Reading Time: 2 minutes

This information is made for you, the Communication Department Student of UII. Please take note of the internship information below. Read carefully and submit your administration requirements as mentioned below:


The ASEAN Foundation seeks passionate and capable interns to support the communications, programmes and operation function of the organisation.

To solidify and further explore the potentials of the ASEAN youths, the ASEAN Foundation provides an Internship Programme. The programme offers undergraduate and postgraduate students from the ten ASEAN member countries and the dialogue partners to engage in a two to six months long internship programme that provides a wide range of activities of learning and contributing to ASEAN community-building processes towards a dynamic, prosperous, and resilient region.

The interns are working under the Foundation key working units, such as Programme Unit, Communications Unit, and Operations Unit, to further unleash their skills and potential. The interns are tasked to work on a day-to-day basis with responsibilities surrounding programme and research proposal development, implementation, and monitoring. They might also be asked to develop contents for the Foundation’s social media platforms for better outreach.

This opportunity is open until 21 January 2023. The internship is available at our three units of work: communications, operations and programme. Click the links below to learn more and apply:

Communications Intern

Operations Intern

Programme Intern

In the ASEAN Foundation Online Internship Programme, interns are suggested to work remotely from the comfort of their home or dormitory. However, the interns can also opt work from the Foundation’s office at ASEAN Secretariat Heritage Build, Jakarta, Indonesia, which requires further discussion with the HR team of ASEAN Foundation.


“During my internship, I was equally given administrative, technical, and creative tasks. Working remotely is not so bad if you are assigned to challenging projects. My internship is no doubt a value-adding experience to my career!”

Ziarla Mae Malabanan

Student from Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals


“I indeed learned a lot during my internship with the ASEAN Foundation. My skill set was definitely enhanced through the tasks assigned and I thank the Programme Team for giving me that opportunity. Although I’ve only started to learn about the importance of being an aware ASEAN citizen in recent years, I am honoured to have been able to get involved towards building my own and others’ ASEAN Identity.”

Meerza Helmi Uzapuspa

Student from Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Further information:


Reading Time: < 1 minute

Apakah di antara kamu, mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, ada yang tertarik mengembangkan cakrawala dan wawasan di dunia film? Silakan mencoba mendaftar pada mitra Komunikasi UII di LSF berikut ini:

Program Magang

Lembaga Sensor Film

Gelombang 8

Durasi 3 bulan, Hybrid (daring dan Luring),

Dapatkan pengalaman seru dan sertifikat



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A post shared by Lembaga Sensor Film RI (@lsf_ri)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Kamu mahasiswa dan Alumni Komunikasi UII tertarik di bidang media, Bussines Development, SEO Content Editor, Content Creator, Reporter, Event dan Partnership? Silakan simak informasi lowongan kerja (fulltime) dan Magang berikut ini ya:

Yuhuuuuu! Info loker nih buat kamuh~
Fulltime, freelance, dan magang.

Iya kamu, kamu di mana sih? Aku cari-cari loh~

Sini yuk, gabung sama hipwee ☺️
Cek ketentuannya di poster yak~


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Hipwee (@hipwee)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII yang sedang ingin mengembangkan diri, meluaskan wawasan, dan mencari tempat untuk magang, kamu bisa mendaftar pada kesempatan magang berikut ini. Lengkapnya bisa merujuk dari Mitra Komunikasi UII di informasi berikut ini:

Magang di Mojok kembali dibuka nih. Buat yang dari kemarin udah nungguin atau nanya-nanya di DM, cusss daftar.

Informasi lengkapnya bisa dilihat di laman atau cek IG Story terbaru buat dapetin link-nya.



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A post shared by MOJOK (@mojokdotco)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Berikut ini adalah informasi dari Mitra Prodi Komunikasi UII. Pesan disampaikan dalam aplikasi pesan singkat WhatsApp dan disebut bersumber dari KBRI Bangkok. Pesan aslinya dapat dibaca dalam salinan pesan berikut:

Salam Ibu Bapak,

Dengan hormat meneruskan informasi yang disampaikan oleh KBRI Bangkok.

Tawaran beasiswa S2 dan S3 di Khon Kaen University, Thailand. Monggo dapat diakses dalam website terkait untuk program studi yang ditawarkan. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih

Info Lanjutan cek PDF di sini.

Bagi alumni dan relasi Komunikasi UII, sila jika tertarik, bisa mengikuti dan mengkonfirmasi tautan dan website terlebih dahulu terkait informasi lebih lanjut.

KOMUNIKASI UII Khon Kean University’s Scholarship

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hai Comms!
Ada kabar gembira nih
Buat kamu yang sudah lulus kuliah dan lagi nyari pekerjaan serta pengalaman, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII sedang Open Recruitment dengan Posisi Parttime.
Kami membutuhkan 4 posisi:

– Content Creator
– Staf Pusat Studi
– Arsiparis
– Admin Jurnal

Masing-masing posisi ada syarat dan ketentuan nya, simak di postingan ini ya!
Simak juga syarat dan ketentuan umumnya:
– Usia maksimal 30 tahun
– Pendidikan minimal Diploma-3
– Mengirimkan Surat Lamaran ke Email: [email protected]
– Mengisi formulir:

Pendaftaran paling lambat tanggal: 15 Desember 2022

Segera bergabung dengan kami.
Kami tunggu ya!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Pengumuman ini kami tujukan untuk kamu mahasisw komunikasi UII dan alumni yang berminat menjadi content creator di Brilio. Info lebih lengkap bisa merujuk ke poster berikut ini:

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Pengumuman ini kami tujukan untuk kamu mahasisw komunikasi UII dan alumni yang berminat menjadi content creator di Brilio. Info lebih lengkap bisa merujuk ke poster berikut ini:

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Pengumuman ini kami tujukan untuk kamu mahasisw komunikasi UII dan alumni yang berminat menjadi Reporter di Brilio. Info lebih lengkap bisa merujuk ke poster berikut ini:

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Peluang ini untuk dosen, peneliti, dan mahasiswa alumni dan sivitas akademika UII yang ingin melakukan riset dan mendapatkan peluang beasiswa. Program ini bernama Make Our Planet Great Again dari Pemerintah Prancis. Sila simak info lebih lengkapnya di bawah ini:


This sixth Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) call for applications is intended to welcome 40 young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. The program is funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, and implemented by Campus France.

The MOPGA 2023 Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers will support researchers working on topics listed in the “Research Themes” section.


Research Project Title
Keywords (6)
Abstract of the Research Project (2,000 char. max.)
Context and Motivation (2,000 char. max.)
Scientific Objectives (2,000 char. max.)
Methodology and Timeline (4,500 char. max.)
Project position in relation to the MOPGA scientific domain (2,000 char. max.)
Collaborations and / or impacts for the candidate’s country of residence in relation to the research project proposal (2,000 characters max.)

Further Information :

Campus France Indonesia