Building Intellectual Journey Towards Organic Intellectual Character

Further study is the struggle to build an intellectual journey. Naturally, ups and downs become daily in every process. Not infrequently, constant motivation is the key. Intellectual processes need to be passed from building to testing ideas.

Masduki, a Department of Communications lecturer, and Raden Retno Kumolohadi, UII Psychology Lecturer, are both new FPSB doctors and attended the Farewell event for Lecturers and Education Personnel of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences, Universitas Islam Indonesia. At this event, the Dean of FPSB UII also gave a memento to Mr. Djiwanggo and Mrs. Indri, two FPSB education staff who have completed their tenure at UII so far.

At the event held on May 5, 2021, Masduki shared his experience while taking his doctorate in Munich, Germany. At first, he felt confident that he could complete his doctorate in up to three years. “I was confident when I submitted a research proposal to my supervisor. I thought this was cool,” said Masduki. Later, the five sheets of his research proposal that were considered good were asked to be revised by the supervisor. According to the supervisor, this proposal is more of an NGO program proposal. “So it’s not a proposal full of theoretical studies, I mean.”

“From there I believe, my struggle will be more than three years,” said Masduki while laughing, reminiscing about the early days. As a result, after that, Masduki had to read more and study various books. “I spent time from the library opening to closing. That was the first six months of his struggle,” he said.

Quick Recipe for Completing Doctoral Studies 

Retno Kumolohadi, another new doctor, said the recipe for completing doctoral studies was based on experience. “I think the most important thing is intention: to do something good. If that is the intention, we will get help from Allah SWT,” She said. She also greatly appreciated all employees, staff, and friends who have contributed to supporting the lecturers who are continuing their studies.

Another tip from Masduki, quoting Hegel, is that S3 is like tesis, antithesis, synthesis of Hegel’s words. “The doctoral degree person builds the thesis first. A kind of proposition. Then develops the antithesis,” He explained. “It’s like a building being beaten until it becomes strong. The process was during the antithesis building period. Now, the final process is the synthesis and I’m sure this has been completed,” He said.

On the other hand, Masduki believes that undergoing further studies is building an intellectual journey. “I also underline, I like to quote the Quran Surah Ali Imron verse 91. Inna fi kholqi fissamawati … li ulil albab. So if we take bachelor, magister, and doctoral then the end is ulil albab,” He said. “Well, we read the process. This is extraordinary,” He continued.

Ulil albab is the intellectual peak stage after Ulin Nuha. According to Masduki, ulinnuha is the level of scientists collecting knowledge, discovering and conveying it in class. “But if ulil albab is a scholar. So he is not only an intellectual explorer but also a learner, whose campus walls are not enough as a locus of devotion, but also has a dedication to the wider world,” He explained. “The ones in Gramsci are organic intellectuals. Not traditional intellectuals,” Masduki explained.

Traditional intellectuals are people who are only on campus conducting examinations, said Masduki. Intellectuals of this model think about how it impacts outside the campus.

“Hopefully we can go there. Hopefully later our friends can do the same and so that our faculty can have an international reputation,” concluded Masduki.