Getting to Know Department of Communication Science UII: Greeting for New 2020 Students

On Sept, 23, 2020 at 1 PM, the UII Communication Science Department welcomed new students of UII. Vadhiya as Host and Jiany as Co-Host accompanied this conversation via Zoom Meeting Conference Application. This event in particular will introduce what the Department of Communication Science is about. Department of Communication Science holds an online “Welcoming Day”  to welcome New Students 2020 during the Pandemic

Around 250 new students (new students) of communication science dept. participated in this event. Lecturers, alumni, and the international students in the International Communication Program (IP), the Dean, and communication students generally took part. It was opened by reading the Quran by Ibrahim, a student of Communication Science, batch 2019. There was also religious and educational motivation delivered by the Dean of FPSB UII, Dr. H. Fuad Nashori, S.Psi., M.Si., M.Ag., Psikolog. He explained about the spirit of studying and self-provision in the future as well as improving himself as an UII student.

Head of the UII Department of Communication Science, Puji Hariyanti also gave a welcome and enthusiasm for online lectures that students will face in the future. Furthermore, Ms. Shorlihah (UII Communications Science Alumni, 2015) and Ms. Suwaibah (2019 IP Communications Student) from Thailand also shared their experiences of studying at UII. During his time at IPC, staff, lecturers and students always help, she said. “The main difficulty I get is the language problem, even so my friends helped me,” said Shorlihah.

After the opening was enough, The event continued with the video session. Discusses what the Department of Communication Science is. Explaining communication has 4 areas of interest. Programs and Curricula that exist in communication. Including also introduction to research activities and community service activities. The introduction of the lecturers and staff of the communication science department also showed on introductory video broadcast through the zoom application. Then continue the Q&A (Questions and Answer) event.

One of the freshmen asked about the P2A (Passage to Assean) program. Ida Nuraini explained that P2A is a workshop program and cultural studies held in ASEAN countries. The first P2A, for example, in 2018, students at several Asean campuses, including UII Communications Science Department, went on trips and photography competitions in 3 ASEAN countries: Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia. This program seeks to increase understanding across cultures without borders.

A similar testimony was also expressed by Annisa Putri Jiany as the 2015 alumni of Communication Science and P2A program. She has gained a lot of experience in 3 different countries, and has made friends that are still ongoing. Other questions emerged. For example, what communities are in the communication science dept.? Will it interfere with lectures? Iven as an alumni of Communication Science class 2016 explained that the compulsory courses that are obtained are also related to the community. Therefore, activities in the community actually support lecture activities. Communities at Communication Science dept. can add to our relationships and not interfere with lectures. “In fact, it adds to the advantage of being in a community, because we can immediately practice our knowledge that we got in class,” said Iven Sumardiantoro.


Author: Ridwan Ainurrahman, UII Communication Science Intern. Class of 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.