Entries by pampam

Part 2 TeaTime: Mustadha’afun in Prophetic Communication

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes “What are the manifestations of Mustadha’afun or marginalized people in Islam?” This question got interesting and not short answers. Then Holy gives a picture of the social context of modern society today with many buildings and luxury cars milling about. “The easiest way,” said Holy, “we can check whether there are neighbors who are still […]

Part 2 TeaTime: Mustadha’afun dalam Komunikasi profetik

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Mustada’afun atau orang terpinggirkan dalam Islam dimanifestasikan apa?” lontaran pertanyaan moderator ini mendapat jawaban yang menarik dan tak pendek. Lalu Holy memberikan satu gambaran konteks sosial masyarakat modern yang saat ini dengan banyaknya gedung dan mobil mewah berseliweran. “Cara paling gampang” kata Holy, “ kita bisa ngecek apakah ada tetangga yang masih kelaparan atau tidak, […]

IP Communication TeaTime: Prophetic Communication and the Marginalized

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes The study of prophetic communication is not new things, it’s just that so far it is still understood normatively as religious da’wah or da’wah that is religious in nature such as the procedures of the prophet. The study of prophetic communication in a prophetic perspective, namely defending the marginalized, weak, and oppressed has not been […]

IP Communication Teatime: Komunikasi Profetik dan Yang Terpinggirkan

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Kajian Komunikasi profetik bukanlah hal baru, hanya saja selama ini masih dipahami secara normatif sebagai dakwah keagamaan atau dakwah yang sifatnya agamis seperti tatacara nabi. Kajian Komunikasi Profetik dalam dalam perspektif kenabian yakni membela yang terpinggirkan, lemah, dan terindas belum banyak dibahas dalam kajian komunikasi profetik selama ini. Obrolan komunikasi profetik sambil ngeteh sore ini […]

Webinar Series NADIM: Middle Class Construction in Rolling Stone Indonesia Magazine

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Who determines which social class we belong to in society? The answers could vary. One of those who determine our social class  is a music magazine. Music magazines define that our taste in music indicates where our class level is in society. People who like dangdut and pop music belong to lower class tastes, while […]

Webinar Series NADIM: Konstruksi Kelas Menengah di Majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Siapa yang menentukan berada di kelas sosial apa kita di masyarakat? Jawabannya bisa bermacam-macam. Salah satunya yang menentukan adalah majalah musik. Majalah musik mendefinisikan bahwa selera musik kita menunjukkan dimana level kelas kta dalam masyarakat. Masyarakat penyuka musik dangdut dan pop melayu adalah selera kelas bawah sedangkan rock, pop, dan jazz adalah selera kelas menengah. […]

Do We Still Need PSB Supervisory Board?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Public Service Broadcasting/PSB is commonly understood as the highest entity in the governance of the PSB, especially in Indonesia. Dewas contains various elements. It is starting from the public, government to PSB elements. Public involvement in the Dewas, or according to Masduki, more accurately the Public Broadcasting Council, is […]

Creative and Productive with Achievements at the FPSB UII

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Anniversary. Anniversary is always a momentum for reflection and projection. The same was done by the FPSB UII academicians at the peak of their 26th anniversary. Various achievements, appreciations, achievements, and lessons learned in the 26th FPSB Anniversary on Thursday (15/4/2021). The 26th anniversary of the FPSB raised the theme “Being Creative and Productive in […]

Masihkah Kita Perlu Dewan Pengawas LPP?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) Lembaga Penyiaran Publik/LPP jamak dipahami sebagai entitas tertinggi di dalam tata kelola LPP, terutama di Indonesia. Dewas berisi dari beragam unsur. Mulai dari unsur publik, pemerintah, hingga unsur LPP. Keterlibatan publik dalam Dewas, atau seyogyanya menurut Masduki lebih tepat bernama Dewan Penyiaran Publik, adalah vital bagi LPP. “Dewan penyiaran publik itu kata […]

Creative and Inspirational Work Steps to Become a Creativepreneur

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Starting an entrepreneur should be based on research. Quality research in turn will determine the level of creativity and how inspiring the efforts we are engaged in. But that’s not enough. Entrepreneurs must know these four steps in order to become creative and inspiring entrepreneurs. Be a creativepreneur! “There is still a big chance to […]