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News Update
Stay connected with the latest news and information about various activities at the Communication Science Department of Faculty of Social and Cultural Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia
Photographing Yogyakarta’s Hidden Gems in Landscape Photography
Indonesia's many natural potentials, both natural and artificial tourism, are an attraction for anyone to see and visit. Not only tourists but also photographers who record and show it to the world. Many of these extraordinary natural beauties…
Hi, IPC Students!
International Program of Communications UII will hold an “AWG (ANNUAL WORKSHOP ON GLOBALIZATION)” activity in Collaboration with Consortium on Creative Industry and Culture, Research Excellent Consortium, which will…
Bagaimana Desain Kurikulum dan Kegiatan di IPC UII
Pengembangan keterampilan akademik perlu dilakukan untuk memberi gambaran awal bagi mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, utamanya mahasiswa kelas internasional di International Program of Communication (IPC) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Pengelola…
Intip Keseruan Welcoming and ACSS 2022 di IP Komunikasi
Menjadi Mahasiswa baru berarti memasuki dunia baru. Dunia yang menarik sekaligus memicu adrenalin tersendiri bagi mahasiswanya. Mahasiswa sering kali masuk ke perguruan tinggi tanpa tahu apa saja yang harus ditempuhnya di kemudian hari.
How to Create Platform-Based Media Content a la
Hearing the word politics often drives young people away. Moreover, Generation Z, aged 20 to 30, is very indifferent to politics. However, what if politics is approached with an approach that is also being loved? Such as social media platforms…
Cara Membuat Konten Media Berbasis Platform ala
Mendengar kata politik seringkali membuat anak muda menjauh. Apalagi, Generasi Z yang berusia 20 hingga 30 tahun sangat cuek dengan politik. Namun, bagaimana jika politik didekati dengan pendekatan yang juga sedang digandrungi? Seperti platform…
Sports Communication: The Tragedy of Kanjuruhan and the Future of Indonesian Football
A sad tragedy occurred at the Indonesian football event in Malang. The incident occurred on October 1, 2022. At that time, the Persebaya football club played against the poor Arema Club. At that time when the match was over, it was seen that…
Game Studies: on Communication Perspective
In the study of communication, games are rarely included in the radar of studies considered important. In the past, gaming was just a useless that was done in spare time. But now, the face of the game has changed. Hundreds or even thousands…
Hubungi Kami
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi & Ilmu Sosial Budaya
Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia
Telephone: +62-274-898444 ext. 3267
Faks: +62 274 898444 ext. 2106
Email: [email protected]
Akreditasi Institusi Unggul. Universitas Islam Indonesia telah mendapatkan Akreditasi Institusi Unggul dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) pada tahun 2022