Analisi Konglomerasi Industri Pers Daerah di Indonesia: Pendekatan S-C-P

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Volume 3, Nomor1, Oktober 2008

ISSN 1970-848X


Analisis Konglomerasi Industri Pers Daerah di Indonesia:

Pendekatan S-C-P

Oleh Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf


                The Structure, Conduct, and Performance or known as S-C-P usually used to observe the structure and competitions in industry, including mass media. Mass media structure, with its centralistic-concentrated ownership as the indication in Indonesian local press, sice they have to flight in a tough national press competition whosw ownerships are concentrtated in some publishing groups. The analysis that used to capture local press conglomeration in the oligopoly market is Structure-Conduct-Performance approach.


Penerbit :
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya