Academic Skill Study: A Guide of International Program for Beginner

On the previous occasion, a Welcoming Day was held to welcome the students of International Program (IP) Communication Department on August 30, 2019. At that time, the Secretary of Communication Department IP, Ida Nuraini Dewi KN welcomed by introducing themselves, and giving advice to students, “If there is anything about academic, study, and other matters, you may contact me.” If there is an obstacle for IP Communication students, Ida Nuraini opens herself to be able to discuss any obstacles that arise.

“Don’t think about studying at IP too seriously. IP is fun. There are routine IP programs. P2A for example. From now on, make a saving, because we will have many international travel and activities. You can make a passport from now on,” explained Her who was the graduate student of Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, with enthusiasm.

Welcoming day continues in the next day, 31 August 2019, under titled: Academic Skill Study. This Academic Skills Study contains several key points to be used as a guide for IP students. They can  explore the taste of knowledge in this department. There are various sessions on Academic Skill Study opportunities.

For example, as stated by Ida, “There is a motivational session that wants to create intimacy so that students feel belong to IP,” he said. “Indeed, the aim of the activity is to form character and motivation early on. Academic skill study is start at the beginning of the courses, before lecturing, so there is orientation and briefing. Grow motivation to learn,” added Ida. The material workshop are designed also varies such as Self Management, Why IP, to Academic Writing and Creative Thinking for IP Students.

The design of this activity was indeed made to provide a beginner introduction for Communication Department of IP students. This activity is also a bridge for those who have just graduated from high school and entered the world of students who are completely independent. There is shock and culture shock of course, which is expected to be faced by every student, not avoided. For example, dealing with a bucket of assignments, especially accompanied by an introduction to English and a variety of other student activities that perform with English introduction.