Let’s Join the International Program of Communication Department

What can students do in the International Program (IP) of Communication Department?

If you don’t know much about the international program at Communication Department of UII, now it’s time to get acquainted. Let’s dive into details of the International Program, which was established in 2018. The first thing you can do in this program is for example to conduct various skills development projects, characters, and international experience in the framework of a P2A (Passage to Asean) international travel and competition project as in previous years. (link)

You can also exchange knowledge in lecture classes with English. The day to day learning process using English allows the formation of a conducive academic atmosphere. Conducive in the sense of strengthening the soft leadership skills of the future with a variety of character strengthening programs. Some future programs will also be implemented involving students as centers of learning such as international internships and international community empowerment programs.

As an international program student, you have the academic freedom to conduct studies and research on a variety of study themes in 6 clusters. 6 Clusters such as Geographic Communication, Visual Communication, Journalism, Public Relations, Empowerment Communication, and Regulation and Communication Policy.

For 4 years duration, or approximately 8 semesters, you will undergo 144 credits (points) divided into approximately 20-24 credits for 4 years of courses. From 20-24 (credits) points if sorted, it can cover 6-8 courses per semester. You can choose 4 special interests as well as Journalism, Public Relations, Creative Media, and finally Media Studies. In the 7th semester students can test their ability to apply their theories in academic work such as making academic papers or final project projects such as documentary film production, photos, news program production, or other creative media productions.