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Forum Amir Effendi Siregar Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Seri 9)

Meletakkan Sejarah Pers Mahasiswa dalam Kajian Media di Indonesia

Wisnu Prasetya Utomo

Menyelesaikan studi master di School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds. Menulis buku Pers Mahasiswa Melawan Komersialisasi Pendidikan (2013) yang diangkat dari skripsi S1.  Saat ini merupakan pengajar di Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi UGM dan sedang menyelesaikan buku yang diolah dari tesis S2 tentang Media and Political Parallelism in Indonesia.

Sabtu, 5 September 2020
Pukul 10:00 WIB
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Reading Time: < 1 minuteGender sensitive issues have been widely discussed since approaching the second millennium. Starting with a book written by Mukhotib in 1998 entitled Gender sensitive journalism published by PMII. But if you look at the twists and turns of its history, this gender sensitive journalism has started way back in the Dutch colonial era.

Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, an UII Communication Science lecturer who is currently studying his doctorate at Monash University, explained a lot of rich data in the discussion at the Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum on August 29th, 2020.

In that discussion he talked a lot about the context of gender sensitive journalism, literature, history and dynamics of gender sensitive journalism as well as several research studies. He also sees that gender-sensitive journalism is not limited to media coverage, but also occurs in daily practices that surround the world of journalism.

For example, the lower wages of female employees, the absence of protection for female journalists, recruitment requirements, the absence of lactation rooms, and, “there is no tolerance for holidays for women during menstruation,” said Iwan, giving a lot of examples.

Tracing from the historical stage, periodically, Iwan provided a lot of data and stories about the role of women or historical data based on gender sensitive journalism. It should be noted that gender sensitive journalism does not only talk about women, but also looks at the context of how gender is narrated in certain times.

In Sharing the history of the development of gender-sensitive journalism, Iwan divided it into 7 periodizations. First, the colonial era, second is the era of the independence movement of Indonesia, the Japanese occupation era, the Soekarno era, the Suharto era, the transitional reform era and the reform era until now.


Reading Time: 3 minutesTourism Journalism – Elements of Journalism is a Must. Even though tourism journalism is look like a trivial think, a good standard on the elements of journalism should be applied on every tourism journalism writing. Now if you surf in cyberspace, no doubt you will find tourism news content, travel, touring, trips to exotic areas, to unspoiled tourist places. The reason is, the spread of content like this cannot be separated from the increasing use of social media and the level of tourism literacy in Indonesian society, especially young people.

The popularity of tourist attractions like this has made many content providers and news portals uphold tourism journalism as the primary content of their content. Although this kind of journalism is synonymous with travel and tourism, it is claimed that it is not just traveling.

That was the discussion that emerged from the Monthly Discussion of the PSDMA (Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation) Nadim of Communication Science Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Risky Wahyudi  became the host of the event inviting Nur Rizna Feramerina.

Feramerina is an UII Communication Science student who conducts research on the phenomenon of Tourism Journalism and its current developments. She researched several portals. Apart from research, he is also active in writing on Detik Travel Indonesia.

Elements of Tourism Journalism

Are there any tips or special characters for becoming a journalist or contributing traveling content writer? How many people are there behind the scenes on this travelling website?

That question was asked by Risky Wahyudi, the host  of this discussion program. Feramerina said there were approximately 50 people more, for example in the Travellindo website in which she researched. Even Feramerina is also surprised that there are more than 5,000 contributors of traveling content that they had.

“They also have a contributor group in the Telegram application to foster contributors to produce better, more creative, quality content in accordance with the elements of journalism,” he said.

According to her research, there is no special character to become a writer or journalist for this Travel Writer. All the same. Writing must conform to journalism standards or elements. So you cannot write just randomly without understanding the elements of journalism. So, more than 5000 contributors must also fulfill the principles and basic elements of journalism in writing content with the tourism journalism genre.

Recommendations for Advanced Research on Tourism Journalism

Feramerina and Risky reach the conclusion that not much research has been done on Tourism Journalism. You can do research on this, for example, Risky’s idea, how  traveling websiite manages thousands of contributors, or like Feramerina said, no one has yet compared the content of tourism journalism on various news website.

Different portals, different standards. That’s how important it is to be researched. Feramerina shared her experience writing this travelling content for example. She writes on two portals: detik travel and Travellindo. Both have the same focus, but according to her experience, Travellindo is more selective and rigid in writing content, even photos.

According to her, there are not many references that talk about the genre in this journalism. She herself had to find and trace foreign sources who discussed this. This search finally found results. The primary reference that examines the tourism journalism genre that she is researching is a book entitled Specialist Journalism, edited by Barry Turner and Richard Orange.

Besides discussing technical coverage and how to do this, this main book also contains reflections on the fields of journalism. Such as journalism in sports, culinary, music, law, media, war, art and tourism. This book also discusses including how to write complex data from science research.


Reading Time: 2 minutesKini jika anda berselancar di dunia maya, tak ayal anda akan menemui konten berita pariwisata, perjalanan, touring, perjalanan ke daerah-daerah eksotik, hingga tempat-tempat wisata yang belum terjamah. Pasalnya, merebaknya konten seperti ini tak bisa dipisahkan dari meningkatnya penggunaan media sosial dan tingakt literasi wisata pada masyarakat indonesia, khususnya kaum muda.

Popularitas tempat wisata seperti ini membuat banyak content provider dan portal berita menegakkan jurnalisme pariwisata sebagai primadona kontennya. Meski jurnalisme ini identik dengan perjalanan dan wisata, ia diklaim bukan sekadar jalan-jalan.

Begitulah diskusi yang muncul dari gelaran Diskusi Bulanan PSDMA (Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi MEdia Alternatif) Nadim Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Risky Wahyudi kali ini menjadi pembawa acara mengundang Nur Rizna Feramerina. Feramerina adalah Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII yang melakukan riset tentang fenomena Jurnalisme Pariwisata dan perkembangannya saat ini. Ia meneliti beberapa portal. Selain riset, ia juga aktif menulis di Detik Travel Indonesia.

Apakah ada tips atau karakter khusus untuk menjadi jurnalis atau kontributor penulis konten travelling? Tim di balik layarnya ada berapa orang di portal travelling ini?

Pertanyaan itu dilontarkan oleh Risky Wahyudi, pembaca acara diskusi ini. Feramerina mengatakan ada sekira 50 orang lebih misalnya di portal travellindo di portal konten travelling yang ia teliti. Bahkan Feramerina juga kaget ada 5000 lebih orang kontributor konten travelling.

“Mereka juga punya grup kontributor di aplikasi Telegram untuk membina kontributor aga dapat menghasilkan konten yang lebih bagus, kreatif, bermutu, sesuai dengan elemen jurnalisme,” katanya.

Menurut penelitiannya ini, tidak ada karakter khusus untuk menjadi penulis atau jurnalis Travel ini. Semuanya sama. Tulisan harus sesuai dengan standar atau elemen-elemen jurnalisme. Jadi tidak bisa juga sembarang menulis tanpa memahami standar jurnalisme. Jadi, lebih dari 5000 kontributor juga harus memnuhi kaidah dan elemen dasar jurnalisme dalam menulis konten dengan genre jurnalisme pariwisata.

Rekomendasi Riset Lanjutan Jurnalime Pariwisata

Feramerina dan Risky mencapai kesimpulan bahwa belum banyak riset yang membahsa tentang Jurnalisme Pariwisata. Anda bisa melakukan riset soal ini misalnya, ide Risky,  bagaimana portal travelling mengelola ribuan kontributor, atau kata seperti kata Feramerina,  belum ada yang membandingkan konten jurnalisme pariwisata pada beragam portal.

Beda portal, beda strandar. Begitulah pentingnya membandingkan. Feramerina berbagi pengalamannya menulis konten ini misalnya. Ia menulis di dua portal: detik travel dan Travellindo. Keduanya punya fokus yang sama, tapi menurut pengalamnnya, travellindo lebih selektif dan rigid dalam menulis konten, bahkan foto.

Menurut Feramerina, belum banyak referensi yang bicara soal genre dalam jurnalisme ini. Ia sendiri harus mencari dan melacak sumber-sumber asing yang membahas tentang ini. Pencariannya ini akhirnya menemukan hasil. Referensi induk (babon) yang mengkaji genre jurnalisme yang ia teliti ini adalah buku berjudul Specialist Journalism, suntingan Barry Turner dan Richard Orange.

Buku babon ini selain membahas tentang teknis peliputan dan bagaimana melakukannya, juga memuat refleksi pada bidang-bidang jurnalisme. Seperti jurnalisme di bidang olah raga, kuliner, musik, hukum, media, perang, seni, dan wisata.  Buku ini juga membahas termasuk bagaimana menulis data yang rumit dari penelitian sains.



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Reading Time: 2 minutesDi episode Teatime kali ini, Suwaibah Mataeha, mahasiswa IP Communications (IPC) 2019, akan berbagi pengalamannya selama menjadi mahasiswa internasional. Suwaibah atau biasa dipanggil Suwai, adalah seorang mahasiswa Komunikasi UII program internasional dari Yala, Thailand. Annisa Putri Jiany selaku pembawa acara ikut serta dalam diskusi Teatime pada episode kali ini yang bertema “Ngobrol Bersama Mahasiswa Internasional“.

Suwai sudah lama ingin belajar di luar negeri untuk menambah pengalaman. Ia mengaku mendapat informasi tentang beasiswa UII dari teman-temannya melalui Facebook. Suwai memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut dan bersama teman-temannya mencoba melamar beasiswa di UII. Alasan dia memilih jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi bukan hanya karena dia menyukainya, tapi juga karena ingin lebih mahir dan percaya diri dalam mempraktikkan kegiatan komunikasi di depan umum.

Menjadi mahasiswa internasional tentunya membutuhkan kemampuan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru. Senada, Suwai mengaku saat pertama kali di UII sempat sedikit kesulitan dengan kemampuan bahasanya. Namun, motivasi belajar dan keinginan kuat untuk menguasai bahasa membuatnya bersemangat. Keinginannya untuk menambah keterampilan dan pengetahuan baru adalah tujuan awalnya sebagai mahasiswa. Inilah yang selalu dia ingat saat melewati masa-masa sulit.

Dosen dan karyawan yang sangat dekat dengan mahasiswa membuat Suwai merasa senang dan aman selama menempuh pendidikan di Jurusan Komunikasi UII. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa dia tidak menemui masalah apapun selama di kelas. Menurutnya, sistem pembelajaran di UII tidak jauh berbeda dengan sistem di negaranya.

Hal yang membedakan adalah tentang cara berbusana. Pelajar di Thailand memiliki aturan untuk memakai seragam hitam putih. Sedangkan di Indonesia, khususnya di UII, mahasiswa tidak diwajibkan berseragam.

Kendala Mahasiswa Internasional: Adaptasi dan Bahasa

Mengenai kendala bahasa yang sering dialami oleh mahasiswa internasional di UII, pihak kampus menyediakan fasilitas untuk membantu permasalahan tersebut. Fasilitas yang disediakan kampus bagi mahasiswa internasional adalah mahasiswa mendapatkan bantuan belajar bahasa melalui program BIPA. BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Orang Asing) merupakan program prasyarat yang dilaksanakan di CILACS (Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Internasional) UII.

Suwai mengatakan dalam program ini mahasiswa akan diajarkan bahasa Indonesia dari dasar hingga mahir. Selain itu kampus juga memberikan fasilitas berupa bantuan sembako pada saat pandemi. Sehingga pelajar khususnya pelajar internasional tidak kesulitan tinggal di Jogja saat pandemi.

Ketika ditanya tentang hal-hal baru yang dipelajarinya selama belajar di Jogja, Suwai menjawab bahwa ia pernah mencoba beberapa makanan khas Jogja seperti Gudeg. Menurutnya makanan Indonesia yang memiliki kemiripan dengan makanan di Thailand adalah seblak, karena rasanya yang pedas dan asin. Ia juga pernah mencoba menonton beberapa film horor buatan Indonesia. Suwai menilai film horor Indonesia lebih seram dibanding film horor buatan Thailand.

Meski baru memasuki semester 3, Suwai mengaku mendapatkan manfaat dari ilmu yang didapat selama kuliah di IPC. Seperti Mata Kuliah Fotografi dan Public Speaking yang dia praktikkan saat di Thailand. Sebagai penutup, Suwai menyampaikan kesan yang didapatnya di IPC, bahwa IPC memiliki dosen yang ramah dan lingkungan yang baik. Ia berpesan, “Jangan takut mencoba, karena semua hal bisa dipelajari. Tidak apa-apa membuat kesalahan. Jadi, tetaplah percaya diri meskipun Anda belum bisa berbicara bahasanya. Karena semua yang ada di IPC menarik.”


Penulis: Fitriana Ramadhany (Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII Magang Program Internasional Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Teatime 9th edition will invite:

Retyan Sekar – Journalist

(Alumni of communication Science Department, batch 2015).

The next International Program of Communication’s Teatime

Talking With Alumni: Study Life Impact to Carrier

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Sunday, August, 30th, 2020
Start at 4pm (UTC+7)

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Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar

Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Seri 8)


Sejarah dan Catatan Jurnalisme Sensitif Gender di Indonesia


Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf

Pengajar kajian media dan Jurnalisme di Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII sejak 2004. Menulis buku Media, Kematian, dan Identitas Budaya Minoritas (2005). Ia adalah PhD Candidate di School of Media, Film, and Journalism, Monash University, Australia dengan topik disertasi jurnalisme sensitif gender dalam liputan kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak di Indonesia.



Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2020
Pukul 09:45 WIB
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Reading Time: 2 minutesIn this episode of Teatime, Suwaibah Mataeha, a 2019 IP Communications (IPC) student, will share her experiences while being an international student. She is student of Communication Science Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Suwaibah or Suwai (her nickname), is an international student from Yala, Thailand. Annisa Putri Jiany as the host joined Teatime’s discussion on this episode with the theme “Chit Chatting with International Students.”

Suwai has long wanted to study abroad to gain more experience. Suwai said that she got information about UII scholarships from friends via Facebook. Suwai took the opportunity and together with her friends tried to apply for a scholarship at UII. The reason she chose the Communication Science major was not only because she liked it, but also because she wanted to be more proficient and confident in practicing communication activities in public.

Being an international student certainly requires the ability to adapt to new environments. Likewise, Suwai admitted when the first time in UII she had a little difficulty with her language skills. However, the motivation to learn and a strong desire to master the language keeps her excited. Her desire to add new skills and knowledge was his initial goal as a student. This is what she always remembers when going through difficult times.

Lecturers and staff who are very close to students make Suwai feel happy and safe while studying at the International Program of Communication Science Department (IPC) at UII. She also said that she did not encounter any problems during class. According to her, the learning system at UII is not much different from the system in her country. The thing that distinguishes is about how to dress. Students in Thailand have a rule to wear black and white uniforms. Meanwhile in Indonesia, especially at UII, students are not required to wear uniforms.

Regarding the language barrier that is often experienced by international students at UII, the campus provides facilities to help this problem. The facilities provided by the campus for international students are that students receive language learning assistance through the BIPA program. BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreigners) is a prerequisite program implemented at CILACS (Center for International Language and Culture Studies) UII.

Suwai said that in this program students will be taught Indonesian from basic to advanced. Besides, the campus also provides facilities in the form of basic food assistance during the pandemic. So that students, especially international students, have no difficulty living in Jogja during the pandemic.

When she was asked about the new things she had learned while studying in Jogja, Suwai replied that she had tried some typical Jogja foods such as Gudeg. According to her, Indonesian food which has similarities with food in Thailand is seblak, because of its spicy and salty taste. She has also tried watching several horror films made in Indonesia. Suwai argues that Indonesian horror films are scarier than horror films made in Thailand.

Even though she has just entered the 3rd semester, Suwai admits that she has benefited from the knowledge she got while studying at IPC. Like the Photography and Public Speaking courses that she practiced when in Thailand. In closing, Suwai conveyed the impression she got in IPC, that IPC had a friendly lecturers and kind environment. She advised, “Don’t be afraid to try, because all things can be learned. It is okay to make mistakes. So, be confident even though you can’t speak the language yet. Because everything in the IPC is exciting.”

Writer: Fitriana Ramadhany (Student of Communication Major of UII, Internship at International Program of Communication Science Department UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: 2 minutesMengapa melacak sejarah humas itu penting? Di negara lain, sejarah humas hanya berkonteks negara masing-masing. Studi ini peminatnya banyak, buku ajar banyak ditulis, tetapi persoalan sejarah humas tak banyak. Maka saatnya kini Melacak Sejarah Public Relations di Indonesia di Forum AES.

“Beberapa buku memang sudah menulis deskripsi sejarah public relation/ PR di Indonesia, tetapi miskin konteks sosial, politik, dan budaya,” kata I Gusti Ngurah Putra, Akademisi dari Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi UGM, sebagai pembicara pada Sabtu (22/8) di Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) yang disiarkan langsung Channel Uniicoms TV.

Buku-buku dari negara lain sudah membahas sejarah sesuai konteks negaranya. Misalnya, Ngurah mennyontohkan buku The Unseen Power, Public Relation: A history. Scott M. Cutlip menulis itu sampai setebal 832 halaman soal sejarah PR. Jacquie L’Etang juga menulis sejarah PR di Inggris dalam buku berjudul Public Relations in Britain.

Sedangkan di Indonesia, sejarah PR masih belum digarap serius. Menurut Ngurah, jika penulisan sejarah humas tidak dimulai, ada ketakutan sulit mengakses data dan informan.

“Informan ahli dari kalangan pelaku awal atau perintis awal humas di Indonesia tinggal sedikit. Tantangan lain adalah dokumen terkait praktek humas dan gagasan yang berkembang tidak mudah untuk diperoleh,” jelas Ngurah.

Ia memberi penanda soal siapa yang bisa dijadikan peletak awal PR di Indonesia dalam sejarah. Misalnya Prof. Alwi dahlan yang mendirikan konsultan humas di Indonesia, “lalu ada Wicaksono Noeradi, praktisi humas yang pernah sekolah di School of Journalism di Negeri Abang Sam. Lalu Amiruddin, humas PT. Astra,” imbuhnya.

Bagaimana Humas di Indonesia Mula-mula

Dalam sejarahnya, humas masa kemerdekaan dan era Soekarno lebih banyak diarahkan pada membangun semangat baru sebagai sebuah bangsa yang baru. Menurut Ngurah, PR Indonesia di awal republik ni berdiri, dijalani sebagai public diplomacy dan hubungan internasional, kata Ngurah yang menyelesaikan studi Master-nya dan mengkaji PR Indonesia di University of Canberra, Australia.

Tak hanya itu. Perusahaan minyak asing di awal tahun 1950-an seperti STANVAC, Shell, Caltex, BTM ke Indonesia sering dianggap sebagai awal munculnya Corporate PR di Indonesia, katanya. Pada saat yang hampir bersamaan, beberapa perusahaan atau lembaga negara seperti Kepolisian, RRI dan Garuda Indonesia juga mulai memiliki bagian Humas.

Di tahun 60-an, Tahun inilah yang menjadi cikal bakal berkembangnya PR di Indonesia. Istilah “purel” sebagai akronim PR makin populer daripada istilah “humas”. Lalu pada 1962, presidium Kabinet PM Juanda menginstruksikan agar setiap instansi membentuk divisi humas.

Perkembangan selanjutnya, kata Ngurah, pada era orde baru, lembaga pemerintah mulai memeiliki bagian humas. Departemen Penerangan/ Deppen juga menjalankan fungsi kehumasan untuk pemerintah.

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhy is tracking the history of public relations important? In other countries, the history of public relations only has the context of each country. This study has a lot of enthusiasts. Its also many writers write textbooks, but there are not many issues in the history of public relations.

“Some books have written descriptions of the history of public relations / PR in Indonesia. The problems are they lack social, political and cultural contexts,” said I Gusti Ngurah Putra. Ngurah is a scholar from the UGM Department of Communication Sciences. He speak on Saturday (22/8) at the Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) which was broadcast live on the Uniicoms TV Channel.

Books and Reference of History of PR                                                 

Books from other countries have discussed history according to the context of their country. For example, Ngurah cited the book entitled The Unseen Power, Public Relations: A history. Scott M. Cutlip wrote it up to 832 pages in thickness about the history of PR. Jacquie L’Etang also wrote the history of public relations in England in a book entitled Public Relations in Britain.

Meanwhile,  the history of PR in Indonesia is still not seriously worked on. According to Ngurah, if the writing of public relations history does not start, there is a fear that it will be difficult to access data and informants.

“There are only a few expert informants from the early actors or public relations pioneers in Indonesia. Another challenge is that documents related to PR practices and developing ideas are not easy to obtain,” explained Ngurah.

He gave a marker about who could be the starting point of indonensian PR in history. For example Prof. Alwi Dahlan, who founded a public relations consultant in Indonesia, “then there is Wicaksono Noeradi, a public relations practitioner who attended the School of Journalism in the United State. Then Amiruddin, PR of PT. Astra,” he added.

How Public Relations in Indonesia Early

In its history, public relations during the independence and Soekarno era were more focused in particular issues. Soekarno focused on building a new spirit as a new nation. According to Ngurah, public diplomacy is Indonesian PR focus at the beginning of the republic. It also focus on international relations, said Ngurah. Ngurah completed his Masters study and studied Indonesian PR at the University of Canberra, Australia.

Not only that. “Foreign oil companies in the early 1950s such as STANVAC, Shell, Caltex, BTM to Indonesia are often seen as the beginning of the emergence of Corporate PR in Indonesia,” he said. At about the same time, several companies or state institutions such as the Police, RRI and Garuda Indonesia also started having a Public Relations section.

In the 60s, this year was the forerunner to the development of PR in Indonesia. The term “purel” as an acronym for PR is getting more and more popular than the term “public relations”. Then in 1962, PM Juanda’s Cabinet presidium instructed each agency to form a public relations division.

Further developments, said Ngurah, during the New Order era, government agencies began to have a public relations department. The Ministry of Information / Deppen also performs a public relations function for the government.