How to Review Quantitative Research

If you review research journal manuscripts with quantitative methods, be sure to do an empathetic review. Submission of criticism is good, but still must be constructive.

As a manuscript reviewer, make sure that you do not have a conflict of interest with the content of the manuscript. “Immediately inform the editor if you have a conflict of interest,” said Kunto Adi Wibowo, Fikom Unpad lecturer, at the Quantitative Research Methods Training on August 28, 2021.

“I, for example, will refuse to review a manuscript where he criticizes my research. Although I can, I avoid bias in the review,” added this doctoral graduate from Wayne State University, United States.

The first step in reviewing quantitative research is to do a preliminary reading. Check what the main objective is and whether it is relevant and interesting. Ensure the originality of the topic and, “Newness of both theoretical perspectives, methods, and results,” said Kunto. This includes checking whether the methods and interpretations are convincing.

The next step is to examine the introduction section. In addition to reading the objectives, arguments accompanied by state of art, it is also necessary to check the literature review section. Kunto said, “Literature review is not cherry-picking. If the researcher is serious, we can see that the researcher understands the context and not the origin of the paste.”

The study of the methods section is also important as the next step. In the method section, check whether the information is detailed enough about the measurement, “if possible there is a questionnaire attached,” said Kunto in his presentation. In his presentation page, Kunto does not contain a theory/definition of the method, but a description of what has been done and the arguments for doing it.

Next is the step of review and discussion in the results and discussion section: does statistical analysis have a solid foundation? The reviewer also reads whether the data description is explained in a simple way.

In the closing section, according to Kunto, the author should write a conclusion briefly and based on the results of his research. He also doesn’t use much self-citation in the reference section.