How UII Welcomes Lectures in The Next New Semester

Based on the latest news on Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. Until December 2020, there were nine thousand cases recorded, said the spokesperson of the Government of Yogyakarta Special Province. Therefore, some actions urge to do. UII also began to anticipate.

Hence, Fathul Wahid, The Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia give an announcement on Wednesday (16/12). He state that the next semester learning is run online. It will begin in the academic year 2020/ 2021. Some courses such as medical therapy, clinical education, studios, and certain practicums of each faculty can be run offline. This was announced in the latest Circular of the Rector of UII.

Every courses must also pay attention to the health protocols if that are run offline. It is stated in the Regulation of the Rector of UII Number 10 of 2020. It is concerning Mitigation Guideline and the New Order of the UII Responding to the pandemic of Corona-virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

Likewise, Head of Communication Sciences Department of UII, Puji Hariyanti, also states that the Department of Communication Science is still running online lectures in the next semester. This aims to anticipate an increase Covid-19 cases.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Lecture System

“All courses are still being run online. It will start on March 1, 2021. We are still using various tools. Such as Zoom Meeting Application, Google Meet, teaching video, podcast on Spotify, Google classroom, WhatsApp and other applications,” said Puji on Tuesday (26/1). All the application integrated with Google Classroom as the core.

Some lecturers teach using Zoom for synchronous learning. Meanwhile, some others produce podcast audio, learning video, or giving assignments by WhatsApp Group for asynchronous learning. The use of several applications of the latter mentioned, aimed at minimizing the use of student’s internet quota.

As previously known, students of the Department of Communication Science came from various regions in Indonesia, even those in the remote area.

Back to Hariyanti, students can finish the courses that require practice such as Photography, Video Production, and others by using their respective smartphone cameras. Hence, students can fulfill their tasks without having to come to campus.

Whereas, the International Program of Communication (IPC) also conducts online lectures in the next semester. It will be the same as the previous semester since the pandemic. However, IPC UII is still postponing programs based on global mobility. This year in February and March 2021, IPC UII held a cultural exchange program and conducted online.

The IPC Secretary, Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N., who is also a Citizen Journalism Specialist,  said, “The requirement for graduation at IPC is to participate in one of the global mobility programs. So if students of IPC join a P2A program (Passage to Asean) or exchange program, it can meet their global mobility requirements.”


Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of International Program of Communication, batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.