Reading Time: 2 minutes

To Start Your Academic Writing, first to do is doing mapping of your idea. The idea or the topic should be clear and new. Clear and new means your idea is not ambiguous, have a clear goals, and see the problem precisely. What is the problem, what is the solution, and no one already write it before. Mapping and brainstorming the topic or issues is the key for academic writing. Understanding and interest of the subject are also the key, indeed. We will see a lot of difficulties when those keys are not ready on our mind.

Those tips are some of what have discussed at evening Teatime Talkshow on August, 7th, 2020. This talk show was aired on International Program Instagram TV (ip.communication.uii). Krisal Putra, Communication Science Student of UII batch 2016, have already shared those tricks on behalf his experience as presenter on international conference before. But, were those thins the only tips that he shared?

On this sixth edition talk show, as usual, Ida Nuraini, the secretary of International Program of Communication of UII, guided the talk show. She asked Krisal what else the tips for doing academic writing on international conference same as Krisal’s.

“Beside mapping the issues, the outline of the idea or research subject also important,” Krisal answered. He also said that we should do a lot of discussion, idea brainstorm, and also make writing often.

Krisal said lecturer on our campus have an critical roles to improve our academic writing too. “What is the specific role?” asked Ida.

Lecturers and professors should encourage student to engage with academic culture. When someone have engaged with academic culture, it will make them write academic writing easily. “You should have a clear title or subject to write,” said Krisal. A lecturer also should give an opportunity to students to have a good habit of writing like what IP Communication done before.

Krisal continued that we’d better not start from an empty idea.

Make sure you already have a good understanding with the research concept. You can not go into research writing without any research concept and idea. If you have no idea what to write, your Lecture will face a big difficult to guide you,” said Krisal.

Ida also shared what she got on everyday life of academic writing class. As a lecture of journalism subject, Ida always face the reality of students’ academic culture: have no idea to write. Both of Krisal and Ida agreed that student should start writing with what they are good at and like.

Like what Krisal have done before, He have an interest on environment issues. So He were start his academic writing that should present on international conference with environment issues. “From that issues, we can improve and develop it into many different academic writing format and style,” said He then.

Beside learn from Krisal’s experience, You also could learn to write with Lindstroom’s tips here. Lindstroom were speaking about tips to write academic writing on international journal. She spoke in front of a lot of participants of International Conference that held by UII Communication Science Department.

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Pada tanggal 23 Juli 2020, Program Internasional Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dan Uniicoms TV mengundang Profesor Chen dan Dr. Masduki dalam The Annual Globalization Workshop (AGW) dengan tema “The Future Globalization.” Workshop ini merupakan program workshop perdana yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Internasional UII. Tulisan ini merupakan tulisan kedua Fitriana Ramadhany, mahasiswa magang kami, berdasarkan reportase-nya. Ini adalah artikel lanjutannya.

Sesi selanjutnya dilanjutkan dengan presentasi yang dibawakan oleh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huey Rong Chen. Presentasi Profesor Chen berjudul “Refleksivitas globalisasi: mencari transformasi dialogis setelah pandemi.” Ia memulai presentasinya dengan menjelaskan konsep globality yang dikemukakan oleh Roland Robertson, tentang konsep pemadatan dunia dan intensifikasi kesadaran masyarakat seluruh dunia. Untuk menjelaskan definisi globalisasi itu sendiri, ia mengacu pada Robertson yang memberikan definisi dasar globalisasi. Globalisasi itu adalah transportasi massal dan intensif orang, komoditas, dan informasi melintasi batas negara secara global. Kemudian dia menambahkan definisi globalisasi dari Anthony Giddens. Giddens mengatakan bahwa globalisasi adalah akibat langsung atau akibat modernisasi.

Dalam presentasinya, Associate Professor Chen lebih fokus pada definisi globalisasi menurut Robertson. Terutama dalam kesadaran yang disebutkan di sana. Dia menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang kesadaran yang dia maksud. Itu terkait dengan organisasi global yang sering dipikirkan oleh banyak orang terkait globalisasi, seperti ASEAN dan G20. Ia menjelaskan, pada 1992 ketika Robertson mengajukan konsepnya, kondisi masyarakat saat itu masih terfokus pada pembangunan satu negara. Berbeda dengan kondisi saat ini di mana masyarakat tidak bisa hanya memikirkan membangun satu negara atau menciptakan negara adidaya. Ia menyebutkan bahwa saat ini masyarakat di suatu negara juga perlu memikirkan negara lain, bahkan spesies lain, sebagai wujud kesadaran dunia.

Berdasarkan definisi globalisasi menurut Giddens, Profesor Chen meyakini bahwa globalitas kurang tepat dikatakan sebagai perpanjangan tangan dari modernitas. Karena modernitas bukanlah sistem atau nilai yang dikembangkan dari ruang dan waktu tertentu. Ia mencontohkan banyak belahan dunia yang memiliki budaya dan bangsa yang beragam di daerahnya. Ia menjelaskan bahwa daerah yang memiliki budaya seperti itu juga mengalami perkembangan modernitas dan memiliki lintasan pada nilai-nilai modernitas. Jadi, globalitas bukan sekadar konsekuensi modernitas. Globalitas adalah kondisi umum yang memfasilitasi difusi modernitas umum, yang berarti kedua proses tersebut berlangsung pada waktu yang bersamaan.

Pada tahun 1995, Robertson menyebut istilah baru melalui bukunya tentang modernitas, yaitu istilah global modernity. Profesor Chen menjelaskan bahwa itu berarti modernitas global bukanlah fenomena tunggal atau sistem tunggal. Ia juga menjelaskan bahwa globalisasi telah menjadi sistem yang homogen. Karena ketika berbicara tentang globalisasi, orang akan terhubung dengan bagaimana menjangkau seluruh dunia untuk menjual produknya.

Profesor Chen memilih teknik atau konsep refleksivitas dalam presentasinya untuk dikaitkan dengan kesadaran yang telah dijelaskannya sebelumnya. Menggunakan definisi semiotik oleh Greimas & Courtes, dia menjelaskan bahwa refleksivitas adalah sebuah konsep semiotika diskursif, yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sinkretisme dari beberapa peran aktansial ketika yang terakhir diinvestasikan dalam satu aktor. Peran aktual di sini adalah bagaimana seorang aktor memainkan perannya dalam sebuah cerita. Dia menjelaskan bahwa ini adalah teknik naratif yang digunakan untuk membantu memahami diri sendiri. Merujuk pada penjelasan selanjutnya, yang menyatakan bahwa seseorang dapat menggunakan dirinya sendiri sebagai badan untuk memahami dirinya sendiri melalui penyertaan yang lain, ia menjelaskan bahwa teknik di sini memiliki banyak cara yang berbeda. Penjelasan itu mengarah pada pertanyaan berikutnya tentang bagaimana memiliki kesadaran akan seluruh dunia melalui reflektifitas.


Penulis dan Reporter: Fitriana Ramadhany, Mahasiswa magang Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII.Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: 3 minutes

On July 23, 2020, International Program of Communication Science Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) and Uniicoms TV invited Professor Chen and Dr. Masduki in The Annual Globalization Workshop (AGW) with the theme “The Future Globalization.” This workshop is the inaugural workshop program organized by the International Program of Communication UII. This writing is the second writing of Fitriana Ramadhany, our intersnship student, based on her reportage. This is her follow-up article.

The next session continued with a presentation delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huey Rong Chen. Presentation by Professor Chen was entitled “Reflexivity of globalization: seeking dialogical transformation after the pandemic.” She began her presentation by explaining the concept of globality proposed by Roland Robertson, about the concept of the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the whole world. To explain the definition of globalization itself, she refers to Robertson who provided a basic definition of globalization. That globalization is the mass and intensified transportation of people, commodities, and information across national boarder globally. Then she added the definition of globalization from Anthony Giddens. Which says that globalization is a direct consequence or result of modernization.

In her presentation, Professor Chen focused more on the definition of globalization by Robertson. Especially in the consciousness mentioned there. She explained further about the consciousness her meant. That is related to global organizations that are often thought by many people related to globalization, such as ASEAN and G20. She explained that in 1992 when Robertson proposed his concept, the conditions of the community at that time were still focused on developing one country. It is different from the current condition where people cannot only think about developing one country or creating a superpower. She mentioned that today the people in a country also need to think of other countries, even other species, as a form of world consciousness.

Based on the definition of globalization by Giddens, Professor Chen believes that globality is not quite right when it is said to be an extension of modernity. Because modernity is not a system or value developed from a specific time and space. She gave an example that many parts of the world have various cultures and nations in their region. She explained that regions that have such cultures also have their development of the modernity and have their trajectory to the values of the modernity. Thus, globality is not simply the consequence of about modernity. Globality is the general condition which has facilitated the diffusion of the general modernity, which means the two processes going on at the same time.

In 1995, Robertson mentioned a new term through his book on modernity, the term global modernity which is an ‘s’ or plural modernity. Professor Chen explained that it means global modernity is not a singular phenomenon or singular system. She also explained that globalization had become a homogenized system. Because when talking about globalization, people will connect to how to reach out the whole world to sell their products.

Professor Chen chose the technique or concept of reflexivity in his presentation to be associated with the consciousness she had explained before. Using the semiotic definition by Greimas & Courtes, she explained that reflexivity is a concept of discursive semiotics, used to designated the syncretism of several actantial roles when the latter is invested in a single actor. Actantial roles here are how an actor plays his role in a story. She explained that this is a narrative technique used to help understand oneself. Referring to the next explanation, which states that one is able to use him / her / itself as the agency to understand him / her / itself through the inclusion of the other, she explains that the technique here has many different ways. That explanation leads to the next question about how to have consciousness of the whole world through reflectivity.


Author and Reporter: Fitriana Ramadhany, Student internship of Department of Communication Science, UII. Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Pada tanggal 23 Juli 2020, Program Internasional Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dan Uniicoms TV mengundang Profesor Chen dan Dr. Masduki dalam The Annual Globalization Workshop (AGW) dengan tema “The Future Globalization.” Workshop ini merupakan program workshop perdana yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Internasional UII. Tulisan ini merupakan tulisan kedua Fitriana Ramadhany, mahasiswa magang kami, berdasarkan reportase-nya. Ini adalah artikel lanjutannya.

“Tapi globalisasi bukan hanya masalah ekonomi,” ujarnya. Mengacu pada makalah dari Christian Fuchs, sosiolog muda dari Inggris, yang menulis tentang ‘kapitalisme virus korona’ sebagai istilah untuk kehidupan sehari-hari dan komunikasi selama pandemi. Masduki menjelaskan melalui makalah itu, Fuchs lebih banyak menulis tentang dampak besar Covid-19 daripada dampak ekonomi dan kesehatan. Dia mengatakan, dampak Covid-19 menurut Fuchs adalah mempertanyakan solidaritas global atau sosialisme di antara kita tanpa ada kepedulian terhadap identitas.

Globalisasi saat ini hadir dalam bentuk pola konsumsi seperti mengkonsumsi Coca Cola, Starbucks, dan McDonald’s. Menurut Dr. Masduki, pola konsumsi ini dikritik oleh Theodore Adorno. Adorno mengkritisi budaya yang terkomodifikasi dan masif menuju cita rasa produk global tunggal. Ini semacam massifikasi komunikasi dari AS ke seluruh dunia yang menunjukkan sejauh mana globalisasi telah berkembang.

Dalam paparan selanjutnya, Dr. Masduki banyak mempertanyakan bagaimana globalisasi bekerja pada saat pandemi, periode normal baru, atau pasca pandemi. Ia pun menyinggung salah satu dampak Covid-19 tentang kebiasaan kuliner. Jika sebelum pandemi konsumsi masyarakat sudah pada kuliner bermerk internasional. Selama pandemi dan bekerja dari rumah, kebiasaan kuliner tidak berubah dan konsumerisme meningkat. Terutama konsumerisme merek global dan produk yang dikonsumsi masyarakat tinggal di rumah. Inilah yang disebutnya kondisi yang menempatkan masyarakat menjadi anggota lokal dengan tinggal di rumah, sekaligus memaksa masyarakat menjadi konsumen global.

“Kembali ke pertanyaan saya di slide pertama, dunia ditutup sementara, tapi bagaimana dengan globalisasi? Jadi, jawaban saya adalah bahwa globalisasi masih ada. Tapi dengan cara baru dan pendekatan baru,” ujarnya. Ia menjelaskan, secara tidak langsung pandemi tersebut telah memberdayakan brand ICT global yang sudah mapan seperti Google Meet, Zoom, dan Tik Tok. Lebih lanjut ia menyimpulkan bahwa Covid-19 hanya selingan soal masalah globalisasi dan globalisasi belum bisa dikatakan tuntas.

Di akhir pemaparannya, ia menjelaskan bahwa sisi buruk Covid-19 mengganggu masyarakat dan membahayakan kesehatan. Namun di sisi lain, Covid-19 juga memberikan pengingat yang baik untuk menghormati keluarga dan menghormati merek komunikasi lokal. Ia pun berpesan kepada audiens sebelum menutup presentasinya bahwa untuk menjadi orang yang kritis diperlukan berbagai inisiatif kecil yang berdampak besar. Seperti meminimalisir pengeluaran, dan meminimalisasi penggunaan produk bermerek global dengan lebih memperhatikan merek lokal.


Penulis dan Reporter: Fitriana Ramadhany, Mahasiswa magang Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII.Angkatan 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: 2 minutes

On July 23, 2020, International Program of Communication Science Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) and Uniicoms TV invited Professor Chen and Dr. Masduki in The Annual Globalization Workshop (AGW) with the theme “The Future Globalization.” This workshop is the inaugural workshop program organized by the International Program of Communication UII. This writing is the second writing of Fitriana Ramadhany, our intersnship student, based on her reportage. This is her follow-up article.

“But globalization is not only about economic issues,” he said. Refer to the paper from Christian Fuchs, a younger sociologist from the UK, who wrote about ‘corona virus capitalism’ as a term for daily life and communication during the pandemic. Masduki explained that through that paper, Fuchs wrote about the huge impact of Covid-19 more than the economic impact and the health impact. He said that Covid-19 impact according to Fuchs was about questioning global solidarity or socialism among us without any concern of identity.

Globalization at this time come in the form of consumption patterns such as consuming Coca Cola, Starbucks, and McDonald’s. Dr. Masduki said that this consumption pattern was criticized by Theodore Adorno who criticized the commodified and massive culture toward a single-global product-taste. This is a kind of communication massification from the US to the rest of the world which shows how far globalization has progressed.

In the next explanation, Dr. Masduki questions a lot about how globalization works during the pandemic, new normal period, or after the pandemic. He also mentioned one of the effects of Covid-19 about culinary habits. If before the pandemic public consumption was on international branded culinary. During the pandemic and work from home, culinary habits have not changed and consumerism has increased. Especially consumerism on global brands and products consumed by the public to stay at home. This is what he calls a condition that places people into local members by staying at home, while forcing people to become global consumers.

“Back to my question in the first slide, the world is temporary closed but how about globalization? So, my answer is that globalization still exist. But in the new way and new approach,” he said. He explained that indirectly the pandemic had empowered the established global ICT brands like Google Meet, Zoom, and Tik Tok. Furthermore, he concluded that Covid-19 was only a distraction about the problem of globalization and globalization cannot be considered complete.

At the end of his presentation, he explained that the bad side of Covid-19 was distract society and endangers health. But on the other hand, Covid-19 also sends a good massage to respect the family and to respect a local brand of communication. He also gave advice to audiences before closing his presentation that to be a critical person needed a variety of small initiatives that had a big impact. Such as minimizing expenditure, and minimizing the use of global branded products by paying more attention to local brands.


Author and Reporter: Fitriana Ramadhany, Student internship of Department of Communication Science, UII. Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pada tanggal 23 Juli 2020, Program Internasional Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dan Uniicoms TV mengundang Profesor Chen dan Dr. Rer. Soc. Masduki dalam The Annual Globalization Workshop (AGW) dengan tema “The Future Globalization.” Workshop ini merupakan program workshop perdana yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII Program Internasional. Tema yang diangkat dalam workshop perdana ini adalah mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk menghadapi era globalisasi pasca pandemi covid-19 yang melanda seluruh belahan dunia. Workshop tahunan yang digelar secara langsung melalui google meet ini diikuti oleh sejumlah dosen dan mahasiswa IP Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Workshop tersebut juga dihadiri oleh mahasiswa dari berbagai negara seperti mahasiswa dari Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huey Rong Chen sebagai tamu pertama adalah seorang associate professor di Department of Journalism, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. Dan Dr. rer soc. Masduki, M.Si., MA sebagai tamu kedua merupakan dosen senior di UII. Kedua pembicara akan menyampaikan topik tentang globalisasi dan reflektifitas globalisasi dalam mengupayakan transformasi dialogis pasca pandemi. Workshop juga dipandu oleh Herman Felani dari Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Pada satu jam pertama, workshop diisi dengan penjelasan pandemi Covid-19 vs globalisasi yang disampaikan oleh Dr. rer soc. Masduki, M.Si., MA Mengawali presentasinya dengan menyampaikan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana globalisasi pada masa pandemi ini ketika dunia tertutup sementara. Sebagai pengamat komunikasi, ia menjelaskan Covid-19 memiliki banyak kode selain masalah kesehatan. Ketika kita membicarakan Covid-19 di Indonesia selama tiga bulan terakhir, dia yakin setidaknya ada empat topik yang berbeda. Politik blunder komunikasi, kontestasi pemulihan ekonomi, terganggunya gaya hidup sebagai ujung mobilitas, dan peninjauan kembali gagasan ‘globalisasi’ sebagai cara hidup.

Lebih dari itu, menurutnya, globalisasi seharusnya bicara tentang transmisi nilai dan makna gagasan ke seluruh dunia.

Melalui penjelasan tersebut, ia mencoba menghubungkan Covid-19 dengan blunder politik komunikasi dan kontestasi pemulihan ekonomi. Ia juga memperhatikan terganggunya gaya hidup sebagai ujung dari mobilitas antara Indonesia dengan negara lain, atau antara provinsi tertentu di Indonesia dengan provinsi lain. Mengacu pada perkataan Jan Blommaert, sosiolog yang mengatakan bahwa Covid-19 adalah contoh yang baik dari proses globalisasi.

Masduki setuju bahwa Covid-19 adalah topik yang menantang untuk menjelaskan bagaimana globalisasi menjadi gaya hidup. Ia menjelaskan dari perspektif ekonomi, bahwa secara ringkas, globalisasi juga dapat diselamatkan oleh pergerakan dunia melalui komunikasi keuangan ekonomi dan ancaman integrasi. Lebih dari itu, menurutnya, globalisasi seharusnya bicara tentang transmisi nilai dan makna gagasan ke seluruh dunia. Dan dalam beberapa kasus, juga tentang kemunduran bangsa seperti identitas umat beragama Islam.


Penulis dan Reporter: Fitriana Ramadhany, Mahasiswa magang Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Angkatan 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: 2 minutes

On July 23, 2020, International Program of Communication Science Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) and Uniicoms TV invited Professor Chen and Dr. Masduki in The Annual Globalization Workshop (AGW) with the theme “The Future Globalization.” This workshop is the inaugural workshop program organized by the International Program of Communication UII. The theme raised in this inaugural workshop is to preparing students to encounter the globalization era after the covid-19 pandemic that swept across all parts of the world. The annual workshop that was held live, through google meet, was attended by a number of lecturers and students of IP Communication Science UII. The workshop was also attended by students from various countries such as students from Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huey Rong Chen as the first guest was an associate professor in the Department of Journalism, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. And Dr. rer soc. Masduki, M.Si., M.A as the second guest is a senior lecturer in UII. The both speakers will deliver topics about globalization and reflectivity of globalization in seeking dialogical transformation after the pandemic. The workshop was also guided by Herman Felani from Department of Communication Science, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

In the first hour, the workshop was filled with an explanation of Covid-19 pandemic vs globalization delivered by Dr. rer soc. Masduki, M.Si., M.A. He began his presentation by presenting a question about how globalization was during this pandemic when the world is temporary closed. As a communication observer, he explained that Covid-19 has multiple code besides health issue. When we talk about Covid-19 in Indonesia during the last three months, he believes that it is related to at least four different topics. Politics of communication blunders, contestation of economic recovery, disruption of lifestyle as end of mobility, and revisiting the notion of ‘globalization’ as way of life.

Through the explanation, he trying to correlate Covid-19 with the politics of communication blunders and contestation of economic recovery. He also paid attention to the disruption of lifestyle as end of mobility between Indonesia and other countries, or between a particular province in Indonesia to the other province. Referring to the words of Jan Blommaert, a sociologist who said that Covid-19 is a good example of globalization process.

Masduki agreed that Covid-19 was a challenging topic to explain how globalization became a way of life. He explained from an economic perspective, that in summary, globalization can also be saved by worldwide movement throughout economic financial communication and threat integration. Moreover, he said that globalization should be about the transmission of ideas values and meaning across the world. And in some cases, it also about the decline of the nation like identity as Islamic religious people.


Author and Reporter: Fitriana Ramadhany, Student internship of Department of Communication Science, UII. Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Teatime 6th edition will invite:

Krisal Putra (student of communication Science Department, batch 2016).

The next International Program of Communication’s Teatime

“Student’s Academic” Writing Experiences

Live On Instagram


Friday, August, 7th, 2020
Start at 4pm (UTC+7)

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Forum Amir Effendi Siregar menggelar:

Bincang sejarah komunikasi seri 5


Membaca Ulang Sistem Penyiaran Indonesia: Dari Era Kolonial Belanda hingga Pasca Suharto


Dr. rer. soc. Masduki

Masduki mengajar di Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII sejak 2004-sekarang. Menulis buku: Penyiaran Indonesia: Dari Otoriter ke Liberal (2007). Karya disertasinya pada University of Munich, Jerman (2019), Public Service Broadcasting and Post-Authoritarian Indonesia akan diterbitkan oleh Palgrave McMillan (Springer Nature, London) akhir tahun ini



Sabtu, 8 Agustus 2020
Pukul 10:00 WIB
Via Zoom



Reading Time: 3 minutes

continued posts from: Teatime #5: The Twists and Turns of Becoming Overseas Students (1)

According to her, the hardest thing when adapting abroad is in terms of friendship. When the first year was still constrained by language, she felt unable to talk much. During the lecture, Sorlihah admitted that she could only remain silent. However, the longer stay in Indonesia, she began to feel at home. It just because she already has a close friend. Including friends from Thailand who also studied at UII.

“It so happened that at that time there were friends who started inviting chat, so it wasn’t just me who tried to adapt in the new environment. They also want to adapt to chatting. Eventually there will be many friends who want to help, especially during the third semester,” she said.

Sorlihah also shared her experiences when adapting to food in Indonesia. She said that adapting to food was no less difficult, especially rice. Rice in Indonesia which tends to be softer is different from rice in Thailand.

The food in Thailand which is mostly salty and spicy is different from the food in Jogja which is sweet. Although initially having difficulty choosing food that suits her taste, Sorlihah began to find food in Indonesia that she liked. When asked by Annisa Putri Jiany, as the master of ceremonies, about Jogja’s food that was first liked by Sorlihah, she admitted that the chicken soy sauce and seblak menu was her favorite food.

The thing in Indonesia that made her not impressed was the education of her Pesantren (boarding school for higher education). “The boarding school’s girl here (Indonesia) are so cool. They can master many languages, especially English and Arabic,” she said enthusiastically.

Sorlihah herself, aside from her studies, also lives in a dormitory provided by the campus: dormitory of Islamic Boarding School of UII. The boarding school lecture that Sorlehah attended was not much different from the routine of the pesantren in general. There was religious and language learning that was held outside of formal class. Although the routine made her schedule even more solid, Sorlihah continued to follow the applicable curriculum with a light heart until graduation.

The university has a rule for foreign students studying at UII, that they are required to live in the campus boarding school. However, as the number of foreign students entering UII, the regulation has gradually changed. “For Year 2016 and below, now it is no longer compulsory in Islamic boarding schools. Because many friends from Thailand who had difficulty following the boarding school curriculum. So, now they can freely choose to live outside the boarding school,” she explained.

“What is the tips and tricks from Sorlihah for studying abroad?” asked Jiany, the host’s nickname.

Sorlihah said the first most important thing was intention. Need to prepare the heart, and strengthen the intention. According to her, a strong intention will make yourself not easily give up and back down when there are problems.

Second is research, finding out about the culture and language of the country to be addressed. Like food in the destination country, anything that needs to be taken care of when leaving, and so on. “I also asked my siblings about Indonesia. How is Jogja? My siblings also told me about shake hands and language culture. If the language is not much different, so don’t panic too much,” Sorlihah said.

At least, Sorlihah conveyed a message to friends who wanted to study abroad, “Don’t give up quickly, every difficulty there must be ease. God will not give trials beyond the ability of his servant.”


Writer: Fitriana Ramadhany (Student of Communication Major of UII, Internship at International Program of COmmunication Science Department UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W