Tag Archive for: Mira Rochyadi

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Public Service Broadcasting/PSB is commonly understood as the highest entity in the governance of the PSB, especially in Indonesia. Dewas contains various elements. It is starting from the public, government to PSB elements.

Public involvement in the Dewas, or according to Masduki, more accurately the Public Broadcasting Council, is vital for LPP. “The key word of public service broadcasting board is representation. The more representative, the more ideal,” said Masduki, UII Lecturer at Department of Communications, who is also research specialist on Public Service Media, at the Webinar held on Sunday, April 4, 2021. 

This weekend webinar welcomes Indonesian National Broadcasting Day, entitled ‘Do We Still Need an PSB Supervisory Board?’ This webinar, organized by the Media Care Society (MPM), Yogyakarta, was attended by various academics, practitioners, and other general participants.

Besides Masduki, other speakers were M. Mistam (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RRI period of 2016-2020), Paulus Widiyanto (Chairman of the DPR Special Committee on Broadcasting Law Number 32/2002), and Mira Rochyadi Reetz, an academic from the Institute of Media and Communication Science Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany.

Quoting Professor Hanrietty, in the book entitled Public broadcasting and the political interference, Masduki said two things need to be highlighted in a supervisory board structure or a public broadcasting board. The first is the representation and the second is the appointment procedure for the election.

Masduki explained that there are three models of PSB representation in the world. The first is a liberalistic open competitive representation. “This is like the system used in Indonesia, there is potential for clientelism,” Masduki explained. “This means that only those who are close to the voting team have a high chance of becoming the PSB Supervisory Board.”

While the second model is civic representation, all representatives of elements in society are advised to register as PSB Supervisory Board. “For example in Germany, the number of PSB Supervisory Board can be a lot. And they are voluntary. Indonesia has an example, see the press council,” he added.

While the third model is primordialistic representation. The representatives are based on region, ethnicity, gender, etc. “And in Indonesia there are already the experience of the first model of PSB Supervisory Board representation is not good. We have to propose that it be changed in the revision of the broadcasting law,” suggested Masduki, who is also the Founding Council of the PSB Clearing House (Rumah Perubahan Lembaga Penyiaran Publik).

Masduki suggested, now in the future, the councils that are in the election process this time, the more representatives from the public, the better. “The divine principle should be so. For example, from one RRI, one government, then more public representatives,” said Masduki, whose dissertation in Germany specifically discusses public service broadcasting in Indonesia (RRI and TVRI). According to him, this is an effort to recondition towards civic representation ideal in representation in the PSB Supervisory Board.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) Lembaga Penyiaran Publik/LPP jamak dipahami sebagai entitas tertinggi di dalam tata kelola LPP, terutama di Indonesia. Dewas berisi dari beragam unsur. Mulai dari unsur publik, pemerintah, hingga unsur LPP.

Keterlibatan publik dalam Dewas, atau seyogyanya menurut Masduki lebih tepat bernama Dewan Penyiaran Publik, adalah vital bagi LPP. “Dewan penyiaran publik itu kata kuncinya adalah representasi. Semakin representatif, maka semakin ideal,” kata Masduki, Dosen Komunikasi UII, spesialis riset soal Public Service Media di Webinar yang diselenggarakan pada Minggu, 4 April 2021.

Webinar akhir pekan menyambut Hari Penyiaran Nasional ini berjudul ‘Masihkah Kita Perlu Dewan Pengawas LPP?’ Webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh Perkumpulan Masyarakat Peduli Media (MPM), Yogyakarta, ini dihadiri oleh beragam akademisi, praktisi, dan partisipan umum lainnya.

Selain Masduki, pembicara lain adalah M. Mistam (Ketua Dewas LPP RRI 2016-2020), Paulus Widiyanto (Ketua Pansus DPR pada UU Penyiaran Nomor 32/2002), dan Mira Rochyadi Reetz, akademisi dari Institute of Media and Communication Science Ilmenau University od Technology, Jerman.

Mengutip Profesor Hanrietty, dalam buku Public broadcasting and the political interference, Masduki mengatakan bahwa ada dua hal yang perlu disoroti dalam sebuah struktur dewan pengawas atau dewan penyiaran publik. Pertama adalah keterwakilan dan kedua adalah appointment tata cara pemilihannya.

Masduki menjelaskan ada tiga model representasi PSB di dunia. Pertama adalah open competitive representation yang liberalistik. “Ini seperti yang dipakai sistem di Indonesia, ada potensi klientelisme,” jelas Masduki. “Artinya hanya yang dekat dengan tim pemilih yang berpeluang besar menjadi dewas.”

Sedangkan model kedua adalah civic representation. Semua perwakilan elemen di masyarakat disarankan mendaftar menjadi dewas. “Contoh di Jerman, jumlahnya bisa banyak sekali. Dan sifatnya voluntaristik. “Indonesia punya contoh, ya itu dewan pers,” imbuhnya.

Sedangkan Model ketiga adalah primordialistic representation. Perwakilan berdasarkan daerah, suku, gender, dll. “Dan di Indonesia sudah ada pengalaman model pertama keterwakilan dewas ini tidak baik. Harus kita usulkan diubah di revisi UU penyiaran,” usul Masduki yang juga adalah Dewan Pendiri Rumah Perubahan LPP (RPLPP).

Masduki menyarakan, kini ke depan, Dewas yang sedang dalam proses pemilihan kali ini
Semakin banyak berasal dari wakil publik, semakin baik. “Prinsip dewas seharusnya begitu. Misal dari RRI satu orang, pemerintah satu orang, lalu wakil publik semakin banyak,” papar Masduki yang disertasinya di Jerman khusus membahas penyiaran publik di Indonesia (RRI dan TVRI) ini. Menurutnya, ini adalah upaya rekondisi menuju civic representation yang ideal dalam keterwakilan di dalam dewas LPP.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar

Diskusi peluncuran buku “Public Service Broadcasting and Post-Authoritarian Indonesia” (Masduki, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) dengan judul:

Lembaga Penyiaran Publik: Kemarin, Hari Ini dan Esok



Senin, 14 Desember 2020
Pukul 15:30-17:00 WIB


Diskusi ini menghadirkan:


Dr.rer.soc. Masduki (UII, Yogyakarta)


Prof. Dr. Johannes Bardoel (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Assoc. Prof. Nurhaya Muchtar (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA)




Mira Rochyadi-Reetz (Lecturer and Doctoral Student, Institute of Media and Communication Science Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau- Germany




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