectures, class was made fun anyway,” said Ginanjar.
What skills learned together in the bridging program? “There are various things,” said Ginanjar. “For example, we will learn together about how to become independent learners, academic writing, develop critical thinking skills, and so on,” he said. These skills will be very useful if they are well understood. According to him, it is always practiced.
He as an IP lecturer will accept students well to get better and ready to face the international world. Mr. Ginanjar hopes that when the pandemic is over, IPC communication science students are ready to come out without hesitation in facing all conditions.
Author: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, Communication Student (Batch 2016), Internship Student in Communication Science UII (International Program)
Editor: A. Pambudi W.