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Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar

Diskusi peluncuran buku “Public Service Broadcasting and Post-Authoritarian Indonesia” (Masduki, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) dengan judul:

Lembaga Penyiaran Publik: Kemarin, Hari Ini dan Esok



Senin, 14 Desember 2020
Pukul 15:30-17:00 WIB


Diskusi ini menghadirkan:


Dr.rer.soc. Masduki (UII, Yogyakarta)


Prof. Dr. Johannes Bardoel (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Assoc. Prof. Nurhaya Muchtar (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA)




Mira Rochyadi-Reetz (Lecturer and Doctoral Student, Institute of Media and Communication Science Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau- Germany




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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Does Indonesia have a historical legacy for iIndonesian public broadcasting? This question is important to raise. The question of the historical legacy of public broadcasting may be difficult to answer. Not to mention that the direction of writing the history of Indonesian broadcasting still faces various problems.

Masduki, Lecturer of Department of Communication Science at UII, said that various problems in writing the history of Indonesian broadcasting have made it difficult to trace the legacy of public broadcasting in Indonesia.

This doctoral graduate from the Institute of Communication Studies & Media Research (IfKW), University of Munich (LMU Munich), explains that this fact is different from some public broadcasting practices in Europe and America, for example.

“In the UK, the BBC, as a public broadcaster, was born to meet the needs of quality information for citizens. The BBC has long confirmed that it is in the form of public broadcasting. It is also protected by law,” he said in a discussion at the Amir Effendi Siregar Forum (AES Forum. ) which was held by the Department of Communication Science. on Saturday, August 8th, 2020.

The AES Forum Discussion which was broadcast live by the Department of Communication Science via its First Online TV at UII, Uniicoms TV, was attended by various participants from various campuses, institutions, and NGO. Starting from broadcasting activists, academics, NGO activists, students, the press, and also the citizens of Yogyakarta.

Various Problems in Writing History of Public Broadcasting

According to Masduki,  who is also a broadcasting expert, there are several problems in writing the history of Indonesian broadcasting. He succeeded in tracking down references from books, journals to other literature that talk about public broadcasting in Indonesia. From here, finally, he recited his questions about the history of public broadcasting in his dissertation.

The problems in writing the history of public broadcasting, for example, as He mentioned it, first, books and other references in Indonesia have only focused on actors. Second, if there is any trace of the history of the institution, it only contains single institutions, TVRI for example, and only in certain periods.

Third, the approach used is the pre-soeharto period oral history approach. “This is as we can see in the book ‘Sedjarah Radio’ (history of radio) published by the Ministry of Education in 1953.

The next problem, fourth, is that the writing of history in books is still centered on the strategy of music broadcast content in the colonial era. This is as written by Yampolsky, a writer who researches colonial era radio such as SRV, Nirom, etc.

Fifth, books on the history of public broadcasting are still compiled by several Indonesianist authors. Sixth, the history that is listed only focuses on the organization and dates such as in theses, theses, dissertations, “and tends to copy and paste from various histories which are haphazard and dry analysis,” said Masduki.

“Well, what is missing is the writing of a longitudinal, comparative, and critical pattern of public broadcasting,” he said while explaining the reason he wrote his dissertation which was published by Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, some time ago.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Apakah Indonesia Punya Warisan Sejarah Soal Penyiaran Publik Indonesia? pertanyaan ini menjadi penting dikemukakan. Pertanyaan soal warisan sejarah penyiaran publik barangkali sulit untuk dijawab. Belum lagi arah penulisan sejarah penyiaran indonesia masih menemui beragam problem.

Masduki, Dosen Komunikasi UII, pakar penyiaran, mengatakan bahwa pelbagai persoalan dalam penulisan sejarah penyiaran indonesia menyebabkan sulitnya melacak warisan soal penyiaran publik di indonesia.

Doktor lulusan dari Institute of Communication Studies & Media Research (IfKW), University of Munich (LMU Munich), ini menjelaskan, fakta ini berbeda dengan beberapa praktik penyiaran publik di eropa dan amerika, misalnya. “Di Inggris, BBC, sebagai penyiaran publik, lahir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi yang berkualitas bagi warga. BBC, memang sejak lama meneguhkan berbentuk penyiaran publik. Ia juga dilindungi oleh undang-undangnya,” katanya dalam diskusi di Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (Forum AES) yang dihelat Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII pada Sabtu, 8 Agustus 2020.

Diskusi Forum AES yang disiarkan langsung oleh Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi lewat TV Online Pertama di UII, Uniicoms TV ini, dihadiri beragam peserta dari beragam pihak. Dari kampus, lembaga, dan institusi. Mulai dari aktivis penyiaran, akademisi, aktivis NGO, mahasiswa, pers, dan juga masyarakat umum.

Menurut Masduki, ada beberapa problem penulisan sejarah penyiaran indonesia. Ia berhasil melacak referensi-referensi baik dari buku, jurnal hingga pustaka lainnya yang bicara soal penyiaran publik di Indonesia. Dari sinilah akhirnya, ia mendaraskan pertanyaannya soal sejarah penyiaran publik ini, dalam disertasinya.

Problem Penulisan Sejarah Penyiaran Publik

Problem-problem dalam penulisan sejarah penyiaran publik itu terbagi menjadi beberapa poin. Misalnya pertama, buku dan referensi lain di Indonesia selama ini hanya terpusat pada aktor. Kedua, pun jika ada melacak sejarah institusi, ia hanya memuat institusi, TVRI misalnya, dan hanya di periode tertentu.

Tak hanya itu, Ketiga, pendekatan yang dipakai adalah pendekatan sejarah lisan periode pra orde baru. “Ini seperti yang bisa kita lihat dalam buku ‘Sedjarah Radio” yang diterbitkan oleh Deppen pada 1953.

Problem selanjutnya, keempat, penulisan sejarah dalam buku masih terpusat pada strategi konten siaran musik di era kolonial. Ini seperti yang ditulis oleh Yampolsky, seorang penulis yang meneliti radio era kolonial seperti SRV, Nirom, dll.

Seterusnya, yang kelima, buku-buku tentang sejarah penyiaran publik masih bersifat kompilasi oleh beberapa penulis indonesianis. Keenam, sejarah yang tertera hanya fokus ke organisasi dan tanggal-tanggal seperti dalam skripsi, tesis, disertasi, “dan cenderung salin tempel dari berbagai sejarah yang serampangan dan kering analisis,” kata Masduki.

“Nah, yang belum ada adalah penulisan sejarah penyiaran publik berpola longitudinal, komparatif, sekaligus kritis,” katanya. Ia sekaligus menjelaskan alasan ia menulis disertasinya yang telah diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Palgrave Macmillan, beberapa waktu lalu.