7T Obligations in the Quran

Knowledge is one of the essential pillars of religion. Without it, religion is like a building without a framework. Knowledge must also be accompanied by the spirit of sharing before it becomes successful. The success we build is success together.

“So we have to be successful by not forgetting to build a generation,” said Ridwan Hamidi, a Preacher and speaker at the Monthly Recitation of the Faculty of Psychology & Socio-Cultural Sciences UII on December 31, 2021.

Therefore, in studying the science of the Koran, Ridwan not only to the stage of learning to read it but also to form the best generation of Rabbani and society. In turn, the goal of creating a noble civilization is not impossible. Success in knowledge must also be successful in building civilization.

In principle, understanding the Three Basic Principles can fulfill the demand for religious knowledge. Three things that Muslims must learn are first, the pillars of Islam, the pillars of faith, then the things that are prohibited in religion (big sins and minor sins)

. First is Tahsin. “Tahsin can be interpreted to improve reading according to the rules of recitation,” said Ridwan, who is also a lecturer at several campuses in Yogyakarta, such as UMY and UII.

The next T is recitation. Tilawah means reciting the Quran every day. Knowledgeable people learn to read or improve their reading and decorate their day without missing the slightest from reciting the Quran.

Then the third T is Tahfizh, or memorizing the Quran. Not only memorizing but also the following obligation is Tafsir and Tadabbur. Tafsir means understanding the Quran, and tadabbur means contemplating and taking lessons from the Quran.

Is it enough?

There are still two next T, namely Tathbiiq and ta’lim. If Tathbiiq means practicing in everyday life, then ta’lim means teaching others. So this series of 7T obligations, when practiced, will make it easier for students of knowledge to achieve success and build civilization and a civilized generation.