Learning Adab Before Studying Science (2)

Continuation of the first post at the following link.

But even so, according to him, there is one thing that is lacking from this book. “For example, what is lacking is adab about himself. This is sometimes forgotten. Sometimes you know other people but you don’t know yourself. Including forgetting yourself, “added Imam later.

The Imam added that in the Qur’an, humans are not commanded to see others, “but in the Qur’an, we are asked to look at ourselves. Iqra Kitabaka binafsi,” he said.

Subhan Afifi, responding to the issue of the thickness of the book, explained that this was an effort by the lecturer to provide the best service. “I remember my colleague at UII Communications, said Mas Holy, we often see students being a bit pessimistic. Yes, we don’t think about students who don’t want to read. It’s not serious,” said Subhan.

According to him, not infrequently, there are actually students who act beyond expectations. “It turns out that there are also those who are still serious about learning, so we have just given maximum service. So that those who are serious can develop a lot, while those who are less serious, we invite slowly, “said Subhan imitating his colleague’s words.

The purpose of this book, said Subhan, to represent the authors, is to make this campus a center for cultural development. Therefore, this book talks about philosophy, technical matters, how to, concepts and examples of their application.

Another speaker who was invited to review this book, Iip Wijayanto said that this was the book he had hoped for since he was still at UII. “Back when I was the Secretary General of the DPM FTSP UII, we were hot and there was a student movement, why was this student wearing a headscarf not disciplined. Then one of the lecturers said, people have reached the moon, why are you still here talking about clothes? That was 20 years ago, now UII is better,” said Iip Wijayanto. He hopes that this book will be the basis for special courses on adab.

Besides Iip, there were also discussion audiences from seasoned academics. For example, Prof. Djamaludin Ancok, UGM Psychology lecturer who is also the first Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. He had high hopes for this book. “Hopefully this book will become a quality human development guidebook,” he wrote in the chat column on the live broadcast of this event on Uniicoms TV.