Dive into Yourself By Joining IISMA          

“Indonesia is not made up of map boundaries, but the movement and big role of young people,”

These are the words of a leading Indonesian journalist: Najwa Shihab. Indonesian youths play an essential role in advancing the nation and state. So in 2021, to increase young people, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) will hold the IISMA or Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards program through the Merdeka Campus. The government sends 1000 students to make credit transfers to 500 leading campuses around the world.

One of the UII students selected in the 2021 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is Nadira Muthia Supadi. The girl, usually called Nadira, is a student of the 2018 UII Communication Science class. Nadira was accepted by the University of Leeds in England and will stay for one semester.

Nadira can spend a semester at an overseas partner university to study. In addition to studying, Nadira will experience the destination country’s culture and carry out academic activities to hone her skills. This year, Nadira managed to pass along with 1000 students from 2700 students who participated.

Nadira said that she needed two weeks of preparation time for registration. She started from drafting documents to submitting files. She said as many as 100 UII students participated, and only 24 people were selected. Nadira feels grateful to have this opportunity.

Nadira said that She could freely choose the courses offered by the University of Leeds in this program. IISMA invites all students to be free to study whatever suits their interests and IISMA’s mission. The plan is that Nadira will leave in early September and will return in January 2022.

UII’s Response to the IISMA Program

Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, S.Psi., MA, as Director of the Directorate of Partnerships/Office of International Affairs UII said that UII responded well to the IISMA program. After receiving the program socialization from the organizers, She immediately spread the news to the study programs at UII. “The study program then immediately sent several candidates who met the criteria, including students who are in semester 4, have a GPA of not less than 3.00 and a minimum TOEFL score of 500,” said Dian Sari Utami via Whatsapp, Tuesday (31/08/ 2021).

According to Dian Sari Utami, 200 UII students joined the WhatsApp group chat. However, only 72 children complete the file. Of the 72 students who have undergone the selection process, only 24 students were selected. The 24 students come from nine study programs at UII and will transfer credit to 15 well-known universities worldwide.

She also added that the selected students could maximize their time while studying abroad. For example, it could be while building connections with the academic community at the related university. The goal is that this academic journey is helpful when you want to take further studies or work in the country.


Author/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (UII Department of Communications Student, Class of 2017, Internship Student at the International Program at UII Department of Communications Program)

Editor: AP Wicaksono