Tag Archive for: Norman Joshua

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The magazines affiliated with the military in the 1939-1966 era apparently discussed a lot about military strategy, political concepts, how to organize society, and how the civil service should behave and lead the community.

“But from the content, it can actually be drawn a line about ‘how the military uses the pretext of the Law’ to take power legally,” said Norman Joshua, doctoral student at Northwestern University, speaker at the 12th Exclamation of Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum on Saturday ( 3/10). The discussion, which was held by the UII Communication Science Study Program, was broadcast live on the online TV Uniicoms TV belonging to the Department of Communications Science of UII.

The military-owned media also ran a counter for the Harian Rakyat newspaper which incidentally belonged to the left. “Indeed, at that time each department had a publication. Chakra Vijaya magazine belongs to the Army’s Judiciary Corps. In the 60s, the military did not only talk about threats, or about the military world,” said Norman, “but also about law and its implementation in Indonesia. There are also articles. which discusses who has the right to prosecute and arrest a suspect in an area that is included in a war zone. ”

Apart from discussing military strategy, the military media also talks about politics. “And at that time it looked natural in the dual conception of military functions in Indonesia in the 1966 period,” said Norman, commenting on why military media content did not merely talk about the military world.

Military-owned media is seen very clearly in sharpening its content focus to militarize social conditions. Many matters outside the military’s authority try to be raised and discussed in the military law academy as reflected in the Army’s Chakra Vijaya magazine.

Another example is Yudha Gama magazine from the Ministry of Defense. And the most popular to the old material is the Air Force’s Space magazine. “It was as if they were competing in a ‘battle field of discourse’ with the Harian Rakyat, as we all know there was a debate over the discourse between the military and the PKI (Communist Party) in the 60s,” said Norman.


Reading Time: < 1 minute

Majalah yang berafiliasi dengan militer pada era 1939-1966 rupanya banyak membahas soal strategi militer, konsep politik, bagaimana mengorganisir masyarakat, hinga bagaimana pamong praja harus bersikap dan memimpin masyarakat.

“Tapi dari kontennya sebenarnya dapat ditarik garis tentang ‘bagaimana militer itu mempergunakan dalih Undang-Undang’ untuk take power legally,” ungkap Norman Joshua, mahasiswa doktoral Nortwestern University, pembicara dalam Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) seru ke-12 pada Sabtu (3/10). Diskusi yang diadakan oleh Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII ini ditayangkan langsung oleh TV online Uniicoms TV milik Komunikasi UII.

Media milik militer juga melakukan konter koran Harian rakyat yang notabene adalah milik golongan kiri. “Memang waktu itu tiap departemen punya terbitan. Chakra Vijaya milik korps Kehakiman Angkatan Darat. Tahun 60an, militer tidak hanya membicarakan tentang ancaman saja, atau soal dunia militer,” Kata Norman, “tapi juga soal hukum dan implementasinya di indoensia. Ada artikel juga yang membahas tentang siapa yang berhak mengadili dan menangkap tersangka di daerah yang termasuk dalam daerah masuk daerah keadaan perang.”

Selain membahas strategi militer, media militer juga membicarakan politik. “dan ini saat itu terlihat wajar dalam konsepsi Dwi Fungsi militer di Indonesia pada periode 1966,” kata Norman mengomentari mengapa konten media militer tak melulu bicara soal dunia militer.

Media milik militer terlihat sangat kentara menajamkan fokus kontennya untuk memiliterisasi kondisi sosial. Banyak hal di luar kewenangan militer mencoba diisukan dan dibahas dalam akademi hukum militer yang tercermin dalam majalah Chakra Vijaya milik Angkatan Darat.

Contoh lain adalah majalah Yudhagama dari Kementrian Pertahanan. Dan yang paling populer hingga beratahan lama itu adalah majalah Angkasa dari Angkatan Udara. “Mereka seakan sedang lomba dalam ‘battle field of discource’ dengan Harian Rakyat, seperti kita tau ada perdebatan wacana antara Militer dengan PKI di tahun 60an itu,” ungkap Norman.