Entries by pampam

Towards the ‘Special Issue’ Edition at AJMC Communication UII

Special issue-based publishing is an opportunity for international journals. It is also possible for an international journal belonging to UII Communications called the Asian Journal of Media and Communication or commonly abbreviated as AJMC. Special issues or special editions are journal publications that focus on a particular object of study. This specific study is essential […]

Menuju Edisi Special Issue di AJMC Komunikasi UII

Penerbitan berbasis special issue menjadi sebuah peluang bagi jurnal internasional. Tidak menutup kemungkinan juga bagi jurnal internasional milik Komunikasi  UII bernama Asian Journal of Media and Communication atau biasa disingkat AJMC. Special issue atau edisi khusus adalah terbitan jurnal yang fokus pada satu objek kajian khusus. Kajian khusus yang spesifik ini menjadi penting mewarnai pengayaan […]

Qualitative Research Models

Journal content and manuscripts entering the editorial desk are not only quantitative methods. Many manuscript writers also send their manuscripts to journal editors using qualitative methods. However, it is not uncommon for the technique to be unclear. Therefore Prof. Irwan Abdullah explained in detail how to research to use the types of qualitative research easily. “Why […]

Visioning dan Positioning AJMC Menuju Jurnal Rujukan Kajian Komunikasi dan Media Asia

Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC) lahir dengan semangat mengisi kekosongan kajian komunikasi di Indonesia yang selama ini masih didominasi paradigma dan bidang kajian tertentu. Dominasi yang dimaksud, misalnya dominasi kajian public relations atau dominasi positivisme. Jika mengacu pada pembidangan dalam International Communication Association (ICA), maka akan langsung terlihat bahwa banyak sekali bidang kajian […]

Model-model Penelitian Kualitatif

Konten dan naskah jurnal yang masuk ke meja redaksi tak hanya bermetode kuantitatif. Banyak pula penulis naskah yang mengirim naskahnya ke redaksi jurnal dengan metode kualitatif. Meski begitu tak jarang pula yang tak jelas metodenya. Maka dari itu Prof. Irwan Abdullah menjelaskan secara rinci melakukan penelitian agar bisa dengan mudah menggunakan jenis-jenis penelitian kualitatif. “Kenapa […]

Problems and Challenges of Digital Journalism in Indonesia

There are two things that greatly affect the mass media business lately. First, is digital disruption which is getting more and more common. Then the second is the Covid-19 pandemic. Both are considered to have greatly changed the landscape of the media business pattern in Indonesia. Not only upstream, but also downstream. While still in […]

Reading Comments on Social Media as Entertainment

 From era to era, entertainment has changed along with changes in the media used. With the smartphone, a lot of choices of entertainment media are offered. But unexpectedly, reading comments from content posts is also one of them. Research on the motivation of readers of comments as entertainment was investigated by Athifah Nur Husna, a […]