History of the Communication Department at the University of Indonesia: Unofficial History from Ignatius Haryanto (1)

History of Communication at Universitas Indonesia can not be separated from the lecturers who color it. Starting from the influence of American graduates, Famous professional journalists, to the new generation of generations who gave a new color in the millennial era. Although in the 70-90s some UI’s Communications lecturers returned from America, but in fact UI’s Communication Science did not follow the American Communication school.

That was a brief note from the discussion in the 3rd Amir Effendi Siregar Forum. The event that was held by PSDMA Nadim Communication Communication Science Department of UII was able to attract more than 80 registrant participants. The AES Forum which was held on July 18, 2020 presented Ignatius Haryanto, a scholar from Universitas Multimedia Nusantara and a doctoral candidate from the Universitas Indonesia.

“This is an UI Communication Science case study, so this is the unofficial history. this is my disclaimer,” Ignatius Haryanto said, starting the AES Forum this time. Haryanto explained some of the findings of his UI communication department history research.

For example, he found a series of lecturers and students in Indonesia who were dismissed after Indonesia’s darkest case in mid-65. Haryanto, citing Abdul Wahid’s research, noted that 115 Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) lecturers were excluded. 3000 UGM students too. Unpad (Universitas Padjadjaran) 25 lecturers were dismissed. “While the UI lecturer has no data,” he said.

Haryanto added, the unrest in the national arena was more or less exposed and affected to campus. While  UI do not want to talk much about this.

“In this case Abdul Wahid wants to talk about these tragedies. UI is still closed about this tragedy,” Haryanto said.

Many American Scholars But Not Followed Americans

Why is the UI not influenced by American Communication Scholars thinking? Why is positivistic style not dominant in UI Communication? Haryanto, and then strengthened with the opinion of Dr. Pinckey Triputra, M.Sc. , UI Communication Senior Lecturer, UI Communication Department actually influenced a lot of critical thinking after returning Prof. Dedy Nur Hidayat.

“There is a lot of thoughts of Prof. Dedy behind the movement of students at UI from the 80s. He focused on critical thinking at UI. He even had critical thinking since he graduated from undergraduate, and continued after his doctoral. It colored the Faculty, not only communication department,” Pinckey said . “At the beginning of his career as a lecturer, the first he introduced was a way of thinking,” he continued.

Nina Muthmainnah also confirmed that the thoughts of Wilbur Schramm and her students were actually brought by Prof. Alwi Dahlan when returning from America. “There are stories in the class about Mr. Schramm who is Pak Alwi’s teacher, those conversations that are not in the book sometimes.”

The thinking and practices of quality journalism are also obtained from the influence of lecturers from senior journalist practitioners. For example, let’s call Rosihan Anwar who teach Bahasa for Journalistics , Aristides Katoppo, and Jacob Oetama, whose name is now enshrined as one of the buildings in UI.

To be Continued to next writing entitled History of UI’s Communication Dept.