Entries by pampam

Writing a Book Involving the view of Colonial History

Writing and discussing a problem with people can be viewed from various perspectives. There is no division of knowledge. If there is, in fact, the division of knowledge is a Dutch imperialism heritage.  Bagus Riyono said that the Indonesian religious leaders before independence were experts in many things. Although what is introduced is only religious […]

How to Plan Events During a Pandemic 

Imagine the excitement of watching festivals and concerts, which are always decorated with sparkling lights at some points and combined with dim, colorful lights at other angles. Unique ornaments add to the joy of gathering with friends in a busy atmosphere. Suddenly the covid outbreak hit, making all the excitement have to stop. Everyone must […]

Teatime: Merencanakan Acara Saat Pandemi

Terbayang keseruan menonton festival maupun konser yang selalu dihias dengan lampu gemerlap di beberapa titik dan dipadu dengan lampu remang berwarna warni di sudut lain. Ornamen unik menambah keriangan berkumpul bersama teman  dalam keramaian suasana. Tiba-tiba wabah covid melanda, membuat semua kegembiraan harus berhenti. Semua orang harus tetap dirumah. Bepergian dibatasi apalagi berkumpul bersama teman-teman […]

Don’t Wait for the Mood to Do Your Thesis

Talking about the days of the final semester when you have to struggle with finishing and writing a thesis, days can seem very heavy. Discipline and a support system will help through that stressful day. The discussion about the thesis days became the topic of the Teatime program, hosted by Arsila and Ola, students of […]

Teatime: Garap Skripsi Jangan Nunggu Mood

Berbincang tentang hari-hari semester akhir yang harus bergumul dengan penyelesaian dan penulisan tesis, hari-hari sepertinya bisa terasa sangat berat. Disiplin dan support system akan sangat membantu melalui hari yang penuh tekanan itu. Obrolan tentang hari-hari skripsi itu menjadi topik acara Teatime yang dipandu oleh Arsila dan Ola, keduanya adalah mahasiswa Program Internasional di Komunikasi UII. […]

Let’s learn to make a blog together

Creating a blog or website is now a must. The era has entered the age of the all-internet. Everything is connected to each other. Through social media and websites. Besides being connected to each other, now everyone can also create their own media. Indiscriminately. From villages to cities, from students to workers, farmers to employees, […]

Bareng-bareng Belajar Bikin Blog Yuk

Mencipta blog atau website kini adalah niscaya. Eranya sudah masuk ke era serba internet. Serba terhubung satu sama lain. Lewat media sosial dan website. Selain saling terkoneksi, setiap orang kini juga bisa membuat medianya sendiri. Tak pandang bulu. Dari Desa hingga kota, dari pelajar sampai pekerja, petani hingga pegawai, mulai muda hingga tua. Tujuannya juga […]

Nadira’s story from IISMA at Teatime

Being part of the IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Award) Awardee is the dream of many Indonesian students nowadays. Listening to stories of the awardee’s journey and process while studying abroad will increase their enthusiasm to be part of IISMA. What Nadira’s journey was like when studying at Leeds University and how she got through […]

Teatime: Cerita Nadira Sebagai Awardee IISMA di Leeds University of UK (1)

Menjadi bagian dari IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Award) Awardee adalah impian banyak mahasiswa Indonesia. Mendengarkan cerita perjalanan dan proses awardee saat kuliah di negeri orang akan meningkatkan gairah mereka untuk menjadi bagian dari IISMA. Seperti apa perjalanannya Nadira saat Kuliah di Leeds University dan bagaimana dia bisa menembus sudah banyak ditunggu oleh banyak mahasiswa. […]