What’s Up with Jogja Scrummy and the Km 0 of Jogja?

Vivi Mulia Ningrum and Retyan Sekar Nurani, students of Communication Studies (2015), began to sit in front of the participants of the discussion in the Audio Visual Room (Mini Theater) of UII’s Communication Department. Both were accompanied by Risky Wahyudi, researcher and staff of Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media NADIM (PSDMA Nadim) Communication Department  of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Today, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, the three of them were the center of attention from the attendees at the Monthly Routine Discussion of UII Communication Department under the discussion theme: Space and Power in Yogyakarta.

This discussion is the first series on student research series in the Geography Communication cluster. Risky Wahyudi said, Communication Department hopes that this Monthly Discussions such as this models can strengthen the academic culture, academic pulpits, and become learning spaces for research, service and previous preaching. Both the research conducted by lecturers, students, and academicians can be used as learning and appreciation space.

Vivi and Retyan, in their thesis research, try to dismantle the ideology and practice of space production in Jogja. The results are diverse, Vivi for example, found in her research that Jogja Scrummy produced its outlets and outlets in such a random way just to form the ideology that Jogja was formed as a tourism city. “How can Dude Herlino advertise that Jogja Scrummy is a typical product of Jogja but he wears traditional Javanese clothes which are not typical of Jogja, but Surakarta?” Vivi said. The packed tagline reads “Remember Jogja, Remember Jogja Scrummy” suggests that their consumers are also tourists: people who travel. Jogja is no longer formed as a student city, but tourism, even though it is inconsequential, he said. The design of the interior space is arranged so that consumers who come not only shop but also take photographs.

“So the photo of artist Dude Herlino is mediation, then photographed consumers have also been included as a presenter, twice as much as this,” added Vivi, who claimed to have gone back and forth from Jogja Scrummy outlets for more than 15 times. Starting from interviewing various buyers there, He also recorded interviews, saw forms, found patterns, and simultaneously recited the meaning behind the space in Scrummy Yogyakarta. The atmosphere of the discussion warmed up when Risky Wahyudi, the moderator, questioned the conception of consumers as tourists who were not entirely right. .

For him and according to his observations in recent years, consumers of Yogyakarta Scrummy look not tourists but students or jogja people who buy their products to be made as souvenirs. The formation of Jogja as a tourist city does not seem right. Vivi answered by explaining the emphasis on the meaning of the Jogja Scrummy tagline interpretation that looked as if the consumer segment was a tourist seen from the choice of words in the tagline. Discussion # Series of Geography Communication Clusters