Join the Global Academic World by Writing in International Journals

Nowadays, lecturers in Indonesia have to write in Scopus indexed journals. Writing in English and indexed by Scopus allows the discourse of Indonesian academic thought to have a dialogue with a global academic audience. Moreover, this international article was written by the journal’s editors.

Therefore, the Journal and Scientific Paper Publication Management Unit of FPSB UII held a follow-up session of the International Writing Workshop Volume 3 on Sunday, December 19, 2021, at the Hotel, Yogyakarta with Strict Health Protocols. This workshop continued the second Workshop Series on Saturday, November 20, 2021. According to Puji Rianto, as the Head of the Journal and Scientific Paper Publication Management Unit at FPSB UII, there will be a conducive writing climate so that writers and lecturers at FPSB can become good models at UII.

On the same occasion, the Dean of FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori, also provided motivation and encouragement to the journal editors as participants in this workshop. “What we start, we have to finish. The faculty at the beginning of next year will provide grants to support these editors so that they can submit to Scopus indexed and international journals,” he said. “Later, all workshop participants will be accompanied by a lecturer assistant at the FPSB who at least already has a Scopus H-Index of at least 2 or 3.”

“Earlier, it was mentioned how we would respond better to the grants given by the faculty. I am thrilled to welcome the grants that the dean has given. This can increase our recognition at the global level,” said Puji Rianto.

Puji Rianto invited the lecturers who are also editors of the Journal in the FPSB UII to coordinate with his team. This team will write and collaborate between writing study programs intensively. “Until finally in January, we can improve what we already have, and we can meet again in the same wave but at a different time,” said Puji Rianto later.

Three collaborative international journal manuscripts have emerged from those who have completed the draft, with assistance from Masduki, a Communications Lecturer at UII. For example, the three texts are about defamation, then a text about online learning discourse, and Public Relations discourse from the perspective of communication, psychology, and English language education. Masduki said that at least the first two paragraphs and the conclusion section could be written with a clear and precise formula about the findings and objectives of this international research. Masduki has 15 Scopus points in 2020 and an H-index of 2 in 2021. The H-Index is a measuring scale created by its inventor Hirsch, which shows how many articles an author has cited by other authors.