Himakom UII Towards a Good and Fun Organizational Governance 

Good organizational governance is no doubt a prerequisite for achieving organizational goals. Organizations whose goals are accomplished are successful organizations. Governance is not only a matter of administration an sich, but also the management of resources, knowledge and planning activities.

In order to increase the young communication cadres HIMAKOM (Communication Student Association). UII Communication Studies Study Program held a “Workshop on Strengthening Himakom Organizational Governance” on Friday, 26 to 27 November 2021. This training was attended by representatives of Himakom Core Management, Himakom A Commission, Himakom B Commission, Himakom C Commission, and D Commission Representatives Student communities or clubs are also present. For example, representatives of the Dispensation Community (communication research and discussion), Klik18 (Community of Communication Science Lens Unit 18), Galaxy Radio, Red-action, and also Kompor (Communication of Communication Pilm People).

This activity is motivated by problems that often arise when Himakom holds a program/event. The proposals submitted often receive a lot of evaluation from the Communication Studies Program at the Islamic University of Indonesia. This evaluation is generally related to three things: the problem of preparing a proposal or how program ideas are formulated in a proposal format, then the second is a matter of the substance of program needs. Are activities needed or just continuing the tradition without knowing the current goals and needs at the student level. Then the third is the lack of administrative order, starting from the submission of tight proposals to evaluations and reports that have not been completed in several program activities.

“The goal of this activity is to improve the organizational governance skills of the members/internal administrators of the Communication Science Student Association, and at least the community administrators and himakom present can design a short-term program and make it into a proposal format and TOR,” said Holy Rafika Dhona, Lecturer of Communications. UII, which is also the person in charge of Himakom capacity building activities on November 26, 2021. Another goal is the agreement on the TOR and Proposal formats that can be used as references in program submission. The committee from the Communication and Communications Lab, PSDM Nadim, Administrative Staff of the UII Communication Studies Study Program also hoped that the participants would understand the procedures in the Communications Study Program related to the program.

Therefore, the activity is designed with an online workshop model accompanied by practice. First, on the first day on November 26, 2021, Yudi Winarto from the Administrative Staff and Iskandar Gunawan of the UII Communication Laboratory Laboratory team became the first presenters. Yudi explained the financial and submission procedures with his infographic presentation, then Gunawan explained the procedures for borrowing tools and facilities that students should optimize to support improving communication skills.

After that, A. Pambudi W as a speaker in the second session, explained how to create and design an Action Plan based on the needs of members with SMART indicator measures (Specific, measurable, Achieveable, Reasonable, TImebound). The participants were then asked to practice in groups to design an action plan for activities starting from mapping out their needs and what programs could answer the participants’ needs. Furthermore, in the third session the next day on 27 November 2021, Holy Rafika became a speaker on how to make proposals and TOR/Term of reference (also terms of reference for activities/KAK). Holy explained the structure of the document and its philosophy.

In the end, there were several documents that were made in the practice session. Both action plan documents and proposals and TORs. In the future, community representatives and Himakom promise to use this format and template as a basis for preparing proposals and TORs during the activity submission period.

Some participants also appreciated this activity. For example, one of them thought that this activity was important for the managers of the student community at UII Communications. “It is better if activities like this are routinely held every change of management, both Himakom and the community so that later there will be a transfer of knowledge to the next management,” Maritza Khanza, the top management of HIMAKOM wrote in the suggestion column on the google form.

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