How to Adjust to Online Lecture in The Middle of Pandemic

How to Adjust to Online Lecture with Department of Communication Science

Studying while still in high school is certainly very different after going to the world of higher education. Lecturers are not gods. This means that students are required to study independently with a different learning system. The role of a lecturer is only to accompany and guide students, and of course students must be aware from the start: higher education students are different from ordinary students such as when they were in junior high or high school.

That was the message conveyed by Herman Felani, UII Lecturer in Department of Communications Science, who also focuses on film research studies and American cultural studies. Herman gave many of these messages and guidelines for new students of the 2020 class at an event entitled “Welcoming day” on Wednesday (23/9). This event is also a provision for new students to encounter online lectures because of pandemic.

New Student Responses: from the Pandemic to Online Lecture

This briefing is carried out using the Mentimeter Application. This application that can conduct surveys as well as presentations and games finds many findings. Currently the majority of freshperson remain on the island of Java. Most freshperson choose Communication Science of UII because the majors are fun and have broad job prospects. From the data of 1186 freshperson of UII 2020 Communication applicants (as of September 22, 2020) only 256 were selected to become  Communication Science students. UII Communication Science is the favorite department at UII and therefore all the freshperson feel motivated.

Meanwhile, the feelings of new students when they are collected are also in this min application. During this pandemic, most freshmen felt sad and bored. Various obstacles arise. For example signals and also finance. Need to spend more. “Sad, difficult to signal, bored and no life,” said the new student who wrote his name Bedul, from Majalengka.

Herman Felani explained that students are required to take online lectures and learn about this latest learning system. According to him, freshmen class 2020 are a visual generation and millennial. Apart from its various drawbacks, those that are obtained from online classes also have advantages. For example, opening up unlimited teamwork opportunities. Make assignments together with other students, other study programs, other campuses, and even other countries. Meanwhile, being in communication science department, students can exchange opinions with lecturers without being awkward.

This can be provided, such as by providing video recommendations, YouTube channels, podcasts, and so on. For him, said Herman, lecturers and students are colleagues. Not God and his servant. Herman also shared alternative sources to get E-books and documentary films as a medium for student learning. This can become student capital in navigating synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Herman said that this class of 2020 was the first strong student generation to attend lectures with a full online system. “This is the demand of the times, be sure there will be a lesson,” said Herman encouragingly.

Nothing Will Work Unless You Do,” Herman wrote on his screen, quoting the wise words of anAfro American writer, Maya Angelou. This quote was made in order to motivate Communication Science of UII students from batch 2020. After that, the event ended with questions and answers and distributing interesting merchandise for the best questioners. Of course, don’t forget to take a photo together to commemorate the moment of Welcoming Day, year 2020.


Author: Ridwan Ainurrahman, UII Communication Science Internship Student. Class of 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.