Tag Archive for: Jurnalisme Digital

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are two things that greatly affect the mass media business lately. First, is digital disruption which is getting more and more common. Then the second is the Covid-19 pandemic. Both are considered to have greatly changed the landscape of the media business pattern in Indonesia. Not only upstream, but also downstream.

While still in conventional media, journalists controlled upstream to downstream. “Meanwhile, the current media upstream to downstream has changed completely, and there are even distribution problems to the accessors,” said Suwarjono, Editor-in-Chief of Arkamedia Group which is flashy with the Suara.com portal, on Friday (10/9/2021) at the National Webinar with the theme of Digital Journalism Business Models in Indonesia.

This National Webinar is made by lecturers who are members of the study interest and Digital Journalism research cluster. Lecturers in this study are also currently conducting research collaborations on Journalism and Digital Media.

In the past, conventional media could regulate distribution and even develop, now distribution is controlled by giant developers of the digital world such as Google and social media.

Both are the top two distributors to the viewer. “After that, there are aggregators such as babe, kurio, to private conversation platforms WhatsApp and Line,” said Suwarjono, giving an example of distribution lines that are not even directly controlled by digital media.

Another problem in the digital media sector is advertising. Suwarjono said, one of the effects of digital disruption is that some advertisers often turn to social media platforms. “The problem in digital media is that you still have to pay taxes, pay this and that, but influencers don’t,” said Suwarjono, who was the chairman of AJI (Independence Journalist Alliance) in 2014.

On the other hand, according to Wahyu, digital disruption has made the mass media life and death on the edge. In order to be read, all media compete to provide the latest and fastest news. “As a result, there are many similar news stories,” said Wahyu Dhyatmika, CEO of Tempo, one of the speakers for this webinar. Not to mention, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this disruption, he said.

“When news tends to be uniform, its relevance to public needs decreases,” he said again. In the long term, public trust will also decrease. In turn, content richness will also decrease as well.

“This makes the urgency even stronger, because the pandemic accelerates digital disruption,” Wahyu said.

During the disruption, what Elin Kristi calls an existential crisis in journalism also occurred. Elin Kristi, Vice Editor at Liputan6.com, said that the media business is still in the process of finding a digital journalism business model.

In this digital era, various challenges also emerge. “People now have the ability and freedom to voice themselves. Everyone can load media in this digital era,” added Elin, a seasoned journalist who started his career in the Jawa Pos media.

According to Elin, news media revenues have fallen drastically in the last few decades. “There is no clear business model to sustain news in the digital era. High quality content is the key, but good journalism does not come free,” She said in a presentation screen explaining the reality of digital media today.

In addition, there is also the threat of hoaxes emerging from social media. Especially hoaxes about covid-19. The increase in Covid-19 hoaxes in the pandemic era has substantially increased the demand for trusted media.

“From here we learned that by doing fact checks, the media cannot run alone. We have to work with the public,” said Elin, who is also an activist for digital literacy and checkfact.com.

The speakers in this webinar are all members of the IFCN international fact checking network. The media that are members of the IFCN are committed to fighting hoaxes. In order to gain public trust, only this commitment can make it easy for the public to determine which one is trustworthy in the midst of a flood of content in the current digital era.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ada dua hal yang sangat mempengaruhi bisnis media massa belakangan ini. Pertama, adalah disrupsi digital yang kian lama kian menggurita. Lalu yang kedua adalah pandemi Covid-19. Keduanya dianggap sangat mengubah lanskap pola bisnis media di Indonesia. Tak hanya di hulu, melainkan juga di hilir.

Pada saat masih berada di media konvensional, para jurnalis menguasai hulu sampai hilir. “Sedangkan media kekinian hulu sampai hilir berubah total, bahkan ada masalah distribusi ke pengakses,” kata Suwarjono, Pemimpin Redaksi Arkamedia Grup yang mentereng dengan portal suara.com, itu pada Jumat (10/9/2021) di Webinar Nasional bertema Model Bisnis Jurnalisme Digital di Indonesia.

Webinar Nasional ini merupakan besutan para dosen yang tergabung dalam minat studi dan Klaster riset Jurnalisme Digital. Dosen-dosen di Minat studi ini juga tengah melakukan kolaborasi riset tentang Jurnalisme dan Media Digital.

Jika dahulu media konvensional bisa mengatur distribusi dan bahkan berkembang, kini distribusi dikuasai oleh pengembang raksasa dunia digital seperti google dan media sosial.

Keduanya adalah dua ditributor teratas ke pengakses. “Setelah itu ada agregator seperti babe, kurio, sampai platform percakapan pribadi WhatsApp dan Line,” kata imbuh Suwarjono memberi contoh lini distribusi yang bahkan tidak dikuasai langsung oleh media digital.

Problem lain di sektor media digital adalah soal iklan. Suwarjono bilang, salah satu efek disrupsi digital adalah beberapa pengiklan banyak lari ke Platform media sosial. “Problem di media digital adalah tetap harus bayar pajak, bayar ini itu tapi influencer kan tidak,” kata Suwarjono, yang dahulu adalah Ketua AJI pada 2014.

Di sisi lain, menurut Wahyu, disrupsi digital itu membuat hidup mati media massa di ujung tanduk. Agar dibaca, semua media berlomba memberikan berita teraktual dan tercepat. “Akibatnya yang terjadi adalah banyak berita yang serupa,” kata Wahyu Dhyatmika, CEO Tempo, salah satu pembicara webinar ini. Belum lagi, pandemi covid-19 mengakselerasi disrupsi ini, katanya.

“Ketika berita cenderung seragam, relevansinya untuk kebutuhan publik menurun,” katanya lagi. Secara jangka panjang trust (kepercayaan) publik juga akan menurun. Pada gilirannya, kekayaan konten juga akan menurun pula.

“Ini yang membuat urgensinya menjadi semakin kuat, karena pandemi mengakselerasi disrupsi digital,” kata Wahyu.

Ketika disrupsi itu, terjadi pula apa yamg disebut Elin Kristi sebagai krisis eksistensi pada jurnalisme. Elin Kristi, Wapemred Liputan6.com, mengatakan bisnis media saat ini pun masih dalam proses menemukan bisnis model jurnalisme digital.

Pada era digital ini, beragam tantangan juga bermunculan. “Masyarakat sekarang punya kemampuan dan keleluasaam untuk menyuarakan dirinya sendiri. Setiap orang bsia memnuat media di era digital ini,” imbuh Elin, wartawan kawakan yang memulai karirnya di media Jawa Pos.

Menurut Elin, pendapatan media berita turun drastis dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. “There is no clear busines model to sustain news in digital era. High quality content is the key, but good journalism does not come free,” katanya dalam layar presentasi menjelaskan realitas media digital kini.

Selain itu, ada pula ancaman munculnya hoax dari media sosial. Terutama hoax soal covid-19. Meningkatnya hoax Covid19 di era pandemi secara substantif meningkatkan pula permintaan media yang terpercaya.

“Dari sini kami belajar bahwa melakukan cek fakta, media tak bisa berjalan sendirian. Kita harus bersama publik,” kata Elin, yang juga adalak aktivis digital literacy dan cekfakta.com, ini.

Para narasumber dalam webinar ini semuanya tergabung dalam IFCN international fact checking network. Media-media yang tergabung dalam IFCN berkomitmen dalam melawan hoax. Demi meraih kepercayaan publik, hanya komitmen tersebutlah yang dapat membuat publik mudah menentukan mana yang terpercaya di tengah banjir konten pada era digital kini.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, UII
Minat Studi Jurnalisme Digital

Mengundang anda hadir pada
Webinar Nasional “Model Bisnis Jurnalisme Digital di Indonesia”


Pembicara (dari kiri ke kanan): 

Suwarjono, Pemimpin Redaksi Suara.com

Elin Yunita Kristanti, Wapemred Liputan6.com, Aktivis kampanye literasi media, Cek fakta, dan data driven journalism

Wahyu Dhyatmika, CEO Tempo Digital


Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, Ph.D
Dosen Komunikasi UII, Alumnus School of Media, Film, and Journalism, Monash University, Australia.

Jumat, 10 September 2021
15.00-17.30 WIB


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