Teatime #7: The Excitement of Being an IPC UII Student

The 7th episode of Teatime on August 14, 2020, with the theme “Chit Chat About Being IPC Students” presented M. Aditya Arvian from IP Communication (IPC) UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia) batch 2018. At this Teatime, Muthia B. Maharani as the host accompanied the discussion and sharing in today’s topic about IPC students.

The thing that is often asked about the IPC class is the differences with the regular communication class. Answering that question, Adit and Muthia explained as IP students, assignments and exams were given in English by following international regulation. Besides, IP students are prepared to face the international environment. So that the lessons taught in the class follow international standards. The class and student capacity provided are also less than regular classes. This smaller class provides the advantage for IP students to be closer to the lecturers and staff.

“We have an intimate time with our lecturer and other staff. Because of the facility we got different from the regular one. For example, in the Prodi we can make coffee, that’s become one of the benefits for me. And that is the facility that we mentioned before,” said Adit.

Not only learning in class, but IPC students also get learning through direct experience. One of the unique experiences that can be obtained in IPC classes is through the P2A program. This program is one of the compulsory programs where IPC students are obliged to attend this program at least once. Through this program, IPC students can get direct experience with international people, make friends with people in another country, and learn about different cultures. Besides, IPC students also have the freedom to join organizations and events held on campus and outside campus like students in general.

“We have to blend in with people. It doesn’t mean because we are international students, we cannot make a friend with others. It’s doesn’t mean like that. Because we are still being friends with different major and country” he said.

The Excitement of Being an IPC UII Student

For the first year, IPC students will get a Bridging Program that will make them easier to adapt in the classroom. To enter IPC classes new students do not have to be good at English. Because through the Bridging Program first-year students will be taught about public speaking which will help them. This program will also help form the student character. Adit said, that through IPC classes everyone deserves the opportunity to learn. They will learn the process together by practicing English directly.

“Why they must choose the IPC?” asked Muthia. Adit explained that in the IPC class, students will get unique experiences that will not be obtained on another campus. Such as the P2A program, international workshops, and other programs provided for students. Many fun things can be obtained by joining IPC classes. Due to the small class capacity, the sense of relationship in it becomes more obvious. The absence of seniority also adds to the familiar atmosphere between seniors and juniors, nor students and lecturers.

Related to Adit statement, as the IP students, the assignment is quite different from the regular class. They have to talk to international phenomenon and refer to international journals. Even though it is heavy, they have facilities that can support. And in IPC they build their chemistry with help each other.



Writer: Fitriana Ramadhany (Student of Communication Major of UII, Internship at International Program of Communication Science Department UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W