
Six Dimensions of Media Management with Amir Effendi Siregar

Business and media management are studies that are not widely used as special courses or majors in communication campuses in Indonesia. Not many people focus on being both a reviewer and a practitioner at the same time. Amir Effendi Siregar (AES), the founder of the Department of Communications at UII, and PR2Media, is one who presents media management studies in a complete definition.

Media management dimensions based on the AES definition, said Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, are mapped into six dimensions. Iwan extracts these six dimensions from the definition made by AES on media management. “The first is media management with management principles and processes. This dimension includes philosophical, methodological, and practical levels,” said Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, a doctoral student at Monash University, Australia, on July 10, 2021.

Iwan spoke as one of the authors in a book entitled The Book Against Capital Authoritarianism. The book is a collection of AES Thought and Movement writings from AES students, friends, and associates. This book was reviewed and launched on July 10, 2021, collaborating with PR2Media, UII Communications, and SPS. This discussion was also held to commemorate the 17th Anniversary of UII Communications and PR2Media’s 11th Anniversary. Both institutions are institutions where AES is the founder and foundation.

Iwan said there is also a second dimension of Media Management which essentially examines the position of the media as an industry and the media as an institution. What is the character of the media as an industry, and the role of the media as a press institution, for example. 

It is also important for media managers, said Iwan quoting AES, to determine the direction of the media paradigm. “The market paradigm or the propaganda/missionary paradigm,” said Iwan. Defining this paradigm is the third dimension that AES often puts forward.

Furthermore, assessing media management must also pay attention to the environmental context as the fourth dimension. That is, how the existing media system in a region or country affects Media Management.

The media management study will also look at the fifth dimension, namely the development of technology in terms of impact and anticipating it. While the sixth dimension, AES also often explains that scholars must study media management based on its usefulness as a science. Especially benefits for those who study and society in general.