Ruang Berita Ilkom

Ikuti informasi terkini tentang berbagai aktivitas di Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Berita Pilihan

Becoming a Hero Against the Corona Virus

Becoming a Hero Against the Corona Virus

No one is affected by the year then, he stays at home patiently and hopes for his blessing, so he...
Menjadi Pahlawan Melawan Virus Korona

Menjadi Pahlawan Melawan Virus Korona

Tiada seorangpun yang terkena tha'un kemudian ia menahan diri di rumah dengan sabar dan mengharap ridhanya maka ia senantiasa mendapat...
Tuition Fee Reduction and Covid-19 Mitigation 

Tuition Fee Reduction and Covid-19 Mitigation 

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all fronts—political, social, cultural, and economical. According to  Tempo, in the first five months of...
Keringanan Biaya Kuliah UII dan Mitigasi Covid-19 di Masa PPKM

Keringanan Biaya Kuliah UII dan Mitigasi Covid-19 di Masa PPKM

Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak di segala lini. Baik lini politik, sosial, budaya, hingga ekonomi. Menurut laporan, pada 5 bulan pertama...
Following the Four Characteristics of AES Thought

Following the Four Characteristics of AES Thought

Media life in Indonesia lost a lot after the departure of Amir Effendi Siregar (AES). This media thinker and guardian...
Six Dimensions of Media Management with Amir Effendi Siregar

Six Dimensions of Media Management with Amir Effendi Siregar

 Business and media management are studies that are not widely used as special courses or majors in communication campuses...
Qualitative Research Praxis in Corporate Public Relations

Qualitative Research Praxis in Corporate Public Relations

Qualitative research for corporations and public relations is for the advancement of the company. Research is also the basis for...
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Hubungi Ilkom UII

Bagi rekan jurnalis media yang ingin mencari informasi tentang Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII silakan menghubungi alamat sebagai berikut:

Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584

Telepon: 0274-898444 ext. 3267
Surel: [email protected]


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